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Messages - Solonoid

Pages: 1 ... 118119120 121122 ... 449
The Flood / Re: Americans Airlines wins right to weigh passengers.
« on: October 24, 2016, 02:28:01 PM »
Hawaiian is a good airline, I doubt this is for bad reasons.

The Flood / Re: I had only one thought before the slaughter:
« on: October 22, 2016, 06:48:53 PM »
Plot of new wolverine movie friendo

The Flood / Re: >Be a dumbass like me
« on: October 22, 2016, 01:49:11 PM »
If you've played 161 hours on a server and they banned you over that then they probably didn't like you during the other 160 hours either.

The Flood / Re: secondclass is my boyfriend
« on: October 22, 2016, 12:10:03 PM »
Lying whore, everybody knows he's my boo

The Flood / Re: >brother brings home PC
« on: October 22, 2016, 11:47:27 AM »
Desty on suicide watch
Why don't you stroke your ego even more? First you imagine that I'm a cuck, and now you're imagining that I'm frustrated enough to consider suicide. I can tell you're more of a day dreamer than a practical person. pathetic
Fucking hell you take this seriously. Maybe you should see someone about that
Haha take it easy man, no need to be such a buzzkill. I didn't know you took this so seriously. Maybe you should go out and get some friends to have fun with? haha talk to you later
Pay attention gents, this is what we in the industry refer to as "full damage control mode"


except jews don't actually control the world. Nor does the Vatican. Nor do the lizard people.
Blue pill detected.

Those are hi res.

There's nothing even somewhat decent about the quality.

theyre not that bad

but i thought hq=hr so i apologise
Anything depicting a dinosaur of poor taste is automatically low quality.

oh come on

the trans am is a cool car

you dont have to love it like i do but its still sweet looking

same with the delorean but i know you like to shit on the 12 because of its performance issues
The trans am is proof that hillbillies will buy anything if you give it enough horsepower, no matter HOW ridiculous

but so are like 90% of super cars

trans am is not even a fast car. pontiac never made a characteristically fast car. its just a characteristically cool car that ginos bought to look sick.

its got a big motor sure but its a fucking boat compared to the irocz, corvettes and mustangs of the time.

you nitpick a lot bro. cut that shit out.
Stop fetishizing the idea of being a living reliquary.

The Flood / Re: Logan trailer
« on: October 21, 2016, 12:01:51 PM »
Set in 2024, Logan and Professor Charles Xavier must cope with the loss of the X-Men at the hands of a corporation led by Nathaniel Essex. With Logan's healing abilities slowly fading and Xavier's Alzheimer's hampering his memory, Logan must defeat Essex with the help of a young girl named Laura Kinney, a female clone of Wolverine.
Aw, gay.

I never liked X23

Those are hi res.

There's nothing even somewhat decent about the quality.

theyre not that bad

but i thought hq=hr so i apologise
Anything depicting a dinosaur of poor taste is automatically low quality.

oh come on

the trans am is a cool car

you dont have to love it like i do but its still sweet looking

same with the delorean but i know you like to shit on the 12 because of its performance issues
The trans am is proof that hillbillies will buy anything if you give it enough horsepower, no matter HOW ridiculous

but so are like 90% of super cars

The Flood / Re: I'm turning 19 tomorrow.
« on: October 20, 2016, 03:42:15 PM »
Happy birthday, Blaze.

The Flood / Re: nicotine withdrawal
« on: October 20, 2016, 03:41:13 PM »
ive been smoking for months now and i dont feel addicted at all.

being unable to buy my own smokes i have to go sometimes a week or two without so much as a drag and i dont even notice.

sometimes i think smokers exaggerate the addictivity but then maybe i just dont have that gene

You really have to smoke consistently for your body to get addicted. Trust me when I tell you that nicotine is highly addictive and you should probably stop now before this shit affects you permanently.
Bitch please I blow through so much nicotine at once that I literally get high off the shit, but I can just stop for weeks with no symptoms.

I've gotta be hooooked to get a withdrawal these days.

Really sucks because nicotine withdrawals are the bombest fucking body high in the world.

The Flood / Re: Why is stoner culture so cancerous?
« on: October 20, 2016, 03:33:01 PM »
I honestly hate the stoner community.
They're all indignant little shits who are overtly selfish.

I don't even smoke anymore.

Those are hi res.

There's nothing even somewhat decent about the quality.

theyre not that bad

but i thought hq=hr so i apologise
Anything depicting a dinosaur of poor taste is automatically low quality.

The Flood / Re: >brother brings home PC
« on: October 20, 2016, 01:12:29 PM »
He sounds retarded.
I would kick your ass then boot from external disk to do a drive format.

Fuck you for fucking with other people's shit.
I mean, you could probably kick my ass when I'm turned around, but if you go through with it I'd beat your face bloody.
>current year
>tries to be a chad on backwater forum

Literally kill yourself virgin
Oh I'm sorry, did I intimidate you with a textual reply? Did I threaten your feelings of safety? Grow the fuck up, and shut the fuck up.
How would he feel threatened by a douchebag wannabe who lives in a different hemisphere flaccidly issuing threats that aren't even directed at him.
Then why did he speak up against me just saying I'd kick your ass back? It didn't warrant a response, yet he responded. The response probably made his heart rate go up and thus he felt compelled to type out some generic reply about me trying to be some chad, then telling me to kill myself.

I've spent 50% of potential time on you. I could go all the way and type out why he'd feel threatened, but I'm not gonna.
Maybe because I wasn't just pulling punches and you really ARE a douchebag and I'm not the only person on the site calling you out for it?
Nah, he ain't a whiteknight. If he was gonna stand up to me in this situation because I'm treating you badly, that'd be him defending you.

Either I was right, or you are and he's a whiteknight. Both are plausible.
Calling you out as a douche doesn't make someone a white knight, and he certainly wasn't defending me.

The fact is you're a tiny autistic manchild who's too full of himself and everyone here knows.
You're deluding yourself if you think basically stealing your brother's computer was cool, and you're even more jaded if you think anybody calling you out on the way you handle yourself is part of some white knight attention whoring.

Batch and I pretty much hate each other, so if he's calling you a lifeless virgin wannabe chad then it's not for my benefit.

How about instead of claiming that everyone else is the problem you take a look at yourself and stop being such a poser asswipe.
How about next time you leave out your "power trip" where you bend the facts to suit your theories?

You're wrong, and it doesn't matter how many times you say otherwise, Batch did defend you. The question is did he do it because he wanted to protect you, or because he felt intimidated by me? When I say intimidated I don't mean scared shitless, I mean you get a feeling of danger. When someone tells you that he's gonna beat you 'til your death, even though you surpass that person in every possible way, you might get intimidated; not by his threat, but by his spirit. The thought of being defeated by this person doesn't cross your mind, but for some reason there is a small hint of intimidation invoked in you. It's a sort of restlessness.


but muh manifest destiny melting pot
Exactly. This is the white man's land now. Darkies get out.
I'm more American than you
>shitskins actually believe this

Those are hi res.

There's nothing even somewhat decent about the quality.

Does that look like an Ecuadorian to you?
Don't question me or I'll have you deported.
I'd like to see you try
Alright faggot, you're going back to Honduras.
I doubt I'm even related to anyone in these countries
Go back to Chile so they can toss you out of a helicopter.
Deporting a fully assimilated half blood born on a US military base who has almost no connection to heritage/culture is pretty unamerican.
I too was born on a US military base brother.

The light left my mother from the bullets of the heretic dogs just as I entered the world.

Allah bring blessings upon you having suffered the same.

Serious / Re: Rip Finland
« on: October 20, 2016, 11:31:28 AM »
But we all nuked Finland when they said they were gonna rat to the space cops.

Also, can't spell Finland without F.

The Flood / Re: Logan trailer
« on: October 20, 2016, 11:27:10 AM »
I've missed out some X-Men films (and basically all of the comics)

Wasn't Xavier disintegrated by a student in her home after he removed a mental block or something? How's he back?
They never explained that, actually.

But he comes back somehow and Logan is shocked at the end of The Wolverine, then they make it so that none of the movies actually happened in DoFP, but they still kind of loosely happened it just didn't end badly.

The Flood / Re: Logan trailer
« on: October 20, 2016, 10:55:59 AM »
So how is logan old
Because fans asked for a gritty old version of an immortal character to rival The Dark Knight Returns and Marvel came up with some bullshit to make it happen.

The Flood / Re: Logan trailer
« on: October 20, 2016, 10:50:45 AM »
Also it's worth noting that this is likely post Scarlet Witch mutation reversion, and that little girl is probably Hope Summers.
We may or may not see Cable in this film.

There was no mutant genocide if this is the case, they merely retroactively ceased to be mutants, with the exception of a few Scarlet Witch deemed worthy.
I thought she was X-23
I couldn't say, but the whole 'all the mutants are gone' thing kind of makes me think we're doing the Mutant Messiah story here.

In any event it can't be proper Old Man Logan since the Hulk definitely won't be in it.

The Flood / Re: Logan trailer
« on: October 20, 2016, 10:34:50 AM »
Also it's worth noting that this is likely post Scarlet Witch mutation reversion, and that little girl is probably Hope Summers.
We may or may not see Cable in this film.

There was no mutant genocide if this is the case, they merely retroactively ceased to be mutants, with the exception of a few Scarlet Witch deemed worthy.

The Flood / Re: Logan trailer
« on: October 20, 2016, 10:27:17 AM »
Can't wait.

My sister and I have seen all of the Wolverine standalones in theatres.
Hopefully this one doesn't put him in a bubble detached from mutantity as much as the last one did.

The Flood / Re: >brother brings home PC
« on: October 20, 2016, 10:14:23 AM »
He sounds retarded.
I would kick your ass then boot from external disk to do a drive format.

Fuck you for fucking with other people's shit.
I mean, you could probably kick my ass when I'm turned around, but if you go through with it I'd beat your face bloody.
>current year
>tries to be a chad on backwater forum

Literally kill yourself virgin
Oh I'm sorry, did I intimidate you with a textual reply? Did I threaten your feelings of safety? Grow the fuck up, and shut the fuck up.
How would he feel threatened by a douchebag wannabe who lives in a different hemisphere flaccidly issuing threats that aren't even directed at him.
Then why did he speak up against me just saying I'd kick your ass back? It didn't warrant a response, yet he responded. The response probably made his heart rate go up and thus he felt compelled to type out some generic reply about me trying to be some chad, then telling me to kill myself.

I've spent 50% of potential time on you. I could go all the way and type out why he'd feel threatened, but I'm not gonna.
Maybe because I wasn't just pulling punches and you really ARE a douchebag and I'm not the only person on the site calling you out for it?
Nah, he ain't a whiteknight. If he was gonna stand up to me in this situation because I'm treating you badly, that'd be him defending you.

Either I was right, or you are and he's a whiteknight. Both are plausible.
Calling you out as a douche doesn't make someone a white knight, and he certainly wasn't defending me.

The fact is you're a tiny autistic manchild who's too full of himself and everyone here knows.
You're deluding yourself if you think basically stealing your brother's computer was cool, and you're even more jaded if you think anybody calling you out on the way you handle yourself is part of some white knight attention whoring.

Batch and I pretty much hate each other, so if he's calling you a lifeless virgin wannabe chad then it's not for my benefit.

How about instead of claiming that everyone else is the problem you take a look at yourself and stop being such a poser asswipe.
Except you made the autistic post first threatening to kick somebody's ass.
I didn't say I was going to do anything.

I said that's what I would do if I were his brother.
I guess the last part wasn't overtly clear.
If you were my brother, you'd kick my ass, and I'd beat your face bloody. I'm trying to convey a simple point here. Also, it's pretty autistic to fight over something like that. Plus you skimmed the OP, or you read it through some lens, because you've clearly gotten the wrong picture.
I read it through this lens:

"I set up my brother's PC for him and decided to password protect it and NOT give him the password and now I'm extorting him if he wants to use it."

I met Nuka in person twice and I don't think it's him.
I've lived with Nuka for fourteen years and I'm kind of on the fence.

The Flood / Re: >brother brings home PC
« on: October 20, 2016, 08:28:32 AM »

The Flood / Re: >brother brings home PC
« on: October 20, 2016, 08:18:59 AM »
He sounds retarded.
I would kick your ass then boot from external disk to do a drive format.

Fuck you for fucking with other people's shit.
I mean, you could probably kick my ass when I'm turned around, but if you go through with it I'd beat your face bloody.
>current year
>tries to be a chad on backwater forum

Literally kill yourself virgin
Oh I'm sorry, did I intimidate you with a textual reply? Did I threaten your feelings of safety? Grow the fuck up, and shut the fuck up.
How would he feel threatened by a douchebag wannabe who lives in a different hemisphere flaccidly issuing threats that aren't even directed at him.
Then why did he speak up against me just saying I'd kick your ass back? It didn't warrant a response, yet he responded. The response probably made his heart rate go up and thus he felt compelled to type out some generic reply about me trying to be some chad, then telling me to kill myself.

I've spent 50% of potential time on you. I could go all the way and type out why he'd feel threatened, but I'm not gonna.
Maybe because I wasn't just pulling punches and you really ARE a douchebag and I'm not the only person on the site calling you out for it?
Nah, he ain't a whiteknight. If he was gonna stand up to me in this situation because I'm treating you badly, that'd be him defending you.

Either I was right, or you are and he's a whiteknight. Both are plausible.
Calling you out as a douche doesn't make someone a white knight, and he certainly wasn't defending me.

The fact is you're a tiny autistic manchild who's too full of himself and everyone here knows.
You're deluding yourself if you think basically stealing your brother's computer was cool, and you're even more jaded if you think anybody calling you out on the way you handle yourself is part of some white knight attention whoring.

Batch and I pretty much hate each other, so if he's calling you a lifeless virgin wannabe chad then it's not for my benefit.

How about instead of claiming that everyone else is the problem you take a look at yourself and stop being such a poser asswipe.
Except you made the autistic post first threatening to kick somebody's ass.
I didn't say I was going to do anything.

I said that's what I would do if I were his brother.
I guess the last part wasn't overtly clear.
Whatever dude you came in the thread getting angry and threatening to kick OP's ass. You don't really have high ground to stand on here.
Except that literally did not happen.

I stand by the sentiment that his brother should kick his ass, and if that were me I would.
No part of that hypothetical equates to me saying I was going to go somewhere and beat the ass of someone from the internet.

And if one of my friends did that you can bet I would kick their shit too, it doesn't matter who's doing it, holding a man's brand new computer for ransom is just a shitty thing that only a major asswipe would do.

The Flood / Re: >brother brings home PC
« on: October 20, 2016, 08:15:09 AM »
He sounds retarded.
I would kick your ass then boot from external disk to do a drive format.

Fuck you for fucking with other people's shit.
I mean, you could probably kick my ass when I'm turned around, but if you go through with it I'd beat your face bloody.
>current year
>tries to be a chad on backwater forum

Literally kill yourself virgin
Oh I'm sorry, did I intimidate you with a textual reply? Did I threaten your feelings of safety? Grow the fuck up, and shut the fuck up.
How would he feel threatened by a douchebag wannabe who lives in a different hemisphere flaccidly issuing threats that aren't even directed at him.
Then why did he speak up against me just saying I'd kick your ass back? It didn't warrant a response, yet he responded. The response probably made his heart rate go up and thus he felt compelled to type out some generic reply about me trying to be some chad, then telling me to kill myself.

I've spent 50% of potential time on you. I could go all the way and type out why he'd feel threatened, but I'm not gonna.
Maybe because I wasn't just pulling punches and you really ARE a douchebag and I'm not the only person on the site calling you out for it?
Nah, he ain't a whiteknight. If he was gonna stand up to me in this situation because I'm treating you badly, that'd be him defending you.

Either I was right, or you are and he's a whiteknight. Both are plausible.

Batch and I pretty much hate each other, so if he's calling you a lifeless virgin wannabe chad then it's not for my benefit.

Mate mate mate

I fucking love you okay
shhh bb he dun need to know that

The Flood / Re: >brother brings home PC
« on: October 20, 2016, 08:10:17 AM »
He sounds retarded.
I would kick your ass then boot from external disk to do a drive format.

Fuck you for fucking with other people's shit.
I mean, you could probably kick my ass when I'm turned around, but if you go through with it I'd beat your face bloody.
>current year
>tries to be a chad on backwater forum

Literally kill yourself virgin
Oh I'm sorry, did I intimidate you with a textual reply? Did I threaten your feelings of safety? Grow the fuck up, and shut the fuck up.
How would he feel threatened by a douchebag wannabe who lives in a different hemisphere flaccidly issuing threats that aren't even directed at him.
Then why did he speak up against me just saying I'd kick your ass back? It didn't warrant a response, yet he responded. The response probably made his heart rate go up and thus he felt compelled to type out some generic reply about me trying to be some chad, then telling me to kill myself.

I've spent 50% of potential time on you. I could go all the way and type out why he'd feel threatened, but I'm not gonna.
Maybe because I wasn't just pulling punches and you really ARE a douchebag and I'm not the only person on the site calling you out for it?
Nah, he ain't a whiteknight. If he was gonna stand up to me in this situation because I'm treating you badly, that'd be him defending you.

Either I was right, or you are and he's a whiteknight. Both are plausible.
Calling you out as a douche doesn't make someone a white knight, and he certainly wasn't defending me.

The fact is you're a tiny autistic manchild who's too full of himself and everyone here knows.
You're deluding yourself if you think basically stealing your brother's computer was cool, and you're even more jaded if you think anybody calling you out on the way you handle yourself is part of some white knight attention whoring.

Batch and I pretty much hate each other, so if he's calling you a lifeless virgin wannabe chad then it's not for my benefit.

How about instead of claiming that everyone else is the problem you take a look at yourself and stop being such a poser asswipe.
Except you made the autistic post first threatening to kick somebody's ass.
I didn't say I was going to do anything.

I said that's what I would do if I were his brother.
I guess the last part wasn't overtly clear.


Oi Cunt

Is this you?

Nuka did make one but that's definitely not him.

That guy looks nothing like bill murray

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