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Messages - Solonoid

Pages: 1 ... 143144145 146147 ... 449
The Flood / Re: anyone actively saving up for their dream car?
« on: September 10, 2016, 03:12:13 PM »
A two door jeep always sounded fun as hell to me. No doors, no roof screaming down the highway.
This is a car thread not a kitchen thread.

Serious / Re: Poo in the loo
« on: September 10, 2016, 03:11:01 PM »
Superstition is pretty much impossible to defeat. I think the Indian government is going to have to do a fine bit of memetic engineering if they want to fix this one.
To me one good way to put an end to shitting wherever is by giving people a good size fine for doing it. I say a fine of about $200 will discourage most people.
Because most Indians have $200
Since they wouldn't be able to pay the fine then the fear of getting one will stop most or a good amount from doing it.
Might as well just make it illegal to poo without loo
Yeah, they should.
its illegal in civilised countries

Gaming / Re: tfw you spend 4 hours hunting Entei (FR)
« on: September 10, 2016, 03:05:37 PM »
>Not using Repeat Balls

the only reason i use pokeballs is because i have ocd

starter pokemon, gift and egg pokemon all come out of a pokeball, therefore any mon on my team must also come out of a pokeball

That's why I catch all my pokemon in masterballs.

Also, here's a thought.

Catch the Gen I starter you want in Emerald and then trade it to Fire Red.
That way you can use better balls. I hate bland ass basic pokeballs.

you cant do that
I had all three classic starters in my rugby team.
Fuckers get me out of here
I meant to say ruby, but lol.

Gaming / Re: tfw you spend 4 hours hunting Entei (FR)
« on: September 10, 2016, 03:00:28 PM »
>Not using Repeat Balls

the only reason i use pokeballs is because i have ocd

starter pokemon, gift and egg pokemon all come out of a pokeball, therefore any mon on my team must also come out of a pokeball

That's why I catch all my pokemon in masterballs.

Also, here's a thought.

Catch the Gen I starter you want in Emerald and then trade it to Fire Red.
That way you can use better balls. I hate bland ass basic pokeballs.

you cant do that
I had all three classic starters in my rugby team.

The Flood / Re: Dolce and Gabbana knocks it out of the park again
« on: September 10, 2016, 08:58:28 AM »

The Flood / Re: Video games appeal to the male fantasy that degrades women
« on: September 10, 2016, 08:46:56 AM »

The Flood / Praise Be Kek
« on: September 10, 2016, 08:44:05 AM »
I have created the world's largest Pepe, and in observance of the will of Kek you may save it if you like, please don't take more than you need though, overduplication of a pepe this large could flood the market very quickly.

The Flood / Re: Dolce and Gabbana knocks it out of the park again
« on: September 10, 2016, 08:23:03 AM »
Actually you know what mods move this to serious

That boy looks like a girl.
It's Emma Watson.

The Flood / Re: Microsoft just launched a new W10 update
« on: September 10, 2016, 06:04:32 AM »
Windows 10 is back and better than ever.
Better as in we're able to play older games again which was something Windows 8 did?
I don't think you know what a 64-bit system is.

Windows 8 cam in 32 and 64 bit, if you could play old games you were probably running 32-bit.

Unfortunately the futer is now and you can't expect infinite backwards compatibility.
There's always DOSbox tho, which is how I play Arena, but I'm used to it since I was 64-bit in 8

But no, better as in they got rid of forced Onedrive integration, updated online security so that the OS is all around less invasive and more secure, and made most of their data mining off by default.

If all you care about is games you should just never switch from 7.
I like 10's superior networking capabilities, and seamless integration of all my personal devices.

The Flood / Re: Why did Napoleon never meet his brother?
« on: September 10, 2016, 05:54:48 AM »
What do you call a Mexican who lost his car?

The Flood / Re: If you ever feel pain when swallowing spit
« on: September 10, 2016, 05:29:09 AM »
I hate bad things

how wacky
Genetic modification is the future of life on earth, and you don't diagnose the cause of a headache before you take Tylenol to get rid of it.

Simple stuff.

The Flood / Re: If you ever feel pain when swallowing spit
« on: September 10, 2016, 04:39:26 AM »
Wtf, you're being a hypocrite. If you take the leaves of some tree, dry them then put them in a liquid, that's tea. If those leaves have an effect on you, it's medicine.

If someone has a headache you won't hesitate to give them drugs, and that's the problem. Instead of looking at it logically, pragmatically, or scientifically, you choose to rely on your miracle drugs without a second thought. The reasonable thing to do if you have a headache is figure out why you have it. If you've drank very little then maybe that's the cause, and the solution is a simple glas of water. Maybe your head hurts because when you fell it shook your brain, and you had a concussion.

Chamomile worked for me once, so I wanted to try it again. It didn't work in the long haul, so my conclusion is that it's not a cure, but a small buff.
it's a sad day when Zesty is right
Yeah but you also hate GMOs and know pretty much 0 about them sorry fam

Serious / Re: Political lobbying 101
« on: September 10, 2016, 04:01:34 AM »
The point of that rule is to keep manufacturers from selling cars to dealers, and then having a direct channel that undercuts the dealers in price.

What I don't get is why that applies to Tesla. As far as I know, they don't use, and never used dealerships to sell. So they aren't undercutting anyone for products already sold.
There are a handful of Tesla dealerships, but a lot of states refuse to allow automobiles to be sold online.

There are several in Texas because of this.

Missouri is retarded though, they basically just outlawed factory outlets.

Serious / Re: Political lobbying 101
« on: September 10, 2016, 03:59:08 AM »
I hope for the future when issues like this can be solved through violent corporate warfare instead of lawsuits.

The Flood / Microsoft just launched a new W10 update
« on: September 10, 2016, 03:54:57 AM »
Fixed everything that pissed me off about the last one.

Windows 10 is back and better than ever.

The Flood / Re: If you ever feel pain when swallowing spit
« on: September 10, 2016, 03:47:55 AM »
Mix of benzocaine into some warm tea and sip it until your throat is numb.
When the numbness subsides sip some more.
What? Why not just remove the benzocaine and smell a hot cuppa tea? That'll help your nose, and drinking it will numb your throat. I see no reason to add benzocaine.
It's a localized anesthetic ya dip, it's an actual medical remedy, not some folksy bullshit herbal spirit sage chakra aligning technique that was developed by monks in a nonspecific nondescript country.

The tea is only there to dilute it, which makes administering it easier, and it's only warm to make it less thick, and even then it's only tea instead of warm water for flavor.
Chamomile tea is naturally soothing, and is one of the oldest herbs to be used medicinally for conditions like sore throats. It’s often used for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and astringent properties.

Some studies have shown that inhaling chamomile steam can help relieve symptoms of a cold, including a sore throat. Drinking chamomile tea can offer these same benefits. It can also stimulate the immune system, aiding your body in fighting off whatever caused your sore throat in the first place.
Anesthesia doesn't aid your immune system you moron.

EDIT: sorry, I misread that.

I thought you were talking about the way western medicine has a tendency to make the body more dependent on it, and less self sufficient.

Anyway, benzocaine is the stuff you want, and the benefits offered by the tea itself are minute and trivial.
You say that, yet chamomile tea cured me completely when I showed similar symptoms last time I was sick. It was in the beginning phase of the sickness too, the stage where you know the worst is yet to come. In 30 minutes I'm gonna go to the store and buy some, then I'm gonna have breakfast.
So if you don't care about anything anyone is going to suggest, already dealt with the same symptoms and already 'cured' yourself of them using primitive pseudomedicine, then why did you ask for advice?

Having a sore throat doesn't mean you're sick, and clearly it wasn't that bad then and isn't now.
Tea is an afterthought, not a medicine and 10/10 doctors agree.
Do you have ADHD or something? How about actually reading stuff people write in their entirety instead of bits and pieces and then making up a theory of what it's about? I'm not asking for advice.

Medicine is what works. Do you know the cure for certain poisons and venoms? It's antivenom that can only be found in certain animals. You're overestemating humans' medicines and think that they're the end all be all instead of looking at actual science. You're a sheeple, a hipster, or whatever you wanna call those who think the thoughts of those who don't know much about anything so they put their faith in industrial science.
If using localized anesthesia instead of drinking a cup of tea to numb pain makes you sheep, then sign me the fuck up to get sheered.

Its people's distrust of medicine that disgusts me.
If someone complains about a headache I can offer them three different drugs that I keep in my medicine cabinet just for that, and if they tell me they don't trust medicine then I tell them not to bitch about the pain they're in.

Sorry, but if chamomile was a magical cure then we wouldn't have acetaminophen.
Wtf, you're being a hypocrite. If you take the leaves of some tree, dry them then put them in a liquid, that's tea. If those leaves have an effect on you, it's medicine.

If someone has a headache you won't hesitate to give them drugs, and that's the problem. Instead of looking at it logically, pragmatically, or scientifically, you choose to rely on your miracle drugs without a second thought. The reasonable thing to do if you have a headache is figure out why you have it.
My qualms with chamomile is its ineffective.
If someone has a headache you won't hesitate to give them drugs, and that's the problem. Instead of looking at it logically, pragmatically, or scientifically, you choose to rely on your miracle drugs without a second thought.
A diagnosis is not necessary for the treatment of symptoms.

I get frequent migraines, and doctors have no idea why.
I manage my symptoms with painkillers.

A diagnosis is very important, but getting rid of pain is always a priority in patient care
Chamomile worked for me once, so I wanted to try it again. It didn't work in the long haul, so my conclusion is that it's not a cure, but a small buff.
That's what I've been saying this whole time.

You don't need to do clinical trials on yourself to know that tea won't cure your cold, doctors have already figured that out.

i just dont understand why you'd even want to get married if not for religious reasons.
>Tax breaks
>Social pressure to maintain a monogomous relationship (though it seems to be fading)
>The experience (holding a large social celebration)
>Legal benefits (besides taxes)

commonlaw provides all of those tax and legal benefits

marriage is a religious function
Not in the US, or most European countries.

I disagree with marriage's place in government though and have been an advocate of the abolition of marriage as a legal status for some time, especially considering the number of marriages that end in divorce, it places a huge strain on the civil judiciary sector.

The Flood / I should be admin.
« on: September 10, 2016, 02:58:04 AM »
I will be the best admin of sep7agon god ever created.

We're going to build a wall around the serious board, and Meta is going to pay Isara to code it.
We'll have anarchy every day, but not all day, only during Real Nigga Hours™
And everyone is going to have a higher post count, that much I can guarantee you.
Let me tell you, the fact that we do not compensate memers is disgraceful.
Anybody who posts memes on sep7agon when I'm admin will be paid in ryletokens, same day.
One ryletoken per meme.
Two if it's dank.
Muslims like Chally and Gatsby are going to have biohazard symbols next to their names, so we know to watch them.
We're going to send mexican posters back to

We're going to Make Sep7agon Dank Again

Gaming / You know what's hilarious
« on: September 10, 2016, 02:43:01 AM »
I went back and reread all the things Door said he wanted from Fallout 4 and they all happened and he still hates it.

The Flood / Re: It's the end of the fucking world
« on: September 10, 2016, 02:41:17 AM »
Good thing my work uses Bing!
I have an extension that redirects all Bing searches to a google search.

Septagon / Re: Just a thought
« on: September 10, 2016, 02:19:25 AM »
That's actually something I can do. What combinations are you thinking?
alt+[board number]

eg Flood is alt+1, news is alt+5, etc

The Flood / Re: If you ever feel pain when swallowing spit
« on: September 10, 2016, 02:06:54 AM »
Mix of benzocaine into some warm tea and sip it until your throat is numb.
When the numbness subsides sip some more.
What? Why not just remove the benzocaine and smell a hot cuppa tea? That'll help your nose, and drinking it will numb your throat. I see no reason to add benzocaine.
It's a localized anesthetic ya dip, it's an actual medical remedy, not some folksy bullshit herbal spirit sage chakra aligning technique that was developed by monks in a nonspecific nondescript country.

The tea is only there to dilute it, which makes administering it easier, and it's only warm to make it less thick, and even then it's only tea instead of warm water for flavor.
Chamomile tea is naturally soothing, and is one of the oldest herbs to be used medicinally for conditions like sore throats. It’s often used for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and astringent properties.

Some studies have shown that inhaling chamomile steam can help relieve symptoms of a cold, including a sore throat. Drinking chamomile tea can offer these same benefits. It can also stimulate the immune system, aiding your body in fighting off whatever caused your sore throat in the first place.
Anesthesia doesn't aid your immune system you moron.

EDIT: sorry, I misread that.

I thought you were talking about the way western medicine has a tendency to make the body more dependent on it, and less self sufficient.

Anyway, benzocaine is the stuff you want, and the benefits offered by the tea itself are minute and trivial.
You say that, yet chamomile tea cured me completely when I showed similar symptoms last time I was sick. It was in the beginning phase of the sickness too, the stage where you know the worst is yet to come. In 30 minutes I'm gonna go to the store and buy some, then I'm gonna have breakfast.
So if you don't care about anything anyone is going to suggest, already dealt with the same symptoms and already 'cured' yourself of them using primitive pseudomedicine, then why did you ask for advice?

Having a sore throat doesn't mean you're sick, and clearly it wasn't that bad then and isn't now.
Tea is an afterthought, not a medicine and 10/10 doctors agree.
Do you have ADHD or something? How about actually reading stuff people write in their entirety instead of bits and pieces and then making up a theory of what it's about? I'm not asking for advice.

Medicine is what works. Do you know the cure for certain poisons and venoms? It's antivenom that can only be found in certain animals. You're overestemating humans' medicines and think that they're the end all be all instead of looking at actual science. You're a sheeple, a hipster, or whatever you wanna call those who think the thoughts of those who don't know much about anything so they put their faith in industrial science.
If using localized anesthesia instead of drinking a cup of tea to numb pain makes you sheep, then sign me the fuck up to get sheered.

Its people's distrust of medicine that disgusts me.
If someone complains about a headache I can offer them three different drugs that I keep in my medicine cabinet just for that, and if they tell me they don't trust medicine then I tell them not to bitch about the pain they're in.

Sorry, but if chamomile was a magical cure then we wouldn't have acetaminophen.

The Flood / Dolce and Gabbana knocks it out of the park again
« on: September 10, 2016, 01:59:06 AM »
Every year I look forward to seing D&B's business formal winter collection, but the 16/17 line 'Eccentric Tailoring' is just incredible.

This buttonless frock coat is probably my favorite.
There are some absolute garbage pieces in the collection, but they're not business formal, they seem to be more geared towards matadors  ???

But the business class of the collection displays exemplary taste in fabrics, and as always, a keen knowledge of tailoring that creates a smooth fit look complimented by sharp lines

Serious / Re: US paid Iran 1.3B for failed arms deal
« on: September 10, 2016, 01:43:16 AM »
... his legacy has already been thrashed.

Domestically, his legacy is fairly solid. Internationally, not so much

Bush was just trash all around.
As a proud native of florida living in the state of texas, I can't let you talk bad about the bush family.

The Flood / Re: If you ever feel pain when swallowing spit
« on: September 10, 2016, 01:39:49 AM »
Mix of benzocaine into some warm tea and sip it until your throat is numb.
When the numbness subsides sip some more.
What? Why not just remove the benzocaine and smell a hot cuppa tea? That'll help your nose, and drinking it will numb your throat. I see no reason to add benzocaine.
It's a localized anesthetic ya dip, it's an actual medical remedy, not some folksy bullshit herbal spirit sage chakra aligning technique that was developed by monks in a nonspecific nondescript country.

The tea is only there to dilute it, which makes administering it easier, and it's only warm to make it less thick, and even then it's only tea instead of warm water for flavor.
Chamomile tea is naturally soothing, and is one of the oldest herbs to be used medicinally for conditions like sore throats. It’s often used for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and astringent properties.

Some studies have shown that inhaling chamomile steam can help relieve symptoms of a cold, including a sore throat. Drinking chamomile tea can offer these same benefits. It can also stimulate the immune system, aiding your body in fighting off whatever caused your sore throat in the first place.
Anesthesia doesn't aid your immune system you moron.

EDIT: sorry, I misread that.

I thought you were talking about the way western medicine has a tendency to make the body more dependent on it, and less self sufficient.

Anyway, benzocaine is the stuff you want, and the benefits offered by the tea itself are minute and trivial.
You say that, yet chamomile tea cured me completely when I showed similar symptoms last time I was sick. It was in the beginning phase of the sickness too, the stage where you know the worst is yet to come. In 30 minutes I'm gonna go to the store and buy some, then I'm gonna have breakfast.
So if you don't care about anything anyone is going to suggest, already dealt with the same symptoms and already 'cured' yourself of them using primitive pseudomedicine, then why did you ask for advice?

Having a sore throat doesn't mean you're sick, and clearly it wasn't that bad then and isn't now.
Tea is an afterthought, not a medicine and 10/10 doctors agree.

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