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Messages - Solonoid

Pages: 1 ... 125126127 128129 ... 449
The Flood / Re: "yer a big pirate"
« on: September 30, 2016, 03:05:43 PM »

Serious / Re: Earth passes 400 PPM Carbon Dioxide Threshold
« on: September 30, 2016, 02:38:35 PM »
And now everyone's an environmentalist. lol
For real, 400 ppm is minuscule.

And nitrogen is 780,000 ppm in our atmosphere and is equally, if not more effective at trapping radiant heat than CO2.

Serious / Re: Earth passes 400 PPM Carbon Dioxide Threshold
« on: September 30, 2016, 02:32:31 PM »
Hey geniuses, the Atlantic ocean grows outward because of tectonic birth at the Marianas Trench, not because of global warming.

The Pacific ocean is going to shrink simultaneously, wise guys.

Can I ask where in Fortune magazine you got these numbers? More specifically, which article(s)?
Cover story for the September 15, 2016 issue

The Flood / Honestly
« on: September 30, 2016, 02:26:31 PM »
At this point I'm okay with Obama for a third term.

The Flood / Re: Charlie Sheen invites you to a party
« on: September 30, 2016, 02:00:33 PM »
"Hit it off"
"You like cocaine and hookers too?"

The Flood / Re: Ok, Who's turn is it to wake the guy from Greenday up?
« on: September 30, 2016, 01:45:09 PM »
I think it's Tre Cool's turn.

Me and Mike Dirnt did it like five years in a row.

The Flood / Re: Charlie Sheen invites you to a party
« on: September 30, 2016, 12:35:18 PM »

The Flood / Re: The dream comes true.
« on: September 29, 2016, 02:13:15 PM »
She's actually Palestinian and is in with the jihadists.
Doesn't matter.

Every fight is a good fight in the middle east.

I wouldn't care if she was a black supremacist, I'm for the side that uses tactical lolis.

To begin, Hillary Clinton is calling for growth balanced by fairness, which sounds good verbally, but how odes it look on paper?

The Clinton campaign has raised $249.5 million, as opposed to Trumps's campaign fundraising of $8.9 million.

Of this, a little over one fifth was donated by private individuals, weighing in at $58.9m
$123.8m, comes from financial institutions, ideological parties, lobbyists, and miscellaneous businesses.
$30.7m comes from communications and tech, (emails lol)

Why have so many businesses decided to place their confidence in Clinton?
According to the campaign, it's based on four months of counseling she received from prominent businessmen and consultation with major economic moguls, before she even announced her candidacy. We're not really sure what that means, but yes, she's talked with the people who donated ad nauseum about their view of our country's economic future.

Clinton's tax/spending plan is projected to create a deficit of 746 billion every year, with projected revenues of $1.46 trillion, and spending of $2.21T, including $1T to be spent on college ($500b), paid family leave ($300b), and the early childhood initiative ($200b).

Corporate taxes cover $471b, leaving $1T to be paid for by the american people, and stil $746b unpaid for.
$217b goes to something she call the Repatriation of Overseas profits, or in otherwords, she intends to follow through with the very plan she reprimanded during the debate, but to a lesser extent.

That's right, even fewer corporate taxes than Donald Trump promised.

The securities and investment industry has paid in $47.5 million to her campaign, compared to the $346,000 donated to trump.

In short, Clinton's economic agenda is more in the traditional conservative vein of big business than any in history, and her corporate tax cuts are set to cost the American people $4,000,000,000,000 out of pocket over the course of her presidency, while creating an additional deficit of $3,000,000,000,000.

source: Fortune magazine
I'll also say that this issue of Fortune was jam packed with recognition and glorification of women in the business world, and it's one of the more left leaning financial journals, so these numbers might as well have come from NBC.

Unless guns are being put to people's heads, I'm afraid you can't come close to making that argument.
Guns are not a method of persuasion, they are a tool of extermination.

You should never point a gun at anything you don't intend to kill, and you should never compromise in the threat of gun violence in the belief you won't be shot, because you more than likely still will.
i too love being semantic for the sake of it

you're wrong i'm right the end
I'm not entirely sure you've ever been objectively correct about anything.

Unless guns are being put to people's heads, I'm afraid you can't come close to making that argument.
Guns are not a method of persuasion, they are a tool of extermination.

You should never point a gun at anything you don't intend to kill, and you should never compromise in the threat of gun violence in the belief you won't be shot, because you more than likely still will.

The Flood / Re: The dream comes true.
« on: September 29, 2016, 08:52:12 AM »
Sign me RIGHT the fuck up

The Flood / The dream comes true.
« on: September 29, 2016, 08:40:09 AM »

Tactical lolis fighting against ISIS.

You can just sign me the fuck up right now.

Can we just ban people with shit taste already.

Maybe people shouldn't be posting things which results in people making fun of them. Roman was basically asking to be made fun of due to the cringy threads he posted and his posts in other threads. It's hard to not make fun of a person like Roman when he not only thinks land whales are 10/10 material, but he also posted a thread about him injuring his dick.
Yeah that's why I said being mean to Roman was okay.

Serious / Re: What is even going on anymore?
« on: September 29, 2016, 06:30:25 AM »
Do you think things will ever go back to normal?
From now on, this is normal.

We're in too deep. There's no going back.

The Flood / If you think about it
« on: September 29, 2016, 06:26:30 AM »
You're kinda always in space.

Its a rite of passage, if you can't face the heat, get the fuck outta the fire.
Rite of passage my ass most of these dickheads were nobodies on they shouldn't be administering the rites.

Be a douche to self absorbed, overly proud assholes like Roman.

This is the reason people leave this forum all the time, you're a bunch of insufferable cunts to people who have already done the job of putting themselves in their place for you.

Just leave britney alone you faggots.

The Flood / Re: Spotify in talks to buy SoundCloud
« on: September 29, 2016, 12:20:47 AM »
Oh hell yeah.

This will likely help independent musicians reach a bigger audience.

The Flood / Re: Penn Jillete on his 100lb weight loss.
« on: September 28, 2016, 04:48:35 PM »
Fuck he looks weird now.
Yeah, he looks older, but also much more dignified.

The Flood / Re: I got a papercut while writing my suicide note.
« on: September 28, 2016, 03:09:20 PM »
Don't do it. I enjoyed our conversation.
It's a joke familio

The Flood / Who will play Hillary in the inevitable biopic?
« on: September 28, 2016, 09:34:58 AM »
My money is on Emma Thompson, the crazy seer teacher from Harry Potter.


It's not okay to force your lifestyle and values on others.

Yes it is. How else am I supposed to convert the world to white nationalism?
You educate them of the merits of the alt-right, and let them join on their own.

If they refuse still, you don't force them to agree, you just kill them.

It's not okay to force your lifestyle and values on others.
Yes it is--but that's not what they're doing.
It's exactly what they're doing.

And fyi, doing so is called a forced meme, something you've always hated iirc.

I imagine they see it as similar to wearing human skin; surely you wouldn't tolerate someone doing so in public. And really, the fur trade is absolutely worth reviling.
They also probed her about eating meat and then rebuked her for it.

It's not okay to force your lifestyle and values on others.
It's not okay when conservatives do it, and it's not okay when liberals do it.

If there's a tribe somewhere that uses the carcasses of their deceased in utilitarian ways similar to how many native american tribes used every part of the buffalo, then that's their business, I'm not going to go over there and make them stop.

There's nothing sacred about the human body, or the bodies of any other creatures.

I can't believe there are actually people who go around harassing little old ladies.

The Flood / Re: Whenever I hear people talking about Sep7agon
« on: September 28, 2016, 06:56:45 AM »
I mean for fucks sake. I'm not even posting in this thread to white knight anymore. This shit is just getting way to fucking old and irritable.

I've tried helping you so many fucking times in TFS, and in RA, and by god look at what you have become. You are literary impossible to deal with. Granted I have insecurities and I've lost a lot of confidence to be good at something recently, but at least I'm not as bad as you.

And guess what? I still debate whether or not I should kill myself everyday, and yet I'm still here because at least I have people in life that do care about me.

You need to actually surround yourself with people that actually care about you and I think you need to get help as well, because this is not fucking normal.

Unless you plan on looking at yourself and changing, no one is going to fucking like you for who you are. Every fucking time you make a thread about this shit, it is super predictable and cringeworthy to read, because I know the end result is going to be something stupid.

And as for Sep7agon? They're just sitting back and eating popcorn laughing at you while you cry. That's the fucking truth.

Fucker. Grow the fuck up and grow a pair of balls or get your man card revoked and become a trans testicle if you're going to keep whimpering like a pussy.

The Flood / Whenever I hear people talking about Sep7agon
« on: September 28, 2016, 05:41:00 AM »
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Sep7agon, is in fact, Autism/Sep7agon, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Autism plus Sep7agon. Sep7agon is not an community unto itself, but rather a substrate for retarded communication provided by Cheat, Isara, and Focnr.
Many computer users run a modified version of the Sep7agon website every day, without realizing their themes are shit. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Autism which is widely used today is often called “Sep7agon”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically Autism, created by [s4s]. There really is a Sep7agon, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the idiocy they use.
Sep7agon is the medium: the program in the system that allocates the community's comments to the other computers that other users run. Sep7agon is an essential part of an Autistic communication, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete community. Sep7agon is normally used in combination with Autism: the whole system is basically Autism with Sep7agon added, or Autsim/Sep7agon. All the so-called “Sep7agon” themes are really distributions of Autism/Sep7agon.

Welcome back, Brute.

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