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Messages - Solonoid

Pages: 1 ... 697071 7273 ... 449
The Flood / Re: Is America great yet?
« on: June 07, 2017, 06:43:32 PM »
Remember guys, you can't rape PSU's wife.

The Flood / RIP Lemon
« on: June 07, 2017, 04:51:50 PM »
It's been over a year since he last posted.

I can only guess he was executed for lying on his job application about whether or not he had ever used

The Flood / Re: F for Naoto
« on: June 07, 2017, 04:47:42 PM »
rip keyu you were a god among fucking weeaboo shits

The Flood / Re: Is America great yet?
« on: June 07, 2017, 02:26:44 PM »
just kill yourself
look guys verbatim is terrified of strong females displaying sexuality in an empowering manner

I'll send you a Blu-Ray of Wonder Woman when it hits stores.

The Flood / Re: Hey Ian
« on: June 07, 2017, 02:24:25 PM »
im no expert but i value the extra multitasking power over single core power
Yeah having two processing threads to each core is a huge boon for people who aren't trying to Twitch stream Japanese onahole VR games on ultra while 4K video chatting with their mom. Then you might not want to hyper thread. (or do that at all)

Ryzen is fucking great for having 2.43e+11 tabs open in chrome while rendering in professional video software though.

My big problem is Ethereum miners have bought up all the Radeon cards and now Ryzen's perfect match is virtually unavailable on the market.

The Flood / Re: Is America great yet?
« on: June 07, 2017, 02:14:02 PM »
Google can't blow me out by saying blatantly wrong things.

Google says only men can rape, so I guess it must be true!
Part of speech is still right

also women cannot rape
there's no such thing as "lesbian rape" and if it's not gay, a man is always consenting

The Flood / Re: Is America great yet?
« on: June 07, 2017, 02:12:41 PM »
Perhaps the Democratic Party should change its platform to something that isn't retarded and maybe I'll consider voting for them.
Or settle on a political strategy other than "You don't have a choice, vote for us or everyone will die."

This is America for fuck's sake, you'll never scare more people than the number you'll send into an indignant fit.
gj admitting that trump supporters are petulant children
all humans are petulant children

That's why democracy doesn't work.
But democracy is the law of the land, rather, Republican Federalism is.

There's not enough democracy in the US government to say it's Democratic, though at some lower municipal and county levels it is.

The Flood / Re: Is America great yet?
« on: June 07, 2017, 12:14:56 PM »
Perhaps the Democratic Party should change its platform to something that isn't retarded and maybe I'll consider voting for them.
Or settle on a political strategy other than "You don't have a choice, vote for us or everyone will die."

This is America for fuck's sake, you'll never scare more people than the number you'll send into an indignant fit.

The Flood / Re: what does the x in challengerx mean
« on: June 07, 2017, 11:48:06 AM »
Challengerx is a wigger
nah man he's a sand nigger

The Flood / Re: what does the x in challengerx mean
« on: June 07, 2017, 11:47:43 AM »
damn I should read the discord more often if it's that quality
It isn't, that message was private to Nuka, who in typical fashion told himself he was a decent human being for half an hour or so and then went off to have a giggle.

But since I'm not a little bitch like Verbatim I'm not going to throw a fit until someone comes to wipe my ass, and in doing so scare off a number of decent members.
What the fuck are you rambling about lmao

Verbatim scared off members now?

He does it all the time actually.
But I'm referring to a specific and very public incident in this case.
Kill yourself dude
no I won't give you half a pack of bologna for a bj

knew I shouldn't have made eye contact

The Flood / Re: Hey Ian
« on: June 07, 2017, 11:46:00 AM »
What? I thought people knew AMD has a fighting chance right now and that Intel seems to be scrambling, according to what's going on at computex with... i forget who, but companies weren't prepared for the last minute decisions Intel is making
Days after launch Reddit declared Ryzen 7 a total failure and an unusable CPU.

The image only really started recovering after Ryzen 5 came out and poorfags started buy them up and nobody wanted i5s anymore. That's when Intel started worrying.

Hardcore 'muh rig' gamers wouldn't touch the R7, so it was pretty much just the AMD 'how fucking far can I push this processor' overclock crew was using them. But R5 users reported good things, and Ryzen 5 started getting called the next mainstay in non-hardcore PC gaming. Magazines and shit said 'move over i5' and that's when the Peesee Mustard Rice crew started buying Ryzen 7s.

Personally, I was pumped for the Ryzen 7 launch, but the internet killed it for me.
Now that word on the street is getting more positive I can't wait to get my hands on one.

I've been practicing my build skills for a week.
I've disassembled, dusted, and rebuilt every computer I have in prep.
My friends and I went to Fry's a couple days ago and they bought some PC parts and I put them together for them to get familiar with assets that are standard on this year's mobos and some of the newer drive mounts.

I remember when drive cages used to be massive steel boxes and now they're neat little shelves or clips.

Def gonna build one of these before the end of the year.

The Flood / Re: what does the x in challengerx mean
« on: June 07, 2017, 11:24:58 AM »
damn I should read the discord more often if it's that quality
It isn't, that message was private to Nuka, who in typical fashion told himself he was a decent human being for half an hour or so and then went off to have a giggle.

But since I'm not a little bitch like Verbatim I'm not going to throw a fit until someone comes to wipe my ass, and in doing so scare off a number of decent members.
What the fuck are you rambling about lmao

Verbatim scared off members now?

He does it all the time actually.
But I'm referring to a specific and very public incident in this case.

The Flood / Re: what does the x in challengerx mean
« on: June 07, 2017, 11:14:07 AM »
damn I should read the discord more often if it's that quality
It isn't, that message was private to Nuka, who in typical fashion told himself he was a decent human being for half an hour or so and then went off to have a giggle.

But since I'm not a little bitch like Verbatim I'm not going to throw a fit until someone comes to wipe my ass, and in doing so scare off a number of decent members.

The Flood / Hey Ian
« on: June 07, 2017, 11:09:47 AM »
How does it feel to know that the Ryzen has burst through Intel Propaganda on Reddit and come into it's own as the #1 processor in terms of bang for your buck? Yeah, even for gamers.

Beyond that it cuts the time for rendering media in half when compared to the last generation of processors that we were buying and praising just a year and a half ago. Literally twice as deadly as the chipset that holds the world record for fastest clock time.

AMD is still of course the go to choice for anyone and everyone who wants to overclock, and in keeping with this spirit, AMD couples the unit with an easy-to-install air cooler that is next to silent and has the raw chill factor to keep your CPU that has been overclocked as much as 30% nice and cool, no messy water coolant required until you near the upper eschelon of overclocking.

AMD is slated to launch the Ryzen 3 series and a Ryzen Mobile chipset by the end of the year.

The fog is lifting, and nobody is buying that Ryzen is shit anymore.

The Flood / Re: what does the x in challengerx mean
« on: June 07, 2017, 09:19:11 AM »
Oh see, I let it go on too long and now he's going to follow me until I give him money.

The Flood / Re: what does the x in challengerx mean
« on: June 07, 2017, 09:18:10 AM »
I assume it used to be Challenger(integer) but as he started fucking more and more goats it got tedious to change his username all the time to keep score.
Wow it must've taken you all night to come up with that one and it still doesn't make sense.

Don't you have another job to quit so you can get high and talk to mentally ill people online? LMAO
sorry sir I don't have any change

if you'll excuse me I was talking to someone
But you're the one who was a hobo and went to jail for food and shelter
seriously I don't have any change go as the European Union

what is this even supposed to mean

People express feelings for something other than the anus of a goat.


The Flood / Re: I did it gents
« on: June 07, 2017, 09:06:04 AM »
>bunch of bs explanations created by fans to cover up plot holes

prequel haters BTFO
all of the things being called "plot holes" were explained in the movies
only the one about Leia is from a book
Cybot Galactica, Palpatine's lightsaber, and Yoda becoming Obi Wan's master after knighthood wasn't in any of the movies either.
Obi Wan says to Luke in Empire "You will go to the Dagobah system. There you will learn from Yoda, the Jedi Master who instructed me."

In the prequels we learn a lot about the hierarchy of the Jedi Order, and in RoTS Anakin is a knight but he is still Obi-Wan's apprentice. This is solidified further by The Clone Wars.

So when Obi-Wan says in Empire that he was Yoda's apprentice, and considering that Obi-Wan became a Knight the same moment his master died. It's not a matter of books or semantics, it's two pieces of information about the same subject that form a complete idea.

Palpatine is shown to be truly fearsome with a lightsaber in RoTS, yes, but there's more to the story.
Since no Jedi had ever heard of Darth Maul, unlike Dooku, it is clear that it was Palpatine's training alone which turned Maul into such a devastating combatant. This means Sideous is also very skilled with a saberstaff. Maul used almost no force powers in battle and was defeated by a padawan, so when Dooku became palpatine's apprentice he realized a much greater need for the force in a combat setting, where before most of their force training had been in mysticism. (creating life, blinding the jedi to the dark side, things of that nature) Dooku receives almost no lightsaber training from Palpatine. His lightsaber style (revealed in books to be called Makashi, invented and used solely by the Jedi Order) is the same we see Ki-Adi Mundi use in the films, so even without the info from the books, we can tell Palpatine did not teach Dooku lightsaber combat. Dooku's force powers grew immensely under the tutelage of Sideous though, and he is even shown to be a match for Yoda, where at the time of his retirement from the Jedi Order his health was failing and his powers waning. (mentioned in Ep II)

This shows a pivotal shift in Palpatine's approach to combat, which is confirmed when he vilifies lightsabers, and in Jedi fights using the force alone.

In short: Because Maul exists we know Palpatine has to have lightsaber skills in Ep I, verified in Ep III, and by Ep VI he has changed his style so much he only uses the force and talks shit about lightsabers. In that time he lost two very promising apprentices (Vader lives but is never the same) who relied too much on their lightsabers. It isn't rocket science.

The part about Palpatine being one of the most fearsome combatants in the history of the galaxy does come from books though, but that isn't the key point.

C-3PO never says anything about where he came from at all in the movies.
It is verified in Empire though that he is not one-of-a-kind, and in Ep I Anakin says that he found the him in the junkyard and had been stealing parts from Watto to fix him. 3PO's being a standard model supported by the fact that the very person who finished building 3PO was Uncle Owen, who did not immediately recognize 3PO even when he started talking.

Cybot Galactica is identified as his manufacturer in a visual dictionary.

Fans did not come up with any of that, it was all authors and writers hired by Lucasfilm or Disney, or it was in the movies but it wasn't as obvious as Morgan Freeman showing up to explain what's going on.

The Flood / Re: what does the x in challengerx mean
« on: June 07, 2017, 08:02:36 AM »
I assume it used to be Challenger(integer) but as he started fucking more and more goats it got tedious to change his username all the time to keep score.
Wow it must've taken you all night to come up with that one and it still doesn't make sense.

Don't you have another job to quit so you can get high and talk to mentally ill people online? LMAO
sorry sir I don't have any change

if you'll excuse me I was talking to someone
But you're the one who was a hobo and went to jail for food and shelter
seriously I don't have any change go as the European Union


The Flood / Re: I did it gents
« on: June 07, 2017, 07:58:47 AM »
>bunch of bs explanations created by fans to cover up plot holes

prequel haters BTFO
all of the things being called "plot holes" were explained in the movies
only the one about Leia is from a book

The Flood / Re: what does the x in challengerx mean
« on: June 07, 2017, 07:55:42 AM »
I assume it used to be Challenger(integer) but as he started fucking more and more goats it got tedious to change his username all the time to keep score.
Wow it must've taken you all night to come up with that one and it still doesn't make sense.

Don't you have another job to quit so you can get high and talk to mentally ill people online? LMAO
sorry sir I don't have any change

if you'll excuse me I was talking to someone

The Flood / Re: what does the x in challengerx mean
« on: June 07, 2017, 06:19:01 AM »
I assume it used to be Challenger(integer) but as he started fucking more and more goats it got tedious to change his username all the time to keep score.

The Flood / Re: I did it gents
« on: June 07, 2017, 04:48:58 AM »

I can't let this stand! Or everyone will think I'm a punk!
Yooo Season 3 is gonna be lit
I've heard it's finally underway.
They were in pre-production for like a year.

The Flood / Re: I did it gents
« on: June 07, 2017, 04:42:09 AM »

I can't let this stand! Or everyone will think I'm a punk!

The Flood / Re: I did it gents
« on: June 07, 2017, 04:26:45 AM »
I'm a darn impressive person

Don't toss off too hard now.
But Vien, I did approximately 1/3 of something that over a hundred thousand people will have forgotten about by tomorrow.

The Flood / Re: I did it gents
« on: June 07, 2017, 04:02:09 AM »
I'm a darn impressive person

The Flood / Re: I did it gents
« on: June 07, 2017, 03:55:06 AM »
I also built a computer from start to finish in under five hours last night and it booted on the first try

The Flood / I did it gents
« on: June 07, 2017, 03:28:35 AM »
Got a post on the front page of imgur.

With Danny Phantom S4?

We all remember these drawing by Butch Hartman released a while ago.
The Gang Ten Years Later

Well, he just released new sketches of the rest of the core cast, and it shows that he's been thinking quite a bit about just what the universe looks like in 2017, and where it will going in the near future.

Jazz Fenton

Jazz looks like a cross between the borg queen and Oracle, presumably she resides in some unreachable pocket of the ghost zone feeding the ground team intel.
Jack Fenton

Foolhardy and downright foolish, now that the stakes have been raised and the world is a little darker Jack Fenton was bound to lose a limb, or even his life eventually. His cybernetics appear to use ecto-power, meaning that perhaps Jack has moved far beyond his prejudice and mistrust of all things ghostly, to the point that he has added a little ghost power to his own body.
Maddie Fenton

Danny's genius, heavy weapon toting mother is decked out like she's been thriving in a ghastly wasteland. Here she wields an updated version of the ecto-stick, that can perhaps be equated to the Ghost of Lucille.
Dani Fenton

Everybody's favorite totally canon rule 63 with the ability to fry you alive, Dani Fenton will have just turned 11, don't worry though you sexually frustrated bongs, since the biological age she stabilized her rapid ecto-cellular degeneration at in 2007 was 12, she is now biologically 22. She was born a rebel, and it looks like not much has changed.
Vlad Masters

A recently freed Plasmius looks like he's out for revenge on Jack for abandoning him in space a decade ago. Nobody is sure what hapened to old Uncle Vlad after he was struck by the disastroid, but it looks like he's more powerful than ever. Who knows who imprisoned him, or why? One thing's for sure, Vlad's backstory has definitely been fleshed out by Butch Hartman

Here are some videos of Butch Hartman drawing these updated characters.

The Spectre Detectors Themselves

Extended Cast

so if gore is okay as long as it isn't real gore

why can't I post lolis as long as they aren't 3D lolis
because sex is more offensive than fake violence to any rational person

my avatar barely qualifies as fake gore, it's fake gore-lite
drawings can't have sex

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