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Messages - Nick McIntyre

Pages: 1 ... 282930 3132 ... 105
Serious / Re: Walmart refuses to make a Confederate flag cake. . .
« on: June 28, 2015, 07:14:33 AM »
Walmart makes cakes?

They usually come off the trucks with the rest of the Frozen merchandise.

An excerpt of some comments on a conservative patriot facebook page I just read.

So everyone is saying Human Rights... & Love Wins... Love wins is when a mother's womb is the safest place on earth!

America is falling apart faster than I thought under Obama. Get ready.

what gives them the right to overturn the rights of people who voted to ban same sex marriage?

We where founded a Christian Nation. Now we are not anymore.

In the bible it says marriage between a man and a woman.....i think same sex marriages are sick!!!!!

gay marriage is more related to beastiality, if an it can marry an it, then an it can marry anything.

its not gonna end, now they got what they wanted but theyll want more!!

this is so sick obama is gay and he is not a christain

Welcome to the United States of Sodom and Gomorrah

im sure the gay marriage decision will outlaw traditional marriage

Bible says adam & eve...not adam & steve... These damn liberals are KILLING our country!!

The Supreme Court just voted to overrule the Bible. Very sad.

 This Country is Over. No such thing as rule of Law !!!! (oh the irony)

The government might have to accept same sex marriage but I dont ! And that flag offends me so take it down !

They can kiss my ass right square in the middle. Marriage is between a man and women... PERIOD... Bastards are nothing more that a cow patty in the pasture that attacks flies.... (I like how this guy's inability to spell accidentally translates into advocating polygamy)

Makes me wonder if there are so called gay Christians who perform sex in a homosexual way. What do they think is excused?

I'm not a bigot but I think the Supreme Court made the wrong decision based on my christian beliefs and the the word of God. (hue)

This opens Pandora's box. Polygamy will now be legal and so will all other un natural relationships. The sanctity of marriage is dead.


That's way gay! Marriage is a union between a man and woman period!

All supreme Court judges should be disbarred and handcuffed and lead off to there own state to never been heard from

First gay marriage next phedifiles will be given rights!!!

These people genuinely exist. These people vote and affect policies. Fucking hell.

They've existed for hundreds of years.  You'd think over time the commoners would actually grow a brain, but noooo life doesn't work that easily.

Gaming / Re: So about Arkham Knight... (spoilers)
« on: June 27, 2015, 07:41:17 AM »
I kind of had an idea of who it was, given his intense hatred of Batman

(and since I know about Jason Todd/Red Hood anyways.)

I'm not disappointed, but it's kind of...meh.  I was still expecting a surprising new character, but oh well.  The Arkham Knight suit is pretty sick though, I hope Rocksteady makes it a skin later on.

The Flood / Re: Being bald is great.
« on: June 27, 2015, 05:20:20 AM »
I like having hair on top of my head while shaving the sides.

But not like a mackelmore, I fade that shit nicely.

My brother's barely 19 and already has the top of his head bald like an old man.

A friend of mine shaved his head to look like Lenny from Of Mice and Men for a play when he was 16.

His hair hasn't regrown since.

The Flood / Having a hoot with a Christian friends' Facebook rage.
« on: June 26, 2015, 11:09:15 PM »
I'm sorry, everyone. I cannot and will not back the Supreme Court decision. The Founders would be ashamed and God is ashamed. Don't pretend He isn't, Christians-who-support-this, because you'll be in for a rude awakening when the time comes. If you continue to ignore Him on this, then you better have your defense ready when He asks why you allowed this. Trash me from your friends list if you want but if you have a RIGHT to support this trash, I have the RIGHT to oppose it and to DEFEND my choice. Enjoy this victory while you can because it will come back to bite you later when the King returns.

Lord, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing. I will follow your example and forgive them as well. All we can do anymore is wait. You won't leave the world broken forever. I have to remember that.

I can taste the salt in their tears.

Serious / Re: US Supreme Court rules gay marriage is legal nationwide
« on: June 26, 2015, 04:39:00 PM »
My Facebook feed is blowing up with my Conservative friends claiming God's final judgement will be upon us because of this.

This is fucking great.

Gaming / Re: Smash 3DS tournament
« on: June 26, 2015, 01:05:29 AM »
Nice, I'll sign up when I get back home.
Cool, just don't forget to post your friend code and main so that I can add it to the roster.

When will you be getting home?

I left my fucking charger at work, so it took longer than expected to get my friend code.


Wait what?
Your best character or you favorite character to play as is your main.

Oh, lol.  First time doing soemthing like this.

Fox all day erryday

Gaming / Re: Smash 3DS tournament
« on: June 26, 2015, 12:51:34 AM »
Nice, I'll sign up when I get back home.
Cool, just don't forget to post your friend code and main so that I can add it to the roster.

When will you be getting home?

I left my fucking charger at work, so it took longer than expected to get my friend code.


Wait what?

Gaming / Re: Smash 3DS tournament
« on: June 25, 2015, 10:41:32 PM »
Nice, I'll sign up when I get back home.
Cool, just don't forget to post your friend code and main so that I can add it to the roster.

When will you be getting home?

I left my fucking charger at work, so it took longer than expected to get my friend code.


Gaming / Re: Smash 3DS tournament
« on: June 24, 2015, 05:23:45 PM »
Nice, I'll sign up when I get back home.

Gaming / Re: Exclusive Destiny Red Bull quest
« on: June 24, 2015, 05:17:45 PM »
When you thought Bungie couldn't get lower, they always surprise you.

Serious / Re: I have no idea why I visit this forum
« on: June 24, 2015, 05:11:34 PM »
Because whities NEVER riot.

Hell, Seattle has a riot day EVERY YEAR and that rarely gets screamed about.

The Flood / Re: No mods online.
« on: June 22, 2015, 06:54:45 PM »
Flee would appreciate this thread, though.

This fucking thread is great.

Gaming / Re: What's the last true old school RPG you played?
« on: June 20, 2015, 04:48:56 AM »
Lords of Magic

Gaming / Re: Assassin's Creed Syndicate
« on: June 19, 2015, 07:14:21 PM »
that series stop being cool when Ezio died

well except for the naval combat in the pirate one

People really need to get off Ezio's dick.  Not every Assassin has to be this hunky playboy who fucks anything that movies.

Gaming / Re: Assassin's Creed Syndicate
« on: June 19, 2015, 07:12:09 PM »
You called?

If it follows the trend the franchise has been going through, then Syndicate should be pretty good.
AC1: Meh. Good concept, but super flawed.
AC2: Brilliant game. (Brotherhood and Revelations are just AC2.5, so they don't count)
AC3: Fucking awful.
AC4: Not much of an AC game, but a fantastic game nonetheless ()Rogue is just AC4.5
Unity: Fucking awful

I copyrighted that post you piece of shit.

Until The Apprentice airs again.

The Flood / Re: A Vegan diet is unhealthy, Verbatim
« on: June 18, 2015, 05:50:32 PM »
On the off-chance that this is more than just bait and you're willing to have a real discussion:

Being a vegan isn't about being healthy, necessarily. Even if being a vegan shortened my life by twenty years, I would still be a vegan. It's the ethical implications of meat-eating that I take issue with.

Obviously, forcing a pet outside of its naturally-ordained diet is wrong, but it's a silly comparison, because human beings not only can survive on a vegan diet--they also have the self-control and know-how to do so.

I'm not arguing just yet, though. Merely elucidating my position on the philosophy further, because you seem to be under the impression that it makes a difference to me whether veganism is healthy or not, and it frankly doesn't.

Ye, I was bored last night and decided to share a story of stupid animal owners with a pinch of Verbatim click bait :^)

The Flood / A Vegan diet is unhealthy, Verbatim
« on: June 18, 2015, 06:10:18 AM »

The horrific case at a North Melbourne animal hospital has prompted a warning about the dangers of people "forcing ideologies" on their pets.

Lort Smith Animal Hospital veterinarian Leanne Pinfold said the kitten was brought in this month by its owners, who were believed to be vegan.

She said the kitten's diet of potatoes, rice milk and pasta had caused it to become critically ill.

"It was extremely weak and collapsed when it came in. It was almost non-responsive," Dr Pinfold said.

The kitten was given fluids via a drip, placed on a heat pad and fed meat.

It remained in hospital for three days after which the kitten's owners were given meat to feed their pet at home, she said.

Dr Pinfold said as obligate or true carnivores, cats needed meat to survive.

She said people who wanted a pet that did not eat meat should consider other animals, such as rabbits.


Gaming / Re: So that MGSV trailer
« on: June 18, 2015, 05:17:15 AM »
I've heard rumors that this isn't Big Boss we're seeing, but a fourth clone.

What do you think, Snake?

There isn't a doubt in my mind that it's Snake. A lot of people believe that there are more clones; Ishmael could be one. The medic from GZ could be one. Sounds like bullshit to me. And he definitely isn't Gray Fox. That would degrade the whole message of TPP, I think.

I think it's more than likely that Ishmael is simply a figment of BB's imagination. After awakening from a coma, Snake's subconsious creates Ishmael to help Snake get out of the hospital alive. It's interesting to note that while he is clambering around with extreme difficulty, Ishmael is doing fuck all except standing guard. He never once tries to help Snake. He is also voiced by Kiefer, as is the medic from GZ. But tbh, I just think the medic was just lazy on KojiPro's part. Nothing substantial to be noted.

I suppose it's a possibility that there are multiple BB clones running around aside from David and Eli, but I haven't seen enough evidence to support it. The best thing I can find that leads me to believe this Snake is different is from the beginning of GZ, where BB is referred to as "Snake" instead of Big Boss. It's just odd, given Peace Walker's ending.

Well, the whole MGS storyline is pretty wonky unless you pay attention to every tiny, little detail from what I've seen. <___<

Oh well, can't wait for this game.  Got Ground Zeroes for free on PS+ and I'm having a blast with it.

Gaming / Re: So that MGSV trailer
« on: June 18, 2015, 04:47:20 AM »
I've heard rumors that this isn't Big Boss we're seeing, but a fourth clone.

What do you think, Snake?

while the Greek government spokesman said Athens was sticking to its rejection of wage and pension cuts

This is going to end well.

Gaming / Re: You know the Destiny DLC that was just announced at E3?
« on: June 15, 2015, 11:05:48 PM »
No fucking way

« on: June 15, 2015, 12:05:21 PM »
You're so bent out of shape over nothing.
You said something stupid and I called you on it.

It's like seeing a member of the KKK kick a puppy and calling him a racist asshole?
Does kicking a puppy make him racist no? Is the person clearly a racist? Yes
Calling a KKK member "racist" after kicking a puppy would be fucktarded too.

Voro's an idiot and we all need to understand this.

It's like you WANT TO be banned again.

« on: June 15, 2015, 04:32:38 AM »
Well, considering the tweets are by Feminist Frequency...

And? One feminist's opinion =/= Feminism.

Even then, the opinions she's expressing still have zip to do with feminism. It's like saying the Amazing Atheist only makes videos about atheism, even though he obviously doesn't.

God, you're dense.

It's the fact that you're trying to pigeonhole this dumbass anti-violence movement into feminism. I'm a feminist, I agree with Anita's points on feminism, but I think her opinions on violence in video games are absolutely retarded. So fuck you.

You're so bent out of shape over nothing.

« on: June 15, 2015, 04:03:35 AM »
Feminazis pls die
Anti-violence in video games =/= Feminism


Well, considering the tweets are by Feminist Frequency...


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