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The Flood / An Enzo is up for sale.
« on: March 01, 2015, 12:47:53 AM »

Just went up.

Pack your bags boys, we're going to Cali.

Less then 6k miles, and the perfect spec.

Shall be mine.

The Flood / Bathroom stats
« on: March 01, 2015, 12:38:05 AM »

It's like a sauna

The Flood / It's Saturday night, wat r u doin
« on: March 01, 2015, 12:14:29 AM »
tell me flad, wat r u doin

I'm watching the Heat get the dick against ATL. What else is new, and I hate basketball.

Tommorow is BullFest so I gotta wash bae early in the morning

In terms of sex, are you more focused on your own pleasure, or do you feed off your partners pleasure.

I find myself guilty of caring more about the other persons pleasure then myself. I don't care if I ever climax, but my girlfriend (or whomever I'm having sex with) has to atleast 3 orgasims before I consider it a successful session.

Is that a little much? In truth, not really, it's quite easy, but in moments where time isn't plentiful it gets tricky.

So what about you?

Gaming / Someone play dying light with me
« on: February 27, 2015, 03:41:30 PM »

I'm scared

Easy, easy, money.

Heads up boys. Über doesn't look to great, but it's another one predicted to open up this year.

The Flood / Only plebs buy expensive cars
« on: February 26, 2015, 09:43:07 PM »
Anyone who buys a car that costs over $20k should go off themselves. Inconsiderate dicks. All of the cars passed that price should be keyed

The Flood / Why do people pay for expensive ass brands and clothing
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:45:54 PM »
Like Versace, Prada, LV, Armani, etc.

I mean like they buy a lot of clothes from them. Not one or two things.

I know people who don't make a lot of money, that exclusively shop there. Yet I can go to Pacsun, and buy a shit ton of clothes that fit better and are more comfortable.

Buying clothes like that for the sake of showing off is so stupid.

The Flood / Why doesn't my avatar work?
« on: February 25, 2015, 02:41:12 PM »
It's a gif but it's not moving :(

The Flood / Oh lord, the cringe.
« on: February 25, 2015, 02:18:34 PM »

Squad showed up to play Magic the Gathering. Guy on the right (off camera) was rocking a sweet fedora.

Meanwhile me and my gf just watched. They got REALLY into it.

I got to see some of you in the wild

The Flood / The New McLaren 675LT, a true competitor
« on: February 25, 2015, 01:31:21 PM »

Move over 488 GTB and the new 911

The brand new 675LT has arrived, and we can finally share what the Black Swan Movement was all about.

First let me dazzle you with the specs, straight from McLaren



0-100 km/h (0-62 mph)   2.9 seconds
0-200 km/h (0-124 mph)   7.9 seconds
Top speed   330 km/h (205 mph)
Power-to-weight   549PS per tonne


Engine configuration   V8 Twin Turbo / 3799cc
Power   675PS (666 bhp) @ 7,100 rpm
Torque   700Nm (516 lb ft) @ 5,000-6,500 rpm
Transmission   7 speed SSG
CO2   275g/km


Dry weight   1,230kg
Weight distribution   42.5 / 57.5
Length   4,546 mm
Width    2,095 mm
Height    1,188 mm

All of that, is very impressive. Enough for me to say it can truly compete with the Huracan, a car I myself drive and enjoy.

Not only does it have the power and the flair, but man, is it pretty. Updated aesthetics over it's sibling the 650S. I can assure you, unlike the 488 GTB, the renders reflect the actual product.

I actually already enquired about this car, and have a major interest in it.

For those of you in the market for a car like this, because I know there is a few (we all have our secrets) I invite you to visit McLaren's website and drop a request on the interest page.


The Flood / I tell my gf I'm not feeling well, this is her response
« on: February 24, 2015, 10:16:10 PM »

"Feel better, 🐶"

So much doge, so much cute.

I love shiba's, which is why she made a collage of them

The Flood / Shit, I met this awesome mom today
« on: February 24, 2015, 03:30:12 PM »

Literally M3 goals. That's exactly what it this Mom's M3 looked like, except she  had Vossen rims. No stance, full bolt on. Pure sex.

I couldn't take pictures because my phone was dead, unfortunately. I would have had a field day though.

I saw the car parked while I was taking the LaF for a test drive and immediately veered off to meet the owner. I was expecting a young kid or a young man. But nope, a woman in her 40's. She bought a stock M3 and turned it into one based of Vorsteiners GTRS3. She's rocking full carbon panels, racing seats, and 863 horses. She was a crazy petrol head and it turned out that her husband owned a Nismo GTR.  She had done all the modding and work herself, and for that I respect her a lot. I hope to meet up again so I can meet her husband, as well as her son, who drives a modded out mazda speed3 (lol). A family of car lovers is a family I can get along with.

Really nice lady too. Overall a really cool experience and nice person to meet. A delightful mid way point for my day.

The Flood / Why can't I be legendary?
« on: February 23, 2015, 11:06:36 PM »

How long did it take you guys

The Flood / Eating my own words, some what (Car Related)
« on: February 23, 2015, 07:13:17 PM »

What you see, right there, is the Ferrari LaFerrari.

A car I have talked shit about, on numerous occasions. As true as the shit I flung was, because, the quality of materials used in the car, and the batteries used to power the hybrid engine have a remarkably low life spam.

But last night I was told there was one down here, for sale. The price tag on the La Ferrari was far higher then it's actual worth. This one was privately listed at a actually decent price, "decent" in terms of Ferrari's. (Aka, not very decent.) I won't share that number with you. Maybe Jono, because I know you adore Ferrari's.

Anyway, so I followed, and went down late at night yesterday to make an offer (yes, someone was there as well as the owner, midnight deals are somewhat normal nowadays. Spontaneous.) and after about an hour I left empty handed. He wouldn't budge on prices.

This morning he countered with a somewhat manageable price. So know I'm at a cross roads. I'd much rather have an Enzo, but those are a dime a dozen, and are god damn expensive. I've actually only ever seen two in my life, and both were adamantly not for sale. Which, for the icon it is, is respectable. The only thing I hate about the LaF is the batteries. But in this one, he had the newer ones, that actually had longer life spans. It also was in Corsair Rossa (as are most LaF's) with a red interior. I quite like that combination. The aesthetic of the car is there, and so is the performance. No, I don't hold it in the same regard as the P1,  but it's still exceptional. It has very few miles on it, and was just refitted with brand new PZero's. Which is a nice bonus.

So now I'm here thinking, should I eat my words and bite. Or should I wait and see if an Enzo ever does come on the market. You really can't compare the two cars. The F40 and the Enzo, and arguably the F50 are God Tier icons in the automotive world. The LaF is just a part of the trifecta of modern hybrid hyper cars.

Decisions decisions.

The Flood / Most beautiful country in terms of scenery?
« on: February 23, 2015, 12:57:13 PM »
I say Italy, because man, Italy is beautiful all around

The Flood / The perfect game for all you faggots
« on: February 22, 2015, 09:10:16 PM »

First off, almost perfect reviews from over 2000+ people.

I ran across this while downloading the Destiny companion app. And it's so pathetic lol.

The reviews, holy shit I read some reviews and I could breathe. The reviews sound like a lot of you guys.

So much cringe

The Flood / What's better, music that pumps you up or chills you out?
« on: February 22, 2015, 12:31:38 AM »
Of the two which do you seem to enjoy more?

I listen to almost exclusively chill music, with EDM as an exception

I'd say Burnie from RT or J. Cole

I'd probably freak out if I met either. Maybe more so J. Cole

The Flood / Are you happy?
« on: February 21, 2015, 10:31:59 PM »
Let's see the general happiness of the flood

The Flood / Small world
« on: February 20, 2015, 11:07:35 PM »
Maybe, I don't know, 4 months ago I was playing Destiny and me and my brother were doing the Nexus Strike. We knew how to properly do the strike, but there was a guy in our game that had no idea. So we invited him to a party. Nothing out of the ordinary, nothing strange. However, he was talking to his friend and he named a place that was semi close to where we lived. Thinking it was simply coincidence we asked where he lived. He said South Florida. As we kept talking we kept saying things that were closer and closer. Eventually, out of the blue, it became apparent that we lived no more then five minutes away from eachother.

Anyway, months go down, I have no idea what this guy looks like, just have his first name and know his voice.

So today I'm at a local food place, and I see this guy with his girlfriend sitting near the window. I thought nothing much of it but I realized, hey, I see them here a lot. For like years I've seen them there, not so much the girl, but the guy. I never was close enough to really hear his voice or anything. Today I had to go that way to get something, and behold, as I got closer the voice sounded more and more familiar. I got a phone call, I answered, and as soon as I said a few words he had gotten up and come to me. We both looked at eachother, and smiled. And realized, shit, we've literally been going to the same restaurant for years, have seen eachother, have talked about eachother, a bunch of shit. And then randomly met over Xbox Live.

To me, that's pretty insane, and a pretty awesome experience. I've never had something happen like that, ever. Sure, I found out a kid in one of my classes frequented and knew of me from the forums, but didn't know that it was me. Like he knew my user.

But this is a whole different level.

So, have you ever had an experience like this?

The Flood / Owls hate Simon Cowel
« on: February 19, 2015, 08:26:36 PM »
Holy hell this brings me back. Still funny, still catchy


Gaming / Dying Light anyone?
« on: February 19, 2015, 03:13:38 PM »
Just got it for the X1, anyone want to play?

I'm a pussy when it comes to zombies, but when I play co-op I have a lot of fun. Worked with Dead Island, it'll work with this

The Flood / AMA
« on: February 19, 2015, 12:29:25 PM »
Ask me shit

The Flood / Bae as fuck
« on: February 19, 2015, 12:01:17 PM »

Sydney Maler tho...

The Flood / Post Pictures of your favorite piece of art in your room
« on: February 18, 2015, 09:01:30 PM »

My bro did a good job

Also this epic naval painting, which will be above my bed in my apartment when I actually fully move in

The Flood / Good shit Google.
« on: February 18, 2015, 08:50:05 PM »

I just noticed this. I looked up Laryngitis (I completely and utterly lost my voice due to sickness) and wanted to find some home remedy of sorts. This is the first time I've seen this pop up. That's fucking sweet.

Google is always on their A game.

The Flood / Apparently people look up to me?
« on: February 18, 2015, 06:00:17 PM »
My girlfriends brother just told me I'm his inspiration.

It's really strange to hear that, especially with the fact I think 99% of the general population is better then me lol.

Idk, I think I'm a bad person to look up to, even though I've really done only good for his sister and his family. It's just strange. I don't even know what to say lol.

Do you think that you make a good role model?

The Flood / Could it be, a Ferrari worth a chance?
« on: February 18, 2015, 05:29:17 PM »

The 488 GTB (which is basically a 458 rehash with turbos and different styling) is actually looking quite promising. Ferrari did fix quite a bit of the complaints I had with the 458 with the Speciale, which I did end up test driving but not liking, plus I wouldn't be able to buy one from Ferrari because they have idiotic rules.

But this 488 GTB looks rather promising. I think it's worth a fair chance, and now it seems Ferrari is eating their own words and giving turbo'd production cars a shot (they are also releasing the California T which is...cute).

I don't like Ferrari's, aside from a few classics, but maybe they are coming to their senses now. I mean, if the La Ferrari wasn't powered by shit batteries and overly priced I would think it's a damn fantastic car. But I digress.

I'm curious to see the price point on this.

I will say, it's a dick move for them to go from the Speciale straight to a car that makes it redundant. They should have kept the styling.

The Flood / How's everyone doing?
« on: February 18, 2015, 03:58:04 PM »
How are you guys doing as of late? What's on your mind mates

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