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Messages - Solonoid

Pages: 1 ... 686970 7172 ... 449
jar jar actually unironically looks great here

except for his clothes
jar jar looks godawful here, the fuck are you on about
describe the godawfulness
the meshes are okay, although vertex weight is poorly attributed and contributes to the next problem

his texturing is cartoony, and look like they were designed for higher poly meshes than production actually ended up using

these textures paired with the first problem create the effect Doom mentioned where he stands out way too much against his background, because he becomes incapable of reflecting light in the environment he's rendered in subtly, and he ends up either too vibrant for the lighting or just kind looks out of place.

The Flood / Re: Daily Reminder
« on: June 09, 2017, 04:06:52 PM »

he was a good, entertaining, and funny character with a fleshed out character arc
He was poorly executed cringy comic relief who couldn't decide what his role in the franchise was.

There's having a character arc, and then there's unfocused writing, the two are quite different.
even mike stoklasa (the guy who everybody gets their opinions on star wars from) admits that he had a character arc
"everybody gets their star wars opinions from one guy"

then how come everybody disagrees about everything dumbass
why are there 30,000 denominations of christianity
because not everybody gets their opinions from the pope

The Flood / Re: Daily Reminder
« on: June 09, 2017, 04:04:12 PM »

he was a good, entertaining, and funny character with a fleshed out character arc
He was poorly executed cringy comic relief who couldn't decide what his role in the franchise was.

There's having a character arc, and then there's unfocused writing, the two are quite different.
even mike stoklasa (the guy who everybody gets their opinions on star wars from) admits that he had a character arc
"everybody gets their star wars opinions from one guy"

then how come everybody disagrees about everything dumbass

The Flood / Re: Daily Reminder
« on: June 09, 2017, 04:01:47 PM »

he was a good, entertaining, and funny character with a fleshed out character arc
He was poorly executed cringy comic relief who couldn't decide what his role in the franchise was.

There's having a character arc, and then there's unfocused writing, the two are quite different.

The Flood / Daily Reminder
« on: June 09, 2017, 02:57:49 PM »
Jar Jar started the Clone Wars.


darth bane?
"Perhaps he's wondering why you'd blast a man before evacuating him from an airlock."

Seems kinda similar to a rule thought up by a certain big sith lord for you.

The Flood / Re: Has Mark Hamill worked himself into a corner?
« on: June 09, 2017, 12:55:34 AM »
I'd rather they just kill off the Joker completely across all mediums and focus on more interesting villains.
dat victor von doom smugness
Doctor Doom isn't a villain though.

The Flood / Re: Has Mark Hamill worked himself into a corner?
« on: June 09, 2017, 12:44:26 AM »
Someone just point out video game voice acting/motion capture, back Verb into a corner his hubris will force him to defend, and watch him dig himself a hole
but mark hamill has never done these things either you fucking idiot, not for this iteration of the joker

do you ever get tired of saying retarded shit
go to 1:32 and see testimony from someone at rocksteady saying that he watched Hamill literally become the joker in the sound booth


The Flood / Re: Has Mark Hamill worked himself into a corner?
« on: June 09, 2017, 12:36:32 AM »
ITT: verb doesn't understand what actors do or how acting works

The Flood / Re: Has Mark Hamill worked himself into a corner?
« on: June 09, 2017, 12:13:00 AM »
Hammil's Joker is great but it would never translate into a live action film.
Have you ever seen him portray the Trickster live action?

It's simply downright wonderful.

The Flood / Re: Has Mark Hamill worked himself into a corner?
« on: June 09, 2017, 12:11:47 AM »
you can only "be" the joker if you physically play the part

your voice isn't enough
No. Just no. Mark Hamill has portrayed the Joker more times than any other actor, and probably understands him on a level that no other living person does.

I know you're a Ledger fanboy, but his version of the Joker, while absolutely praiseworthy, is an incredibly isolated portrayal that, simply put, doesn't fit who the Joker really is.

It's the equivalent of a less extreme Superman: Red Son.
A neat version of the character, but not the real character.

The Flood / Has Mark Hamill worked himself into a corner?
« on: June 09, 2017, 12:04:02 AM »
I think at this point, fan demand for Mark Hamill as the two characters that he simply is the one and only actor for has put him in a place where he's started doing, and is going to be forced to continue doing, a lot of shitty movies.

Nobody else has ever portrayed Luke Skywalker. Hell, I don't think anybody else has ever even voiced the iconic Jedi. There are at least two more films Luke will be alive in, and depending on whether or not the Han Solo anthology includes some of his adventures from after and in between the episodes of the OT as well, he may be in that film. It's no secret that Mark Hamill does not like the two films they've shot so far, and fans receive both of them with very mixed feelings.

You may like Nicholson, and you may like Ledger, but the simple truth is that even though they both portrayed the Joker well, Mark Hamill is the Joker. The Killing Joke was a morbid failure, unable to stay on target and falling completely flat. Fan demand for Hamill is very strong though, and he could end up doing a few more bad movies if fan demand stays so high.

A real dream come true would be to see him get even leaner than he has for Star Wars and portray an aged version of Jared Leto's Joker (love or hate him, I think Leto captured the character quite well, except for the fact that Joker doesn't give a fuuuck about Harley) in a future-set Dark Knight Returns adaptation for the DCCU.

ofc DC would ruin that too and then we'd get even more clips of Hamill complaining about everyone at the studio being an incompetent boob

The Flood / Re: Great shows with terrible fandoms
« on: June 08, 2017, 11:37:05 PM »
last  8)

The Flood / Re: Great shows with terrible fandoms
« on: June 08, 2017, 11:25:56 PM »
last  8)

The Flood / Re: Great shows with terrible fandoms
« on: June 08, 2017, 11:11:48 PM »
last  8)

The Flood / Re: Great shows with terrible fandoms
« on: June 08, 2017, 10:50:59 PM »
Not really related, but I hate how everyone views the Lord of the Rings fanbase as meganerds with absolutely no lives.

I have yet to meet a no life meganerd who was actually a LotR fan, and I have yet to meet a hardcore LotR fan who wasn't either a hipster or inexplicably metal as fvck.

i can't tell if you're joking or not

you've got people here who legitimately think the prequels are flawless

so yeah
this is clearly a parody of threads about Peter Cushing's resurrection.

it's been months since anyone has mentioned that
and I just now thought about it while watching TPM

sorry I don't watch Ep I more often

i can't tell if you're joking or not

you've got people here who legitimately think the prequels are flawless

so yeah
this is clearly a parody of threads about Peter Cushing's resurrection.

The Flood / Re: Alright, that's enough.
« on: June 08, 2017, 08:51:23 PM »
yeah fuck you

you can't tell me how to live my life, flat and lifeless is my essence

Do you tell all the women that?
there's a precious irony to this in a number of ways

Are you being ironic?


The first time I saw the film, I didn't know it wasn't really him, and rewatching it knowing that I still never see any signs that he was CGI.

The Flood / Re: Alright, that's enough.
« on: June 08, 2017, 08:02:32 PM »
yeah fuck you

you can't tell me how to live my life, flat and lifeless is my essence

Do you tell all the women that?
there's a precious irony to this in a number of ways

The Flood / Re: Crypto-Currencies
« on: June 08, 2017, 07:00:56 PM »
tfw dogecoin is 10x more valuable than when I lost all of mine in the great shutdown parade of the Grorious PR of C.
I was selling it all because dogecoin was at its 2014 peak and I had some on a market when the Chinese government pulled the plug on dozens of website.

The Flood / Re: Crypto-Currencies
« on: June 08, 2017, 04:52:44 PM »
Bitcoin has a strong market presence and Ethereum miners are currently adversely affecting their own market potential with business practices that throw caution to the wind. Bitcoin is rapidly approaching stability as mining becomes next to impossible, and Bitcoin mining is driving the computer industry forward and pushing for bigger, better processors and specialty mining units. Ethereum miners are currently in a buying frenzy for Radeon cards that has left much of the gaming industry very upset, especially since so many new AMD builds are being done right now and nobody can get a GPU that isn't Nvidia.

Ultimately conflict between the two groups does not support Ethereum's bottom line in the long run, as gamers have massive influence on the GPU market, and the lack of availability of Radeon cards will likely cause gamers to become more dependent on Nvidia anywhere from the next year to the next five years.

After the buying frenzy ends, due to overmining of Ethereum and the need for machines developed with mining in mind increases, Radeon will see an almost sudden halt  in market presence.

How does this affect Ethereum?
Communal mining will still be largely done on GPU, much like bitcoin mining communities still are.
Radeon will still be the best option for them, but dying market presence with gamers due to increased dependency on Nvidia while Radeon was unavailable means that development and ultimately product quality will drop in coming years.

This will make it infamously difficult to get into mining, and create an exclusivity to the currency that will drop market diversity, and therefore speculation substantially.

This will create market stability.

I predict bitcoin will become stable before Ethereum, but Ethereum being stable, and not impossible to mine, even if just a little later down the line, will mean that miners will own a huge portion of the market. If you know even the littlest bit about economics, then you understand that when there's more supply than demand prices fall.

I consider these two types of stability "Natural" and "Artificial".

Natural stability comes from a currency having hit it's production cap, even if just for the time being, and trade becoming the sole form of variation on the market. Natural stability presents an opportunity for, but not a guarantee of, growth.

Artificial stability comes from a currency having become traded between a less diverse group of people, who generally already hold large sums and are on the same page about value. This type of stability guarantees a decline in value.

"Stability" simply means that growth fluctuation will slow to a rate seen in foreign capital trade between first world countries.

A good example of natural vs artificial is the difference between country valued by a country's GDP and currency on the gold standard. GDP is hard to change and changes slowly, creating stability. There is a finite quantity of gold, creating stability. Both still have value fluctuation based on speculation. However, people are always finding new gold.

This isn't the best example, because in the last century we have discovered a myriad of uses for gold outside of bling, and the real world value has actually more than doubled in the last century. In fact its one of the most useful materials on the planet. But we're not going to fins out that Ethereum can be melted down and used in spacecraft.

TL;DR Ethereum miners have bitten the hand that feeds and now it's only a matter of time before the trade market shrinks.

The Flood / Re: How?! HOWWWWW?!?
« on: June 07, 2017, 09:12:16 PM »
Can't wait until Samurai Jack: Infinite when it turns out Aku was always just Jack from the future after having gained great power which transformed him, and gone back in time to set his own origin in motion, sealing his fate as he did.

The Flood / Re: watchin naruto - episode 62
« on: June 07, 2017, 08:05:47 PM »
Is this ninja better?

The Flood / Re: watchin naruto - episode 62
« on: June 07, 2017, 08:04:35 PM »
Why did you choose the most edgiest/emo character in the show?

I didn't really think this name thing out.
Because 666 was the next number.

I did think it out.
That's the joke.

The Flood / Re: watchin naruto - episode 62
« on: June 07, 2017, 07:30:04 PM »
I didn't really think this name thing out.

Butch Hartman is still milking the fuck out of The Fairly Oddparents and turned it into shit
I think his role in the franchise today is similar to Stephen Hillenburg in Spongebob.

The money is good and he doesn't give a fuuuuuuck and only steps in for big things.

Butch Hartman's work is nuanced with certain rules, The Fairly Oddparents threw most of that out the window years ago after the series had its first proper ending.

I hope they don't, it looks like shit so far.

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