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Messages - Spook

Pages: 12 3
Serious / Re: Here's a solution to Israel and Palestine
« on: August 07, 2014, 05:42:59 PM »
Goddammit. Not even 2 years in, and then the UN makes a terrible mistake.


They had good intentions and it's created this.

Yet at the beginning of this entire thread people were saying the bloodthirsty Jews did all this on their own, invading, raping, pillaging and destroying.

Common sense is beginning to prevail!

Serious / Re: Thoughts
« on: August 07, 2014, 05:36:28 PM »

I love how you just say they didn't follow the specific "regulations" (stress positions are stress positions, there's no nice way to torture) and that those people should be jailed and everything else is ok.

Here's the thing bucko, when you allow torture, people are going to add their own "flare" to the interrogation because this shit is conducted in black sites where they can do whatever they want. They can rape a child with a gaslight and show it to the parents to make them talk because who's going to jail them? Nobody.

Now take your bullshit and stuff it up your ass.

Yeah, no.

That is not conducted by coalition forces. You have your wires crossed.

As for the stuff about people not following regulations. Happens every day in every job. How many cops don't do the right thing? How many kids at mcdonalds spot in food or drop it on the floor and still serve it to people? Those are just a few examples.

Some people just do bad things and continue to do so because they get away with it. You have some pretty twisted and weird ideas as to what interrogation is. If you have to resort to what you are talking about then they are not interrogators at all, as if you were one it would never have to reach that stage.

Please take your demented/sadistic ideas elsewhere.

Serious / Re: Thoughts
« on: August 07, 2014, 01:53:55 PM »


There more interrogators than the handful listed.

Yet only those few reviewed punishment.


Because they took the techniques and added their own "flare" to them.

You cannot physically beat a detainee. You cannot use electricity against them.
You can use the "idea" of fear such as the dog in their face barking, etc, to enhance the fear of capture however cannot allow any harm to come to the detainee themselves.
Those stress positions used in the photos even though stress positions are not the approved positions.

Those interrogators deserved jail sentences. But those are extreme cases.

But by all means just blanket label all forms of interrogation as torture. You have shown your ignorance and lack of understanding on many thing on many occasions.

Serious / Re: Thoughts
« on: August 07, 2014, 05:28:05 AM »
I'm actually on 3 forums.

You are not the only offsite.

If this is torture then please discuss this with anyone who is an advanced exploitation operator in the role of HUNINT Collector MOS 35M in the US Army.

Brits, Canadians, us Australians, we all have an equivalent. Everyone uses these techniques.

Well not water boarding.

They don't just grab people and conduct these techniques. They are reserves for extremely high value targets who have highly valuable information.

So no, not women and children.

Women and children usually have source operators deal with them unless they have to be removed from from the locale, in which Exploitation operators deal with them. But basic exploitation usually just involves talk. Talking about anything. Middle eastern cultures respond better to acts if kindness rather than harsh aggressive methods. Kindness tends and respect gets them talking.

Though earning such respect can be difficult with males. It can take quite some time to build that rapport.

I love it how angry you guys get over such little things, especially when you make assumptions in regards to the absolute worse things possible. For example every detainee being subjected to such methods.

Serious / Re: Israel > Hamas
« on: August 06, 2014, 10:47:41 PM »
Oh shit, Spook bringing the cross-branch smack talk! Pardon me while I pour another Jim and Coke and make some popcorn.

I like your style.

I can at least admit Marines and Navy have a sense of humour and at times work.

Air Force. Well. Let's just not go there.

Serious / Re: Here's a solution to Israel and Palestine
« on: August 06, 2014, 10:43:38 PM »
Do you even know the events that started this genocide on Palestinian citizens? It's mainly fueled from the Israeli blockade of Gaza Strip, explosion in Gaza after the 2012 ceasefire (which also led to IDF killing a Palestinian farmer and wounding 19 others, IDF opening fire of Gazan fishing boats, and other attacks against Gaza civilians), the supposed kidnapping of Israelis by Hamas yet Israel has no proof, Israel kidnapping Gazan politicians. All of which Hamas responded with strikes but in regards of their sovereignty being trampled on.

By our logic, Japanese-Americans being sent to interment camps during WWII have the justification to go into people's houses and kidnap them? Sorry, but whatever happened in the past does NOT reflect the current situation.
Lol, do you know anything about Afghanistan? The recognized government was kicked out of power by the Taliban, which has no U.N recognition. Your point is retarded

Really ironic you call me a hypocrite when you support Israel for bombing Gazan civilians yet get upset when Gaza bombs Israeli military positions. At least they have more respect to realize ordinary people shouldn't be bantha fodder. "Terrorism" is such a subjective term. You may see the Taliban as terrorists but they see themselves as freedom fighters. Whenever an oppressive government impedes on the people and the people fight back, the government calls it terrorism and the people call it freedom-fighting

Lol, do you even realize the legit Afghan government was ousted back in the 1990's? The Taliban have no U.N recognition. Two very different things buddy

Back decades ago when they declared their independence, they had justification to attack and invade but when they're the ones stealing land and provoking Palestine then they don't deserve to invade and be the agressors

I don't get upset about either bombing each other. I simply point out the other side of your claims/argument. Both are at fault.

As for Afghanistan be careful where you tread. Google David Pearce and Mathew Lambert. They were both VERY good friends of mine. Myself and those 2 will know more about Afghanistan than you could ever google or care to tell me.

FYI in my last post I mentioned TK when talking to a chair force member on these forums. TK = Tarin Kowt. I don't want to give you a geography lesson, but I am 1000% sure you know nothing of Afghanistan.

P.s. Most of the population of Afghanistan were pro-Taliban after dealing with Russia, that made it easy for them to take the country. It was after that things became very die hard as it is today.

Meta, SecondClass, Bobcast, Rose

I'm serious, who the hell is Rose. I hear the name but have never seen any posts. What name/names do they go by?

Serious / Re: Israel > Hamas
« on: August 06, 2014, 10:04:30 PM »

I got out of the US Air Force in December of 2013, then moved back home to where my parents live. I live with them due to financial reasons and will be attending college in the Spring.

Chair force. Talking to Army about terrorism and military action.

Chair Force had it pretty hard in TK with their Starbucks, Mcdonalds and all that jazz whilst the real war fighters were outside the wire.

Please continue to tell me about the atrocities of war that you were exposed to during your service.

Unless you were a PJ or combat controller the hardest thing you would have had to deal with was when the ice cream machines ran dry.

Serious / Re: Here's a solution to Israel and Palestine
« on: August 06, 2014, 09:57:54 PM »
Please, tell me where I said Israel isn't an U.N recognized country. If you wanna discuss things irrelevant then discuss Palestine being an U.N recognized country as well since 2011

Charter of the United Nations
Chapter 1
Article 2

"All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations."

Israel invading the Palestinian-owned Gaza Strip is in direct violation of the above. They broke U.N law and now must pay the consequences.

Now back to the main focus. It of course is the easiest and best option. How many times since 1947 has the world been on the brink of possible nuclear war and possible WWIII due to the conflict between Israel and it's neighbors? Too many damn times is how many. To ensure the sovereignty of both Palestine and Israel, along with ensuring the lives of millions of people, somebody needs to be relocated to a more peaceful place

They invaded after multiple terrorist attacks against them, after Hamas refused to resign peace treaty, after issuing multiple warnings.

They did not simply walk in unannounced and without reason.

This is why the UN and the rest of the world will do nothing. Because one country cannot attack another as you put it without repercussions.

In summary what you are saying is after 9/11 the US had no justification to declare war on terrorism/Afghanistan? That the US government and citizens were just meant to sit there and accept that they had just been attacked and do nothing?

Look into the history of terrorist attacks against Israel and Israeli people, even to the more recent days. The suicide bombings, the shootings, the Munich Massacre. Justify those actions. Explain to me how Palestinian militants are allowed to act in such a way and not face repercussions/retaliation. You can't. I know you will try. You and a handful of others here will try to find some excuse for it all, to make it sound like Israel and the innocent Israeli civilians, yes civilians NOT military personnel, deserved it. They had it coming.

And in doing so you will be excusing terrorism. Saying it is ok. Saying that one person's life is worth more than another. That one persons freedoms are worth more than another's.
Yes Palestinians are oppressed. But does that excuse their actions? No. The UN says no. The world says no. But you say yes. Because you believe terrorism and targeted attacks against innocent civilians is fair and just. Yet you condemn Israel for the death is civilians.

Hypocrisy. Ignorance. Two words off the top of my head that describes your chain of thought.

Terrorism is the use of terror as a weapon. To strike fear in the masses. Targeting militants, weapon depots, weapon sites, supply lines, ordinance, etc is not a form of terrorism. That is military action. Denying the enemy, those who are trying to kill you, who are attacking you, weapons, supplies, ammunition, etc denying them the ability to fight.

It is not Israel's fault that Palestinian militants hide amongst the civilian population when they attack. They are left with only 2 options. Do nothing and be attacked day in day out with destruction to their country and death to their countrymen, or fight back to stop the attacks.

Every country in the history of mankind who was attacked by an outside force has always fought back. And here you are saying Israel is not and should not be allowed, however Palestine can.

You are a walking definition of a contradiction.

Serious / Re: Israel > Hamas
« on: August 06, 2014, 08:07:30 PM »
And as long as he doesn't cross that line this thread will be fine

If you are not loving on the very edge then you are taking up too much room.

Serious / Re: Israel > Hamas
« on: August 06, 2014, 07:35:48 PM »
Fuck Israel. I am so tired of having this debate with brainwashed people. I deal with it every day with my dad.

Lol so you are a grade schooler? Figures.

Despite your twisted almost extremist beliefs Israel proves a point. All this could have been avoided if they would have come to the table and agreed on the deal Egypt was trying to broker. The same deal the UN was supporting.

But no. Palestine/Hamas did what they do best and kept attacking. And it brought death and destruction to its own people.

Hamas was never trying for peace. They simply wanted as they always wanted was to kill innocent Israeli civilians and destroy Israel itself.

It may be hard for someone as intellectually impaired as yourself to grasp that your belief and ideologies were/are in fact wrong, however that's your problem.

I eagerly await to see how long this ceasefire lasts before Palestine/Hamas start up again forcing Israel to kick the shit out of them once more.

Serious / Re: Here's a solution to Israel and Palestine
« on: August 06, 2014, 07:06:01 PM »
You are not even worth arguing with, you are just an idiot.

No. I am obviously if a much higher intellectual capacity.

You people cannot grasp or even acknowledge what has occurred there and are only choosing to see the actions of one side and ignore the atrocities of the other, claiming that such war crimes are justifiable and acceptable whilst condemning the other side for doing less.

That makes YOU the idiot. And not only an idiot but a sympathiser and supporter of war criminals and terrorists.

Nothing justifies/excuses directed terrorist attacks in the form of suicide bombings, drive by shootings and rocket attacks against school children, public buses and bus depots, market places, weddings, etc... Yet here you are doing exactly that. All of which was conducted by Palestine.

Hypocrisy and extremism at its finest amongst you children.

Serious / Re: Here's a solution to Israel and Palestine
« on: August 06, 2014, 06:58:05 PM »
Now it's evident that peace between Israel and Palestine is impossible and a waste of time and live by keeping Israel in it's current location. Common sense is to move it somewhere else where it's neighbors will be more tolerant of it

Yes because picking up an actual country, yes it is recognised as an actual country and has been for longer than you clowns have been alive despite your idiotic claims, is the easiest and best option.

Whilst your at it move the Ukraine over to South America. That will ease all the tensions over there.

You guys are obviously grade schoolers.

Serious / Re: Here's a solution to Israel and Palestine
« on: August 06, 2014, 06:26:15 PM »
Well, we did send away a boat of Jewish refugees just before the war... I don't think America really like them back them, and since the UK had control over the area that is Palestine because of the Mandate, they pretty much thought "Oh, hey, well lets just insert a Jewish state here so these guys don't just flood our nation as political refugees." I also imagine that a lot of the German Jews didn't fancy the idea of returning to the nation that just killed about 250k of them.

History lesson inbound, since some folks could use it.

Problem is, one day after the Mandate ends and the Jewish State is declared as an independent nation, soldiers from many Arab League nations as well as Palestinian irregulars attacked Israel. This conflict is called the 1948 Palestinian war, the result of which lead to massive land gains and population increases (as many Jews were banished from Arab nations during/after the war) for the Jewish nation, the Egyptian occupation of the Gaza Strip, West Bank being controlled by Jordan, and a very tenuous peace agreement that left the area about as stable as a powder keg in an oven. Throughout the 50's, the Fedayeen continued to attack and harass Israeli people and territory in an ongoing guerrilla war while residing in Egypt controlled Gaza. Israel fought back with French and British support after Egypt closed the Suez and drove them back past the Sinai peninsula, but returned the land as part of a UN lead agreement that guaranteed Israeli shipping rights through the canal and in the red sea. Then in the 60's, Russia decided to fuck things up and tell Israel's neighbors that the Jews were gathering massive armies near their borders. Egypt decided to not fact check this, and mobilized a large army east of Sinai. This alarmed Israel greatly, who launched a preemptive strike, driving into the Sinai as Jordan and Syria attack from the North and the armies of Iraq come to aid their Muslim brothers.  We all know how the 6 day war ended, Israel took the Sinai peninsula and the Golan Heights as it's own while occupying West Bank and Gaza, which lead to even more tension and minor fighting until 1973, when Egypt and Syria attacked Israel during both Yom Kippur and Ramadan. That war ended up with the Muslim invaders, once again, driven out of Jewish lands.

Tl:dr, Bongland inserted a jewish state where the Ottoman empire used to be, Arabs got mad, tried to kill the jews, were beaten back every time, and now cry  about Israeli aggression when they constantly provoke the state.

Stop using history and factual truths. Kiyo is incapable of grasping such things and is basically and indoctrinated jihadist only seeing what they want to see and believing what they want to as well.

You will be called a liar and told you are wrong despite physical evidence.

On another note I love these kids talking about world politics and economy like they have half a clue.


Serious / Re: Israel Will Never Stop Abusing Palestinians
« on: August 06, 2014, 05:52:13 PM »
Israel have been committing worse crimes than the Palestinians. Israel is on a genocidal campaign in the name of self defence and the Torra, Palestine is fighting for its survival against those who would wipe them all out.

If they were going to wipe them out the IDF could do so in a matter if days.

Right here is where you have lost your argument and proven that you either have no idea what Palestinians have done, or that you are supporters of terrorists and are a shit human being. You condemn Israel for the deaths of civilians who were collateral/accidental in military actions, but at the same time you praise and forgive direct and deliberate terrorist actions taken against Israeli people.
School buses, universities, bus depots, weddings, to name but a few targets of Palestinian militant attacks is excusable and justified in your eyes?

You yourself have obviously been indoctrinated. All you are left to do is adorn the head garb and be a jihadist yourself.

I'm going to have a field day with this. Screen shots galore!

Serious / Re: Israel Will Never Stop Abusing Palestinians
« on: August 06, 2014, 03:40:50 PM »
What about the palestinian individual a who have committed worse crime?

Serious / Re: UN Reviewing Bombing of Refugee Center in Gaza
« on: August 05, 2014, 10:40:58 PM »
They are lying and covering up the truth though

People like you would still believe the government wasn't mass collecting data and does nothing wrong if it were not for others like Edward Snowden. Keep being a sheep, I don't care

I suggest you look into my last post and refer to what I said about being a "collector" as well as pointing out the US Army MOS 35M.

I do not deny the government collects data/information on its citizens as well as those from other countries.
That data is then analysed and disseminated and Intelligence is then created.

Everything you do on the internet, your phone, every credit card payment, electronic transaction, your emails, EVERYTHING, is interlinked and can be tracked and monitored.

They need to have reasoning/warrants/approval to then target specific data, and that approval is justified usually by meeting specific key criteria. In the case if phones, emails, SMS messages, etc, usually key words trigger off flags, also specific recipients receiving these electronic means...

You honestly have no idea. Every country in the modern world collects on their own citizens and on other countries. The internet, social media, etc has just made it much easier now. EVERYTHING and EVERYONE is now linked and accessible.

There is no aspect of your life that cannot be monitored and disseminated for Intelligence.

I wasn't lying on the B.Net forums when I said I have a degree in Criminology majoring in Intelligence as well as a postgraduate certificate in Justice majoring in Intelligence.

I sleep, breathe and eat this shit.

Serious / Re: UN Reviewing Bombing of Refugee Center in Gaza
« on: August 05, 2014, 10:04:27 PM »
I've done a lot of work out of them, but the loadmaster is still yet to let play with their mini gun.

I'm an Infantry Rifleman, ECN 343 which is MOS 11B I think in US Army terms? I am also cross trained/qualified as a specialist "collector" which is the equivalent of 35M in US Army terminology.

I should have done something technical or gone straight into Int rather than cross trained.

Serious / Re: UN Reviewing Bombing of Refugee Center in Gaza
« on: August 05, 2014, 08:59:30 PM »
I call it Bottle Opener, because I open wine bottles with it.

This is why infantry lads think you guys are boring.

No creative imagination.

Which choppers do you currently work on? Just had my first ride in our MRH-90's which seemed cool, but were no blackhawk or chinook.

Serious / Re: UN Reviewing Bombing of Refugee Center in Gaza
« on: August 05, 2014, 08:14:16 PM »
Let me explain the point that he's trying to make.

 I could take this picture here, put it on facebook or twitter with a caption about how that blade was in an Afghan girl's throat as a stupid joke or while tying to be an internet tough guy and suddenly become a tool of anti-American propaganda as that post is circulated through the internet. 
We'd know it's bullshit as I'm a helicopter mechanic who's never even deployed, but nobody else does.

Do you have a name for this mythical weapon of mass destruction?

"Soul taker"?

"Throat splitter"?

I call my 40mm GLA The Jabberwocky. Because screaming "unleash the Jabberwocky!" Is more fun than screaming "GLA firing now!"

Serious / Re: UN Reviewing Bombing of Refugee Center in Gaza
« on: August 05, 2014, 08:12:19 PM »
>discussing the whole issue
>only discusses one side of the issue

Of course somebody who writes for an ISRAELI news agency is going to deny it. Saying it's real is going to prove their country are lying SoB's. And that Christer comment is supposed to discredit this how? Fun fact: The Soldier's name is David D. Ovadia, which explains the two "d"s next to each other
Maybe because much of Manipulative Mass Media basically bows down to Israel? Nah, that can't be it. Just because something isn't from CNN or Fox then it never happened. That's you being brainwashed
See my comments above
Again, read 2 above for my response

And yet the IBT link you sent me is written by a blogger as well. Toplel

Did you even read the quoted parts from the whistle blowers Facebook profile?
I'm currently in my 2nd year of college and have completed to English courses. Both of my professors had very impressed standings towards the multiple researched papers I was assigned. If the link I provided didn't have a link towards the original source, being the Facebook page of the whistle-blower, then I wouldn't have linked it

Time for YOU to learn something

Yes everyone is lying and covering up the truth! It's a giant Zionist conspiracy!

I think you need to upgrade your tinfoil hat to MK2. I read somewhere on a random blog that the Israeli's can now read your thoughts and think pro-Zionist thoughts remotely.

Serious / Re: UN Reviewing Bombing of Refugee Center in Gaza
« on: August 05, 2014, 06:52:38 PM »

Read it.

User input in regards to stories rather than investigative journalism.

They consists of bloggers and citizen journalists that report on thighs within the "blogosphere".

I'm guessing you have never gone to university or college? Dot know what credible sources are? I suggest you look into it.

"Blogs" do not pass as credible sources. Sources that then rehash on "blogs" make it even less credible.

Time for you to learn something.

Serious / Re: UN Reviewing Bombing of Refugee Center in Gaza
« on: August 05, 2014, 06:46:14 PM »

Another good one.

Also has discussions as why NO media sources other than the shit ones are picking up this story.

Please tell me when you feel like a moron and want me to stop.

Serious / Re: UN Reviewing Bombing of Refugee Center in Gaza
« on: August 05, 2014, 06:42:03 PM »
Here we go,

More idiots throwing links/sources about this and sources of UN admitting Hamas fired/stored rockets in schools.

Congratulations you have bought into black propaganda!

Serious / Re: UN Reviewing Bombing of Refugee Center in Gaza
« on: August 05, 2014, 06:36:02 PM »

There we go.

Discussing the whole issue.

The only thing that has been confirmed is that it is a photo if an actual IDF member.

If you also look online every source other than this source aren't even main media outlets.

It didn't even make it to TV over here or in any news paper and that all occurred days ago.

Ask yourself why?

Zionist conspiracy? Or propaganda as I pointed out?

Serious / Re: UN Reviewing Bombing of Refugee Center in Gaza
« on: August 05, 2014, 06:21:21 PM »
I suggest you look into the KKK scandal that rocked the ADF up in Townsville where members took a group photo with all white members wearing KKK hoods.

It was all a joke, but people get touchy feely and lose their shit.

Plus people have a bad taste in jokes.

Please come back and see me when it is confirmed that 13 kids were shot with an anti-material rifle as posted in that pic.

I doubt that muppet armed clown could even carry it.

Serious / Re: UN Reviewing Bombing of Refugee Center in Gaza
« on: August 05, 2014, 06:09:48 PM »

I single handedly defeated both Russia and Ukraine.

See how that works?

You find a pic, you post it with whatever caption you want to get whatever desired effect you want, and then you withdraw it when there is outrage.

Does the pic have to be of you? (In this case it is me) No. But post a random photo of a person holding a weapon in uniform making outrageous claims and the world/media go crazy.

Propaganda/PSYOPS 101.

Serious / Re: UN Reviewing Bombing of Refugee Center in Gaza
« on: August 05, 2014, 04:08:40 PM »

I am in cahoots with Spooky.

If you are going to throw allegations at least check your sources.

Serious / Re: UN Reviewing Bombing of Refugee Center in Gaza
« on: August 05, 2014, 05:24:38 AM »
When are they going to stop lying about Hamas using civilians as shields and using schools and hospitals to hide their weapons?

Hamas gunmen using ambulances to transport themselves and weapons when IDF arrive.

Yep. You claim shit like this doesn't happen.

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