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Messages - Solonoid

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The Flood / holy shit this is awesome
« on: November 10, 2019, 06:27:25 AM »
Ted Cruz confirms he is the Zodiac Killer, the world's most prolific serial killer.

The story is an odd one, as it involves the world's most prolific serial killer who, in a strange turn of events, turns out to be a famous political figure.

But the story of Ted Cruz as the Zodiac Killer is one that should be considered as some sort of a cautionary tale for the United States and its citizens, and especially its young people.

The story is well-known, but not well-understood.
The story is well-known, but not well-understood.

Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer

Ted Cruz, as you may already know, is running for President of the United States. He is running as a member of the Republican party. And he is running

the above text was generated by Ol' Musky's neural net GPT-2, through the site

sometimes the generated text is slightly incoherent in places, like at the end of this but where it just ends with "And he is running", or the line that was generated twice, but in this particular case I think it fits the narrative

altogether though, it's a pretty convincing generator, and I cannot wait for the hilarious erotic fanfic it pumps out when wielded by the right smutlord

The Flood / Re: What can you cook?
« on: November 10, 2019, 04:17:58 AM »
My memory has been filled with so many holes lately
I’ll feel something but forget what I was thinking about so I’ll just be left feeling tired or excited without remembering what it was about
It's because you are not doing anything noteworthy and nothing happens in your life. Can you even tell the difference between this year and previous one?

I can’t even tell the difference between today and yesterday dude
Don't listen to that drivel.

I'm constantly traveling around the country, meeting new people, seeing and doing new things, and even learning new skills.

However, if you asked me to tell you how many days I've been in the state I'm visiting right now, and I couldn't look at a calendar, I couldn't do it. The answer (now that I've checked) is only six.

If short term memory loss and days running together bother you, I suggest getting a prescription for Adderall instead of worrying about whether or not your life is exciting enough. The two things are probably unrelated to each other, and only a psychiatrist can say for sure.

The Flood / rip in peace Florida niggas
« on: November 08, 2019, 02:45:05 PM »
sure, now they've just bought Clearwater, but how long until scientology buys all of Florida?

The Flood / Re: Goddamn
« on: November 07, 2019, 06:13:12 PM »
King Kong is toast btw

The Flood / Goddamn
« on: November 07, 2019, 06:12:36 PM »
I cannot wait to see a gigantic nuclear lizard with a black belt in Judo, and the ability to fire atomic energy blasts out of its mouth fight a gorilla the size of a building, who has the ability to punch planes out of the sky.

The Flood / Re: What can you cook?
« on: November 02, 2019, 12:24:28 PM »
Well I can't eat the vast majority of foods that I used to anymore unfortunately, but I don't image I've forgotten how to cook most of what I've learned.

I can cook basic things like eggs, bacon, rice, boiled/steamed various vegetables, pan fried steak/porkchop or chicken/turkey breast.

For actual recipes I can make tacos (with my own seasoning), quesadillas, deviled eggs/egg salad, and my favorite thing I've made breakfast pizza. Which is making a deep dish crust out of biscuit dough (scones for you bongs) and pouring eggs onto the crust and topping it with various things you'd put in an omelette like bacon, ham, onions, peppers, cheese etc. and baking it in the oven until the crust is golden brown.
do you put anything nonstandard in your deviled eggs?

I like to use ginger and cayenne pepper, as well as ground dry mustard instead of prepared Dijon mustard.

The Flood / Re: The Emperor's Jade Cricket Box has been stolen!
« on: November 02, 2019, 12:11:28 PM »
I have more of these scenarios, of varying levels of difficulty, if this is a game you guys enjoyed playing.

The thief snuck down to where the stalks had been planted in the middle of the night to attempt to remove suspicion from himself by cutting one inch off of his stalk. In the morning, his stalk was still one inch shorter, and the magician revealed that his magic had been unnecessary, since he know the culprit would attempt to vandalize the bamboo. The guilty man immediately admits to his crime.

The Flood / Re: The Emperor's Jade Cricket Box has been stolen!
« on: November 02, 2019, 12:01:58 PM »

The Flood / Re: The Emperor's Jade Cricket Box has been stolen!
« on: November 01, 2019, 07:41:27 PM »
Is the guilty man actually the one who planted the left stalk.

Did the thief alter a stalk, or send somebody to alter it for them?
the thief did alter one of the stalks

The Flood / Re: The Emperor's Jade Cricket Box has been stolen!
« on: November 01, 2019, 07:09:59 PM »
1. I never said that

The four returned at morning, and saw that the stalk on the right was exactly one inch taller than it's counterpart on the left.

2. See the above answer

This doesn't answer the wuestion
I said one stalk was taller than the other, I never said one grew, to wit, there is no answer for your question, since neither stalk grew

The Flood / Re: The Emperor's Jade Cricket Box has been stolen!
« on: November 01, 2019, 03:50:26 PM »
were any of the stalks altered by somebody overnight?

The Flood / Re: The Emperor's Jade Cricket Box has been stolen!
« on: November 01, 2019, 03:50:07 PM »
Hint: one of the stalks is no longer forty inches

What does this even mean? You already said one of them grew an inch

Is the man whose stalk grew actually guilty?
If not did the guilty guy mes with it?
1. I never said that
2. See the above answer
3. No, the guilty man did not tamper with the innocent man's stalk

The Flood / Re: Post your vehicles
« on: November 01, 2019, 01:35:44 AM »
I've got like three now.

I have an '05 PT Cruiser and I've had a '95 Cherokee for a long ass time, both are red, and this summer I bought a '98 Crown Vic that used to be an FBI cruiser, so it's grey.

I legit only bought the Crown Vic because I thought it would be hilarious to smoke the stock racers in the town near where I was living in a twenty year old car

those cruisers really move man

The Flood / Re: How the fuck do you get a girlfriend?
« on: November 01, 2019, 01:11:11 AM »
Some boys just aren't lucky enough to be gay.
homosexuality is a sin

The Flood / Re: The Emperor's Jade Cricket Box has been stolen!
« on: November 01, 2019, 01:04:52 AM »
Hint: one of the stalks is no longer forty inches

The Flood / Re: The Emperor's Jade Cricket Box has been stolen!
« on: November 01, 2019, 12:53:10 AM »
Did one of the men actually take it?
Are they working together?
Do either of the men have enemies?
yes, one of the two is the thief

no, they aren't working together and whether they have enemies is not relevant

The Flood / Re: What can you cook?
« on: October 31, 2019, 09:09:28 PM »
I can cook damn near anything.

My career as a chef really took off this year and right now I've got three world class resorts competing for my contract, so things are really looking up for me these days.

My favorite dish right now consists of a bed of wild mushroom au gratin served over leek cream, topped with asparagus, which is in turn topped with a filet mignon, and a small salmon filet to the side, drizzled with leek cream.

I wish I had a picture because this is an absolutely gorgeous plating.

Here are the recipes for the leek cream and the wild mushroom au gratin, everything else is self explanatory.
Leek Cream
Chopped Leek
Heavy Cream
White Wine
Vegetable Stock
Salt & Pepper

Add all the other ingredients over high heat, allow the white wine to reduce, then add the heavy cream last, turn heat to low and bring to a simmer, then mix in a blender.
Wild Mushroom Au Gratin
Sliced Potatoes, I like Yukon Gold the best but red potatoes are a close second
Your choice of mushrooms, I prefer mixed wild mushrooms but criminis are a good grocery store substitute
Heavy Cream
Your choice of cheese, I prefer four parts queso fresco and one part manchego
Bread Crumbs

Sautée bacon, shallots and garlic together, then add all ingredients excluding potatoes and bread crumbs to the mixture. Make sure to save some cheese.

Steam the sliced potatoes until they're just shy of done.

Mix the two components in a casserole dish, then sprinkle a mixture of bread crumbs and cheese over the top. Bake at 325 until a crust forms over the top.

note: neither of these recipes include proportions for the ingredients because tbh the balance isn't so delicate that it matters, just use good judgment and taste your cooking often

The Flood / Re: The Emperor's Jade Cricket Box has been stolen!
« on: October 31, 2019, 07:15:57 PM »
is the servant on the right actually the guilty one and the stalk grew just as the magician said and nothing nefarious actually happened overnight
No, sorry I should've said in the OP, assume this scenario follows the rules of the real world

The Flood / Re: The Emperor's Jade Cricket Box has been stolen!
« on: October 30, 2019, 04:01:12 AM »
More important question: does the magician have a big dick?
duh he's a fuckin wizard

The Flood / Re: The Emperor's Jade Cricket Box has been stolen!
« on: October 30, 2019, 04:00:35 AM »
Does the magician have ulterior motives?
No, the Magician is a loyal servant of the Emperor

The Flood / Re: The Emperor's Jade Cricket Box has been stolen!
« on: October 28, 2019, 12:47:58 AM »
also because fuck you

The Flood / Re: The Emperor's Jade Cricket Box has been stolen!
« on: October 28, 2019, 12:46:15 AM »
Why are you such a massive twat
No it's gotta be yes or no

The Flood / Re: The Emperor's Jade Cricket Box has been stolen!
« on: October 28, 2019, 12:38:32 AM »
The sun reached the bamboo on the right first giving it that inch of morning wood
did both stalks grow
It was the palace panda, who ate an inch of the one on the left.
No, none of these things happened.

guys, instead of trying to guess what happened, try asking me questions like what Fedorekd asked

I don't though?? When did I lie about my personal life? When did I troll outside of threads like "the internet shuld be ilegal"?
Bruh, before you deleted your old discord account I had pages of PMs from you (or maybe I still do) describing the exact manner how for years you made an intentional effort to obscure your identity and lie about who you are and where you're from. You seemed proud of it.

Not to mention, you've been caught lying numerous times in the mains, and you've made threads announcing "I'm just trolling jk" in reference to your entire "online persona", after which you went immediately back to the same way.

plenty of people choose to do this, and that's their prerogative, but if you get called out on having done it in the past, instead of getting defensive maybe you could try "that's not something I do anymore."

solonoid has never really been a friendly person, so it's hard to get upset over something i'm well-accustomed to
yeah I'm fairly sure I use this site to take out all the feelings I'm not comfortable venting in my daily life, so I won't deny that I'm seldom as nice as I should be around here

If you PM me the posts, I can edit the name out and eventually it'll fall off the SERPs. I'm generally against removing content / deleting accounts / etc, but I will remove personal information on request.

Just FYI.
based cheat, PMd

bro no I'm being serious, you have a dead job and moved to Florida to live with your mother

you can go on a rant trying to rationalize the situation in a way that let's you lie to yourself, but until you actually take your life into your own hands you're still stuck, and you'll know it inside
She's not 40 and living with her mom; it's honestly just a smarter financial decision in your mid/early 20s and, if it is to support her family, logical and positive. By the same token, working a "dead job" isn't a big deal. She's young enough that, if there's no route for progression, it can be leveraged to move to another position with equal/better pay.

Progress can be fast or slow; it makes no difference so long as you're always moving forward.
Thanks for actually being a reasonable person. Like I don't have some glamorous life but I enjoy it, and it's serviceable. I get to live in a first world country that has freedom of speech, I get to live in a house and not on the street, and I never have to worry about being hungry or thirsty. When I keep things like this in perspective it makes things more cozy for me.
OH, so now it isn't a classy gig

To be fair though, this is all I wanted him to say.

Good on you mate

bro no I'm being serious, you have a dead job and moved to Florida to live with your mother

you can go on a rant trying to rationalize the situation in a way that let's you lie to yourself, but until you actually take your life into your own hands you're still stuck, and you'll know it inside
She's not 40 and living with her mom; it's honestly just a smarter financial decision in your mid/early 20s and, if it is to support her family, logical and positive. By the same token, working a "dead job" isn't a big deal. She's young enough that, if there's no route for progression, it can be leveraged to move to another position with equal/better pay.

Progress can be fast or slow; it makes no difference so long as you're always moving forward.
Okay, then why be upset when I mention it?

Youre both missing the entire point here. I'm not asserting that SecondClass has a "shitty life", since that's subjective to the way a person enjoys living.

I'm making the facts clear, which as far as I can tell we agree on.

Class works an entry level job for unskilled workers with essentially no room to move up. In order to make a career with Wyndham, even if you start at the bottom and move up, you need to have a degree. You'll never snag a gm position and build a career out of it without education. If the opportunity ever did appear to move from a franchise employee to a corporate one, it would take a couple of decades without an education, effectively making the job dead end, or, not a career.

Same thing with the living with your mother because you have nowhere else to go.

This lifestyle suits young people often enough.

But SecondClass is in active denial that this lifestyle makes him unhappy. Instead of saying "yeah, I live at home and work a dead end job, and I'm satisfied with that for now, because I'm young and life will change", he denies that this is a dead end job, he denies that he has nothing, and he denies that he's going nowhere at the moment, then he gets angry at others for mentioning these facts.

I didn't start a fight with SecondClass, all I said was nobody who is looking to hire you is actually going to Google you.

This upset SecondClass, who felt that he should be important enough to his employer that they would take it upon themselves to learn not only what kind of trouble he's been in, but to investigate his personal life, look at social media, learn about him personally, which doesn't start to happen until you've made it much further in life.

But I don't believe he's so deluded that he doesn't know he exists at the lowest rung, I think he knows exactly where he falls in life, and just fronts about it nonstop.

So what's the point here?

The point is, instead of pretending his life is better than it is, all he needed to say was "I'm happy the way things are." Only that's also not true. So ultimately, if SecondClass wants to be happy, he might find more success in becoming happier by taking action to change his life rather than lying about being happy on the internet.

It's like I've been saying all along, a person who is happy with their life doesn't become upset when someone is frank about it.

Bonus Round: Misgendering
SecondClass has personal philosophies on gender, sex, and basic human rights which I feel is destructive to the lgbt community. More importantly, I feel these stances too sharply contrast the feelings of most lgbt and especially trans people, which makes our very political movement to be accepted much harder. By taking exclusionary steps against him I feel that my trans peers enjoy a better lifestyle.

This bids the question, what makes us more valid than him?

I don't suppose anyone is more valid than anyone else, but I'm not letting people like that hijack our movement and make it about them. If you wanna have a movement about converting all men into sissies and killing the ones that won't convert, leave us out of it.

I don't want to lend anyone with that kind of agenda a single drop of credence. When SecondClass chooses to transition for a reason other than "women are superior" maybe I'll consider him a trans woman, but nobody is allowed to bank off the struggles of trans women because they wanna join the "winning team".

That's disgusting.

The Flood / Re: How the fuck do you get a girlfriend?
« on: October 26, 2019, 11:39:57 PM »
ive already accepted that i will die single
find a boyfriend
having a boyfriend is nice, I'm very happy with it

"Dead end job"? Nope, it's a great job that I love.

Obviously you have some issue with me, after all you're misgendering me still. Hit me up at Carmen#0001 on Discord so we can sort this out.
You know, nobody believes that you're actually so delusional that you can't see that you don't really live, you're just existing.

I know it scares you to think about what difficult changes you need to make, but you don't need to pretend you're happy in the meantime.
I am happy with my current living situation. What I'm not happy with are people being mean to me on the Internet and saying I'm some hopeless lost cause or that I'm a bad person. As I said, you definitely have an issue with me, so please stop whatever you're doing here and address me on Discord.
if the way I described your life makes you feel bad, you should make your life better instead of blaming me

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