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Messages - Solonoid

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The Flood / Re: Replies from 2 days ago on the front page
« on: March 29, 2017, 05:56:30 PM »
I move for the immediate reinstatement of membership of Kinder.

All in favor?

The Flood / Re: Replies from 2 days ago on the front page
« on: March 29, 2017, 05:45:53 PM »
has it been a week already?

The Flood / The kids are all wrong.
« on: March 29, 2017, 05:43:08 PM »
The kids are all wrong.
That's all I ever really learned.

That sounds fun though
Tranny Das is the opposite of fun.

The Flood / Re: Portrayals of Grand Moff Tarkin post-1994
« on: March 29, 2017, 05:56:14 AM »
Ultimately it's a fun flick, as long as you don't take it too seriously.

Yeah but that's the problem

So many subpar movies come out and fandoms just say "yeah, but it was kinda fun tho"

You should be demanding that the movies you see be good, especially when they have the gall to wipe out dozens of other previously canonical stories beloved by fans like Dark Forces and cash in on nostalgia and fan service instead of truly original, compelling storytelling.

Phantom Menace was also fun, told a unique story, had better characters (with some exceptions), but is still universally considered a bad movie.
I don't see what the problem is as long as I enjoyed the film.

That's the point of movies.
Am I upset about Dark Forces?
Does it mean I enjoyed watching the movie a couple times any less?
Not really.

I don't want to be moved by every film I watch, that's why we have action movies.

The fact that it's a Star Wars movie doesn't mean I need to expect more of it, after all, it's only a name.

Now that you mention I've never actually met a tranny

I have friends who have friends that are trannies, but I've yet to see one with my own eyes. And I meet a LOT of people
you're a blockhead jock, why would you know a tranny personally
socially those are complete opposite worlds
wow dude, that's super jockophobic

never knew you were such a bigot

The Flood / Re: Mental Illness is taking control of my life again
« on: March 29, 2017, 04:03:23 AM »
Mental illness isn't real, surround yourself with people, get a job, find a purpose and those thoughts will go away.
I have friends, a job, and all the rest.

I'm not depressed, I don't have "bad thoughts".
I have auditory, and occasionally visual, hallucinations and unstable, uncontrollable moods.
Have you tried medicinal Maria Juana?
Horrible recommendation for a schizophrenic
eh not really

Weed calms my nerves and I've never even heard a whisper when I'm smoking.

I just can't smoke anymore, I'm off all illegal drugs right now.

The Flood / Re: Mental Illness is taking control of my life again
« on: March 29, 2017, 03:47:57 AM »
Mental illness isn't real, surround yourself with people, get a job, find a purpose and those thoughts will go away.
I have friends, a job, and all the rest.

I'm not depressed, I don't have "bad thoughts".
I have auditory, and occasionally visual, hallucinations and unstable, uncontrollable moods.
Have you tried medicinal Maria Juana?
Not legal in this state.

time for you to go back to the crazy house
he's in on it guys

We all know Cushing's recreation was flawless, however there has been a conspiracy to install doubt in the mings of some, and it has been largely successful.

The fact is, this technology has been complete for a long time, and they tried to hide it by pretending CGI was very limited, and only capable of being low-poly or very cartoony, but when people started to suspect the truth, they took a new approach, with the film Tron Legacy.

They showed off almost completely human-like CGI, which paved the way for Cushing's resurrection in R1, to convince people they were getting closer.

The fact is, Cushing was completely lifelike, but people had doubt leftover from Tron Legacy, after they claimed to have perfected it, and some agreed, and others hated. The same holds here.

What nobody knows is...

Why would they hide this technology and only use it now?

The answer is simple, they've been using it all along.

Nelson Mandela was the first to be brought back to life using CGI, after he died in that African prison, but the dream of controlling countries through resurrected political leaders was never their true aim, it would be too hard to pull off in the first world.

Instead, they would undermine the world by creating a fake civil rights movement more potent and destructive than that of the 60s.

Industrial Light and Magic invented transgender people.

Think about it.
Have you ever met a trans person?
All the videos are just CGI.
Bruce Jenner died in 2013 and was brought back with CGI.

In select and controlled environments, material holograms have created the likeness and physical sensation of trans people, if you ever might have thought you met one.

If a person ever tells you they're trans, stab them, they can't bleed, everyone knows trannies don't bleed.
Then run, before you get abducted and replaced with a tranny hologram and forced to watch yourself do shemale porn until you die of starvation.

The Flood / Re: Portrayals of Grand Moff Tarkin post-1994
« on: March 28, 2017, 10:19:46 PM »
Alright listen here you little shits.

TFU was fucking great and you can all eat a dick.
It's shit and your opinions are shit
You're shit and your face is shit.

The Flood / Re: Portrayals of Grand Moff Tarkin post-1994
« on: March 28, 2017, 10:16:23 PM »
Alright listen here you little shits.

TFU was fucking great and you can all eat a dick.

The Flood / Re: Portrayals of Grand Moff Tarkin post-1994
« on: March 28, 2017, 10:10:30 PM »
•It ruined TFU
How? They're so unrelated.
Totally fucked over the existence of Galen Marek.

I'll have to watch it again and make exact notes of how and when, been a while since I've seen it.

They stated before TFA came out that all the Star Wars stuff EU/video game was non canon unless specified otherwise. Besides, Galen Marek was an OP character that didn't quite fit in.
Yeah I know, but before R1 I was holding out hope they'd declare it canon.

The Flood / Re: Portrayals of Grand Moff Tarkin post-1994
« on: March 28, 2017, 10:07:16 PM »
•It ruined TFU
How? They're so unrelated.
Totally fucked over the existence of Galen Marek.

I'll have to watch it again and make exact notes of how and when, been a while since I've seen it.

The Flood / Re: Portrayals of Grand Moff Tarkin post-1994
« on: March 28, 2017, 10:01:41 PM »
It was done very poorly in Rogue One and was a lazy attempt to use an already established villain as a crutch.
I disagree, the plot of Rogue One was very closely entangled with Tarkin's grab for power and plot to replace the senate through direct fear.

If he hadn't been in the film, his shadow would've been looming over it so heavily we would only feel like something was missing.

The film itself was, unironically, a mistake. His relevance to the plot changes nothing; we learned nothing in Rogue One that we didn't already know about him from ANH, and the film fails to decide who the villain is. Vader is already established and does almost nothing but give fan service at the end; Tarkin is also established, and has almost no bearing on the plot except to fill that hole that you describe; Krennic neatly fits into the role of Generic Ambitious Bad Guy rendered impotent by the two most significant villains in the series.

Really, it's kind of disappointing how well-received Rogue One was. It had a neat space battle, but it was so full of bad writing, flat characters, and told an utterly pointless story. Jyn could have been an incredibly compelling character, but they literally cut out her entire arc.
I hated Rogue One for many reasons:
•It ruined Rogue Squadron
•It ruined Dark Forces
•It was an obvious cash grab
•It ruined TFU
•It failed to take into account the very canon fact the Death Star plans were complete before the clone wars
•It oversimplified a complicated problem
And others.

It did the things it did well though, even if they did pack too much into too little time.
It was clear to me that the villain was Director Krennic, and while he was under the thumbs of Vader and Tarkin, he was motivated to antagonise our heroes by himself. The fact that there were greater powers than he bearing down on him was simply a plot device to generate sympathy for the villain, and try to fix the fact the this complicated problem had been so oversimplified. In the moment it worked, only in review the flaw comes to light.

Ultimately it's a fun flick, as long as you don't take it too seriously.
The Geonosians had only designed the superstructure, the weapon was only a mere concept.
Basically the Geonosians' contribution was "what if there was a big spherical space station that had some sort of powerful weapon? Let's make a detailed concept schematic."

Then when the republic takes Geonosis, Poggle The Lesser gets the Geonosians to build some of the superstructure (Geonosians will kill each other if they have no tasks to complete), in exchange for some autonomy.
Later the Empire sprays pesticide on Geonosis and kills all the bugs.

Also TFU's story is basically a bad fanfic and I don't understand why people like it.
They didn't explain that in the film, the idea was that the plans were complete.

If there was more exposition on it in a book, then that isn't canon.

Literally all that was shown in AoTC was a hologram of the superstructure.

It was explained in a book, Catalyst, which released in November and is canon.

The Flood / Re: Portrayals of Grand Moff Tarkin post-1994
« on: March 28, 2017, 08:48:00 PM »
It was done very poorly in Rogue One and was a lazy attempt to use an already established villain as a crutch.
I disagree, the plot of Rogue One was very closely entangled with Tarkin's grab for power and plot to replace the senate through direct fear.

If he hadn't been in the film, his shadow would've been looming over it so heavily we would only feel like something was missing.

The film itself was, unironically, a mistake. His relevance to the plot changes nothing; we learned nothing in Rogue One that we didn't already know about him from ANH, and the film fails to decide who the villain is. Vader is already established and does almost nothing but give fan service at the end; Tarkin is also established, and has almost no bearing on the plot except to fill that hole that you describe; Krennic neatly fits into the role of Generic Ambitious Bad Guy rendered impotent by the two most significant villains in the series.

Really, it's kind of disappointing how well-received Rogue One was. It had a neat space battle, but it was so full of bad writing, flat characters, and told an utterly pointless story. Jyn could have been an incredibly compelling character, but they literally cut out her entire arc.
I hated Rogue One for many reasons:
•It ruined Rogue Squadron
•It ruined Dark Forces
•It was an obvious cash grab
•It ruined TFU
•It failed to take into account the very canon fact the Death Star plans were complete before the clone wars
•It oversimplified a complicated problem
And others.

It did the things it did well though, even if they did pack too much into too little time.
It was clear to me that the villain was Director Krennic, and while he was under the thumbs of Vader and Tarkin, he was motivated to antagonise our heroes by himself. The fact that there were greater powers than he bearing down on him was simply a plot device to generate sympathy for the villain, and try to fix the fact the this complicated problem had been so oversimplified. In the moment it worked, only in review the flaw comes to light.

Ultimately it's a fun flick, as long as you don't take it too seriously.
The Geonosians had only designed the superstructure, the weapon was only a mere concept.
Basically the Geonosians' contribution was "what if there was a big spherical space station that had some sort of powerful weapon? Let's make a detailed concept schematic."

Then when the republic takes Geonosis, Poggle The Lesser gets the Geonosians to build some of the superstructure (Geonosians will kill each other if they have no tasks to complete), in exchange for some autonomy.
Later the Empire sprays pesticide on Geonosis and kills all the bugs.

Also TFU's story is basically a bad fanfic and I don't understand why people like it.
They didn't explain that in the film, the idea was that the plans were complete.

If there was more exposition on it in a book, then that isn't canon.

The Flood / Re: >when the government violates the NAP
« on: March 28, 2017, 08:26:57 PM »
I know a "sovereign citizen" and he doesn't have a driver's license because he thinks he doesn't need one.
Then when he was talking about "muh rights" I had to explain to him that if he renounced his citizenship then he has none.

He was mad.

The Flood / Re: Portrayals of Grand Moff Tarkin post-1994
« on: March 28, 2017, 08:20:48 PM »
It was done very poorly in Rogue One and was a lazy attempt to use an already established villain as a crutch.
I disagree, the plot of Rogue One was very closely entangled with Tarkin's grab for power and plot to replace the senate through direct fear.

If he hadn't been in the film, his shadow would've been looming over it so heavily we would only feel like something was missing.

The film itself was, unironically, a mistake. His relevance to the plot changes nothing; we learned nothing in Rogue One that we didn't already know about him from ANH, and the film fails to decide who the villain is. Vader is already established and does almost nothing but give fan service at the end; Tarkin is also established, and has almost no bearing on the plot except to fill that hole that you describe; Krennic neatly fits into the role of Generic Ambitious Bad Guy rendered impotent by the two most significant villains in the series.

Really, it's kind of disappointing how well-received Rogue One was. It had a neat space battle, but it was so full of bad writing, flat characters, and told an utterly pointless story. Jyn could have been an incredibly compelling character, but they literally cut out her entire arc.
I hated Rogue One for many reasons:
•It ruined Rogue Squadron
•It ruined Dark Forces
•It was an obvious cash grab
•It ruined TFU
•It failed to take into account the very canon fact the Death Star plans were complete before the clone wars
•It oversimplified a complicated problem
And others.

It did the things it did well though, even if they did pack too much into too little time.
It was clear to me that the villain was Director Krennic, and while he was under the thumbs of Vader and Tarkin, he was motivated to antagonise our heroes by himself. The fact that there were greater powers than he bearing down on him was simply a plot device to generate sympathy for the villain, and try to fix the fact the this complicated problem had been so oversimplified. In the moment it worked, only in review the flaw comes to light.

Ultimately it's a fun flick, as long as you don't take it too seriously.

The Flood / Re: Find me a better rapper than Danny Brown
« on: March 28, 2017, 07:54:19 PM »

The Flood / Re: Portrayals of Grand Moff Tarkin post-1994
« on: March 28, 2017, 06:22:07 PM »
It was done very poorly in Rogue One and was a lazy attempt to use an already established villain as a crutch.
I disagree, the plot of Rogue One was very closely entangled with Tarkin's grab for power and plot to replace the senate through direct fear.

If he hadn't been in the film, his shadow would've been looming over it so heavily we would only feel like something was missing.

The Flood / Re: Portrayals of Grand Moff Tarkin post-1994
« on: March 28, 2017, 06:18:49 PM »
I honestly thought they hopped over the uncanny valley perfectly. He was there; he didn't look "off" at all.

If I cared more, I could take a closer inspection, but why would I do that when I don't closely inspect Tarkin's face normally?
I honestly felt, and I've said it before, he looked too lifelike.

The character was conveyed so perfectly I thought to myself there was no way a real actor could do this.
If I hadn't known Peter Cushing is dead though, I absolutely would not have known it was CGI, I would simply have been blown away by unbelievably good acting.

The Flood / Re: First off
« on: March 28, 2017, 03:54:24 PM »
Drake slayed it on back to back.

That's a fucking diss track.
niqqa wut

how can dat track be dis track

The Flood / Re: Famous 6th Grader Youtuber
« on: March 28, 2017, 02:50:20 PM »

The Flood / Re: Mental Illness is taking control of my life again
« on: March 28, 2017, 02:48:26 PM »
Al Baghdadi is a psych nurse. You want me to share your problem with her and get advice? This forum isn't the best when it comes to actual serious stuff.

My advice is to start with your doctor and see if it's something simple like a med adjustment.
I think my diagnosis is probably pretty sage, but I really don't want to go see a doctor for a med adjustment.
If they decide to commit me again it could be weeks before I can get out, and that is really not an option I can deal with right now.

The Flood / Re: Mental Illness is taking control of my life again
« on: March 28, 2017, 02:46:16 PM »
Mental illness isn't real, surround yourself with people, get a job, find a purpose and those thoughts will go away.
I have friends, a job, and all the rest.

I'm not depressed, I don't have "bad thoughts".
I have auditory, and occasionally visual, hallucinations and unstable, uncontrollable moods.

The Flood / Re: Mental Illness is taking control of my life again
« on: March 27, 2017, 08:29:54 PM »
what do you suffer from?
borderline disorder and paranoid schizophrenia, according to the litany of dcotors who have seen me about it

shit i'm sorry to hear that. what's been causing this resurgence? and can you replicate the conditions that helped you suppress these issues before?
ah it's gotta be stress, I need to relax

hard to do with the paranoid bit though
I'm trying to cut out the source of the stress but it's a lot of change, and I may be walking into an even bigger shitstorm if I do.

The Flood / Re: Mental Illness is taking control of my life again
« on: March 27, 2017, 08:03:57 PM »
what do you suffer from?
borderline disorder and paranoid schizophrenia, according to the litany of dcotors who have seen me about it

Septagon / Re: Make Anarchy either more routine or always open
« on: March 27, 2017, 07:36:15 PM »
nah then it wouldn't be a treat

The Flood / Mental Illness is taking control of my life again
« on: March 27, 2017, 07:34:11 PM »
I've been almost two years without an incident but it looks like I'm coming to a lapse.

Serious / Re: This may be sappy but...
« on: March 27, 2017, 06:15:15 PM »
Why should I have sympathy for a disgusting Flumpf voter such as yourself?
Nice try I voted for Gary.

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