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Messages - Solonoid

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Gaming / Re: Destiny 2 is actually pretty good now
« on: May 14, 2019, 07:58:48 PM »
Never would solely because I can't use the products of a developer who thinks it's totally reasonable to release a sub-par product then update it to being passable then gets a ton of praise for "fixing" what they themselves screwed up in the first place. Happens with too many games these days.
Wall of Text
That's why they make all the old content free.

You've basically never had to pay for a Destiny Content drop from a year you didn't play in. In Destiny 1, you could get all year 1 content for free with The Taken King, and all year 1 & 2 content free with Rise of Iron. In Destiny 2, the base game actually became free when Forsaken launched, and Forsaken came with all year 1 content if you decided to buy it. Come September, I'm certain you'll be able to get all D2 year 1, 2, and annual pass content free with the year 3 dlc.

It's not their fault that idiots pre-order games, or buy them without hearing what people have to say about them first.

Frankly though, Destiny 2 arrived to massive praise for its new campaign. I felt that it really set itself apart from D1 with its storytelling oriented approach to... well... the story. And the critics agreed. It wasn't until later that the luster began to fade, as people realized that there wasn't much to do after the game was completed. That doesn't mean the game was bad by any stretch, it just means that people got what they asked for, and realized that they also wanted what they already had.

The first season pass released with actual warnings not to it.

Curse of Osiris and Warmind went over like a fart in church, and if you pre-ordered them, yeah, I bet that sucked.

But what's the point of all this?

It doesn't hurt you at all to not spend that $40 and spend six months playing some other game. All you have to do is ask questions about what you're buying before you buy it, and if at the end of the day you looked at Curse of Osiris on day one, and read the reviews warning you it was abysmal, and decided "I wanna play this DLC now for $20 and not later for free." then that's the decision you've made.

But nobody tricked anyone into making it, and nobody deserves to be chagrined for working hard to make things better.

Lord knows I didn't spend any money on the first season pass, but I'm also not so tied up in feeling like I'm owed something that I can't enjoy the game now that it's a decent amount of fun to play, and especially now that the world has so much to do in it.

The Flood / Re: Book thread 2k19
« on: May 14, 2019, 07:30:56 PM »
oh, and Raymond Carver is worth a shot too

The Flood / Re: Book thread 2k19
« on: May 14, 2019, 07:28:51 PM »

ever read Blood Meridian?

Sorry I'm short on recommendations, I don't really read fiction anymore, I feel that it's melodramatic and meaningless.

Who's gender is what anymore holy shit I'm out of touch
I think it doesn't matter.

The Flood / Re: My girlfriend left me for for like 3 other people
« on: May 13, 2019, 11:29:37 PM »
I think I don't like you.

The Flood / Re: Can we all come together in solidarity?
« on: May 13, 2019, 11:51:05 AM »
Any lines I've mentioned about suicidal idealation were merely poetic and you can't use them against me lmao. I literally caught a threat from you and snapshotted it, so don't dig yourself even further
Just because you don't want help doesn't mean we won't help you.

The Flood / Can we all come together in solidarity?
« on: May 13, 2019, 11:44:00 AM »
SecondClass needs our help.

She has been talking a lot about wanting to kill herself lately, and she needs to be told that if she seeks help, things will get better. But she doesn't want help, so please, help her out by showing support for her here.

You know that things have spiraled out of control lately, so any encouraging words you have will really help.

The Flood / Re: YIKES
« on: May 13, 2019, 11:39:49 AM »

The Flood / Re: Solonoid actually called the Asheville PD on me LOL
« on: May 13, 2019, 10:28:55 AM »
I'm trying to help you, and I haven't given up yet.

I'm working on getting you help.

I know you don't want it, but things can get better for you.

I'm not the only one who thinks this can't be a coincidence right.
I’d shoot everybody in this thread if I knew I could get away with it.
I'd welcome that

Maybe someday we can do like an assisted suicide thing in a state where it's legal and you wouldn't even have to worry about the law.

idk, I sound dumb just something worth staying positive and hopeful about

go lie down on some train tracks
Ah damn, you're smart. I never thought about that option. That would be quick, poetic, and apt. That's probably what I'll do when I do it. I would have to do something to knock me unconscious or else I know I'd pussy out though. Thanks for this; I hope you've been doing well. I know we've had our problems in the past but I sincerely hope your life has been ok.
I figured I'd stop and try to find John, because honestly I looked pretty nice and I wanted to tell him that I started HRT. I went down the tracks to find him, but couldn't. I figured I'd walk up to the second bridge and have a little reprieve there, see if anyone was headed this way, and then head back.

But what I found at the second bridge was so fucking disturbing and fucked up. At first I thought there were two of them, but then I realized it was just two halves of the same body. There was a dead cat there. She was so fucking fresh - she couldn't have died more than twenty minutes from when I got there. I think the train probably hit her. I was so sad.

Gaming / Re: Destiny 2 is actually pretty good now
« on: May 13, 2019, 09:37:13 AM »
Titan Alternate

Looking forward to opulence, gonna give it a try on day one with some friends
I really wish there was another emblem for doing the Zero Hour time trial on heroic.

I don't want to hate you, but you make it impossible not to. How can you honestly claim you don't hurt everyone around you, and then in the next breath claim you're responsible for the death of some girl.

Get help before you kill anything, or anyone, else.

If Sol had any compassion in her black heart left at all, this would be the time where she grows the fuck up and apologizes to me. But nope - she just has to make it about herself, follow the bullies, and keep up the status quo to look cool. What a person she turned out to be. Such a spoiled, entitled, little princess who thinks she runs the fucking world and everything is catered to her whims. Someday she'll get a reality check and it will be oh so satisfying to see it happen. Her luck won't last too much longer - bad people are the ones who no one likes in the end, no matter what clout or materials they've gained from being bad.
What on earth would I ever apologize to you for.

You're murdering small animals, performing sex work for drugs, and children live in the same space as you. Someone has to do something.

just in case, should I send them to the address at Sul**** ******* or Sha******* **?

I'm calling the police.

I know that you've been arrested before and that they will be able to find you.

page 2

can i get hrt but it replaces all my flesh
is that what Raiden in mgs takes to be such a shiny boi

yeah shocker, people use HRT just to look more feminine and prettier, not to actually feel like a woman! Shouldn't have come as a shock to me. I was having hope but nah - society just cares about looks. That's all there is, that's just how the story goes. You need to look good or else you're trash and even HRT itself thinks thats the only reason why you want on it. Great.
maybe you can describe it to me

what do you think a girl feels like
No idea! Never been one! I'd hope not being angry all the time, not hating your own body all the time, not being so filled with hate and rage and senseless violence. But no - HRT just makes you look cute, that's all it's for.
tbh i've felt a lot less angry and frustrated since i've started, so at least give it a shot before you pass it off as doing nothing
what I told her, and exactly what I told her, was that nothing had changed because she'd only been taking hrt for three days, and it would take weeks for these minor changes in mood to appear, and months to reach full strength

of course, SecondClass has no concept of a drug that takes longer than an hour to alter your mind, and also no concept of a drug that doesn't change your mind in an extreme way

I am willing to put money on it that she thinks all biological females are ditzy and cloudy brained, and constantly giggly. To SecondClass, this isn't treatment for dysphoria, this is just another drug.

also stop it, I'm not perfect and my life is almost as garbage as yours is, I don't want flattery and I won't accept it from you
you do have a pretty admirable mindset tho
thanks, I try to stay positive more these days and talk about how things are going to get better, but staying grounded in reality is important too
also stop it, I'm not perfect and my life is almost as garbage as yours is, I don't want flattery and I won't accept it from you
LOL. If you think your life is bad you are just a spoiled person lol. I'm not fucking flattering you, I'm pointing out that you have it all yet still lord over us. Like yeah, I get it. You're amazing. Great stuff buddy!
I know this is hard for you to understand, but I have REAL problems in my life other than whether or not people like me on the internet, or whether or not I'm being treated like a PURCHASABLE OBJECT often enough

I don't want to talk about everything ailing me right now, but your misplaced envy is really pissing me off
If you have the option of having someone pay for the privilege of fucking you because they find you that attractive, you don't have real problems. Hahaha what are your fucking problems? My family is getting kicked out of our house. I'd be flattered if someone wanted to have sex with my disgusting body, let alone pay me five grand for the honor of it. You're a child.
I'm a child, but you think of women as non-human objects to be bought and sold and that's a completely mature way to think, right?

No I should just take the money and when my boyfriend finds out I can just tell him, "Hey I love you and everything but neither our relationship nor the dignity of all women and especially all trans-women aren't worth $5,000 to me."

If a woman was offering a guy five grand to do the same, he'd be an idiot not to as well. Gender is MEANINGLESS in this scenario, don't try to paint me as a misogynist just because you're so coddled that A) you have some man taking care of you and B) even if you didn't, you could easily fucking get five grand just for getting off with someone who likes your body. Fucking disgusting dude. You are so entitled and privileged and I'm starting to not even feel bad anymore after seeing the person all that suffering made you into. Suffering is supposed to form you into a better, more tolerant person, but it seems as soon as you got the chance at the good life you certainly hopped ship and clung to that. You're just like my sister lol. Fucking it enjoy it please, and for God's sake, stop fucking complaining.

my boyfriend doesn't take care of me, retard

we're partners in a relationship, and he's going to college right now, so I'm actually the breadwinner, and I'm fine with that

I'm happy because we love each other and I'm not willing to throw away what we have for some cheap payout.

Being in pain has strengthened my resolve, and any healthy person would agree that whoring yourself out is weak, disgusting, and a sign of maladjustment.

I refuse to let the fact that life has been a little hard turn me into a stereotypical ladyboy sex worker, and someone like you with no respect for those close to them, for their own body, or for themself in general can never understand that.

ngl I'd be weirded the fuck out if I was sol and someone offered me like, 12x the going rate of a tg hooker around here.

that just screams "you gonna end up the dead person on some Investigation Discovery program" to me
that's another very good point, and something I mentioned to the guy when I turned him down

Serious / Re: *ahem*
« on: May 11, 2019, 03:55:43 PM »
I've heard some people  have been attempting to associate pro UBI Yang with the alt-right because of the memes.

I really hate this idea that internet meme culture is somehow a right-wing phenomenon.
Yang is proof that the left can meme.

The Flood / Re: bruh this kid is WOKE
« on: May 11, 2019, 03:52:55 PM »
Anyone that wears Che Guevara shirts should be beheaded
did you watch the video

Oh, which is not to mention, that being a sex object that you can RENT just instantly trivializes all the fucked up shit that has happened and continues to happen in my life.

No I'm charmed because some incel with too much money thinks he can PURCHASE MY ASS TO FUCK and I should be grateful that he even wants to.

also stop it, I'm not perfect and my life is almost as garbage as yours is, I don't want flattery and I won't accept it from you
you do have a pretty admirable mindset tho
thanks, I try to stay positive more these days and talk about how things are going to get better, but staying grounded in reality is important too
also stop it, I'm not perfect and my life is almost as garbage as yours is, I don't want flattery and I won't accept it from you
LOL. If you think your life is bad you are just a spoiled person lol. I'm not fucking flattering you, I'm pointing out that you have it all yet still lord over us. Like yeah, I get it. You're amazing. Great stuff buddy!
I know this is hard for you to understand, but I have REAL problems in my life other than whether or not people like me on the internet, or whether or not I'm being treated like a PURCHASABLE OBJECT often enough

I don't want to talk about everything ailing me right now, but your misplaced envy is really pissing me off
If you have the option of having someone pay for the privilege of fucking you because they find you that attractive, you don't have real problems. Hahaha what are your fucking problems? My family is getting kicked out of our house. I'd be flattered if someone wanted to have sex with my disgusting body, let alone pay me five grand for the honor of it. You're a child.
I'm a child, but you think of women as non-human objects to be bought and sold and that's a completely mature way to think, right?

No I should just take the money and when my boyfriend finds out I can just tell him, "Hey I love you and everything but neither our relationship nor the dignity of all women and especially all trans-women aren't worth $5,000 to me."

yeah shocker, people use HRT just to look more feminine and prettier, not to actually feel like a woman! Shouldn't have come as a shock to me. I was having hope but nah - society just cares about looks. That's all there is, that's just how the story goes. You need to look good or else you're trash and even HRT itself thinks thats the only reason why you want on it. Great.
maybe you can describe it to me

what do you think a girl feels like

also stop it, I'm not perfect and my life is almost as garbage as yours is, I don't want flattery and I won't accept it from you
you do have a pretty admirable mindset tho
thanks, I try to stay positive more these days and talk about how things are going to get better, but staying grounded in reality is important too
also stop it, I'm not perfect and my life is almost as garbage as yours is, I don't want flattery and I won't accept it from you
LOL. If you think your life is bad you are just a spoiled person lol. I'm not fucking flattering you, I'm pointing out that you have it all yet still lord over us. Like yeah, I get it. You're amazing. Great stuff buddy!
I know this is hard for you to understand, but I have REAL problems in my life other than whether or not people like me on the internet, or whether or not I'm being treated like a PURCHASABLE OBJECT often enough

I don't want to talk about everything ailing me right now, but your misplaced envy is really pissing me off

frankly i don't know why anyone cares about their gender to begin with
For me, gender didn’t really enter into it (ironically). I had issue specifically with my body, how it looked, how it felt, etc. HRT solves a lot of that for me but I’m still not a very feminine person, personality wise.

Obviously everyone is different, though.
I mainly started transitioning because I was and largely still am uncomfortable with my body as well.

I'm not out to most people and don't present as female IRL, but in my romantic pursuits I generally occupy a more feminine gender role, and one day I would like to present socially, but probably not any time soon.

Everyone has their own reasons, and there really isn't a wrong reason to do it, but it's incredible to me that Class got a prescription without knowing anything about what HRT is actually used for.

also stop it, I'm not perfect and my life is almost as garbage as yours is, I don't want flattery and I won't accept it from you

I don't generally have a hard on for "muh pronouns", but don't you know better

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