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Messages - Solonoid

Pages: 1 ... 141142143 144145 ... 449
Tell him him you're convinced that he's not a poor student of English, rather that he has some sort of mental handicap which impairs his ability to use language of any kind.

The Flood / Re: Seriously, fuck spiders
« on: September 13, 2016, 07:21:02 AM »
i don't think spiders are known to fondle dicks in particular
They're more into balls.

The Flood / Re: Seriously, fuck spiders
« on: September 13, 2016, 07:18:40 AM »
Lol I live in the home of some of the deadliest spiders in the world.

If you can't get gangrene within two days of being bitten you don't have spiders.

The Flood / Re: this dr phil jonbenet ramsey shit
« on: September 12, 2016, 05:13:11 PM »
What's with you and watching shows about texans.

They're crazy, we get it.
I only watch Walker Texas Ranger ironically
And you watch Dr Phil unironically?
I listen to dr phil in the background when I'm on my computer

usually the tv is just always on
I generally let cartoons or stand up play in the background.

The Flood / Re: this dr phil jonbenet ramsey shit
« on: September 12, 2016, 05:06:55 PM »
What's with you and watching shows about texans.

They're crazy, we get it.
I only watch Walker Texas Ranger ironically
And you watch Dr Phil unironically?

The Flood / Re: this dr phil jonbenet ramsey shit
« on: September 12, 2016, 05:04:51 PM »
What's with you and watching shows about texans.

They're crazy, we get it.

You idiots fail to realize that this is all apart of Soviet Premiere King Obama and his plan to destroy/rule America. He was never on Hillary's side. He'll wait until she's too sick to run for president, and then declare that Trump being president is a national threat, thus declaring martial law and serve as our "President" indefinitely.
I've actually already considered this, and I've talked with friends about it.

There is a good chance that Obama could declare a state of national crisis, which would postpone changes in office until the crisis subsides. From there he'll just pull a Palpatine.

Didn't she tell Trump in her previous rally when he criticized her health to "Dream on"?
Trump has raised concerns about her health which she has refuted, but after this most recent health scare Trump has said he doesn't know anything about Hillary's health, and doesn't want to speculate.

He has stated that the physical wellbeing of both candidates is an important issue, and says he wants to get himself fully examined so both he and the country know where his health stands, and he has called for Clinton to be more transparent about her health, because it really is important. FDR would never have been elected if it was common knowledge he had polio, and we can't rely on a leader who may very well be dying.

Life's rough down in Texas.

Can confirm.

Every Texan knows to lock their doors and windows and put on their anti-poltergeist cowboy hats each night before bed.
This is funny because I sleep with all my doors unlocked and so does pretty much everybody else.

Really? Huh. I could never do that myself. I don't know if that's something many people do where I live. I obviously haven't asked, as people probably wouldn't take too kindly to being asked"so, do you lock your doors at night?".
Well my parents lock their doors, but a lot of people just don't.

I'll occasionally lock mine, but in general you can just walk up to most people's homes and go in.
Of course if you don't know them it gets messy fast.

The Flood / Re: Class I found a present for you
« on: September 12, 2016, 02:48:06 PM »
Looks well loved.

The Flood / Re: Went to court this morning
« on: September 12, 2016, 01:43:03 PM »
Ayy. I also went to court this morning. Good times.
I'm guessing on felony charges of insider trading, which you will be exonerated of because the entire jury is voting for Hillary.

Life's rough down in Texas.

Can confirm.

Every Texan knows to lock their doors and windows and put on their anti-poltergeist cowboy hats each night before bed.
This is funny because I sleep with all my doors unlocked and so does pretty much everybody else.

The Flood / Re: Went to court this morning
« on: September 12, 2016, 01:00:47 PM »

The Flood / Re: Went to court this morning
« on: September 12, 2016, 12:49:38 PM »
How much were they holding you on?
I could've faced six months.

The Flood / Re: Went to court this morning
« on: September 12, 2016, 12:44:37 PM »
What were the charges?
Organized Crime: Retail Theft
So why did you spend time in county? No bail?
Yeah, I didn't have money for bail.
Isn't going without a lawyer supposed to be fucking dumb?

Or was the evidence so overwhelmingly in your favor that it really was unnecessary?
I originally had an attorney, but she was a lazy fuck so I fired her.

And no, I cut a deal to testify against my associates in exchange for the prosecution to basically be really shitty at their jobs. It was too late to enter a deal where the charges would be dropped, since my shit lawyer got too far into the trial without coming up with this option, so they just fudged being shit.

The jokes on them though, I only had two associates, and myself and one other were not involved in the crime the third committed, and he already pleaded guilty and served his sentence.

So basically I just got a nark deal to do the opposite of nark, and actually exonerate my homie in the process.

The Flood / Re: Went to court this morning
« on: September 12, 2016, 12:36:56 PM »
What were the charges?
Organized Crime: Retail Theft

The Flood / Went to court this morning
« on: September 12, 2016, 12:34:20 PM »
As many of you know, in April I was arrested and went to jail for one month.

Today, acting Pro Se (no lawyer) I was found not guilty.

Or in other words: Jim and Azu, fuck you I'm never going back.

The Flood / Re: I just discovered something amazing
« on: September 12, 2016, 03:47:08 AM »
My top results are people cussing at me, calling me names, or complaining about broken shit.

Thanks, guys. You're so rad and stuff.
Shut the fuck up and fix the search bar, you stupid nigger.

but even listening to the audio it just seems crass and insensitive to me.

Not a real surprise coming from the man who's first tweet after the Orlando shooting was "Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!"

He's right, though. What's wrong with what he said?

After news breaks that 100+ citizens of a country you want to lead have been shot, your first public announcement should not be "Appreciate the congrats on being right...!"

A correct response would be offering condolences, directing supporters to resources to assist, etc. That's what a leader does (or should do).

Had anyone else in political office done that, they would have been lambasted to high hell.
He literally said, "I appreciate your congratulations, but congratulating me is inappropriate."

The Flood / Re: Bernie Sanders should run for president
« on: September 12, 2016, 02:30:45 AM »
Vince McMahon for president
I said this to one of my friends once and he totally got on board.

Did he pay the people who built this building?
No, he just fired them before they could get their checks.

The Flood / Re: Just fell in love all over again [Coffee Thread]
« on: September 12, 2016, 12:45:58 AM »
I drink Nescafe instant coffee, with two spoonfuls of sugar. I like it decently strong.

Also I drink all kinds of tea, although my favorite is probably Earl Grey.
I'm not gonna knock instant coffee because I drink it sometimes too.

I always have it weakish with just a couple milliliters of half and half and one spoonful of sugar.

I'm poor so it's all I can afford. Plus I don't have a coffee machine.

Personally, I really like the bitterness combined with the sweetness of sugar, so I enjoy it stronger than most would.
You can get a French press for ten bucks and  Folgers in a big can costs about five.

If you've never seen one, its basically a beaker with a handle, and you pour hot water in, then stir in your coffee, and when you're satisfied with the strength, compress the lid, which pushes the grounds to the bottom.

It's cheap and easy, I'm surprised by how much money I've wasted on coffee makers.

The Flood / Re: Just fell in love all over again [Coffee Thread]
« on: September 12, 2016, 12:26:38 AM »
I drink Nescafe instant coffee, with two spoonfuls of sugar. I like it decently strong.

Also I drink all kinds of tea, although my favorite is probably Earl Grey.
I'm not gonna knock instant coffee because I drink it sometimes too.

I always have it weakish with just a couple milliliters of half and half and one spoonful of sugar.

The Flood / Re: what did he mean by this?
« on: September 12, 2016, 12:24:27 AM »
Its as simple as the last line: Art is over.

Their style of sharp, harsh sounds scrambling in your ears was meant to be a caricature of modern music, especially synth-pop.

Pointing out to all the sheep of the world that art is dead because they all have shit taste.

The Flood / Just fell in love all over again [Coffee Thread]
« on: September 12, 2016, 12:20:22 AM »
Bought a French press at an estate sale and wow is this the best coffee I've ever had.

I started with some Classic Swedish Gevalia, and it was divine.

Moved on to some Jet Fuel, by Coffee People, and the flavor is a little thinner, but the caffeine is through the roof, and unlike making it in my Keurig, I actually got all that caffeine to stick.

Def buying some whole beans tomorrow to grind and seek the perfect cup of coffee.

What do you drink?
How strong do you like it?
Cream and sugar?
(I'm down for posts about tea too)

The Flood / Ever want to constantly hear verbatim talk all day?
« on: September 11, 2016, 11:13:17 PM »
You can hear Verbatim's single most intellectual commentary play every time you get a text.

All of his beliefs, opinions, musings, and knowledge summed up for your constant enlightenment.

Become Legend

The Flood / Re: If members had autobiographies, what would they be named?
« on: September 11, 2016, 10:48:58 PM »
I don't live in city housing :/

Close Encounters of the SecondClass
Are you ErikGeo?

because someone named ErikGeo took my clip and posted it on dailymotion
No but I can figure out who is.

btw I'm downloading this, converting to mp3, and setting my text tone to you saying "dood"
Looks like a random guy collecting videos (for some reason) with the words "second" and "class" or videos relating to that. I doubt it was anybody here...
Yeah that's what it seems to be.

The Flood / Re: If members had autobiographies, what would they be named?
« on: September 11, 2016, 10:44:34 PM »
I don't live in city housing :/

Close Encounters of the SecondClass
Are you ErikGeo?

because someone named ErikGeo took my clip and posted it on dailymotion
No but I can figure out who is.

btw I'm downloading this, converting to mp3, and setting my text tone to you saying "dood"

The Flood / Re: If members had autobiographies, what would they be named?
« on: September 11, 2016, 10:39:05 PM »
Stepstools and Wine: a True Turquoise Tale

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