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Messages - Solonoid

Pages: 1 ... 676869 7071 ... 449
The Flood / Re: Just started Teen Titans: The Judas Contract
« on: June 13, 2017, 03:32:49 AM »
Half of this movie:

points for comic book acuracy but this part (which is where I am now) is seriously grossing me out

I was hoping this would go more like Aftershock from the anime.

The Flood / Re: Just started Teen Titans: The Judas Contract
« on: June 13, 2017, 03:05:05 AM »
I like Terra's design, but the distinct lack of Tara Strong urks me.
Tara Strong only does good shows

Yeah, like My LIttle Pony and Teen Titans Go!.
never seen TTG but from what I hear they break the fourth wall and lampshade shit on there, so it's fine in my book
I know you know.

I told you.

The Flood / Re: Just started Teen Titans: The Judas Contract
« on: June 13, 2017, 02:57:17 AM »
I like Terra's design, but the distinct lack of Tara Strong urks me.
Tara Strong only does good shows

Yeah, like My LIttle Pony and Teen Titans Go!.

The Flood / Re: Just started Teen Titans: The Judas Contract
« on: June 13, 2017, 01:58:39 AM »
I like Terra's design, but the distinct lack of Tara Strong urks me.

The Flood / Just started Teen Titans: The Judas Contract
« on: June 13, 2017, 01:53:38 AM »
Starts off with a flashback to when Starfire came to Earth, and kisses Dick Grayson to learn English.

She explains her species can learn languages through lip contact and Wally West pipes up "I speak some Spanish,
 if you wanna learn that." Wally and Roy Harper both use the same voice actors from YJ, so it felt just like seeing the Wal-Man in action again.

drinking unfiltered water is like eating raw meat
do you know what a mountain spring is
I'll take that as a no

the water in the underground basin is literally sealed, pure H2O (the molecule itself). It rises up, into a sterile PVC pipe, which runs down about a mile where people like me can collect it

You're thinking of a river. You only have to filter water if there's something in the water other than H2O.
these statements are false

Pasta aside, you shouldn't imbibe too much distilled water, it can cause digestive unrest.

Purified water with minerals is better for you.
nope, spring water is
water directly from springs is not only disgusting in taste but also too dangerous to sell.

When you buy a bottle that says 'spring water' what it means is tap water from a municipality that gets its water from surface reserves instead of more pure underground reserves, like aquifers.
Dummy I go to a spring

there's a public spot with a pvc pipe set up not 10 miles away

and no, it literally tastes like designer water
no you don't

also unpurified water is terribly unsafe
LMAO yes I fucking do, do you want the fucking coordinates?

and it's literally better than the chemical soup you drink, fuck off
One chemical and an arrangement a couple of elements.

And the chemical is water.
When you get water from a natural source there is a huge variety of unknown chemicals and micro-organisms.
If you get water from a river, sure

do you know what a mountain spring is
sorry I don't like drinking bacteria

drinking unfiltered water is like eating raw meat

Pasta aside, you shouldn't imbibe too much distilled water, it can cause digestive unrest.

Purified water with minerals is better for you.
nope, spring water is
water directly from springs is not only disgusting in taste but also too dangerous to sell.

When you buy a bottle that says 'spring water' what it means is tap water from a municipality that gets its water from surface reserves instead of more pure underground reserves, like aquifers.
Dummy I go to a spring

there's a public spot with a pvc pipe set up not 10 miles away

and no, it literally tastes like designer water
no you don't

also unpurified water is terribly unsafe
LMAO yes I fucking do, do you want the fucking coordinates?

and it's literally better than the chemical soup you drink, fuck off
your marriage is already falling apart
I only drink genetically modified water and that is a big enough problem to cause deep seated hatred which will send us both on a murderous rampage

Pasta aside, you shouldn't imbibe too much distilled water, it can cause digestive unrest.

Purified water with minerals is better for you.
nope, spring water is
water directly from springs is not only disgusting in taste but also too dangerous to sell.

When you buy a bottle that says 'spring water' what it means is tap water from a municipality that gets its water from surface reserves instead of more pure underground reserves, like aquifers.
Dummy I go to a spring

there's a public spot with a pvc pipe set up not 10 miles away

and no, it literally tastes like designer water
no you don't

also unpurified water is terribly unsafe
LMAO yes I fucking do, do you want the fucking coordinates?

and it's literally better than the chemical soup you drink, fuck off
One chemical and an arrangement a couple of elements.

And the chemical is water.
When you get water from a natural source there is a huge variety of unknown chemicals and micro-organisms.

The Flood / Re: Muslims iz bad!!!1!1one!1!1!!!!!!!!1111
« on: June 12, 2017, 09:05:10 PM »
what happened to you
He's always been like this
oh yeah i just remembered what user this was
Chaos Metal Negro

The Flood / I can't believe you haven't heard.
« on: June 12, 2017, 08:34:04 PM »
I thought it was common knowledge that boys make the best girls.

Jesus fuck are you guys arguing about fucking water?
water is wet
oh look guys verbatim is right about something

Pasta aside, you shouldn't imbibe too much distilled water, it can cause digestive unrest.

Purified water with minerals is better for you.
nope, spring water is
water directly from springs is not only disgusting in taste but also too dangerous to sell.

When you buy a bottle that says 'spring water' what it means is tap water from a municipality that gets its water from surface reserves instead of more pure underground reserves, like aquifers.
Dummy I go to a spring

there's a public spot with a pvc pipe set up not 10 miles away

and no, it literally tastes like designer water
no you don't

also unpurified water is terribly unsafe

Pasta aside, you shouldn't imbibe too much distilled water, it can cause digestive unrest.

Purified water with minerals is better for you.
nope, spring water is
water directly from springs is not only disgusting in taste but also too dangerous to sell.

When you buy a bottle that says 'spring water' what it means is tap water from a municipality that gets its water from surface reserves instead of more pure underground reserves, like aquifers.

Pasta aside, you shouldn't imbibe too much distilled water, it can cause digestive unrest.

Purified water with minerals is better for you.

The Flood / Re: Been replaying KOTOR II lately
« on: June 12, 2017, 05:00:21 AM »
It's in my top 3 games. Best Star Wars story.

People obsess so much over the original but fuck TSL was a wild ride.

From a mysterious and empty mining facility full of corpses and hostile droids through planets teeming with civilization and some empty or abandoned, ending in the broken husk of a world that you destroyed, it's one hell of a story.

All the best parts of Revan's story happened before and after KOTOR.

KOTOR II really focuses on the climax of Meetra Surik's life.

The Flood / Been replaying KOTOR II lately
« on: June 12, 2017, 03:42:31 AM »
In the Iziz cantina there's this Twi'lek named Jonra Farr who is an ambitious supporter of the General.

This game came out over a decade ago and she reminded me so well of one of those trump supporting girls on /pol/ I choked on my drink.

Anybody else play the shit out of this game when it was new?

The Flood / Re: The truth about Scooby-Doo
« on: June 10, 2017, 09:50:58 PM »
I'm burning all my fucking pocket squares.

Just don't stick em in your back pockets.
how am I supposed to identify as someone's prison bitch then?

The Flood / Re: The truth about Scooby-Doo
« on: June 10, 2017, 08:32:30 PM »
I'm burning all my fucking pocket squares.

The Flood / Re: I don't appreciate your ruse, ma'am.
« on: June 10, 2017, 12:22:38 AM »
Hey what do you want to be when you grow up
my bitch

The Flood / Re: I don't appreciate your ruse, ma'am.
« on: June 10, 2017, 12:19:41 AM »
And every employee at every store ever said.


The Flood / Re: The truth about Scooby-Doo
« on: June 10, 2017, 12:15:26 AM »
Also this is all common knowledge.

The Flood / Re: Daily Reminder
« on: June 09, 2017, 10:40:27 PM »
and I have yet to meet anybody who actually thinks the plinkett reviews are right about even a moderate fraction of the things said in them

Lol what? You mean besides basically the whole star wars fanbase?
like I just said, I think it's a myth perpetuated by people who are sick of hearing about a very vocal minority's opinions

jar jar actually unironically looks great here

except for his clothes
jar jar looks godawful here, the fuck are you on about
describe the godawfulness
the meshes are okay, although vertex weight is poorly attributed and contributes to the next problem

his texturing is cartoony, and look like they were designed for higher poly meshes than production actually ended up using

these textures paired with the first problem create the effect Doom mentioned where he stands out way too much against his background, because he becomes incapable of reflecting light in the environment he's rendered in subtly, and he ends up either too vibrant for the lighting or just kind looks out of place.

I use vaccines recreationally

The Flood / Re: Daily Reminder
« on: June 09, 2017, 07:47:28 PM »
well, I mean

until verb

The Flood / Re: Daily Reminder
« on: June 09, 2017, 07:47:10 PM »
and I have yet to meet anybody who actually thinks the plinkett reviews are right about even a moderate fraction of the things said in them
I thought everyone sucked his dick tho
that's all I ever hear people say
that everyone sucks his dick for no reason

but I've never actually seen somebody suck it

The Flood / Sep7agon: A Brief Screenplay for a Television Commercial
« on: June 09, 2017, 06:36:55 PM »
Establishing Shot
sep7agon headquarters; a large glass modernist building in silicon valley
green hills roll in the background, a lighted sign bearing the sep7agon logo stands before the street in the bottom left corner of the screen

cut to a glass room enclosed by drapes with a long white conference table
two men sit at opposite ends staring venomously and intently at each other

Man 1 is wearing a black wool suit with a white silk shirt and New Balance tennis shoes.
His dark hair is buzzed close to his head, but not to where his scalp is showing.
He is not wearing a tie (important)

Man 2 is wearing a 3-piece khaki silk suit with single thread black pinstripes and a black shirt.
His hair is lighter, longer, and somewhat disheveled.
He wears a light blue tie, the same shade as the logo from the establishing shot.

MCU; Man 1; *scowls*
MCU; Man 2; *stares with contempt*

MCU; Man 1: I don't care about empirical evidence or what subjectivity is. I speak and that is the way things shall be!
MCU; Man 2: Your opinion is not the end-all-be-all. In fact, most of your opinions aren't even popular!
MCU; Man 1: My opinions are in concurrence with the source of all people's opinions, and therefore are universally held.
MCU; Man 2: (in disbelief) Do you even know what an opinion is?
ECU (eyes only; letterbox); Man 1: *stares just past the camera* (the focus and hatred in his eyes should be palpable)
MRP; Man 1: *slowly his face goes from anger to light amusement*
MCU; Man 2: *furrows his brow*
MCU; Man 1: *chuckles to himself* You see, that's a logical fallacy; whether or not I know what an opinion is does not impact the validity of my assertions as they are unrelated.
MS; Man 1: *stands, leans forward, and slams both hands on the table* Your logical fallacy is Ad Hominem!
MS; Man 2: *leaps from chair and takes a step back; he is taken aback with disbelief* You can't be serious!

WS; the drapes rise

a few dozen other people who also work at sep7agon headquarters stand outside the windows, laughing madly

MWS; (at the door): *people start entering the room, still laughing. Man 1 looks ahead at Man 2 smugly. The laughing grows more hysterical, people begin to point at Man 1. Others fall to the floor and clutch their gut. Man 1 realizes they are not laughing with him, they are in fact laughing at him*
MCU; Man1: *his smug grin is replaced by an embarrassed frown. he blushes visibly*
(same shot - begin slow zoom); disembodied voices: *the hysterical laughter continues* [ad lib: people make remarks in comic hysteria about how stupid Man 1 is]
(same shot - zoom continues); Man 1: *begins to cry*

screen cuts to black when zoom reaches CU
the laughter lingers for a moment
audio cuts to mute
Sep7agon logo fades in


The Flood / Re: The truth about Scooby-Doo
« on: June 09, 2017, 04:31:01 PM »
they drove to China once

The Flood / Re: Daily Reminder
« on: June 09, 2017, 04:27:32 PM »

he was a good, entertaining, and funny character with a fleshed out character arc
He was poorly executed cringy comic relief who couldn't decide what his role in the franchise was.

There's having a character arc, and then there's unfocused writing, the two are quite different.
even mike stoklasa (the guy who everybody gets their opinions on star wars from) admits that he had a character arc
"everybody gets their star wars opinions from one guy"

then how come everybody disagrees about everything dumbass
why are there 30,000 denominations of christianity
because not everybody gets their opinions from the pope
they get them from a book

plinkett reviews are basically the bible for star wars fanboys and spectrumites
not everybody agrees with what's in the bible
many non-trinitarian denominations see the bible as a joke and read different texts

nontheless you're comparing apples to oranges

the bible is (largely) a collection of firsthand accounts, and in this formula it's equivalent to the films

a review is more like a theological essay, fraught with opinion and infinitely refutable by anyone else who also read the bible, or any number of texts the catholic church decided not to include when they were editing the first bible

and I have yet to meet anybody who actually thinks the plinkett reviews are right about even a moderate fraction of the things said in them

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