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Messages - Solonoid

Pages: 1 ... 144145146 147148 ... 449
Septagon / Just a thought
« on: September 10, 2016, 01:24:00 AM »
I use the keyboard shortcuts for posting and previewing a lot, and I was wondering if you could add shortcut options to return to the board the thread you're viewing is on.

It would be neat imo

Not quite worthy of one.
I do.

Don't be so hard on yourself all the time.

Gaming / Re: tfw you spend 4 hours hunting Entei (FR)
« on: September 10, 2016, 01:17:19 AM »
>Not using Repeat Balls

the only reason i use pokeballs is because i have ocd

starter pokemon, gift and egg pokemon all come out of a pokeball, therefore any mon on my team must also come out of a pokeball

That's why I catch all my pokemon in masterballs.

Also, here's a thought.

Catch the Gen I starter you want in Emerald and then trade it to Fire Red.
That way you can use better balls. I hate bland ass basic pokeballs.

The Flood / Re: If you ever feel pain when swallowing spit
« on: September 10, 2016, 01:12:55 AM »
Mix of benzocaine into some warm tea and sip it until your throat is numb.
When the numbness subsides sip some more.
What? Why not just remove the benzocaine and smell a hot cuppa tea? That'll help your nose, and drinking it will numb your throat. I see no reason to add benzocaine.
It's a localized anesthetic ya dip, it's an actual medical remedy, not some folksy bullshit herbal spirit sage chakra aligning technique that was developed by monks in a nonspecific nondescript country.

The tea is only there to dilute it, which makes administering it easier, and it's only warm to make it less thick, and even then it's only tea instead of warm water for flavor.
Chamomile tea is naturally soothing, and is one of the oldest herbs to be used medicinally for conditions like sore throats. It’s often used for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and astringent properties.

Some studies have shown that inhaling chamomile steam can help relieve symptoms of a cold, including a sore throat. Drinking chamomile tea can offer these same benefits. It can also stimulate the immune system, aiding your body in fighting off whatever caused your sore throat in the first place.
Anesthesia doesn't aid your immune system you moron.

EDIT: sorry, I misread that.

I thought you were talking about the way western medicine has a tendency to make the body more dependent on it, and less self sufficient.

Anyway, benzocaine is the stuff you want, and the benefits offered by the tea itself are minute and trivial.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4 mods cancelled for PS4
« on: September 10, 2016, 01:11:47 AM »
does xbox have street fighter yeah didn't think so
I prefer tekken

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4 mods cancelled for PS4
« on: September 10, 2016, 01:09:25 AM »
time to sell my PS4 and buy an Xbone whenever I get some spare money
lol, just did that myself

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4 mods cancelled for PS4
« on: September 10, 2016, 01:08:43 AM »
Man, if I had a PS4 this would give me even more reason to not care about Fallout 4
Just got rid of my PS4 a few days ago actually because I was sick of waiting for FO4 mods

When they launch a new model I'll probably get another, but I've just been disappointed in how incredibly restrictive it is and the shit quality of PSN and their online market, and I needed to buy the new Xbone

The Flood / Re: Pick 4 members to take with you on an epic quest.
« on: September 10, 2016, 01:03:57 AM »
I hope you say Bones hates Spock sarcastically. Their chemistry is not one of hatred at all.

Bones is the cynical doctor who hates Spock pretty much on principle, and he's always saying mean spirited and sarcastic things to everyone, and telling Kirk he's a moron, but then Kirk is like "lol don't give a fuck" and against all logic things work out anyway, almost as if just to spite Bones.
He hates Vulcans as a race, much in the way verb hates humans as a race.
Spock personally holds a warm spot in bones' heart tho

The Flood / Re: If you ever feel pain when swallowing spit
« on: September 10, 2016, 01:01:40 AM »
Mix of benzocaine into some warm tea and sip it until your throat is numb.
When the numbness subsides sip some more.
What? Why not just remove the benzocaine and smell a hot cuppa tea? That'll help your nose, and drinking it will numb your throat. I see no reason to add benzocaine.
It's a localized anesthetic ya dip, it's an actual medical remedy, not some folksy bullshit herbal spirit sage chakra aligning technique that was developed by monks in a nonspecific nondescript country.

The tea is only there to dilute it, which makes administering it easier, and it's only warm to make it less thick, and even then it's only tea instead of warm water for flavor.

The Flood / Re: When bongs cream their tea
« on: September 10, 2016, 12:54:50 AM »
also stock image memes thread

The Flood / When bongs cream their tea
« on: September 10, 2016, 12:54:06 AM »

The Flood / Re: If you ever feel pain when swallowing spit
« on: September 10, 2016, 12:50:57 AM »
Mix of benzocaine into some warm tea and sip it until your throat is numb.
When the numbness subsides sip some more.

If it's not a yes just lie to me
Kind of, it's not a strong opinion.

But I'm not going to tell you what that opinon is.

The Flood / Re: Pick 4 members to take with you on an epic quest.
« on: September 10, 2016, 12:22:32 AM »
Holy shit I just realized you have the same personality as Bones from Star Trek.

And the reason everybody hates you, and you hate everyone, is because we all want to be Spock.
everyone should want to be spock

i'm not familiar with that many ST characters though
Bones is the cynical doctor who hates Spock pretty much on principle, and he's always saying mean spirited and sarcastic things to everyone, and telling Kirk he's a moron, but then Kirk is like "lol don't give a fuck" and against all logic things work out anyway, almost as if just to spite Bones.

The Flood / Re: Pick 4 members to take with you on an epic quest.
« on: September 10, 2016, 12:14:57 AM »
Healer/Medic - Verb
I thought it'd be funny to get healed, but have to hear someone bitch about it while you do, and make you upset with their opinions.
"That wound's seriously infected, but do you actually fucking think I carry alcohol, cunt?"
Or making you feel bad for being injured
that sounds more like me

"and what made you think it was a bright idea to get yourself shot today"
Holy shit I just realized you have the same personality as Bones from Star Trek.

And the reason everybody hates you, and you hate everyone, is because we all want to be Spock.

The Flood / Re: anyone actively saving up for their dream car?
« on: September 09, 2016, 11:58:46 PM »
have the chance to buy a 2001 mustang for 1800 bucks next week
They're not worth much more than that.
At that price, don't get it unless everything is in good condition, and it's manual.

I wouldn't spend more than $1500usd ($2000) on a Mustang more than ten and less than thirty years old.

it fits those requirements perfectly

the guy selling it is my coworker and he's a good guy. car is in mint condition except for the breaks which he's fixing before he sells it to me.

6 speed manual transmission, v6 rear wheel drive.
If you wanna trick something out you should buy it.

There are a lot of aftermarket options for mustangs and you can easily turn it into something cool.
like what

i've been looking at some custom mustangs in the style but i can't really find anything i like
Increase the wheel size (means getting new wheel wells too), lift the rear suspension, add a new spoiler, put either a scoop or a peak hood on it, and you have yourself a classic dragster.

Get new, flatter bumpers, a hood that matches, chrome grill, replace the headlights with round ones, and (this will cost you trunk space) get a trunk lid that angles down into the rear bumper to give it a hatchback feel, and you've got a sporty yet full length derby style car.

The possibilites are endless because there are just so many aftermarket mods.

The Flood / Re: anyone actively saving up for their dream car?
« on: September 09, 2016, 11:30:50 PM »
have the chance to buy a 2001 mustang for 1800 bucks next week
They're not worth much more than that.
At that price, don't get it unless everything is in good condition, and it's manual.

I wouldn't spend more than $1500usd ($2000) on a Mustang more than ten and less than thirty years old.

it fits those requirements perfectly

the guy selling it is my coworker and he's a good guy. car is in mint condition except for the breaks which he's fixing before he sells it to me.

6 speed manual transmission, v6 rear wheel drive.
If you wanna trick something out you should buy it.

There are a lot of aftermarket options for mustangs and you can easily turn it into something cool.

The Flood / Re: It's the end of the fucking world
« on: September 09, 2016, 10:49:34 PM »
is the mcdonalds wifi messing up again?
No, I'm at home.

The Flood / It's the end of the fucking world
« on: September 09, 2016, 10:10:45 PM »
Google is down

The Flood / Re: Aight gonna go. To bed
« on: September 09, 2016, 09:50:27 PM »
no post penis

The Flood / Re: I'm drunk k again
« on: September 09, 2016, 09:48:42 PM »
Post your dick.

The Flood / Re: anyone actively saving up for their dream car?
« on: September 09, 2016, 09:46:20 PM »
have the chance to buy a 2001 mustang for 1800 bucks next week
They're not worth much more than that.
At that price, don't get it unless everything is in good condition, and it's manual.

I wouldn't spend more than $1500usd ($2000) on a Mustang more than ten and less than thirty years old.

The Flood / Re: Pick 4 members to take with you on an epic quest.
« on: September 09, 2016, 09:36:08 PM »
being healer is fun
You'd be good at it because we'd only have GMO free medicine.

The Flood / Re: Need Some Bluetooth Headphones
« on: September 09, 2016, 09:34:46 PM »
You're buying an Iphone 7 aren't ya?

Actually no
I been planning to get some for a while but now that my dog chewed up my earbuds I need them

And I heard about that
How convenient that the iPhone 7 needs bluetooth headphones and that Apple just happens to own Beats ??? ??? ???
There's actually a different type of wireless unit that the Airpods are going to use, so there should be some options later.

Sorry I can't recommend anything cheap, but I don't know a lot about economy headphones.

This is theset I'm buying this winter.

The Flood / Re: Pick 4 members to take with you on an epic quest.
« on: September 09, 2016, 09:26:57 PM »
Warrior: Verbatim

Healer: SecondClass

Socializer: Decimator Omega

The Brains: Jive Turkey

The Fall Guy: JOHN CENA

The Flood / Re: Why has the talk about immigration died down?
« on: September 09, 2016, 02:08:33 PM »
Yeah. beat that horse, Johnny
How does it feel to not be European any more?

The Flood / Re: No posers section
« on: September 09, 2016, 02:06:47 PM »
don't you like hole

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