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Messages - Solonoid

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The Flood / Re: They buried me in that great tomb that knows no sound
« on: July 25, 2019, 09:49:43 PM »
How are you doing?
Fine, I work an awful lot, but it's fine.

I spent a thousand bucks to fly my sister and I home for my dad's birthday, so I have internet for a while.

The Flood / Re: They buried me in that great tomb that knows no sound
« on: July 25, 2019, 09:48:39 PM »
Who was best highwayman and why is it not Willie?
Waylon is the best highwayman, but it was Willie's idea.

The Flood / They buried me in that great tomb that knows no sound
« on: July 25, 2019, 01:13:38 PM »
But I am still around.

There's no wifi where I live, or cell service, or television, but I'm downhill for a few days.

AMA me anything.

The Flood / Re: Moving to Colorado
« on: May 22, 2019, 01:01:40 AM »
Good luck in Colorado partner 👍
thanks mate, just arrived in Pueblo and I'm gonna jump on a bus to my destination tomorrow afternoon

it's pretty crazy, people are just smoking weed in the hotel bar

Gaming / Re: WoW Classic "bugs" and Blizz response
« on: May 21, 2019, 01:20:59 PM »
my boyfriend is pumped for wow classic

He quit playing years ago but now he's convinced he's gonna spend 18h a day playing this.

Last I heard he's ranked #245 in Hearthstone wild play for the Americas, so it seems like he's dedicated enough to be a top ranked player. I told him if he can make money streaming I'd be fine with whatever he wants to do, but he absolutely has to keep some kind of income, as I can't afford to support him.

In other words, if wow classic turns out to be a huge flop and everyone loses interest he's gonna have to get a job.

The Flood / Re: Moving to Colorado
« on: May 21, 2019, 08:10:01 AM »
The fuck is going on anymore
I think two Indian men catfishing each other

You should worry about yourself more
if I didn't worry about others what would we talk about

Cheat please delete this website

The Flood / Re: Moving to Colorado
« on: May 20, 2019, 10:24:40 PM »
Also hey you shitstains, this thread is about nice places to live when I'm through with my business in Colorado at the end of September.

The Flood / Re: Moving to Colorado
« on: May 20, 2019, 10:23:24 PM »
I've been considering around the Seattle area, but like anywhere else it's kinda gone to shit, so it's pick your poison, really.  Thinkin about Chicago if not outside the LA area, but I'm really second guessing California in general.

I liked it better when you weren't allowed in America.
hey bro how come all the homeless people are white tweakers hahahaha your race is a mess homeboy
^ this is the guy who can't handle racist jokes btw

don't @ me
^ this is the guy who kept folders of people then had an e-relationship with second class because they think they can become girls
this is going on your permanent record for sure

gosh it's almost like I've always genuinely cared about people and SecondClass is blowing the whole situation where I got worried about him and asked the police to intervene before he committed suicide out of proportion.

I should add that it worked, now that he's busy raving about what a psychopath I am he is no longer lamenting suicidally in a public forum about how he'll never have my "perfect life".

The Flood / Re: Moving to Colorado
« on: May 20, 2019, 06:25:13 PM »
I've been considering around the Seattle area, but like anywhere else it's kinda gone to shit, so it's pick your poison, really.  Thinkin about Chicago if not outside the LA area, but I'm really second guessing California in general.

I liked it better when you weren't allowed in America.
hey bro how come all the homeless people are white tweakers hahahaha your race is a mess homeboy
^ this is the guy who can't handle racist jokes btw

don't @ me
^ this is the guy who kept folders of people then had an e-relationship with second class because they think they can become girls
this is going on your permanent record for sure

The Flood / Re: Moving to Colorado
« on: May 20, 2019, 01:18:30 PM »
I've been considering around the Seattle area, but like anywhere else it's kinda gone to shit, so it's pick your poison, really.  Thinkin about Chicago if not outside the LA area, but I'm really second guessing California in general.

I liked it better when you weren't allowed in America.
hey bro how come all the homeless people are white tweakers hahahaha your race is a mess homeboy
^ this is the guy who can't handle racist jokes btw

don't @ me

Cheat does all kinds of stuff that has nothing to do with sep7agon, retard

Cheat can we ban this kind of promoting please
tbh yeah, I think any promotion should be for groups core to the sep7agon community, not for this random server that nobody from this website uses

y'all motherfuckers need Maury
I genuinely don't want anything to do with SecondClass anymore. I think it would be good if he went to the hospital, but when he invited me to form some kind of weird e-date throuple I shot that down instantly.

Don't mistake this hysteria for the vestiges of some kind of relationship between the two of us. I'm in a happy monogamous relationship and have been for nine months now. All of this nonsensical anger is in SecondClass' head, and emotionally speaking, I'm pretty far from moved by these outbursts.

tbh being called an unstable psycho is better than when he was making it seem like my life is fantastic, because it discounted all the hardship I've been, and continue to go, through. That actually upset me to a degree.

The Flood / Re: Solonoid is a fucking unstable person
« on: May 19, 2019, 11:14:36 PM »
Good God, and I thought I was pathetic about Oss
"Ossku liked this"

The Flood / Re: Moving to Colorado
« on: May 19, 2019, 11:13:42 PM »
I've been considering around the Seattle area, but like anywhere else it's kinda gone to shit, so it's pick your poison, really.  Thinkin about Chicago if not outside the LA area, but I'm really second guessing California in general.

I liked it better when you weren't allowed in America.

I assume this was a copypasta but gym class is still mandatory in this state. Only students in band or students who play a sport don't have to take it, since they got plenty of exercise in those activities.

The Flood / Moving to Colorado
« on: May 19, 2019, 05:57:15 PM »
I've moved a few times in the last couple of years, so I guess my travels aren't anything new but this one is a little different.

Tomorrow I'm leaving for Colorado, and I'm going to spend some time in the mountains. I'm gonna be staying somewhere remote, so I won't be around much, maybe once a week if I go down to town that week.

If anyone wants in touch you should add me on discord @Solonoid#7465.

I'll be moving again at the end of September, if anyone knows anywhere nice to go, let me know. At current, I'm still thinking about making my way to the pacific northwest, but I'm open to ideas for sure.

The Flood / Re: So Detective Pikachu...
« on: May 19, 2019, 04:26:16 PM »
Unpopular opinion: it was not that good
I actually agree.
During the Torterra sequence, I found myself wanting it to be over soon. I actually enjoyed the first act quite a bit, but once the noire-ish part of the film was over I was kinda over it.

Although, did anyone else notice
The Speaker was the main villain?

The Flood / So Detective Pikachu...
« on: May 19, 2019, 03:45:14 PM »
Is a direct sequel to The Pokémon Movie (1998)?

If you do something he doesn’t like, he’ll accuse you of a crime and ask you how you plea

If he doesn’t like the answer, he’ll kick you
tbh he banned me just because he felt like it

I didn't even post anything
Solely because you wanted to spite me, you CALLED THE POLICE TO MY HOUSE. You terrified my mother and little brother. I am frightened of you to my core and I don't want you anywhere near me or have you able to see any of my posts. What the fuck do I have to explain to get that through your pathological lying, delusional, sick head???
No, I called the police because in worried about you. The way you're reacting, this fear that they'll take you away and put you in the hospital, it just shows that you know it was the right thing to do.

You're a danger to yourself and others, and you need help whether you want it or not.

If you do something he doesn’t like, he’ll accuse you of a crime and ask you how you plea

If he doesn’t like the answer, he’ll kick you
tbh he banned me just because he felt like it

I didn't even post anything

The Flood / Re: Why are you STILL not part of my Video Club?
« on: May 17, 2019, 06:36:27 PM »
Like this is far better than Sol's server lmao
damn bro don't be salty

The Flood / Re: Why are you STILL not part of my Video Club?
« on: May 17, 2019, 06:35:41 PM »
discord is for fags and pedophiles

The Flood / Re: Let’s vote
« on: May 16, 2019, 09:53:07 AM »
I think Cheat should ban all trannies immediately.


SecondClass threatened suicide, I called the police.
yeah you tried to fuck up my life and failed

you're a fucking psycho PLEASE leave me alone

how does getting you into a mental hospital so you can dry out and get professional help for you mental problems "fuck up" your life

I think it's a lot better than envying sex workers and hurting everyone around you with your addictions


SecondClass threatened suicide, I called the police.

Who's gender is what anymore holy shit I'm out of touch
Everyone has a dick
that doesn't make you a man though

The Flood / Re: Book thread 2k19
« on: May 15, 2019, 12:22:02 PM »
I don't really read fiction anymore, I feel that it's melodramatic and meaningless.
like your life
only when secondclass is involved in it

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