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Messages - Solonoid

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If we allowed companies to reconsolidate, and then broke them down again

Why on Earth would any company cooperate with this when there's already a mad dash for inversions and regulation avoidance in the U.S.?
That's why we don't tell them the plan.

You lift antitrust regulations and let them go nuts and then slap them right back on and experience fifteen years of glorious capital growth.

Where on earth did payday credit become involved in this?
How do you say that, and then say:

only that giving medium to low interest loans to low income individuals is working for small banks and there's no reason it couldn't for large banks.
This is literally what payday loans are. At least, that's what they refer to over here.
A payday loan is when you get a few hundred dollars in exchange for your entire next paycheck, with some collateral on the table that's worth thousands of dollars ensuring you follow up.
As far as I know, that's not correct. Literally the first line of the Wikipedia page specifies that payday loans are not backed by collateral, and are not necessarily related to the borrower's incoming wages. And I can say that, at least in the U.K., this is usually what payday loans refer to. Just small and usually short-term loans.
Yes, incredibly short, within the month. And there's not a payday loan place near here that won't demand collateral.

But I'm not talking about short term loans when I talk about credit, nor did I give any reason (in my opinion) to make you think so.

To answer your other question, these are the rates I was offered by Chase and Randolph Brooks Federal Credit Union.

Chase: 3.581%APR

Credit Cards
Chase: 23%APR

Checking Interest
Chase: 😂
RBFCU: .006% Annually

Savings Interest
Chase: .0005% Annually
RBFCU .13% Annually

For future reference, when referring to low income credit, I'm talking about car financing, mortgages, and credit cards.

Payday loans ridiculous and stupid and you would only get them if you were extremely desperate.

Where on earth did payday credit become involved in this?
How do you say that, and then say:

only that giving medium to low interest loans to low income individuals is working for small banks and there's no reason it couldn't for large banks.
This is literally what payday loans are. At least, that's what they refer to over here.
A payday loan is when you get a few hundred dollars in exchange for your entire next paycheck, with some collateral on the table that's worth thousands of dollars ensuring you follow up.

The Flood / Re: I hate popular things.
« on: April 11, 2016, 09:23:35 PM »
There is only one theme in all of storytelling.

'Who am I?'

There is also "who are we," and "what are we doing," which are some of my personal favorite things to ponder.
Both of which boil down to who am I in the end.

The Flood / Re: I hate popular things.
« on: April 11, 2016, 09:17:34 PM »
Relatability is about as shallow as you can get, by the way. It's the most safe form of film-making there is. Not that there's anything wrong with that--it's the easiest way to make an entertaining movie. But it isn't deep.

If you're able to take something away from a movie that you CAN'T relate to, or can only relate to in abstract ways?

That's deep.
There is only one theme in all of storytelling.

'Who am I?'

If you fail to utilize this well, then your story is a failure, and it will be either ignored or forgotten.

Sometimes the depth is in finding a new way to convey this theme, but the depth always stems from it.

The Flood / Re: Just got a $60 parking ticket..
« on: April 11, 2016, 09:10:43 PM »
Damn daniel

Smaller banks actually compete with each other and offer better services accordingly, but massive banks run off of their size and brand recognition alone to cheat people out of insane amounts of money.
What, you think different sized banks aren't subject to different regulations which affect operating costs?

It's virtually impossible for decently-sized banks to offer 'payday' credit at reasonable prices.

Currently, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, which regulates banks, has such stringent underwriting standards that it costs more for banks to meet the paperwork-intensive requirements than they could reasonably charge for such small sums. Indeed, the regulations have in practice (though not in rule) banned banks from offering small credit to a broad range of people.
Where on earth did payday credit become involved in this?

The simple fact is that larger banks with resources to lower prices choose not to.

I didn't say we should go out giving loans to people with bad credit, only that giving medium to low interest loans to low income individuals is working for small banks and there's no reason it couldn't for large banks.

I don't suppose you've ever had an underwriting job before (its what I did for Zurich) but this is how it goes.

•A legal team writes policy backs and calculates rates to plug into them according to variables that the applicant may represent.

•Policy backs are updated when new regulatory data is released

•Clients plug in their own information and rates are instantly calculated

•An underwriter reviews client information to ensure eligibility, then either green lights, or adjusts rates, or denies the application

•The client pays back their loan with interest [in the case of credit cards this step is repeated many, many times]

The expensive part is step 2, which has to be done whether you offer affordable interest to the poor or not, and if you offer no credit to them, you only lose money.

Banks have figured that out, and offer small, high interest loans to low income individuals, not quite as high as payday lenders, but its still there.

The payday loan market exists to take advantage of people with bad credit, not low income.

And by loan I'm talking almost exclusively about credit cards, mortgages, tangible things like that, not cash in hand loans, which should be reserved for those who have the means to pay them back curtly.

Banks that operate in every state do spend about 50x as much in underwriting, because every state needs its own policy back, but they compensate by make 100x+ more capital income.

The Flood / Re: I hate popular things.
« on: April 11, 2016, 08:38:01 PM »
Stimulating to and identifiable with the viewer.

You know, something you can find deep, personal meaning in?
I detest this definition, because that means literally any movie can be deep.

I just don't think it's the sort of word that you should just throw around, because it devalues it.

But sure, if Star Wars has some kind of meaning to you, I can't take that away from you. But I don't qualify that as "deep."
If you've never heard the phrase 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' then you're completely off base in everything.

I don't find stimulation in, nor do I identify with Adam Sandler movies, but high and drunk people do, and they derive deep meaning from a lighthearted moral.

Anything can be deep, its just a matter of whether or not you are poised to receive and understand that depth.

That's that concretely are deep though, are things that any person, regardless of background, state of mind, or any other influential factors, finds that identification and simulation in.

I consider the themes conveyed in Star Warsto be an example of absolute depth, where the only people who cannot share in this wealth are in denial, or to the degree of desire to become better, entirely inhuman.

It's is this utterly complete relatability that makes something objectively deep, though not all depth is objective.

The Flood / Re: I hate popular things.
« on: April 11, 2016, 08:26:44 PM »
The OT wins strictly because the fat rebel pilot in A New Hope is named Porkins.
Now there's a truly great character.

An everyman willing to give everything to accomplish a small role. A true hero, just like Licenseless Rider.

The Flood / Re: I hate popular things.
« on: April 11, 2016, 08:23:41 PM »
Do you even know what deep means in this context?
I know exactly what "deep" means, but you people seem to be using it in a way outside of its definition, so feel free to explain to me precisely what you mean by "deep."

If it's "emotionally evocative," or something to that effect, I will literally find you.
Stimulating to and identifiable with the viewer.

You know, something you can find deep, personal meaning in?

The Flood / Re: I hate popular things.
« on: April 11, 2016, 08:07:19 PM »
"It's not deep because I said so!"
It's not deep because it's not deep. Explain to me how, if Darth Vader were an original character, that would somehow make Star Wars deep.

It's the most shallow series I can think of.

Wanting to rule galaxies =/= Following someone who wants to rule the galaxy
Similar =/= Exactly the same.
Do you even know what deep means in this context?

Also stop arguing about Darth Vader, originality doesn't make something deep, and he was not very original.

I just listed a millenia old character with the same basic outline.

The Flood / Re: Corsair fans vs. Cooler Master
« on: April 11, 2016, 07:47:44 PM »
I wanted to know if anyone else knows if Corsair is brighter than CM. I could've asked the other place I go to for computer discussion, but all I would get is memes.

I don't really get the point of this thread.
They're fans.

Pick the one that blows the hardest.

The Flood / Re: I hate popular things.
« on: April 11, 2016, 07:46:40 PM »
Ian, please stop, Vader is an incredibly unoriginal character, his combination of familiar themes and top notch execution of them is what makes him so great.

The Flood / Re: Corsair fans vs. Cooler Master
« on: April 11, 2016, 07:42:07 PM »
I don't really get the point of this thread.

Pick the fan that works the best.

I'm a minimalist so I would probably be using an opaque case with all flat sides and no lights showing save the power.

The Flood / Re: I hate popular things.
« on: April 11, 2016, 07:36:40 PM »
You don't have to do anything new or different to have merit, its about how well you do it.

And it doesn't hurt to do it alongside the things that make Star Wars 'cool'
But no matter how "well" you execute it, it will NEVER be "deep."
It's the only thing that's deep.

Nothing can be without it.

The Flood / Re: I hate popular things.
« on: April 11, 2016, 07:35:55 PM »
Name a character similar to Vader before his creation.
Darkseid, Bucky Barnes (the Winter Solider), Dr. Doom. All predate Vader.

Design-wise, Vader is about as derivative as you can get.
You completely missed the point.

The answer we were looking for was Oedipus.

>defeat great threat
>come to power
>become coldblooded dickhead
>realize familial connection
>sacrifice self in repentence

The Flood / Re: I hate popular things.
« on: April 11, 2016, 07:32:04 PM »
It's about what the transformation that hero undergoes, and how it relates to the daily life and aspiration of the common man.
Themes that are expressed in pretty much every movie ever that puts an average joe in an unfamiliar universe. It is the cookie-cutter, go-to method of investing your audience in the story.

You could argue that Star Wars is one of the first franchises to put those themes on the big screen, but you'd be wrong.
You don't have to do anything new or different to have merit, its about how well you do it.

And it doesn't hurt to do it alongside the things that make Star Wars 'cool'

Super Banks that don't use their superior available capital to offer more affordable services have no place in the world.
The entire reason banks don't extend affordable credit to low-income individuals is due to the burden of regulation on such services. It's entirely why predatory pay-day lenders exist; the banks can't compete them out of the job.
It's not just about credit.

We're also talking higher interest rates on savings, lower rates on insurance, and a broad number of financial services.

My bank, Randolph Brooks, offers mortgages from 1.95% to members, and also gave me a line of credit at 17% despite my income being less than 30K annually.

Discover Financial also gave me a line of credit, when I was making even less money.

So yes, low income individuals have access to credit, but almost exclusively at above 21% annually.

However, Chase and BoA wouldn't offer me anything, since running into financial trouble my credit score has tanked.

Hopefully I'll have it running smooth this time next year, but this time last year I was pulling a solid 718.

You would think think that they would offer affordable interest to low income individuals with good credit on the basis that they wouldn't be getting their money back at 21% annually, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

What they want is to raise the amount owed as quickly as possible so that they can close the account and send it to collections, then make an astronomical return on a miniscule loan.

This is a blatant abuse of their huge operating capital.

Smaller banks actually compete with each other and offer better services accordingly, but massive banks run off of their size and brand recognition alone to cheat people out of insane amounts of money.

They are literally contrarian to capitalism.

The Flood / Re: I hate popular things.
« on: April 11, 2016, 06:46:03 PM »
Star Wars is objectively shit--especially the OT.

There are no deeper meanings in those movies at all.
I have actually come to expect an explicit lack of understanding of the classical hero's epic from somebody so out of touch with humanities as yourself.
The "classical hero's epic" is the most simple form of story of all time, and claiming that there is anything remotely "deep" about it is a fucking joke.
Oh my god you useless cunt a story doesn't have to be complicated to be important or meaningful or dare I say it, deep.

It's about what the transformation that hero undergoes, and how it relates to the daily life and aspiration of the common man.

But what could I possibly expect from a person who thinks himself above reading.

Like I said, out of touch.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Picture Thread (Version 3.0)
« on: April 11, 2016, 06:41:43 PM »
Pls help

Just had stroke

We should just break up the banks,
Don't be dumb.
Super Banks that don't use their superior available capital to offer more affordable services have no place in the world.

I used to work for Zurich Financial, and we had an available liquid capital not including member accounts of 420 billion, and our services were by far more costly than locally owned and operated alternatives.

It's ridiculous.

« on: April 11, 2016, 06:18:35 PM »
Get memed faggots, this was my plan all along.
>implying that it wasn't always my plan to spark an outburst that would cause others to join my cause

I think the only one who has been memes is yourself.

Woah, fashies, why'd you move this to the Flood?
It was always in the Flood.
Are you fucking kidding me?
nope, keepin it 💯

The Flood / Re: I hate popular things.
« on: April 11, 2016, 05:54:41 PM »
Just for the record, the prequels were great.

I actually think I enjoyed them more than the OT, however, the OT had a certain artistic and philosophical value that the prequels lack, so while they're a great watch and a fascinating illustration of galactic politics, there's not much room for intellectual conversation.

Woah, fashies, why'd you move this to the Flood?
It was always in the Flood.

The fact that you strive to be a "playa" is proof you'll never obtain it.

>tfw want to get so drunk this weekend I dance with a gay guy to country music

I'll bite my tongue on this subject.
Real actualproof of Iam using top quotes.

And so we arrive at the root of roman's women problems
You must be a shitty psychologist if you're only just now arriving at that.

The Flood / Re: Fucking slavs
« on: April 11, 2016, 05:40:27 PM »
The slavic nations are the last uncucked bastions of hope for the Aryan race tbqh family.
Looks like you don't know



And you should feel bad.

Israel's claim to its land is through the victories of wars. I don't like the Jews, but I'll recognize their land holdings.

Their claim to their land is through defence of land that was given to them.

They never invaded and took over, they just managed to keep it after the UN handed it to them.

That's why Palestine is so angry.

IS is actively conquering land and nobody is recognizing them.

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