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Topics - BC

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Well, the Internet in general. In the way that I won't really have time to pop in for the next month or two.

Unfortunately, I was told today I have to undergo another series of tests to be dead sure that I do not have brain cancer or muscle disease. I can no longer squeeze using my right hand, my predominant hand. Well, in the way that it's selective. I can't open let's say, a thing of potatoe chips. I don't have the grip to do that, or twist open a water bottle. With my right hand. But I can hold myself up from a bar and drive. So , it's strange.

I'm also getting severe headaches again. I had a 4 month long headache, that went away for two weeks, and has unfortunately returned for a second round.

I also need to focus on school, as I have two more universities I'd like to get accepted to, to add onto the tally I have now. Plus, I would like to be exempt and finish the year strong. Plus, I started working again. Adding onto that.

If shit turns out bad, I'll probably update a few users, but I won't make a big deal out of it. I know I'm not the most influential user on here, so most of you are pretty indifferent on me.

It's been a tough few days, those of you in Anarchy saw one of the issues I've had to deal with lately. Although at heart life is still good. Can't really complain, even if shit hits the fan.

Even if I am diagnosed, I will keep up my plans to meet those users I said I would meet over Spring Break, and Summer.

Hope all of you have a wonderful time, and I look forward to when I can become active again. As I do enjoy kicking it back and enjoying some moments with you guys in my leisure time. All the money in the world, and all the possessions can't really add up to some of the genuine laughs I get on here. Which is why I remain. Hopefully the faces I leave here with are the faces I see when I come back.

Your all faggots, but your all faggots I have the oppurtinity to share a laugh with. And for that, I thank you guys.

This time I'm not going to leave personalized goodbyes, you know if your someone I like and enjoy which is most of you. But there is a select group I call my niggas.

I'll be on for a few more hours and then my abscense begins

The Flood / What have you done for humanity?
« on: January 05, 2015, 05:08:13 PM »
What have you contributed to the world my friends, brothers, and sisters.

Donated to any causes or foundations?

Ever done some charity work, like help build homes for the homeless? Help at a homeless shelter?

What have you done?

The Flood / Holy shit I'm tired
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:05:08 AM »
First day back in school. Barely awake

Gaming / Destiny Raids anyone?
« on: January 03, 2015, 06:09:58 PM »
Not really in the best mood to go out or party or anything, and I just hit 31 and need some materials and shit so...anyone wanna do VoG/Crota one or the other, or both.

Xbox One

The Flood / >not being in Anarchy
« on: January 01, 2015, 01:56:22 AM »
Come on bruh

The Flood / Happy New Years
« on: December 31, 2014, 10:57:18 PM »
4 min from 12. Gonna have a lot of fun. Thought I'd drop in and wish you all a happy new year.

Happy new year :)

No arguing. Literally not a single bad actor. Incredibly well written narrative, amazing sound track. The main theme is my favorite song from any movie or game. (ME3 main theme being #2, they are similiar)

There is no movie as original, as engrossing, as epic, and as memorable as this. Christopher Nolan literally went off in every aspect.

If you haven't seen it, watch it. Immediately. I've seen it easily over 30 times. It is my favorite movie of all time.

Discuss why it's amazing.

The Flood / Who do I need to blow to be Legendary
« on: December 31, 2014, 01:50:28 AM »
Come on niggas :(

The Flood / Hey
« on: December 30, 2014, 10:39:36 PM »
Been off here for a bit, what's been going on? I've probably dropped two comments in three weeks lol

The Flood / Would you ever buy a yacht?
« on: December 23, 2014, 11:16:38 AM »
I spent all of yesterday on one and in all honesty, I couldn't justify paying anything for one lol. They are absurdly expensive.

I don't care if I live in Miami, or if I lived on an island. It's way to much money

So would you?

To clarify, it was a super yacht that went for a "reasonable" $39

Gaming / More AC: Unity questions
« on: December 23, 2014, 01:13:54 AM »
Ok, when you loot a guard sometimes you pick up some misc item. It gives you a value for it but you don't get the money from it. I can't find a way of selling those objects. there?

Gaming / Can I still reap benefits of this promotion?
« on: December 21, 2014, 09:23:57 PM »

The Flood / I'm 18 today!
« on: December 20, 2014, 11:13:49 PM »
Yay lol. Also, Happy Birthday Noelle!

The Flood / How's everyone doing
« on: December 19, 2014, 09:24:41 PM »
What's up figs

Gaming / Minecraft X1/GTA anyone?
« on: December 19, 2014, 07:08:31 PM »
Just picked it up, and GTA for Xbox One and I'm thinking of taking it easy this Friday night.

Who'd want to play?

The Flood / I'm hyped as fuck this morning, AMA
« on: December 19, 2014, 10:56:19 AM »
Also I saw RC beat me to Legendary (what a surprise), good job mate :)

The Flood / How smart do you think I am?
« on: December 16, 2014, 06:27:07 PM »
I have a history of people thinking I'm some what stupid because I tend to act like an idiot, which I totally understand. But, granted you people have to deal with me every couple of days I'd like to see what you think.

If you think I'm a complete idiot I won't even be slightly offended haha. I don't necessarily to come across as a smart person on the Internet, because it doesn't really matter. That being said I understand a few of you are much smarter then me, and I'm ok with that.

the spelling of Ebonics is on purpose, by the way.

The Flood / Time to brighten up your days (Incredibly funny book I found)
« on: December 16, 2014, 05:52:40 PM »

Click on the left one first, and enjoy. I was crying I was laughing so hard. My brother came home with the hard copy with tears coming out of his eyes and he told me to read it. I was not dissapointed.


Just realized it's not the full book, so you don't get to see all the pages and how it progressively gets more and more ridicolous,

So worth buying it

The Flood / Not sure how to feel about this one
« on: December 15, 2014, 06:58:52 PM »
So, I'm at lunch with 6 friends and my gf, and some kid from my school comes up to us and starts talking to us. He then begins to hit on her in front of me, so I was kinda like what the fuck, but I started listening. She politely told him to leave us alone and to just "stop".

The kid is...sort of unappealing.

He followed us outside and we were all saying where we were going to meet up next. The kid jumps and is like "oh, can I come?", once again, a lot of what the fuck faces from us. We didn't know if he was fucking around or not. Then it got super bad lol. Like terrible.

He pulled my girlfriend aside, and in front of me and my best friend, begins to preach his love for her. And how he had always "watched her" the year prior. Now most of you are thinking, what did I do. I didn't have to do shit lol. She let him pour his heart out, and then promptly told him to shut up, that she had no idea who he was, or why he was saying any of this. The she rips him for saying all that shit, saying it showed how soft he was.

I went from pissed, to actually feeling bad for the kid.

Then he moved in for a move, and then BC had enough. It was incredibly creepy. He apparently had been obsessed with her before she graduated and had been using different aliases on social media to talk to her. When one failed, he d try another, and another.

I don't know whether to still be angry, or to legitimately feel bad. The kid has an MLP backpack, and is super strange, but isn't terrible looking, which is odd. Although he is somewhat heavy. I mean I think what she did was pretty badass lmao, but...idk.

The fuck should I do about this lol.

This is the third time this sort of thing happened, second time this week lol. Although the one before was a good effort.

The Flood / So, who isn't from
« on: December 15, 2014, 06:30:22 PM »
Who is on here that was never on

The Flood / Gun people, give me insight
« on: December 14, 2014, 05:28:47 PM »

If I were to ever buy one gun, it would be the M1A1 Thompson. Why? Because WW2 guns are the best. And it's my favorite gun of all time. One exactly like the picture, not one with the pin on top.

I'm at dinner but this came to mind.

How hard is it to find an original, non replica? How expensive do they go for? Also, I know literally nothing about gun laws and such, and I can only assume I'm to young to own one legally, but when would I be able to get one (not saying I will). At 18? I live in Florida.

The Flood / As I sit here in the hospital, AMA
« on: December 12, 2014, 09:16:02 PM »
Well, it seems today I have time to sit back and be on here to kill time. So, AMA. Get my mind off a few things


(Not my photo)

Throwing it back to last week, and one of the most enjoyable and moving experiences of my life. The Toys 4 Tots Rally here in South Florida. Where hundreds of cars, all kinds, Hypers, supers, sports, you name it, it was probably there, flooded the streets of Miami and I-95. All with one goal, collect all the toy donations people made, and to encourage more, aswell as monetary donations. Every Christmas there are hundreds upon thousands of kids who don't receive gifts. It's a terrible thing. In this picture you see a couple thousand toys donated as a result. Every single one going to a child to make them smile on Christmas Day. It was my first time participating in the rally. It was awesome to meet everyone that came, as well as meet up with many of my friends. For something genuinely good. It was amazing.

My message to all of you, is if you can, atleast donate one toy to charity and make a kids day. It means a lot man, It really does. And it's really worth it. Make the world a better and happier place.

I'm not sure if they posted a video of the rally but I'll post a few pictures.

Such as the mass line of cars going down I-95 haha, it went on for miles and miles.

I'm happy that I've been able to be on here today :)

The Flood / Leaving the site for a few months
« on: December 11, 2014, 06:21:57 PM »
First off, it has nothing to do with any of you, nor does it mean I have a dislike for this site. I love it here, but I won't have any time for it for a little while.

I won't bore you with details, but I am going to be really busy with school and personal issues that need to be taken care of, as well as other things. I probably won't be back until late January to early February. I doubt I'll be back any earlier, but we'll see.

I hope all of you have a great next few months and have a wonderful Christmas. I'm sure most of you won't necessarily notice my abscense, but I didn't want people to think I passed or left the site out of distaste. My activity will drop day by day, the process started last week.

Stay happy everyone :). See you next year.

The Flood / Today was a long day.
« on: December 10, 2014, 09:34:48 PM »
Got home at 8pm, hadn't ate since 7am. Had to sit down and write a case brief for my AP Government class, and summarize the entire book we use for class.

Dandy day. Atleast I got to wear the suit Combatent Gentleman sent me.


How was your day flood? Hopefully good

The Flood / Having to wear a suit to school
« on: December 10, 2014, 10:20:37 AM »
Is probably one of the stranger feelings in life. It just doesn't fit lol, it just feels strange. Especially when your teacher basically forces you.

Maybe because I've had to wear a uniform my entire life in school, or that I wear suits for actual serious things. But to me this is weird lol.

Discuss strange things you had to do for school

The Flood / Whoever thought naming a product this was a good idea, lol
« on: December 08, 2014, 05:26:33 PM »



Sorry for the quality, had to snipe it at full zoom with my phone camera

The Flood / Best monday I've had in ages
« on: December 08, 2014, 05:16:19 PM »
One of the two young kids that I know is now cancer free! :D

Life is good man, the other one is not entirely cancer free, but it's in remission, so I'm very happy about that too.

They had both been given a less then 20% chance of survival as they both had late stages of brain cancer. But they pulled through.

I genuinely can't tell you how happy I am. I met with him and I couldn't hold back my tears. Fantastic day man, absolutely fantastic

and Manchester United is in 3rd place in the BPL :)

The Flood / So, what happened yesterday?
« on: December 07, 2014, 09:38:45 AM »
Wasn't on much but it appears something happened.

Bit out of the loop

The Flood / Two Letter brothers report in
« on: December 06, 2014, 02:34:10 PM »
BC here

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