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Topics - BC

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Everyone has a price? And he has the dankestcandy!

Dank memes for your dank needs.



The Flood / Am I fucked?
« on: July 12, 2015, 10:44:14 PM »
An old friend came by an visited tonight, a friend I have history with. In the sexual sense. Although we didn't do anything, and I have 0 interest in doing anything with anyone other then my gf, I realized that I don't want to do anything with anyone with my gf lmao.

Which is a good thing, I've always been a very loyal friend/boyfriend. And it's nice to see it takes no effort for me to be like that. But does that mean I'm fucked? At 18 it isn't exactly ideal to be completely content with one relationship. Meaning, if I end up marrying her, I'm okay with it. (Not to say I'm planning to do that. But just a thought and realiziation.)

Maybe this it what it feels like when you hit that point and your just like "I'm okay with how everything is going, and I have no interest in changing it". It's not to say I don't find other women attractive. It's just I don't find anyone as attractive. Shit, even if I try I won't find someone more attractive.

My question is, is it to early to have this mindset?

The Flood / I have orientation tommorow
« on: July 12, 2015, 09:38:07 PM »
My hype levels are almost negative. Only because its overnight, which is no Bueno. Hopefully their are some chill people.

Any advice?

Edit: College Orientation

The Flood / Anyone have any nice natural wallpapers?
« on: July 10, 2015, 02:26:56 AM »
I like having wallpapers of nature for my laptop and computer, and I can't really seem to find a new one. I was hoping maybe a few of you would do the same or have something to share. Ones that aren't fake or heavily saturated.


Should racial background and personal information be totally removed during a jury's verdict?

In truth, I'm not very familiar with court proceedings, and if this is something that is already practiced then I guess lock the thread.

But if not, let me explain exactly what I mean. When a case is brought to the attention of a jury all information regarding their racial background and personal information should be completely anonymous/removed from the report. Doing that would eliminate bias and leave the jury to come up with a verdict solely based on simple facts of both sides. Although a jury is filtered to eliminate bias, it doesn't eradicate the possibility for it to be present. It would allow decisions to be free from the possibility of being racially charged or partial.

The Flood / I have never had an alt
« on: July 10, 2015, 12:55:43 AM »
Apparently that's pretty rare, but I never saw the point. It's unnecessary extra work

The Flood / I just found out a friend of mine was found dead...
« on: July 08, 2015, 11:41:11 PM »
And I don't even know how to react. I don't feel anything, its just so hard to believe...

It was so sudden. I wasn't paying attention to my phone and when I look I had 72 messages. At first I thought maybe my group chat was just talking a lot, but no.

I don't even know what to do, and its strange that Im even posting this here. Fuck...

The Flood / My post on the "Community" forum about Bungie
« on: July 07, 2015, 03:41:42 PM »
If any of you care to read, but I feel like 90% of you will wholeheartedly agree.

"A day that for the six years I've been a member of this community, or what's even left of what was the true fanbase Bungie had. For six years I would always remember, always excited for Bungie Day. The day Bungie gave back to its fans, its players. But today is not the day so many of us have remembered. This pales in comparison, hell, I wouldn't even call it Bungie Day. There's no interaction with the fans anymore. No live streams, No Bungie devs playing with the community, no thank you, nothing. It's been so sad to see the disconnect that has occurred. And whats even worse is what this "community" has become. What's funny is we've always appreciated the little things. Blue flames, recon, etc. All appreciated. Every special game type and dev challenge. Every true and caring interaction.

Now look at what happened. A divide new community, and a completely wiped out and forgotten true fanbase. The fanbase that stuck around when Bungie was completely dark. The community that stuck around waiting, just waiting for a small hint at their next big game. We were always told our loyalty will never be forgotten and that we truly were the heart and soul of the company, of Bungie. The fans that stayed true when we had nothing to go with. When DeeJ wasn't DeeJ the speaker of Bungie, when we had DeeJ the community leader who was along for the ride. Who actually made and actual effort to keep it all together. And honestly, for all the shit he got (its not like your going to be reading this) he really did stick his head out and showed he cared. Now there's none of that. The same goes for Bungie as a whole. I wish I could say there was something left. Something that made the Bungie community "the best in the world". Now that's said because the "community" are the people who blindly give you money.

I played Destiny, and bought it, because it was a Bungie game. That's how far loyalty goes, and I stuck around hoping things would turn around, but clearly its FUBAR. There's nothing to be said in defense. Its flattened out on the table. It's no longer a compassionate relationship. Its just business now. Sure, that wouldn't be so bad if thats how it was from the start. But after going through decades of caring, and then stopping when the "best game Bungie has ever created" comes out.

Bungie Day isnt special anymore. And how today was handled, and spilled out, is proof enough what made it special is long gone. I'm not alone when I say all of this. 6 Years under my belt is nothing compared to what the Grizzled Ancients have, and look how few are left, that aren't ninjas. And people wonder why so many offsites started. I'd love to say the people who stuck around in the darkness still had a reason to stick around. And whats even worse was instead of an apology and a heartfelt goodbye, it was a good riddance and a boot in the back. On to the next community I guess, and judging by the community that's left, you clearly screwed up.

Call me whatever you want, try and hide from the facts, but it's all blatant and obvious now. Atleast do us all a favored stop acting like you care, because it only makes things worse. You either care, or you don't. I was proud of my time here, proud of the thousands of hours I spent playing Bungie's titles. Once upon a time Bungie lead the community, now the community is doing a better job at keeping it together then the company their supporting. Take a look at who's organizing the game nights, and take a look at what the games are. Go back to your roots, and maybe the world will have respect for you guys again.

And to the new guys, sorry if your already used to this. But its a harsh reality that your sticking around in a time worse then when nothing was going on.

- BC1096"

Gaming / Hey, remember when Bungie Day was actually great?
« on: July 07, 2015, 01:16:05 PM »
Well guess what!

Bungie delivered another fuck you. For Bungie day all destiny players get the ability to earn a new emblem...

Fucking lol.

And they announce a new website feature. That's it. No playing with the community, no celebration, no live stream, nothing. Just here have this shit and be gone.

The Flood / This man is on another level...
« on: July 07, 2015, 09:19:44 AM »

Article is worth a read, but to some it up. World renown, and proven true gentleman, footballer Cristiano Ronaldo found a woman's lost phone. What did he do with it? Figure out who it was, and invites her and her friends out to dinner as a way of returning the phone.

1. This woman is incredibly lucky (to say the least)

2. Who in the world would do that? It's unheard of. And the amount of level.

Let this happen to me damnit

Gaming / ESO question (Fighter's Guild)
« on: July 07, 2015, 12:07:40 AM »
I dun goofed and just finished the Mages guild guest line and realized the rewards are to your level.

At the end of the fighters guild quest line you get the Prismatic Blade with an enchantment that is super useful.

My question is, can you get that enchantment and put in on other items? Or is it possible I can get a prismatic blade level to Veteran 2 :/

The Flood / Staring at a monster, Zonda Revolucion
« on: July 06, 2015, 12:58:42 PM »

I neglected to visit my friend when he took delivery of his Zonda Revo, and it was a blast to finally see it. Took my brother since we've both never seen a Zonda in the flesh, and because it's his favorite car.

The car is literally a monster. It's a car that takes serious balls to drive, and a car I'd never want to drive. Too scared lol, not that I would be able to anyway.

The exact specs are kept secret. And this version has a total of 5 worldwide, as it is produced per request. The price tag is also kept under wraps.

Easily one of the most aggressive cars out there.

The Flood / How do you say "Forgot"
« on: July 05, 2015, 12:52:36 PM »
I say fur-got, but I see other people say it for-got, so I wonder what majority says

The Flood / I'm sick af, so this is how I celebrate July 4th
« on: July 04, 2015, 08:30:49 PM »


How's everyone doing

The Flood / I don't feel like I have posted/post on here alot
« on: July 04, 2015, 12:24:32 AM »
Yet somehow I have 5k+ posts. I would have never guessed. Getting to 3k took forever to me. And somehow I'm almost double that in half the time.

Do you think you spend less/more time on the site then you actually do?

The Flood / Reccomend great headphones that I should look into
« on: July 01, 2015, 11:58:11 PM »
I'm now beginning to see why headphones are a good investment as I spend more and more of my time using them. And being that I love listening to music a lot and like listening to high quality music (like the extreme quality on Spotify) I really want a very good set (is it set?) of headphones.

Don't have a preference, don't have a specific brand. It's all new to me. So recommendations are good.

I'd like to have one that sound doesn't bleed through. Alone I play music through the audio system I have, but when I'm out or on a plane or want to sleep listening to music I like to have headphones on. Idk, I'm weird when it comes to it.

So, any suggestions? I have heard Beats and Skullcandy (two of three brands I'm familiar with, other being Seinheisser) have been going down in quality.

The Flood / But can he do it on a cold rainy night in Stoke?
« on: July 01, 2015, 10:00:24 PM »

Xherdan Shaqiri can.

>football news

The Flood / For all the shit stirring and drama we produce
« on: July 01, 2015, 07:40:18 PM »
We sure as hell show solidarity when it comes to Sep7agon.

Like in recent news with the Daz poll. Even though we swear we hate eachother and was everyone to kill themselves (inb4), we sure do go on a limb to defend our own. Maybe it's because we have a semi common enemy (New, or the fact that we genuinely don't hate eachother as much as we like to play. I know 85% isn't genuinely malicious, but shit, for all the real hate that's spewed, we do stick together.

GG Sep7

Ride or die niggas (sort of)

The Flood / How much do you curse in a normal conversation
« on: July 01, 2015, 01:28:57 PM »
Something I realize is that I hardly ever curse now, which is obviously a good thing. Something that's always bothered me is when your in line, and either the people in front or behind you are cursing like crazy. It just makes you look bad, and it's always annoying to talk to someone who can't help but curse in every sentence.

I'm not saying it's offensive or that I think lesser of people if they curse a lot, I get its just how you are and if your not using it in an offensive way it's whatever, but to curse a lot in a public place like a line in a store is kinda much.

How much do you curse?

Septagon / Bugs? Things are really wonky
« on: July 01, 2015, 11:42:07 AM »

The Flood / AMA
« on: June 29, 2015, 04:00:59 AM »
It's 5:00am and I have to wake up in 2 hours :D

All 14 of you online, ask

The Flood / Best way to help with a nose bleed?
« on: June 29, 2015, 01:04:30 AM »
My nose has been bleeding a lot lately, don't know why. I'm tired of doing the whole paper in nostril or tilting your head back thing.

Are there any other practical solution or am I going to have to continue shoving paper in my nostril?

Gaming / Anyone want to chill in an X1 party?
« on: June 26, 2015, 10:50:08 PM »
Just have a bit of a chat, not sure if you can have a party across 360 and the One now. If you can that'd be cool.

If any of you guys want to play some ESO I'd be down as well.

The Flood / Hai
« on: June 26, 2015, 02:03:10 AM »

Como estas

The Flood / pls
« on: June 26, 2015, 12:56:14 AM »

Lol, those replies tho

The Flood / Worst thing you've ever done?
« on: June 26, 2015, 12:14:25 AM »
Humor me

The Flood / Slightly stupid question
« on: June 24, 2015, 04:24:29 PM »
Probably more then slightly, but I'll ask anyway.

After driving around with the top off I looked at the sky quite a bit. It's been a fairly clear day with little to no clouds.

My question is, do clouds disperse/thin out and fade away, or do they constantly move at the size they are (meaning they go around the earth).

I feel like I probably know the answer and it's probably as simple as the evaporation cycle, but just so I'm not sitting here thinking the wrong thing I thought I'd ask and see where it goes.

Lol, guess I wasn't supposed to know.

The Flood / I have had a fantastic day
« on: June 23, 2015, 01:16:08 AM »
I'm in a very good mood after today's activities :D

What's up guys, how are you all doing? What'd you do today, and for those of you waking up what's your plan for today?

The Flood / Biggest mistake you've ever made?
« on: June 20, 2015, 11:25:24 PM »
We all make mistakes, but not all mistakes are equal.

What's the worst bad call or fuck up you ever had.

For me, it's the first person I ever slept with, because I still don't know what her name was to this day. And I regret doing it that way, instead of doing it with someone I actually give a shit about

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