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Messages - Solonoid

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Gaming / Re: Destiny 2 is actually pretty good now
« on: May 09, 2019, 03:55:44 PM »
Yeah it's pretty great. Although Black Armory is the worst expansion in Destiny's history IMO, even worse than The Dark Below. Joker's Wild is alright but I don't have too much interest in playing Gambit anymore. The lore is the most interesting part because it basically confirms Drifter's an incel, making him an infinitely more entertaining character than he was when Forsaken released.

Zero Hour is definitely one of the best things they've added in over a year. The content plan this year hasn't been perfect but it's certainly a lot better than the days of Destiny 1, where you'd get something like The Taken King and then nothing for the next year. Now it feels like there's a substantial amount of stuff to do even if I don't care for some of it.
What did you hate so much about Black Armory?

Gaming / Destiny 2 is actually pretty good now
« on: May 09, 2019, 02:45:13 PM »
I've had a lot of fun with it since Forsaken came out.

Yesterday they released a new exotic quest called Zero Hour which is a lot of fun. Joke's Wild hasn't been abhuge success, but there have been a lot of cool little quality of life adjustments this season. Black Armory was really good. Armor is still ugly as sin, I hope in the next major expansion they add some good looking stuff to the game, but there have been tons of cool guns added.

Is anyone still playing this game in 2019?

The Flood / Re: Detective Pikachu
« on: May 09, 2019, 02:24:14 PM »

The Flood / Re: I've finally started it!
« on: May 09, 2019, 02:19:39 PM »
yeah what verb said

The Flood / Re: I've finally started it!
« on: May 09, 2019, 02:17:21 PM »
How did you come to that conclusion?

I mean, it's one thing to have your grievances with Carmen and then use her trans identity against her because of pre-existing problems (it's still not okay but it's understandable,) it's another to call someone a degenerate because they're using hormone suppliments.

1. I was talking to Cheat, and not about Class
2. Read the post I quoted, titled "Quote from: Cheat on April 25, 2019, 05:24:14 PM"
3. I have never used anyone's gender identity against them. When I'm rude to Class, it has nothing to do with gender identity, transgenderism, sexual orientation, yadda yadda yadda.

You stumbled onto a bit of an inside joke, and I figured if I quoted Cheat's original post, the joke might explain itself.
Maybe I should explain it better?

In a thread I made about appreciating the things you have and not thinking about the things you don't, I mentioned that there really wasn't any point in being jealous of girls who pass better than me because honestly, I look okay. Cheat replied, saying he (she? I'm genuinely confused because of the next part of the story) was surprised to learn I was trans, and "...this fucking site is full of degenerates, I swear.". When Cheat casually mentioned regretting not logging (their?) progress, I repeated  "...this fucking site is full of degenerates, I swear.", because this is the first time I have ever heard that Cheat takes HRT.

I haven't said anything negative about SecondClass in this thread with the exception of calling her "a real jerk".

The Flood / Re: I've finally started it!
« on: May 09, 2019, 11:49:36 AM »

Take pics to track your progress. I was lazy / forgot and didn't and I really regret it on days I'm not sure if it's working or not.
Wait, you've been taking estradiol?
...this fucking site is full of degenerates, I swear.

When did you become such an asshole?
How did you come to that conclusion?
Wait, since when is Solonoid trans too?

...this fucking site is full of degenerates, I swear.
Most of the time I spend on this site these days, admittedly, I spend chagrining Jacob and Hunter.
It should be noted though, I'm not bitter and out for everyone's blood or anything like that.

I really don't have a good reason to hate Jacob, but after so many years of disliking him I also can't find a good reason to stop. As for Hunter, he, or she, or whatever is a real jerk who has done some really shitty things to me.

I guess the portrait I paint of myself is probably overtly negative because aside from the bad things I have to say about those two people, I don't really have very much else to say to any of you anymore. I've become really out of touch with the lives of those of you I used to enjoy interacting with.

Part of it, I guess is that the site has slowed down so much, but really, I don't think anyone has been interested in talking to me for years. I'm self absorbed and have an awful sense of humor, and I probably don't have very many redeeming qualities.

I try to be helpful when I can, but there aren't a lot of opportunities for it, and I usually feel like nobody wants my advice anyway. Sorry if it bums you out.

Maybe it's time to just go away, but this place used to be such a big part of my life that it's really hard to just put it behind me. I don't want to let go, even though there really is... nothing left to say.

The Flood / Re: I've finally started it!
« on: May 09, 2019, 07:49:54 AM »
oh shit

what if cheat really is my sister's girlfriend

The Flood / Re: Anybody Know How To Switch Out A Hard Drive?
« on: May 09, 2019, 06:55:02 AM »
Also, it's a very good idea to upgrade to Windows 10 right now. You people are insane. There's nothing wrong with the OS. Not to mention, Windows 7, being a decade old, is basically an antique at this point. Please STOP using it before January, when security support officially ends.

Windows 10 works great, and there isn't any reason to use anything else.

The Flood / Re: Anybody Know How To Switch Out A Hard Drive?
« on: May 09, 2019, 06:48:34 AM »
If your system won't boot and you absolutely must have the data on the drive, you might want to turn to a data recovery specialist, rather than try to fix the problem yourself. If your data isn't irreplaceable, that option is probably cost prohibitive.

You should boot your system from an Ubuntu USB, if you know anyone who has a computer that can make one, and run a program called GParted. Next you'll want to select the drive and create a GUID Partition Table. This will format your hard disk at a very low level, and from there you should be able to install Windows on it again, which there are innumerable guides for online.

No need to get rid of a perfectly good piece of hardware over a little bit of corrupted data.

The Flood / Re: I've finally started it!
« on: May 08, 2019, 11:11:25 PM »

Take pics to track your progress. I was lazy / forgot and didn't and I really regret it on days I'm not sure if it's working or not.
Wait, you've been taking estradiol?
...this fucking site is full of degenerates, I swear.

The Flood / Re: I've finally started it!
« on: May 08, 2019, 10:28:58 AM »

Take pics to track your progress. I was lazy / forgot and didn't and I really regret it on days I'm not sure if it's working or not.
I'm sorry what the fuck.

The Flood / Re: I am inevitable
« on: May 05, 2019, 10:35:14 PM »
bruh at this point we've all done it
Yeah but you’re fuckin gay hahaha
y-you too

The Flood / Re: I am inevitable
« on: May 05, 2019, 03:33:36 AM »
bruh at this point we've all done it

The Flood / Re: Do You Use A Top Sheet?
« on: May 02, 2019, 03:55:25 PM »
^first of all fuck that's gross

second yeah I use a top sheet, every set of sheets I've ever bought has come with one

The Flood / Re: hey cheat
« on: May 02, 2019, 01:37:06 AM »
yeah fuck you cheat

The Flood / Re: hey cheat
« on: May 01, 2019, 06:08:41 PM »
bruh moment

I think he made two excellent points.
I refuted his first point, and instead of continuing on, he just changed the subject.
I don't feel like you did. Not to mention you don't provide any context for this conversation, so I can only assume you were trying to flex by making it seem like you had this really great job, and he pointed out the reality of the situation, then you went on to talk about how nice the local McDonald's is as if that makes your life glamorous.

Dude, you're not fooling anyone. We know your life is awful and if you've got any sense you probably hate it. Quit putting yourself through a meat grinder and then displaying your lumpy remains on a pedestal. You'll be better off that way.

Unrelated though, why do you do this to yourself?

You hurt yourself so much and remain indignant whenever anyone tells you that what's going on isn't good for you. You hurt the people around you with your destructive behavior, and you always settle for less.

Then you get online and subject yourself to public shaming. You basically carry a sign with you everywhere you go that says "Tell me I'm pathetic."

You don't have to. There's nobody making you continue talking to guys like that, and that homeless guy isn't forcing you to suck his dick and then tell everyone you know about it.

You're a really unhealthy person. I guess I'm sorry for being rude to you for the last year, because now I understand better that hurting me was just collateral damage. You're like a machine thats designed to livestream itself exploding over and over again.

Please grow up, before you wind up dead in a dumpster somewhere.

I think he made two excellent points.

The Flood / Re: I Just Ate Pizza With Mold On It
« on: April 28, 2019, 07:06:19 PM »
most girls: look at my makeup tutorial pls subscribe
gamer girls: I fucking hate Israel
me: actually when it was first marketed, it was just called "Dressing" and was sold by inventor Steve Henson from his home on Hidden Valley Ranch in Alaska. After being acquired by Proctor & Gamble...

Wait, since when is Solonoid trans too?

...this fucking site is full of degenerates, I swear.
dude I've been in hrt for over a year

I just don't talk about it constantly like some people

I don't really believe in the whole "pride" thing, tbh I think it's just an excuse to act like a disgusting pervert

Shit’s important to do. It’s so easy to mentally spiral even if things are going your way to an extent.

I struggle with getting angry at my situation a lot, despite it being a load of inconveniences in a life that’s going my way for the most part. Reflecting on how far I’ve come in terms of my career, social skills and how often I catch up with friends helps to ease that when I catch myself getting in my own head about such things.
yeah the economy around town has been terrible for a few months but it's nice that things are at least better than they sued to be

The Flood / yeah but also fuck you verb
« on: April 23, 2019, 07:12:57 AM »
I see you lurkin

The Flood / sometimes I take for granted how good I've really got it
« on: April 23, 2019, 06:01:08 AM »
there's always gonna be someone who is gonna pass better than me, or has a better job, or lives somewhere nicer, or all kinds of stuff that has been frustrating me but things could be a lot worse

2019 has been the calmest year of my adult life,and I've been in a stable and happy relationship without any emotional/substance abuse, haven't gone hungry at all, I've had a place to live all this time, and I'm surrounded by friends who really care about me

that's a lot for someone like me, since those are things that I historically have never had
my life isn't shooting upward like I'd like, but I'm finally standing on solid ground and I don't appreciate that often enough I think
don't look at this thot
caught u lackin

do you guys ever take a sec to reflect on positive things, and if so, what kind of stuff has been bringing you up or getting you down lately?

The Flood / Re: Hobbs and Shaw OFFICIAL TRAILER 2
« on: April 23, 2019, 04:23:34 AM »
I really appreciate how seriously this movie refuses to take itself.

Hopefully the next one will be even zanier and less plausible.

The Flood / Re: Subject:
« on: April 22, 2019, 02:01:39 PM »
If subject is nothing, might as well talk about anything. How was your day guys?

Really resenting my roommate for moving two kids in all the sudden
tell me about it

the guy who lives in our master bedroom has worked out the rent so that he lives here for free, which used to be fine because he was only here a couple days a month, but he quit his job and now he lives here full time and his kids are always here

and my other employed roommate just quit his job last month and isn't looking for a new one, and the third guy hasn't had a job since I moved in

none of them will stop eating my food and I'm getting pissed off

The Flood / Subject:
« on: April 22, 2019, 09:06:24 AM »

The Flood / Re: Happy kick a stoner day
« on: April 21, 2019, 10:07:13 AM »
Got into an argument with two stoners today about their 9/11 conspiracies. I have now  decided that I support euthanasia. (You may think these guys are trolling but I assure you they are not)
Me in Red
Their Original Post

is this one of those things where you were pretending to be retarded the whole time?


dude that's ACTUALLY him though

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