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10/10 movie, best example of J Law's acting in history

kys door
>horribly inaccurate, in ways actually insulting to the people portrayed
>"the one with the rifle shoots, when he gets killed, the one with the bullets picks up the rifle!"
>english actors with posh accents portraying gruff illiterate soviet conscripts in a way that makes them seem like college students rather than young men and women caught in an apocalyptic war
>hurr da ebul kraut hanged da lil babby boy

It's a piece of shit

Serious / Re: YA HOSSEIN
« on: January 03, 2016, 08:38:14 PM »

I hope we don't get dragged into bailing out the saudis in this shitshow.
Now is a better time than ever to mend our relations with the Iranians and stay the fuck out of their business.

Unfortunately, I don't see the USA doing that. Makes me kinda sad actually. Both governments need to be shut the fuck down and a major conflict would be a great way to weaken public faith in the state. Not sure about Saudi Arabia but there is some hope for a secular nationalist takeover in Iran if cards are played right.

Don't actually see this playing out well though. Uncle Sam is going to have his hands all in any Iran-Saudi conflict, and you can bet Ivan and the PRC won't be far behind.

>tfw no politically neutral Iran to live in as an expat so you can check out historical sites, pray with based minority Christians and date qt Persian girls

Serious / Re: YA HOSSEIN
« on: January 03, 2016, 06:51:02 PM »
Who are the good guys?

nah nigga

Iranians are good guys

but the government of Iran is evil as fuck

Serious / Re: YA HOSSEIN
« on: January 03, 2016, 06:02:23 PM »



Serious / Re: Promiscuity and desensitization to sex
« on: January 03, 2016, 04:51:43 PM »
It's only fucking biologically reasonable.

You should want your male offspring to be able to find many mates because that is biologically desirable and a sign that he is going to be reproductively successful.

Meanwhile, you would not want female offspring to have many mates, because it demonstrates that she is not difficult to mate with. She's not picky and would not necessarily pursue or draw the most desirable male to reproduce with.

Males should be able to win over any females, while females should be difficult to win over.
There is no such thing as being "reproductively successful."
From the purely biological perspective of "I must continue to exist and also spread my genes", there is.

I'm not suggesting it's the right way to look at life. It's based on instinct.

Serious / Re: Promiscuity and desensitization to sex
« on: January 03, 2016, 04:50:11 PM »
I could care less what people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. Have all the drug fueled orgies you want. It's none of my damn business nor is it anyone else's business.
Toxic mentality.
How is that a toxic mentality?
If people didn't chastise each other for doing stupid shit, people wouldn't ever stop doing stupid shit.

Saying it's none of your business is toxic because you're enabling shitty behavior, and that's terrible.

How is it shitty behavior if it's between consenting adults? Also, how does people enjoying themselves in the privacy of their own bedrooms affect you or anyone else personally? How does it harm society?
Just because it doesn't directly impact you does not mean it doesn't have harmful effects.

These consenting adults are exposing themselves and others to potential STDs and pregnancy. Casual sex between males and females runs the risk of pregnancy, which could potentially lead to more single parent homes. And single parent homes are socially destructive, which will lead to more poverty and more tax costs for everyone.

From my religious perspective it leads to a general decay in morality, as well.

I don't think it should be illegal at all, but I don't believe that kind of activity should be encouraged or ignored either. Casual sex, consent or no, should be discouraged just like alcoholism and tobacco use.

Serious / Re: Promiscuity and desensitization to sex
« on: January 03, 2016, 04:43:27 PM »
I could care less what people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. Have all the drug fueled orgies you want. It's none of my damn business nor is it anyone else's business.
So you'd be ok with your daughter or sister being a slut? Just doing drugs and being treated like a piece of meat?
If that's what she wants and isn't doing something that warrants an intervention like developing and heroin addiction then yes
Get back to me when you actually have a kid. Let's see how happy and proud you are with a whore junky daughter.
Funny that you restrict that only to the daughter

But you're not sexist, right?
It's only fucking biologically reasonable.

You should want your male offspring to be able to find many mates because that is biologically desirable and a sign that he is going to be reproductively successful.

Meanwhile, you would not want female offspring to have many mates, because it demonstrates that she is not difficult to mate with. She's not picky and would not necessarily pursue or draw the most desirable male to reproduce with.

Males should be able to win over any females, while females should be difficult to win over.

The Flood / Re: Not sure whether to go out with this girl or not
« on: January 03, 2016, 02:12:10 PM »
Lol, she's more tall and curvy than fat. Might actually be too skinny for me. But we shall see. If anything, she seems chill. Maybe sex won't be too hard to accomplish.
Holy shit roman please die

The Flood / Re: Not sure whether to go out with this girl or not
« on: January 03, 2016, 02:09:39 PM »

how about a picture that isn't blurry as fuck

The Flood / Re: Not sure whether to go out with this girl or not
« on: January 03, 2016, 02:07:19 PM »
Mostly because she has a tattoo sleeve...of Edgar Allen Poe and her Cat
What are you, some kind of faggot Christian body purist?
>implying there's anything gay about preferring women whose faces are natural and unpierced as god intended
But would you exclude someone because of it?
Not actually on theological grounds, but anything more than a small nose stud and ear piercings is pretty much a no-go for me. I find piercings sexually repulsive. Sexual attraction is an important part of choosing a partner.

It's also just good policy. Piercings anywhere but the ear are a red flag, especially if there's more than one.

The Flood / Re: Not sure whether to go out with this girl or not
« on: January 03, 2016, 02:04:07 PM »
Mostly because she has a tattoo sleeve...of Edgar Allen Poe and her Cat
What are you, some kind of faggot Christian body purist?
>implying there's anything gay about preferring women whose faces are natural and unpierced as god intended

The Flood / Re: Not sure whether to go out with this girl or not
« on: January 03, 2016, 02:02:53 PM »
Never change, Roman. Never change.

The Flood / Re: Should I use a $25 amazon gift card on this Mora?
« on: January 03, 2016, 01:37:22 PM »
Sure breh

Bretty sure that one's  Nutnfancy approved

thanks dewd

Serious / Re: Militia takes over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
« on: January 03, 2016, 01:35:58 PM »
Well shit, I thought it was just arson charges.

That's ten kinds of fucked up then. brb, stealing brother's SKS and driving to Oregon
tfw have to go back to school in a few days instead of running off to Oregon to tell the feds to fuck off

The Flood / Should I use a $25 amazon gift card on this Mora?
« on: January 03, 2016, 01:12:00 PM »

The Flood / Re: Winds of Winter still not finished, still a while off
« on: January 03, 2016, 01:10:21 PM »
tbh I don't even dislike game of thrones I just wanted to set verb off

Serious / Re: Militia takes over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
« on: January 03, 2016, 01:07:53 PM »
If you're going to lose control of a controlled burn then you should be held liable for all damages and potential criminal charges associated with that act.
June 22, 2012, Dwight and Steven were found guilty of starting both the 2001 and the 2006 fires by the jury. However, the federal courts convicted them both as “Terrorist” under the 1996 Antiterrorism Act. Judge Hogan sentenced Dwight (Father) to 3 months in prison and Steven (son) to 12 months in federal prison. They were also stipulated to pay $400,000 to the BLM. Hogan overruling the minimum terrorist sentence, commenting that if the full five years were required it would be a violation of the 8th amendment (cruel and unusual punishment). The day of the sentencing Judge Hogan retired as a federal judge. In his honor the staff served chocolate cake in the courtroom.

Come on DAS, charges and time in fuck-you-in-the-ass federal prison are one thing, but accusations of terrorism are something else entirely.

The Flood / Re: How do you treat technology?
« on: January 03, 2016, 11:25:00 AM »
I like the conveniece and find them entertaining, but I don't trust them at all. They can fail so easily.

The Flood / >there are people on this forum who like Enemy at the Gates
« on: January 03, 2016, 11:16:45 AM »
>current year

Serious / Re: Obama to take unilateral action on US gun violence
« on: January 02, 2016, 11:07:34 PM »
Fair enough I guess? But that doesn't change the fact we more than expect a bunch of kids to get killed at schools now, or a mall to get shot up. 2, maybe 3 times a year.
This literally would not be a problem if these places had adequate security. I know the default response is "but we shouldn't need security!", but that can go fuck itself.

That alone shows something needs to change. Universal backgrounds checks are a step in the right direction.
While I agree that there are ways to address the issue, I do not believe expanded background checks are one of them. All it does is allow for a more robust registry to be used in confiscation, and potentially get in the way of private transaction, which is an important part of the gun culture. Many of the actual mass shooters have no criminal record to speak of. A better approach, I think, if we must approach the issue through law, would be to increase the capacity and obligation of mental healthcare providers to watch those who are at risk of becoming violent, and increasing the capacity and obligation of FFLs to be wary of who they sell firearms to, ideally by training them to spot potential problem customers. A lot of these guys tend to use the same shit, like cheap sporter ARs, just like many violent criminals tend to use cheap handguns like Hi Points or Jennings.
If the US was a social experiment, it's shown that no regulation on guns = bad things to happen, especially when you go through more steps to get a drivers license.
It's not that simple. Guns are super regulated. Guns have been regulated since the 1930s. There are lawyers who focus their entire careers on understanding and working with all of our gun regulations. The problem is that half of the regulation is retarded bullshit and the other half isn't working.

The Flood / Re: Favoite top five war films?
« on: January 02, 2016, 10:37:15 PM »
Apocalypse Now
Der Untergang
Black Hawk Down
The Beast of War

I'm a Tankboo
>Blackhawk down
The acting was so bad that they had to put the character's names on their helmets.

We're gonna watch The Beast next.
The Beast isn't super accurate but it's a fun af movie.

The Flood / Re: Favoite top five war films?
« on: January 02, 2016, 09:46:19 PM »

The Flood / Re: Favoite top five war films?
« on: January 02, 2016, 09:43:12 PM »
Apocalypse Now
Der Untergang
Black Hawk Down
The Beast of War

I'm a Tankboo

Serious / Re: Obama to take unilateral action on US gun violence
« on: January 02, 2016, 09:38:49 PM »
I understand the definition

But you two say that as if it makes it any less of a problem and that we don't have a problem. Which it doesn't, and which we do.
It actually does make it less of a problem.

We don't have crazy neckbeards with ARs flipping out on a daily basis like the statistic at first seems to imply. Most of these "mass shootings" are urban gang violence and drive-bys.

The Flood / Re: Winds of Winter still not finished, still a while off
« on: January 02, 2016, 07:01:40 PM »
Those are literally published in literal Game of Thrones books.

The Flood / Re: Winds of Winter still not finished, still a while off
« on: January 02, 2016, 07:00:33 PM »
"Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank the more she shat but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew".

The Flood / Re: Winds of Winter still not finished, still a while off
« on: January 02, 2016, 07:00:16 PM »
"She was sopping wet when he entered her. “Damn you,” she said. “Damn you damn you damn you.” He sucked her nipples till she cried out half in pain and half in pleasure. Her cunt became the world."

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