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Messages - Solonoid

Pages: 1 ... 121314 1516 ... 449
frankly i don't know why anyone cares about their gender to begin with
That's why it's called "Comfortable In Skin"

you can't really understand why some people are uncomfortable if you never have been

Well tbh you'll never be a girl

well yeah, but I know that I won't/can't be
Why the hell not? If I can transition then hell yes you can. You look so much better than me already.
Nono, it's that no one can just become a boy or a girl biologically
The fact that I've been on both sides, essentially, and have seen the actual, noticeable changes in my mood and judgment, leads me to believe that yes, I am a woman.
No, no you have not.
That is 100% placebic.

Anti-androgens work very slowly, and will take several weeks, two in the very least (and then only if you weight like 100lbs) to even begin to suppress testosterone production.

Your brain chemistry hasn't changed just because there's estrogen in there either. It isn't some kind of hard drug that you can feel hit you in a couple of hours, it will take around a week, maybe more for the increased levels to have any effect on your body whatsoever.

It will probably take three months, not three days for your brain to reflect female-like neurological patterns.

Don't get too excited and trick yourself into thinking that you're suddenly a different person because you've got these drugs.
First of all, I immediately did double what my prescription said to do, because doctors will always start you off on the lowest possible dose for liability reasons. I know my body, and I know how big I am, so I'm running two patches and two pills per morning.

And oh damn man, you can't possibly imagine how different I feel. You aren't even on HRT so please don't tell me I can't feel them effects.
It does take longer than a few days. I felt a difference probably 1.5 to 2 weeks in. It’s probably placebo if it’s been a few days.
wait are you supposed to feel a difference? Granted I'm only 2.5 weeks in, and all I feel is less depressed and cloudy-minded
that's normal after around three weeks, yes

other than thinking more clearly (although I think my judgement is inferior now), after a few months I started experiencing arousal very differently

not a lot really changes, and you mostly remain yourself
aka - useless

I dont care about looking different, people wont treat me like a girl because I start looking like a mangirl with boobs. I want to feel the way a girl feels but I guess nope that's not even a thing

so glad I checked in with sep7 today

what the fuck is that supposed to mean

if you didn't already feel like a girl then you aren't trans
I thought the whole point of this thread was that drugs don't make you trans
The point of this thread was that people only take you seriously as a trans person if you're on HRT

and lol ok dude - I was still a man before HRT with a male brain, and male chemicals and male chromosomes. Gender Dysphoria isnt feeling like a girl lol, it's feeling like you don't want to be a man. It doesn't magically make you a girl because you want to not be a man. HRT is supposed to be the changer, but now according to you and cheat and your bastions of knowledge on the subject all HRT does is make you look different, which I couldn't care less about

no you fucking retard, gender dysphoria is when you're trapped in a body that belongs to the wrong gender
yes, that could manifest itself as feeling like you no longer want a man's body, but a trans girl isn't a man, regardless of whether she's on hrt or not

there are some minor psychological changes in the form of moods. but what you think a girl "feels" like is beyond me

you claim to be this uber-feminist, but it's starting to look like you don't think of women as other human beings

Well tbh you'll never be a girl

well yeah, but I know that I won't/can't be
Why the hell not? If I can transition then hell yes you can. You look so much better than me already.
Nono, it's that no one can just become a boy or a girl biologically
The fact that I've been on both sides, essentially, and have seen the actual, noticeable changes in my mood and judgment, leads me to believe that yes, I am a woman.
No, no you have not.
That is 100% placebic.

Anti-androgens work very slowly, and will take several weeks, two in the very least (and then only if you weight like 100lbs) to even begin to suppress testosterone production.

Your brain chemistry hasn't changed just because there's estrogen in there either. It isn't some kind of hard drug that you can feel hit you in a couple of hours, it will take around a week, maybe more for the increased levels to have any effect on your body whatsoever.

It will probably take three months, not three days for your brain to reflect female-like neurological patterns.

Don't get too excited and trick yourself into thinking that you're suddenly a different person because you've got these drugs.
First of all, I immediately did double what my prescription said to do, because doctors will always start you off on the lowest possible dose for liability reasons. I know my body, and I know how big I am, so I'm running two patches and two pills per morning.

And oh damn man, you can't possibly imagine how different I feel. You aren't even on HRT so please don't tell me I can't feel them effects.
It does take longer than a few days. I felt a difference probably 1.5 to 2 weeks in. It’s probably placebo if it’s been a few days.
wait are you supposed to feel a difference? Granted I'm only 2.5 weeks in, and all I feel is less depressed and cloudy-minded
that's normal after around three weeks, yes

other than thinking more clearly (although I think my judgement is inferior now), after a few months I started experiencing arousal very differently

not a lot really changes, and you mostly remain yourself
aka - useless

I dont care about looking different, people wont treat me like a girl because I start looking like a mangirl with boobs. I want to feel the way a girl feels but I guess nope that's not even a thing

so glad I checked in with sep7 today

what the fuck is that supposed to mean

if you didn't already feel like a girl then you aren't trans
I thought the whole point of this thread was that drugs don't make you trans

Well tbh you'll never be a girl

well yeah, but I know that I won't/can't be
Why the hell not? If I can transition then hell yes you can. You look so much better than me already.
Nono, it's that no one can just become a boy or a girl biologically
The fact that I've been on both sides, essentially, and have seen the actual, noticeable changes in my mood and judgment, leads me to believe that yes, I am a woman.
No, no you have not.
That is 100% placebic.

Anti-androgens work very slowly, and will take several weeks, two in the very least (and then only if you weight like 100lbs) to even begin to suppress testosterone production.

Your brain chemistry hasn't changed just because there's estrogen in there either. It isn't some kind of hard drug that you can feel hit you in a couple of hours, it will take around a week, maybe more for the increased levels to have any effect on your body whatsoever.

It will probably take three months, not three days for your brain to reflect female-like neurological patterns.

Don't get too excited and trick yourself into thinking that you're suddenly a different person because you've got these drugs.
First of all, I immediately did double what my prescription said to do, because doctors will always start you off on the lowest possible dose for liability reasons. I know my body, and I know how big I am, so I'm running two patches and two pills per morning.

And oh damn man, you can't possibly imagine how different I feel. You aren't even on HRT so please don't tell me I can't feel them effects.
It does take longer than a few days. I felt a difference probably 1.5 to 2 weeks in. It’s probably placebo if it’s been a few days.
wait are you supposed to feel a difference? Granted I'm only 2.5 weeks in, and all I feel is less depressed and cloudy-minded
that's normal after around three weeks, yes

other than thinking more clearly (although I think my judgement is inferior now), after a few months I started experiencing arousal very differently

not a lot really changes, and you mostly remain yourself

it's so effective even its creator fell for it

The Flood / Re: Join my new server! We host fun events!
« on: May 11, 2019, 12:19:59 PM »
i need to find a place where excess negativity IS welcome
some fighting game discord?

don't be mad just because you'll never own the zaibatsu

Hold the fucking phone

funny, but not the same person

The Flood / Re: nvm I'll probs just delete my server
« on: May 11, 2019, 11:49:45 AM »
sol's server (and life) massively outclasses mine, please delete/lock that thread cheat

and yeah cheat + sol were right; hrt is doing nothing for me it's a placebo or just the dxm I was wrong

cant win them all w/e

WTF. HRT works. It’s just way more of a physical change than an emotional one. Yeah, I did feel calmer / more sane after several months, but it was minor. The bigger changes are to your skin and breasts (and fat in general). Chill the fuck out.
ah so its useless then

I dont care about appearances whatsoever


did you literally think it would give you a different personality

The Flood / Re: nvm I'll probs just delete my server
« on: May 11, 2019, 11:26:31 AM »
it's not doing nothing, it's just not doing anything yet

The Flood / bruh this kid is WOKE
« on: May 11, 2019, 11:22:06 AM »

whyyyyyy did youtube disable comments on videos uploaded by minors

The Flood / Re: Join my new server! We host fun events!
« on: May 11, 2019, 10:05:09 AM »
i need to find a place where excess negativity IS welcome
excessive anything is unhealthy, negative or "positive"
seems excessive
oh shit, it might be

The Flood / No guys, join my server instead.
« on: May 11, 2019, 10:04:28 AM »
We have over 5,800 members, and there are only three rules.

1. Be 18+
2. Don't break the law or violate Discord's ToS.
3. Do not participate in Discord Espionage.

Forget that other shit bruh.

The Flood / Re: Join my new server! We host fun events!
« on: May 11, 2019, 10:00:59 AM »
i need to find a place where excess negativity IS welcome
excessive anything is unhealthy, negative or "positive"

Well tbh you'll never be a girl

well yeah, but I know that I won't/can't be
Why the hell not? If I can transition then hell yes you can. You look so much better than me already.
Nono, it's that no one can just become a boy or a girl biologically
The fact that I've been on both sides, essentially, and have seen the actual, noticeable changes in my mood and judgment, leads me to believe that yes, I am a woman.
No, no you have not.
That is 100% placebic.

Anti-androgens work very slowly, and will take several weeks, two in the very least (and then only if you weight like 100lbs) to even begin to suppress testosterone production.

Your brain chemistry hasn't changed just because there's estrogen in there either. It isn't some kind of hard drug that you can feel hit you in a couple of hours, it will take around a week, maybe more for the increased levels to have any effect on your body whatsoever.

It will probably take three months, not three days for your brain to reflect female-like neurological patterns.

Don't get too excited and trick yourself into thinking that you're suddenly a different person because you've got these drugs.
First of all, I immediately did double what my prescription said to do, because doctors will always start you off on the lowest possible dose for liability reasons. I know my body, and I know how big I am, so I'm running two patches and two pills per morning.

And oh damn man, you can't possibly imagine how different I feel. You aren't even on HRT so please don't tell me I can't feel them effects.
I have been on hrt for well over a year, I know what I am talking about.

Gaming / Re: Destiny 2 is actually pretty good now
« on: May 11, 2019, 08:41:30 AM »

Next raid is called "Crown of Sorrow". It'll most likely be set on the Leviathan and at a guess involve Hive given the "Sorrow" in the title and the fact that the Hive are the only enemies in Destiny 2 not to have a raid yet. Unlocks June 4th at Light Level 715.

Season of Opulence will also include a new 6-player matchmade activity and based off of previous announcements will focus on more dungeon-like content, so hopefully we can expect more stuff like Shattered Throne or secret missions like Zero Hour and The Anomaly.
Probably Hive, yeah, but the Vex haven't had a raid since Vault of Glass, and there has never been a Scorned raid, not that I think anyone wants one.

There are rumors to be two new dungeons on their way sometime this year, one could emerge next season, time will tell.

The six player activity is supposedly codenamed "Dragonslayer". Gambit Prime is known to have been codenamed "Mamba" after the binary snakes on Drifter's jade coin. Personally, I have know idea what Dragonslayer could be an allusion to. It's nigh impossible that it could have anything to do with the Ahamkara, since Riven is only so freshly in the ground and believed to be the last of them, not to mention that the difficulty of fighting one should be at raid level.

I'm really hoping for a Vex dungeon. Vault of Glass is still one of my favorite raids, and I'd like to see them work more with the mechanics of the Vex, since they have been ridiculously underutilized in Destiny 2. They can have an interesting impact on the world around them, and when they're used the way they were in CoO, the enemy type just isn't done justice.
If you count Eater of Worlds then the Vex have technically had a D2 raid. But yeah, the Vex haven't really done anything since vanilla D1. Really they should be one of the bigger threats seeing as they can literally time travel and simulate timelines but for the most part they've been pretty useless, even in Curse of Osiris.
The good news is, Quria seems to be an interesting enemy. A Vex mind of the same archetype as Panoptes, and responsible for facilitating the curse on the Dreaming City, there may be a Dungeon in which we finally address the threat of Quria, Blade Transform.

So there will likely be redemption for the Vex.

The Flood / Re: You are now starring in a porno.
« on: May 11, 2019, 08:30:31 AM »
It was in moon runes....Ah

Not the name of the last porno you watched...

Gaming / Re: Destiny 2 is actually pretty good now
« on: May 11, 2019, 08:21:27 AM »

Next raid is called "Crown of Sorrow". It'll most likely be set on the Leviathan and at a guess involve Hive given the "Sorrow" in the title and the fact that the Hive are the only enemies in Destiny 2 not to have a raid yet. Unlocks June 4th at Light Level 715.

Season of Opulence will also include a new 6-player matchmade activity and based off of previous announcements will focus on more dungeon-like content, so hopefully we can expect more stuff like Shattered Throne or secret missions like Zero Hour and The Anomaly.
Probably Hive, yeah, but the Vex haven't had a raid since Vault of Glass, and there has never been a Scorned raid, not that I think anyone wants one.

There are rumors to be two new dungeons on their way sometime this year, one could emerge next season, time will tell.

The six player activity is supposedly codenamed "Dragonslayer". Gambit Prime is known to have been codenamed "Mamba" after the binary snakes on Drifter's jade coin. Personally, I have know idea what Dragonslayer could be an allusion to. It's nigh impossible that it could have anything to do with the Ahamkara, since Riven is only so freshly in the ground and believed to be the last of them, not to mention that the difficulty of fighting one should be at raid level.

I'm really hoping for a Vex dungeon. Vault of Glass is still one of my favorite raids, and I'd like to see them work more with the mechanics of the Vex, since they have been ridiculously underutilized in Destiny 2. They can have an interesting impact on the world around them, and when they're used the way they were in CoO, the enemy type just isn't done justice.

Gaming / Re: Destiny 2 is actually pretty good now
« on: May 11, 2019, 05:49:17 AM »
Niobe Labs is genuinely the worst designed encounter in this entire series holy shit.
to be fucken honest, all of the riddle shit and shoot the picture crap in black armory was over the top and terrible

whoever wrote Black Armory needs to lay off the crack

Well tbh you'll never be a girl

well yeah, but I know that I won't/can't be
Why the hell not? If I can transition then hell yes you can. You look so much better than me already.
Nono, it's that no one can just become a boy or a girl biologically
The fact that I've been on both sides, essentially, and have seen the actual, noticeable changes in my mood and judgment, leads me to believe that yes, I am a woman.
No, no you have not.
That is 100% placebic.

Anti-androgens work very slowly, and will take several weeks, two in the very least (and then only if you weight like 100lbs) to even begin to suppress testosterone production.

Your brain chemistry hasn't changed just because there's estrogen in there either. It isn't some kind of hard drug that you can feel hit you in a couple of hours, it will take around a week, maybe more for the increased levels to have any effect on your body whatsoever.

It will probably take three months, not three days for your brain to reflect female-like neurological patterns.

Don't get too excited and trick yourself into thinking that you're suddenly a different person because you've got these drugs.

The Flood / You are now starring in a porno.
« on: May 11, 2019, 05:19:08 AM »
It has the same name as the last movie you watched.

What is it called?
What happens in it?

Mine is Sorry to Bother You.
I don't know how "An incel tries to talk to Stacy, and she fucks him to get revenge on her boyfriend Chad." incorporates me, but that's what I imagine an adult film with that title would be about


This you ma'am?

has money for srs, but not electro, or at least laser?

bruh, Treasure Planet and Atlantis were BORN for live action remakes

why do they insist on only doing the movies nobody wanted them to remake

When I saw the previews before Endgame started, this was the trailer that got literally no reaction from the audience compared to the other ones.
my god

now, I've heard of people clapping during movies
most people where I live are decent enough human beings that I've never experienced it

but imagine living in an area...

an area so degenerate

so out of touch with basic human decency

where the people are so as goblins

that THEY CHEER during the fucking TRAILERS

Well tbh you'll never be a girl

well yeah, but I know that I won't/can't be
Why the hell not? If I can transition then hell yes you can. You look so much better than me already.
Nono, it's that no one can just become a boy or a girl biologically
Funny how people only ever care about biology when it comes to trans people

No one has ever said "damn dude, look at the X chromosomes on that chick"
but people pretty much constantly tell women "I wanna put babies in you"

Well tbh you'll never be a girl

well yeah, but I know that I won't/can't be
Why the hell not? If I can transition then hell yes you can. You look so much better than me already.
Nono, it's that no one can just become a boy or a girl biologically
people call me a terf when I say "yeah, you can be a girl, but you will never be female"

Serious / *ahem*
« on: May 10, 2019, 01:33:35 PM »

Friend Like Me wasn't my favorite song in Aladdin, but I definitely like the original better :/

Gaming / Re: Destiny 2 is actually pretty good now
« on: May 10, 2019, 11:12:45 AM »
I just restarted the campaign on Hunter, so I didn't bother taking pics since she's just decked out in blue gear.

The Flood / Re: Meme thread
« on: May 10, 2019, 07:56:57 AM »

Gaming / Re: Borderlands 3
« on: May 09, 2019, 03:58:10 PM »
Hope it has the same charm of the first.

2 was ruined by the references and humour, otherwise great.
I actually agree that the humor in Borderlands 2 was pretty cringy.

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