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Messages - Solonoid

Pages: 1 ... 8910 1112 ... 449
The Flood / Amazon's "Undone" - Life is Strange the TV show
« on: October 26, 2019, 06:21:09 PM »
The show is really information intensive and demands the attention of the viewer, but I've enjoyed it.

The only similarity to Life is Strange is the main character's ability to travel through time at will, but there's all kinds of strange things that happen.

I don't wanna say too much about it, but I was wondering if anyone else has seen it and what they thought?

"Dead end job"? Nope, it's a great job that I love.

Obviously you have some issue with me, after all you're misgendering me still. Hit me up at Carmen#0001 on Discord so we can sort this out.
You know, nobody believes that you're actually so delusional that you can't see that you don't really live, you're just existing.

I know it scares you to think about what difficult changes you need to make, but you don't need to pretend you're happy in the meantime.

also bruh they didn't even call your last employer, or any of your references, much less google you, not to mention if there was a background report, they just hired someone to scan criminal records, not to actually investigate you
maybe not at mcdonalds
he isn't qualified to do much else, so it's a safe assumption yeah

although, the kind of boss or hiring manager who maybe skims your resumé and doesn't call any of the phone numbers on it except for yours is more or less ubiquitous in any job that doesn't require a college degree, and several that do
Dude what's your problem? I work at a hotel, I'd kill myself before going back to the food industry. Also please don't misgender me!
ah so Starbucks didn't work out eh?

color me shocked

nonetheless, my point had nothing to do with fast food, it was more about the caliber of the work, and frankly, I don't know why you're acting offended

you're not qualified to do anything else

if you don't like it, then are you really going to get mad at me for saying it out loud, or would you rather do something about it? Go get the qualifications you need to live a life that doesn't make you feel bad when you see it laid out in writing

otherwise, you'll never be more than a clerk at a motel, a waiter at waffle house, or a cashier at Burger King

these aren't reflections of you, they're reflections of the choices you have made, and if that's not the person you wanna be seen as, buddy that's on you
I didn't even apply at Starbucks, I was going to apply but I got instantly hired at the first place I applied to, this Day's Inn.

What do you mean by the "caliber" of work? Working at BK or Waffle House is low-caliber, yes. Working at a damn hotel is classy, and honestly is one of the most chill jobs out there. You get to be on your computer for 80% of the time, and as long as you're fulfilling your duties and you're clean/nice/pleasant, no one cares.

What "choices" have I made? I made the choice to go to Florida to support my seizure-ridden mother and little brother. I made the choice to get a job in the hospitality industry, a sector I personally enjoy and that's suited to my amicability and other talents. I made a CHOICE to keep living my life rather than go lay on the floor and cry about how I'm universally disliked. It's a wonder I even get up, but yes, I make that choice every morning.
bro no I'm being serious, you have a dead job and moved to Florida to live with your mother

you can go on a rant trying to rationalize the situation in a way that let's you lie to yourself, but until you actually take your life into your own hands you're still stuck, and you'll know it inside

The Flood / Re: The Emperor's Jade Cricket Box has been stolen!
« on: October 25, 2019, 06:39:51 PM »
the guilty dude raised the other dude's stalk to try and frame him
I'll take my upboats now

The Flood / The Emperor's Jade Cricket Box has been stolen!
« on: October 25, 2019, 04:52:03 PM »
Crack the Case!


Your object is to uncover the truth behind the scenario below.

You may ask the Game Master any yes or no question, and I will reply with one of the following:
Yes and No
I don't know

The game ends when a player can answer, in a single post, the following questions:
What happened?
Who did it?
How did they do it?
Why did they do it?

The Emperor's Jade Cricket Box has been stolen!

An investigation was conducted, and there are only two men in The Forbidden City who could have taken it; both work at the palace, both claimed innocence.

The Emperor turned to his Magician in this time of need, asking him to use his powers to find which is guilty. The Magician brought the Emperor and the servants to the outer walls of the palace.

"Cut a stalk of bamboo exactly forty inches tall, and plant them side by side here." he instructed them.

They servants obeyed, one man planted his stalk on the left, the other on the right.

"My Emperor, do you find the two stalks to be identical?"

The Emperor saw that the stalks were exactly the same length.

"In the morning, we shall return to here. The stalk planted by the innocent man will not change, but the stalk planted by the guilty man will grow an inch before sunrise."

The four returned at morning, and saw that the stalk on the right was exactly one inch taller than it's counterpart on the left.

What happened?

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Final Trailer
« on: October 25, 2019, 04:21:37 PM »
also I'm p hype tbh

I've got reservations, of course, but I will see every star wars movie in theaters until I die no matter how bad they are because I'm a hopelessly enslaved fanboy

or maybe it's because my father took me to see ROTS in theatres and since then going to a movie has been a de facto activity for my sister, my father and I when we see each other, so going to see star wars kind of feels like that again

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Final Trailer
« on: October 25, 2019, 04:17:58 PM »
guys I'm really sorry okay I haven't been on reddit in a long time and I only clapped once will you please forgive me

also bruh they didn't even call your last employer, or any of your references, much less google you, not to mention if there was a background report, they just hired someone to scan criminal records, not to actually investigate you
maybe not at mcdonalds
he isn't qualified to do much else, so it's a safe assumption yeah

although, the kind of boss or hiring manager who maybe skims your resumé and doesn't call any of the phone numbers on it except for yours is more or less ubiquitous in any job that doesn't require a college degree, and several that do
Dude what's your problem? I work at a hotel, I'd kill myself before going back to the food industry. Also please don't misgender me!
ah so Starbucks didn't work out eh?

color me shocked

nonetheless, my point had nothing to do with fast food, it was more about the caliber of the work, and frankly, I don't know why you're acting offended

you're not qualified to do anything else

if you don't like it, then are you really going to get mad at me for saying it out loud, or would you rather do something about it? Go get the qualifications you need to live a life that doesn't make you feel bad when you see it laid out in writing

otherwise, you'll never be more than a clerk at a motel, a waiter at waffle house, or a cashier at Burger King

these aren't reflections of you, they're reflections of the choices you have made, and if that's not the person you wanna be seen as, buddy that's on you

also bruh they didn't even call your last employer, or any of your references, much less google you, not to mention if there was a background report, they just hired someone to scan criminal records, not to actually investigate you
maybe not at mcdonalds
he isn't qualified to do much else, so it's a safe assumption yeah

although, the kind of boss or hiring manager who maybe skims your resumé and doesn't call any of the phone numbers on it except for yours is more or less ubiquitous in any job that doesn't require a college degree, and several that do

also bruh they didn't even call your last employer, or any of your references, much less google you, not to mention if there was a background report, they just hired someone to scan criminal records, not to actually investigate you

Lemon knew. He warned us this would happen.

The Flood / Re: wensday
« on: October 22, 2019, 10:06:48 PM »
wens dey let me go

The Flood / Re: Official powerlist
« on: October 13, 2019, 10:50:08 PM »
i'm at least above solonoid
I feel like he has the edge 'cause the guy's almost a psychopath
sure but I'm pretty happy these days
Yeah I know, but people change in fights y'know?
Yeah I suppose so

Gaming / Re: Destiny 2 is actually pretty good now
« on: October 13, 2019, 04:56:19 PM »
So let me get this straight: In a game so heavily based in Halo Reach's weapon sandbox...

It's perfectly fine to:

  • Have an insta kill shoulder charge with auto lock on
  • Have Boss-Killing crowd controlling Supers also available
  • Cut said ability cooldowns in half if not more and feed into each other
  • Have aim assist perks
  • Spawn with ammo for:
    -Sniper Rifles
    -Boltshots with 5 times the range of the Shotguns
    -Up to two  plasma Grenades that actively track targets, including arround corners.

But at the same time BUNGiE thinks:

  • Hand cannons need bloom
  • Backstab assasinations would just be too rediculous
  • Heavy linear Fusion Rifles have to headshot for a kill on a Guardian
  • This deserves a """competitive""" playlist
  • players should have to play at least 8 rounds every single week for powerful rewards.

Someone explain to me how this is totally fine apparently but Halo 4 is supposed to be the seccond comming of Jim Crow according to the same people.
just play PvE tbh

The Flood / Re: Official powerlist
« on: October 13, 2019, 04:50:57 PM »
i'm at least above solonoid
I feel like he has the edge 'cause the guy's almost a psychopath
sure but I'm pretty happy these days

The Flood / Re: I did sparring today for the first time in like a year
« on: October 09, 2019, 08:22:57 PM »
It's the will and need to get better to the point where I'm the best at fighting. I wanna be the best because I never wanna lose.
You've just become an anime protagonist.
I'm 99% sure that's an actual line from DragonBall

The Flood / Re: Joker movie (2019) - - - no mass shootings yet
« on: October 09, 2019, 08:21:15 PM »
Like, it's actually cringy to watch Jay make a really smart observation and then backpedal on it to agree with Mike.

The Flood / Re: Joker movie (2019) - - - no mass shootings yet
« on: October 09, 2019, 08:20:07 PM »
What did those 3 miserable alcoholics from Milwaukee that pretend to be VCR repairmen think of the movie?
Mike and Jay both liked the later parts of the film but felt it was a bit weak overall and borrowed too heavily from other films. I think Mike liked it more than Jay.
first time i've seen them disagree with each other more than 10% of the time
I kind of feel like Jay has been getting a lot better at analyzing films and Mike hasn't been doing much of anything.

Someone at RLM has to be aware of this, and so a lot of times I think Jay elects to agree with Mike (maybe even in direct contradiction to things he's already said) just to keep up the ruse that they're equals on the program.

Gaming / Re: Destiny 2 is actually pretty good now
« on: October 09, 2019, 02:03:48 AM »
I'm decently looking forward to playing shadow keep sometime soon.

I've heard it wasn't all we wanted, but it seems alright too.

The Flood / Re: AI is immoral and don't buy Alexa
« on: October 08, 2019, 02:13:49 AM »
I wouldn't be too worried yet. I had a chance to test several Alexa / Google Home devices as part of some of my work's marketing research and Alexa is fucking dumb compared to Google Home.

I asked it to show me "top car accident lawyers near me" and it pulled up a random spammy law firm with "top car accident lawyer" in their name. Several other variants of the test revealed it to be kinda stupid. It's really good with Amazon services but really bad at interpreting what you want outside of that.

If anyone is going to do it, it'll be Google.
Did you hear the buzz about Google and NASA's quantum computer lab actually producing a processor that can perform calculations a traditional computer can't?

It's said that in just 3min 20sec, it finished a calculation that would have taken the IBM Summit 10,000 years.

Imagine what will happen when they start doing machine learning projects with these things.

Skynet by 2025 alls I'm saying.

The Flood / Re: VERY smart and fun idea to boost things around here
« on: October 07, 2019, 09:56:40 PM »
I'm 100% certain we discussed this five years ago and Cheat said she would never do it.

The Flood / Re: i tried sushi for the second time today
« on: October 07, 2019, 09:54:14 PM »
I wonder if Verbatim thinks about things, comes to a sound logical conclusion, and then says exactly the opposite.

The Flood / Re: Official powerlist
« on: October 07, 2019, 09:52:22 PM »
why am i so low this is really hurting my self esteem i might just end it all

i think we can all agree im MUCH more powerful than class
haha it's because you're gay

The Flood / Re: AI is immoral and don't buy Alexa
« on: October 07, 2019, 09:43:02 PM »
Alexa isn't an AI

Serious / Re: Gun control works
« on: September 29, 2019, 05:54:14 PM »
yeah and then we can start banning butter knives and requiring ID to buy spoons

The Flood / No posts in three days
« on: September 29, 2019, 05:52:50 PM »
hard yikes on that one brother

The Flood / Re: my ethics professor just said that yelp is ethical
« on: September 24, 2019, 02:20:48 PM »
This is why you should read books by multiple authors on subjects you want to know about, instead of listening to only one person's opinion for months on end.

The Flood / Re: what's this?
« on: September 23, 2019, 12:31:53 AM »
IDK I'm still a bit salty about being de-modded on your discord.

Anything could happen.
lol I'm 90% responsible for getting you off our staff. Don't blame Carmen.
we've all known him for a decade.

He's always to blame.

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