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Messages - Solonoid

Pages: 1 ... 747576 7778 ... 449
The Flood / Re: When you wake up one day
« on: May 07, 2017, 12:34:40 PM »
no, it mattered before then too

people under 18 shouldn't be engaging in sexual activity whatsoever, not even with each other

wtf is going on here
Furries. I'd stay back if I were you, heard it's contagious.
I mean, I knew they existed but I never actually witnessed it before.

No thanks, I'll stick with my current mental illnesses.

wtf is going on here

The Flood / When you wake up one day
« on: May 07, 2017, 12:15:07 PM »
And suddenly it actually matters whether or not someone is jailbait.

Wow fuck the government and fuck growing up.

I wanna be a loli for life.

what the fuck ryle are you fucking cheating on me?
n-no senpai
the deal was in two years i drive down to daytona and we yiff to an entire electronic music mix
wow ill be 23 then ill barely be alive
tfw ember is jailbait

The Flood / Re: fidget spinners
« on: May 07, 2017, 12:00:30 PM »
Back in my day we tapped our foot or clicked our pens to control anxiety in school. None of these fancy do dads today's kids get
We used to play five finger death with a pen.

The Flood / Re: when you see it
« on: May 07, 2017, 11:39:15 AM »
the dude in the cowboy hat?

you see it right off the bat

why is this a thing
so that people can claim to see it right away in an attempt to seem more perceptive than other people
why did 3 people like this post and how can some people not fucking see the man in the cowboy hat

its as clear as fucking day

is this a joke
It's true he was talking to me when we looked at it at the same time and I didn't get it and he said immediately it was a man in a hat and I got it.

Class literally saw the point right away.

The Flood / Re: fidget spinners
« on: May 07, 2017, 11:18:22 AM »
these started in the EDC community with the Torqbar to keep people that can't stop playing with knives to have something to play with in public

and then more people started to machine different ones

and now its a kids toy and the fad within the EDC community is over for the most part because it's been labeled as autistic
so are you guys going back to pocket tops or what?
ew fuck that

balisongs or bust

i flip dat shit in public

That's not any less autistic
theres a difference between the autistic people and the people that are just hardcore edgelords and its clearly visible

bro i leaned this shieeet on da streets

Of Tampa?
im not from florida im from DC
i moved here like 3 years ago
i also live in Daytona not Tampa
I grew up in St. Pete

That's a hard neighborhood.

The Flood / Re: In this topic we post our black rifles.
« on: May 07, 2017, 11:06:57 AM »

how does this make you feel?
Assault weapons of war like that have no place in civilian hands.
I don't understand this notion.

The weapons of war already belong to the civilians, and so do the instruments who wield them.

If those instruments should forget their masters place in ownership, the weapons of war would need to be wielded by the masters.

Civilians should have weapons to ensure that they can defend themselves from corrupt government as well as civilian attackers, should revolution ever need to occur.

I know the feeling.

I met a cool group I hung out with, at RTX in 2013, and in 2014 I changed schools and ran into them in the cafeteria.

The Flood / Re: Samurai Jack season 5
« on: May 07, 2017, 06:03:19 AM »
there's this thing called falling in love
Only in bad, trite fiction.
Said someone who's never been in love.

They're all going to get together and ram it in me.

The Flood / Re: I masturbate to SecondClass' posts frequently
« on: May 07, 2017, 03:39:13 AM »
You guys masturbate to the weirdest shit I swear
come back to discord
I deleted my old account and disabled the app until 2039 on the platform I use for vc... 
I know you've got coursework, but I want to let you know I think of you often and your company is missed.

The Flood / Re: I masturbate to SecondClass' posts frequently
« on: May 07, 2017, 03:00:05 AM »
You guys masturbate to the weirdest shit I swear
come back to discord

The Flood / Re: I masturbate to SecondClass' posts frequently
« on: May 07, 2017, 01:53:02 AM »
I hate sharing.

The Flood / Re: Empty™ Edition
« on: May 07, 2017, 01:45:49 AM »
Favorite drug?

None is a nonanswer
Alcohol is a drug
Ethanol is a drug.

Most alcohols are not.

The Flood / Re: Empty™ Edition
« on: May 07, 2017, 01:28:05 AM »
Favorite drug?

None is a nonanswer

The Flood / Re: Um wtf guys
« on: May 07, 2017, 12:58:45 AM »
Make another suicide thread
Maybe that'll work
That's not the kind of attention I want.

I just thought people should know.

Do a dramatic breakup with Class
Why so you can have him?

The Flood / Re: Um wtf guys
« on: May 07, 2017, 12:48:47 AM »
Make another suicide thread
Maybe that'll work
That's not the kind of attention I want.

I just thought people should know.

The Flood / Re: Um wtf guys
« on: May 07, 2017, 12:22:45 AM »

The Flood / Re: Bingo
« on: May 07, 2017, 12:19:26 AM »


The Flood / Um wtf guys
« on: May 06, 2017, 11:47:44 PM »
Why did I stop getting attention.

Tell me you love me more.

We had a full on crash a few days ago.

Cheat has acknowledged that he was informed that the problem existed, but did not comment about the nature of the issue, or if the the repair was his doing, or even if he has any insight into the nature of the issue.

As far as we know there has been no investigation into the laggy server-side connection, and the repair was merely an automated reboot post-crash.

If you are still experiencing problems, it may very well be a persisting problem that will require our host's attention.

The Flood / Re: Well FUCK, today I learned
« on: May 06, 2017, 10:14:07 PM »
I dunno why so many people were confused by that dialogue. It was awkward, but I still understood that it was a double meaning, and not just one or the other.
I think it was a poor choice of words for CIA.

Clearly, if he was going to say something and be interrupted by the last half of Bane's sentence, he should not have described Bane.

I don't think he needed a rebuttal about his ability to withstand pain from CIA to illustrate the idea that the audience was to believe CIA thought Bane meant for himself, and then amend his statement to infer that it would be painful for CIA.

Honestly, a facial expression denoting curious excitement from CIA would have been a better indicator that he was still interested in removing the mask, and it would have made him a more memorable character for a reason more positive than the interest of the internet in watching a dadcore dude get fucked by Bane, by giving the character depth and emotions, and a really twisted sense of humor.

The Flood / Re: Can we talk about the real cancer now, please?
« on: May 06, 2017, 08:28:07 PM »
You mean challenger?
Yeah autocorrect my bad

The Flood / Can we talk about the real cancer now, please?
« on: May 06, 2017, 08:17:18 PM »
A lot of you have brought up legitimate complaints about the content of some family run YouTube channels, but can we take a moment to talk about how fucking cancerous the concept itself is?

YouTubers shouldn't be reality stars showcasing their kids and trying to be the most Mormon atomic family.

A YouTuber should be a person who is either very skilled or very well informed at or about something, and make videos demonstrating or discussing that topic.

A YouTube channel should be about something that you people can become informed about, or entertained by.

It should either showcase original art or discuss an issue or topic, and it should always be more for the benefit of the viewer than the YouTuber.

If you want to be famous, you should do something worthy of fame, not display your family fishing for likes, receiving gifts, being dysfunctional, or having an outing.

You people aren't Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian, who have shows because people consider them beautiful and want to feel closer to their glamorous lifestyles of extreme luxury. You're middle class Americans demonstrating that you're hungry for attention because the family you're showing off doesn't sate your desire to be loved.

The Flood / Re: Sol
« on: May 06, 2017, 07:09:55 PM »
I don't date fat boys.

The Flood / Re: Dragon Ball Thread (DBS episode 88)
« on: May 06, 2017, 06:14:54 PM »
I stopped watching at the part where goku and beerus punch so hard it should destroy the universe and then they make you wait to find out what will happen.

Does it get any better from there?

The Flood / Re: what the hell is going on
« on: May 06, 2017, 05:57:46 PM »
For some reason memes from 2013 are still funny to some people.

when did you and class start dating
almost two weeks ago

how come

and how is it going so far
I got completely blind high one night and told class I loved him even though I was pretty sure he hated me, and maybe a week later me and view were teasing him saying he was in love with vien because he said he likes snakes, and I guess he was too high to get the joke because he got flustered and said he loved me.

So I told him I was in love with him, and wasn't just high the first time I said it and when he sobered up he said he wasn't just high either and felt the same way and we decided to make it a thing.

The Flood / Re: fuck bc
« on: May 06, 2017, 04:45:25 PM »
What is this forum anymore?
I left my love life on the xerox machine and is what came out.

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