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Messages - Solonoid

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The Flood / Re: You sick sons of bitches...
« on: November 25, 2016, 12:25:07 AM »
There's no telling what Verbatim would do for a Klondike bar
Considering that verbatim is just a character made up by secondclass probably anything.

The Flood / Re: Should I Shave My Legs?
« on: November 21, 2016, 11:16:48 PM »

The Flood / Re: No meme December.
« on: November 21, 2016, 08:39:46 AM »
Not possible, but I can try

The Flood / Re: It's looking like Al Baghdadi and I are done
« on: November 21, 2016, 08:38:04 AM »
Also I'll ask if nobody else will.

It's because you kept begging for it in the ass, right?

The Flood / Re: It's looking like Al Baghdadi and I are done
« on: November 21, 2016, 08:37:04 AM »
What should I photoshop him over?

just shoot my school up fam

The Flood / Re: Not impressed by JJBA
« on: November 21, 2016, 08:06:44 AM »

The Flood / Re: I don't care about GMOs
« on: November 20, 2016, 10:26:27 PM »
Oh, btw, Zen clued me in on this month's ago, when he mentioned that only you were better than him at putting on masks.

But I indulged you anyway, and that was waayyy more fun.

The Flood / Re: I don't care about GMOs
« on: November 20, 2016, 10:24:05 PM »
Welcome home buddy.

I missed you.

The Flood / Re: Not impressed by JJBA
« on: November 20, 2016, 10:20:47 PM »
What in the fuck were you expecting?

It's one of those "it's retarded on purpose so you can't hate on it" shows.
Nah you're thinking of stephen universe. JJBA is one of those "It's a genre piece that should be held to it's genre's standards". You don't criticize a comedy for not being scary, that's stupid.
Its genre's standards is to be obnoxious and shitty.

This does not reprieve it from being obnoxious and shitty.
It's not obnoxious and shitty.
Definitely top 5 most obnoxious and shitty anime out there.
But that's wrong
Weeb opinions don't matter.
People that want all of human life to end aren't known to have good opinions either.
The parent does not concern herself with the opinions of her children--only that she knows what's best for them.
And each generation finds, after little time, that their parents are wrong, and those opinions become reliquary.

That's how we as a society keep moving forward.

Not that you're equitable to a parent anyway, nor will you ever be.

The Flood / Re: If you still don't want to accept Trump
« on: November 20, 2016, 12:01:24 AM »
But that's a bad thing.

Well if you want people to die, you should hurry up and get your license
Oh yeah I get it because women can't drive.

The Flood / Not impressed by JJBA
« on: November 19, 2016, 11:59:31 PM »
Animation is lacking, everyone constantly states the obvious, and the characters are so caught up trying to be quirky that they don't really arc well.

The Flood / If you still don't want to accept Trump
« on: November 19, 2016, 04:08:35 PM »
Think of it this way.

At least now, nobody else has to die.

The Flood / Re: Apple shitting the usual
« on: November 17, 2016, 08:10:02 PM »
As videos, images, and audio files get more intricate, the need for bigger and bigger RAM will inevitable increase, and there are a good number of people who choose to do video editing on an Apple. Even if 16GB isn't needed now, when it ultimately is needed we go back to Apple's #1 issue: forcing obsolescence. In the situation of a PC, all you gotta do is turn off your computer, open it up, swap the RAM, and you're good to go. Apple unfortunately doesn't work that way, you are forced to buy a brand new (probably $500-$1500 price range) computer to get a hardware upgrade that maybe might cost $200 at most.

They have a point with the RAM though. Even most PC users -- including gamers -- don't ever need more than 8GB let alone 16GB (most do simply to future-proof and because RAM is dirt cheap). And nobody is gonna try to run AutoCAD on a fucking Apple notebook.

For video processing, GPU + CPU are far more important, and notebooks fail to deliver in general, not just from Apple. Someone that needs to work with video or 3D modeling has no business doing so on an Apple notebook nor a Windows Surface. Like I said, >16GB for typical users (to whom Apple is advertising) is completely unnecessary. Obviously a built PC is a better option for home computing, and I would never buy an Apple laptop for professional or personal use, but that argument can't be hinged on the lack of 32GB of RAM on .14" thick Macbook -- it's predicated on babbys first OS, absurd price, and lack of (other) specs.
I use the latest version of Photoshop with hi-res images, discord, skype, Netflix, and chrome all open at the the same time on 4GB of RAM on a laptop and it runs fine.

I also use multiple 3D modelling platforms simultaneously with Photoshop running for textures, and the Creation Kit, AND I run Skyrim on top of all of it.

There is no reason in the current era to have more than 16GB of RAM.

The Flood / Re: >when you accidently find Flee on a porn site
« on: November 17, 2016, 08:00:32 PM »
Haha, yeah it's funny because his name is mlpfucker and tha-

>country: Belgium
>favorite pony is Fluttershy
>24 years old
>speaks Dutch

So... does Ginger know about your hobby here?
Considering that I didn't even know about it, I kinda doubt it, lol.
For those who don't speak French, allow me to translate:

delet this

The Flood / Re: Apple shitting the usual
« on: November 17, 2016, 07:49:39 PM »
But it doesn't.

The Flood / Re: Anyone else notice how they've made Rohan
« on: November 14, 2016, 08:33:13 AM »
I still don't understand how Rohan is supposedly the capitol of a country. The films present it as a small town at best with a couple hundred residents. It barely has any walls for defence and there aren't even any farms surrounding it to feed the people inside.

Talk about retarded castle design.
It didn't need walls Rohan is defended by the Horse Lords ya dip, and when they need better protection they hole up in the best defended fortress in middle earth.

Further, Rohan is safe from the aggression of Mordor by the strength of Gondor, and their border to the North is well protected by roving riders, and even past all that, if you managed to evade all defences, you would surely be sacked by the men of the hills.

Serious / Bernie is poised to go from independent to full time Democrat.
« on: November 13, 2016, 08:10:17 PM »
And become party leader while he's at it.

Millions of Americans registered a protest vote on Tuesday, expressing their fierce opposition to an economic and political system that puts wealthy and corporate interests over their own. I strongly supported Hillary Clinton, campaigned hard on her behalf, and believed she was the right choice on Election Day. But Donald J. Trump won the White House because his campaign rhetoric successfully tapped into a very real and justified anger, an anger that many traditional Democrats feel.

I am saddened, but not surprised, by the outcome. It is no shock to me that millions of people who voted for Mr. Trump did so because they are sick and tired of the economic, political and media status quo.

Working families watch as politicians get campaign financial support from billionaires and corporate interests — and then ignore the needs of ordinary Americans. Over the last 30 years, too many Americans were sold out by their corporate bosses. They work longer hours for lower wages as they see decent paying jobs go to China, Mexico or some other low-wage country. They are tired of having chief executives make 300 times what they do, while 52 percent of all new income goes to the top 1 percent. Many of their once beautiful rural towns have depopulated, their downtown stores are shuttered, and their kids are leaving home because there are no jobs — all while corporations suck the wealth out of their communities and stuff them into offshore accounts.

Working Americans can’t afford decent, quality child care for their children. They can’t send their kids to college, and they have nothing in the bank as they head into retirement. In many parts of the country they can’t find affordable housing, and they find the cost of health insurance much too high. Too many families exist in despair as drugs, alcohol and suicide cut life short for a growing number of people.

President-elect Trump is right: The American people want change. But what kind of change will he be offering them? Will he have the courage to stand up to the most powerful people in this country who are responsible for the economic pain that so many working families feel, or will he turn the anger of the majority against minorities, immigrants, the poor and the helpless?

Will he have the courage to stand up to Wall Street, work to break up the “too big to fail” financial institutions and demand that big banks invest in small businesses and create jobs in rural America and inner cities? Or, will he appoint another Wall Street banker to run the Treasury Department and continue business as usual? Will he, as he promised during the campaign, really take on the pharmaceutical industry and lower the price of prescription drugs?

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I am deeply distressed to hear stories of Americans being intimidated and harassed in the wake of Mr. Trump’s victory, and I hear the cries of families who are living in fear of being torn apart. We have come too far as a country in combating discrimination. We are not going back. Rest assured, there is no compromise on racism, bigotry, xenophobia and sexism. We will fight it in all its forms, whenever and wherever it re-emerges.

I will keep an open mind to see what ideas Mr. Trump offers and when and how we can work together. Having lost the nationwide popular vote, however, he would do well to heed the views of progressives. If the president-elect is serious about pursuing policies that improve the lives of working families, I’m going to present some very real opportunities for him to earn my support.

Let’s rebuild our crumbling infrastructure and create millions of well-paying jobs. Let’s raise the minimum wage to a living wage, help students afford to go to college, provide paid family and medical leave and expand Social Security. Let’s reform an economic system that enables billionaires like Mr. Trump not to pay a nickel in federal income taxes. And most important, let’s end the ability of wealthy campaign contributors to buy elections.

In the coming days, I will also provide a series of reforms to reinvigorate the Democratic Party. I believe strongly that the party must break loose from its corporate establishment ties and, once again, become a grass-roots party of working people, the elderly and the poor. We must open the doors of the party to welcome in the idealism and energy of young people and all Americans who are fighting for economic, social, racial and environmental justice. We must have the courage to take on the greed and power of Wall Street, the drug companies, the insurance companies and the fossil fuel industry.

When my presidential campaign came to an end, I pledged to my supporters that the political revolution would continue. And now, more than ever, that must happen. We are the wealthiest nation in the history of the world. When we stand together and don’t let demagogues divide us up by race, gender or national origin, there is nothing we cannot accomplish. We must go forward, not backward.

It looks like building a better Democratic party is Bernie's biggest goal going forward.
Indeed, this has been tumultuous election process, and it has broken both parties.

The Republicans seemingly have control, but there is bound to be infighting on the road ahead, and a lot of party reform that needs to happen.


The Flood / Re: post selfies ITT
« on: November 13, 2016, 04:06:50 PM »
Here you go
wow I remember your Bieber twink days back in Bnet now you look like the guy who domed Osama after three tours in Iraq.

No homo.
The good old days lmao
woah how did you go from perma virgin to pussy slayer
He went from double hoverhand to fisting in public.

The Flood / Re: Hey DAS!
« on: November 11, 2016, 08:44:00 PM »
I have nothing but respect and gratitude for those people who sign up to die, who are willing to fall on their sword, for doing what they think is right.

Lets not pretend that the government uses the military for anything just, though. Its not about "defending the mainland from foreign threats", its about guarding our economic interests overseas.
Think of it more like this, people like Trump keep getting us into wars by pissing the world off, and the most selfless people in the country are willing to lay down their lives to make those braggarts' words less harmful to us.

The Flood / Re: Someone drew a swastika and Trump on ex Mrs Charlie's car
« on: November 11, 2016, 08:40:23 PM »
Starting to believe PSU's theory that it's mostly leftists doing this. How many Trump supporters actually associate themselves with nazis?

I think it be fair to say that any pro Trump nazis were nazis before and will be nazis after
Ok but how many Nazis are there running around in America?

At least 6,000 in the Aryan Brotherhood alone, probably more in smaller groups.
The Aryan Circle is bigger than the AB, they just get less press because they're less violent and all around better human beings.

The Flood / Re: trump vs america
« on: November 11, 2016, 02:03:33 AM »
Vs. America? Trump IS America.
does everyone agree with clum clum?
According to a recent poll, yes.

Serious / Re: Which Political Party is Weakest?
« on: November 09, 2016, 03:32:24 PM »

Serious / Re: Johnson, The 2016 Scapegoat
« on: November 09, 2016, 02:55:56 PM »
Even if every person in Florida had voted for Hillary, she still would have lost.

Trump has 306 Elec votes, everybody on the internet needs to stop blaming Florida, and they need to remember that Libertarians lean REPUBLICAN anyway, unlike Greens who lean Democrat.

If we don't stand up for a third party now, we will never break the two party system, which today has installed a single party in total control, reminiscent of Dictatorships.

The progress Gary Johnson made on his campaign is huge for our political system, and really means that sometime in our lives we may experience three major parties, which is in the interest of the american people.
That problem with that is the "win all take all" system the US has set up. It's not like the UK where you can win some percentage and pick up some seats. You just get a pat on the back and a  "you'll get em next time, tiger."

I highly doubt the two party system will break.
That's actually up to the states.

If Americans wanted to distribute electors evenly, they would ask their state congress reps for electoral college reform, but only two states have done so.

House and Senate seats are still assigned by popular choice though, and representatives are elected individually by residents of their district.

Really, comparing the US system to a parliamentarian system is like comparing apples to oranges, since electoral votes have no impact on the legislative assembly, and the legislative assembly has no impact on the electoral college.

Serious / Re: In other news, DC just became number 51
« on: November 09, 2016, 12:51:02 PM »
For a sec I thought somebody in the new 52 just died

Serious / Re: Johnson, The 2016 Scapegoat
« on: November 09, 2016, 11:11:48 AM »
Even if every person in Florida had voted for Hillary, she still would have lost.

Trump has 306 Elec votes, everybody on the internet needs to stop blaming Florida, and they need to remember that Libertarians lean REPUBLICAN anyway, unlike Greens who lean Democrat.

If we don't stand up for a third party now, we will never break the two party system, which today has installed a single party in total control, reminiscent of Dictatorships.

The progress Gary Johnson made on his campaign is huge for our political system, and really means that sometime in our lives we may experience three major parties, which is in the interest of the american people.

Serious / Re: SAY IT WITH ME
« on: November 09, 2016, 10:50:48 AM »
Cool, #NotMyPresident is already trending on Twitter.
the best part is that the people denouncing him are largely the same people who were raising a fuss about Trump potentially refusing to accept a Clinton victory.

The social Left are a bunch of children.
Go on /pol/ right now and tell me they aren't acting like children.
Also, this. It's one thing to say people are acting like children or sore losers because their candidate lost, but an ungracious winner looking to kick and humiliate a beaten opponent is equally immature and unpleasant.
This is why I liked Trump's victory speech so much. It seemed like he was stepping across the isle to say "We just had a really nasty fight, but I want to be your friend".

This has been one of the most divisive years in American history since the Civil War. I really hope we can start building bridges and stop this identarian shit.
Not a chance. After a campaign fought with so much vitriol and hate, there will not be many bridges built. As I said once before, Trump is a true demagogue and, in my opinion, should never have even been considered for presidency. Clinton won the popular vote and more so than ever before, you have a millions of voters on either side who voted just to stop the other and picked the lesser of two evils just to stop the other one from happening. And now, a majority of voters get to see a man they don't even consider a proper candidate for the other party but just a man who is so incompetent, ignorant and inadequate to lead a country win the election. Trump winning has almost guaranteed the 'identarian shit' to prosper and create a deeper divide than pretty much ever before.
The United States does not recognize the popular vote because we are, from conception, a Democratic Federation.

States choose who will be in power, and consider the choices of their citizens heavily, but ultimately, the United States is a union of pseudo-sovereign states, not a nation or country made up of individuals, making it more similar to a more tight knit EU. Of course, you know this, but I feel like when people bring the popular vote up this needs to be reinforced.

As when Lincoln, or Bush won, and as republicans tend to spark in tight races, there will likely be divisiveness in the months to come, but there have always been events which brought together and galvanized the American people. Maybe people should stop thinking to themselves that it is the adversity that binds us together, because if you have ever been part of something not everyone is committed to it will always break under pressure. The truth is, Americans love America, no matter how far gone it may seem, there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow if we continue to hold on to it together.

Serious / Re: President Elect Donald J Trump (Official)
« on: November 09, 2016, 10:27:42 AM »
Reports are that Clinton camp did not actually have a concession speech prepared because 'it was a sure thing.' They moved the concession to the morning so they would have time to write one.

Yeah, it will be on in minutes.

Man, I can NOT wait until the daily show tonight.

They planned this whole live cast extravaganza last night, and Trump launched ahead shortly before they got on the air, then the whole thing was just a bunch of depressed assholes.

Serious / Re: Election Day 2016 Megathread
« on: November 09, 2016, 10:24:52 AM »

I laughed way too long at this

Maybe I'm still at a fever pitch from last night, but I don't understand what you're trying to say.

What do you mean by "faith in democracy," and how could it have prevented this?
I think he means if the DNC hadn't thrown sanders under the bus with a rigged primary, he'd likely have won against trump.
Even Hillary, who likely would have won the primary, would have done better if not for what happened at the DNC.

The Flood / All is not lost friends.
« on: November 09, 2016, 09:31:06 AM »
We still have a shot with Mars.

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