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Messages - Solonoid

Pages: 1 ... 239240241 242243 ... 449
The Flood / Re: Done with exams, let's talk
« on: January 29, 2016, 08:16:57 AM »
Serious note,

I had the unique opportunity to assess the effectiveness of American education while I was in it, because I did not need it, and took it merely as a social opportunity.

It's shit, and everyone deserves to know it's shit.

I spent a long time campaigning against the pitiful excuse for an education system in this country.

However, the might of the united states really does come from our education.

They are really institutions developed to reduce the American people to sheep.
They are designed to cripple Americans and indoctrinate them with meaningless distractions.

They are not places of learning, but factories of obedience.

That doesn't change the fact that Flee's very existence is a joke.

The Flood / Re: Done with exams, let's talk
« on: January 29, 2016, 08:08:07 AM »
I feel bad for anyone who feels the need to perform studies in supplement to demonstrations delivered in lecture halls.
It's not even funny how hard you would fail if you'd try to pull that over here.
You must have some really shitty instructors then.
My instructors are some of the best there are. I'm just at the part of my education where simply attending class is never enough and the professors stick to the necessities and most difficult portions in class.
Sounds like denial to me.

If they're so talented, how come they're not educating in a country with more prestigious institutions?

I might not pity you so much if you said those materials were for a research project, but seeing as they were just for a summerical exam, I'm inclined to say that your instructors are failing you.
As an American student getting their Masters at a European university, I can assure you that the expectations for students at tertiary education institutions is quite higher than a lot of American universities. Outside of the very top universities in the U.S, there is a lot of hand holding, second chances and easy A's. That does not exist at my institution.

The students in my program are the top students from their previous universities, so to be exceptional out of a group of students who are already considered exceptional is quite a feat. Erasmus students are even held to lower standards because of the level of difficulty in the program. They are not used to having to study and keep on top of the materials. Nor are they used to the entire outcome of their grade dependent on one exam that tests them on everything covered throughout the semester.

It is very difficult to understand without experiencing it directly, but I can assure you that it is quite different and more difficult than the average American university. It has nothing to do with the competence of the professors, but rather that self-study and making connections in the material is expected of the students. The complexity of the material makes it impossible to cover everything class, so students are expected to be responsible and diligent. If they are not, then they really do not deserve a degree.
Hey now, this is not how you play "Tell the europoor they're inferior."

I legitimately have not attended college in thirteen years, as I said previously, and therefore am only busting his balls because he's subamerican.

The Flood / Coining a new term
« on: January 29, 2016, 08:05:27 AM »

How to use.

1. Being eviscerated by a woodchipper would be a subamerican way to go
2. Swimming in fecal matter is a subamerican recreational activity
3. Belgium is subamerican as a whole.

The Flood / Re: And there it goes
« on: January 29, 2016, 07:56:54 AM »
Now I'm depressed. I have feelings for her and there was instant chemistry when we met. All because I asked to come over the second date. And she said she wanted to before, but then changed her mind, and made me out to be a bad person for asking.
I know a great solution to depression, as someone who has struggled with it their entire life, of you're interested that is.
You're just going to joke around saying I should kill myself. I hate my life enough to want to, but I'm not. I wish an accident would happen so I wouldn't have to.
What? No.

Depression is a serious ailment and I'm offended you think I would make jokes about something so dire.
Well you guys always joke about it. And every time I get my heartbroken I feel like I want to.
I'm not joking at all.

You should really kill yourself.
If there was an easy way that wasn't painless, yeah. Best I can hope for is to get cancer though.
If you're meant to survive, you will, and you'll emerge with a new outlook and appreciation for life.

Anyway, it sounds like your major issue is just that you're too big of a pantywaist to make the attempt.

The Flood / Re: Done with exams, let's talk
« on: January 29, 2016, 07:53:31 AM »
I feel bad for anyone who feels the need to perform studies in supplement to demonstrations delivered in lecture halls.
It's not even funny how hard you would fail if you'd try to pull that over here.
You must have some really shitty instructors then.
My instructors are some of the best there are. I'm just at the part of my education where simply attending class is never enough and the professors stick to the necessities and most difficult portions in class.
Sounds like denial to me.

If they're so talented, how come they're not educating in a country with more prestigious institutions?

I might not pity you so much if you said those materials were for a research project, but seeing as they were just for a summerical exam, I'm inclined to say that your instructors are failing you.
It's kind of funny how little you know about this. My university as a whole was ranked among the top 50 institutions of higher education in the world, with my faculty of law being one of the 20 best on a global level, being partnered with Harvard and such. The list of my professors include world renowned academics such as the president of the European Commission, federal advisor on digital progress who worked together with the founders of Wikipedia and Google to establish their European privacy policies, the chairman of the European Court of Justice, Belgian prime minister, judge at the European Court of Human Rights, minister of justice and advisors to international organizations around the world (many of which based in the US). My copyright professor was specifically requested by the US government to help the 2013 overhaul of the American Copyright Act in order to implement a semi first-to-file system. Numerous of my professors hold chairs at Harvard, Yale, Oxford and many other prestigious universities all over the world.

Just because your education to this point is on par with what students here go through in high school does not mean that you have some sort of authority on this matter. I genuinely pity you in return if you think that simply attending lectures is the sole proper way of education and that a high page count is a sign of incompetence. Don't forget that I'm taking a specialised Master's which requires all of its applicants to have a Master's in law with at least a distinction. They don't try apply some common core logic and "leave no one behind". They try to weed out everyone but the most capable so that a degree like this actually means something and shows that the 15-20% of students who end up graduating actually have what it takes.

It's really quite disappointing that you can't see that and feel the need to put down others because of your own insecurities and laughably wrongful perceptions of superiority. A condescending attitude does not suit anyone well, especially when they have absolutely nothing to show for it. So unless you actually have a Master's in law from one of the top faculties in the world lying around, I really don't think you're in any position to judge what it takes to make it in this field and how high page counts somehow are the result of incompetence. Just because your material can easily be communicated and learned verbally due to its relatively low degree of complexity doesn't mean that the same goes for everything.

No need to be a dick when you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Just makes you look like an uninformed ass because of the broad assumptions you're making.
Flee, I left college at the age of six to have a normal childhood, so considering that a mere child could do it, I can assert that the best way to learn anything is in tutelage from a proper instructor, and it sounds to me that from what you've just explained, its not that your instructors are bad, its that they're merely too busy or don't care enough to instruct you properly.

Likely because they know nothing going on there will have any impact on the world at large.

I knew you'd get butthurt when I pointed out you lived in a third world country, but that wall of text is impressive.

Face it, your very existence is third rate and your people are utterly unremarkable and unimportant to the world as a whole.

You could be nukes out of existence tomorrow and nobody would bat an eye. The principle concern of the world as a whole would be that Fallout may spread to someplace important.

The Flood / Suicide isn't a joke.
« on: January 29, 2016, 07:21:07 AM »
And you guys need to stop telling people to kill themselves so liberally.

That advice should be reserved for people who really need it, like Roman.

The Flood / Re: And there it goes
« on: January 29, 2016, 07:17:43 AM »
Now I'm depressed. I have feelings for her and there was instant chemistry when we met. All because I asked to come over the second date. And she said she wanted to before, but then changed her mind, and made me out to be a bad person for asking.
I know a great solution to depression, as someone who has struggled with it their entire life, of you're interested that is.
You're just going to joke around saying I should kill myself. I hate my life enough to want to, but I'm not. I wish an accident would happen so I wouldn't have to.
What? No.

Depression is a serious ailment and I'm offended you think I would make jokes about something so dire.
Well you guys always joke about it. And every time I get my heartbroken I feel like I want to.
I'm not joking at all.

You should really kill yourself.

The Flood / Re: And there it goes
« on: January 29, 2016, 07:15:37 AM »
Now I'm depressed. I have feelings for her and there was instant chemistry when we met. All because I asked to come over the second date. And she said she wanted to before, but then changed her mind, and made me out to be a bad person for asking.
I know a great solution to depression, as someone who has struggled with it their entire life, of you're interested that is.
You're just going to joke around saying I should kill myself. I hate my life enough to want to, but I'm not. I wish an accident would happen so I wouldn't have to.
What? No.

Depression is a serious ailment and I'm offended you think I would make jokes about something so dire.

Serious / Re: If censorship improves a work, should it be done?
« on: January 29, 2016, 07:13:03 AM »
That assumes that the removal of those features improved FE.

Also, censorship is objectively bad in all forms.

The Flood / Re: And there it goes
« on: January 29, 2016, 07:10:13 AM »
Now I'm depressed. I have feelings for her and there was instant chemistry when we met. All because I asked to come over the second date. And she said she wanted to before, but then changed her mind, and made me out to be a bad person for asking.
I know a great solution to depression, as someone who has struggled with it their entire life, of you're interested that is.

I'm slipping back into being that shitty person I used to be.

I trained myself a long time to be an unrelenting optimist, but lately I've been reminded of how good it feels to be a negative asshole all the time.

Highschool never ends.

The Flood / Re: Done with exams, let's talk
« on: January 29, 2016, 07:00:24 AM »
I feel bad for anyone who feels the need to perform studies in supplement to demonstrations delivered in lecture halls.
It's not even funny how hard you would fail if you'd try to pull that over here.
You must have some really shitty instructors then.
My instructors are some of the best there are. I'm just at the part of my education where simply attending class is never enough and the professors stick to the necessities and most difficult portions in class.
Sounds like denial to me.

If they're so talented, how come they're not educating in a country with more prestigious institutions?

I might not pity you so much if you said those materials were for a research project, but seeing as they were just for a summerical exam, I'm inclined to say that your instructors are failing you.

The Flood / Re: I've felt sick for the past few days
« on: January 29, 2016, 06:51:55 AM »
I would talk to a doc as well as have your blood tested to rule out anything obvious.
There's no need for a blood test.

I'm the only caretaker she needs.

The Flood / Jocephalopod is dead
« on: January 29, 2016, 06:49:34 AM »
He's with dug now

2016 is a cruel mistress

The Flood / Re: Done with exams, let's talk
« on: January 29, 2016, 06:48:04 AM »
I feel bad for anyone who feels the need to perform studies in supplement to demonstrations delivered in lecture halls.
It's not even funny how hard you would fail if you'd try to pull that over here.
You must have some really shitty instructors then.

The Flood / Re: Done with exams, let's talk
« on: January 29, 2016, 06:39:35 AM »
I feel bad for anyone who feels the need to perform studies in supplement to demonstrations delivered in lecture halls.

The Flood / Re: Why isn't Blade in the MCU?
« on: January 29, 2016, 06:28:07 AM »
The old Blade.movies should still be canon IMO


I refuse to be defined so ham fistedly and so should you.

The Flood / Re: Paul Kantner of Jefferson Airplane died
« on: January 29, 2016, 05:25:18 AM »
Damn you, 2016.

I'm convinced that all of us are going to die this year.

It's all a plot by verb.
Humanity will finally cease, now that the current year is over.

Septagon / Re: "Thread Recycling"
« on: January 29, 2016, 05:20:15 AM »
It saves server space tho

Come on. How much space does one thread take up?
like 2MB
Very close.

The average thread page takes 2.3-2.7 MB of downstream data to load, provided there is only text on the page.

However, most of that is the page template loading, which only exists a single time on the server.

The real figure, in server space per thread, is a couple of kilobytes.

The Flood / Re: I've felt sick for the past few days
« on: January 29, 2016, 04:52:59 AM »
Drink half a bottle of magnesium sulfate.

It will reinvigorate your digestive system and get you eating again.

Be sure to take in vitamins C and D as well.

Oh and, after drinking it, don't make any plans to leave home.


Don't ask me why cause I don't really know.
It's a lot funnier if you actually get the joke.

Septagon / Re: What's the background colour hex value?
« on: January 29, 2016, 03:39:21 AM »
oh yeah, photoshop is a thing too

see, i'm very ghetto when it comes to technology

To be fair, not everyone has photoshop

I'm doing graphics so I have it but it's a relatively expensive piece of software. Everyone haa paint so it's a reasonable assumption to make

Anyway, it looks much better now without the border
Everyone using technicolour can still see it.

The Flood / Re: I am a female trapped in a mans body
« on: January 28, 2016, 09:27:29 PM »
Fuck it.

I'm out.
You guys have gone too far.

I'm not even gay, I'm a straight, white, Christian, cis male.

Fuck all of you.

The Flood / Re: Was Adolf Hitler a faggot?
« on: January 28, 2016, 09:21:40 PM »
I'm good with that.

Hitler is one of my greatest heroes.


The Flood / Re: So I'm back with my ex.
« on: January 28, 2016, 07:02:54 PM »

The Flood / Re: So I'm back with my ex.
« on: January 28, 2016, 07:00:28 PM »

The Flood / Re: So I'm back with my ex.
« on: January 28, 2016, 02:39:55 PM »
I like how prehistoric doesn't get we were making fun of him.

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