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Messages - Solonoid

Pages: 1 ... 656667 6869 ... 449
The Flood / Re: jive apologists come out
« on: June 14, 2017, 01:42:56 AM »
can't shake someone for using drugs when you're a degenerate yourself
can't shake someone for shaking people when you're a manipulative hypocrite yourself

The Flood / Re: Physically I'm full Chad status now
« on: June 14, 2017, 01:28:30 AM »
I mean, if you hate the dude so much just ignore his threads. Not too hard.
If I hate someone, why would I ignore them instead of actively hating them lmao

does verb have a crush on donald?

do you realize how dumb you're acting?

ah THe WONdeRS oF THe EMOtionAL BrAIN everRT LOCutioNARy AcT HaS A DIFferenT IllOCUTIONAry MEanING anD nO ONe iS ALlowED To HATe WIthouT SecRETlY LOVinG

is this some kind of attempt at humor?

we may never know the answers to these mysteries
verb is weird like that, never use verb as an example


The Flood / Re: Physically I'm full Chad status now
« on: June 14, 2017, 01:10:24 AM »
Why do you comment in every thread that Jive makes? You in love with him or something?

Ya being really tsundere right now.
Ah, the wonders of the emotional brain. Every locutionary act has a different illocutionary meaning, and no one is allowed to hate without secretly loving.

The real question is why you defend this ape in every thread LMAO
I mean, if you hate the dude so much just ignore his threads. Not too hard.

ah THe WONdeRS oF THe EMOtionAL BrAIN everRT LOCutioNARy AcT HaS A DIFferenT IllOCUTIONAry MEanING anD nO ONe iS ALlowED To HATe WIthouT SecRETlY LOVinG

this is not a good market strategy

The Flood / Re: Physically I'm full Chad status now
« on: June 14, 2017, 01:05:41 AM »
man you guys shoulda seen the sweaty gay sexual prowess of Jive's naked body Korra described.

it was lewd af

The Flood / Re: Physically I'm full Chad status now
« on: June 14, 2017, 01:04:25 AM »
nice edit

The Flood / Re: Physically I'm full Chad status now
« on: June 14, 2017, 01:04:02 AM »
Stop being gay Korra.

The Flood / Re: What's the best way to destroy someone?
« on: June 13, 2017, 11:41:54 PM »
dude wtf why would Kinder give you those photos of me
You should've bought me that 1911 Das!

The Flood / Re: What's the best way to destroy someone?
« on: June 13, 2017, 11:41:22 PM »

The Flood / Re: What's the best way to destroy someone?
« on: June 13, 2017, 10:43:30 PM »
Nah that seems too passive for this level of treason

The Flood / What's the best way to destroy someone?
« on: June 13, 2017, 10:29:44 PM »
A kid messed with me online and now I need to know what to do to him.

I dug up a lot of things.
•Compromising online activity
•Crossdressing photos
•School email
•Mailing address
•Parent's phone number
•Number of an operator who can connect me to him
•A plethora of accounts ripe to be messaged.
•Contact info for the rest of his family

That's what I got from a half hour at the surface, do you think I should dig up more?
Do you think I should try to embed myself to them via facebook?

What's my next step?

Gaming / Re: E3 2017 - DUDE WHO WON?? LMAO
« on: June 13, 2017, 08:15:08 PM »
people would pay $60 for a new game when modders could theoretically just make their own for free


don't think this sort of thing hasn't been done already, either—it's been done with super smash bros

people were unsatisfied with brawl, so they modded the game into what they thought it should be—it's not just brawl with mods; they changed almost everything except the core gamplay, and they called it Project M

why isn't doing this more widespread? if developer intent doesn't matter, and you just want to piss on their art, why not just go ALL the way and make the halo 4 you wanted to see instead of the one that 343 wanted you to see
Oh no! I slightly modified something that I own!
oh no, i spilled a little bit of ink on the mona lisa

oh well it's just a little it doesn't matter
not really a good example considering we can't create infinite completely identical copies of the mona lisa at will

but if I bought it I'd wipe my ass with it anyway just to prove art is dead

oh, and da Vinci was a faggot

Gaming / Re: E3 2017 - DUDE WHO WON?? LMAO
« on: June 13, 2017, 08:08:08 PM »
people would pay $60 for a new game when modders could theoretically just make their own for free


don't think this sort of thing hasn't been done already, either—it's been done with super smash bros

people were unsatisfied with brawl, so they modded the game into what they thought it should be—it's not just brawl with mods; they changed almost everything except the core gamplay, and they called it Project M

why isn't doing this more widespread? if developer intent doesn't matter, and you just want to piss on their art, why not just go ALL the way and make the halo 4 you wanted to see instead of the one that 343 wanted you to see
Oh no! I slightly modified something that I own!

Gaming / Re: You know what would make Destiny 2 good?
« on: June 13, 2017, 07:59:08 PM »
Wow you've really inspired me with your original and thoughtful comment.

Gaming / Re: worst platform thread
« on: June 13, 2017, 07:57:43 PM »

oh yeah, sure thing
game on \m/
what do you think happens when you overclock

my idles and max load is still about 10 degrees colder than a ps4 while running stress tests

i'm sure that makes it all worth the risk
what risk
we already discussed it you snotty cunt
was genuinely curious because I've never heard anyone refer to overclocking having an inherent risk as long as you used proper coolant and kept your eye on your temps
congratulations, you have identified the risk all by yourself, you poppin' fresh looking motherfucker
that's not a risk

Gaming / Re: worst platform thread
« on: June 13, 2017, 07:47:13 PM »

oh yeah, sure thing
game on \m/
what do you think happens when you overclock

my idles and max load is still about 10 degrees colder than a ps4 while running stress tests

i'm sure that makes it all worth the risk
what risk
we already discussed it you snotty cunt
was genuinely curious because I've never heard anyone refer to overclocking having an inherent risk as long as you used proper coolant and kept your eye on your temps, you contemptuous bitch

I thought for a moment you might know something I didn't, a mistake I will not make again

Gaming / Re: worst platform thread
« on: June 13, 2017, 07:38:02 PM »

Gaming / Re: worst platform thread
« on: June 13, 2017, 07:36:43 PM »

oh yeah, sure thing
game on \m/
what do you think happens when you overclock

my idles and max load is still about 10 degrees colder than a ps4 while running stress tests

i'm sure that makes it all worth the risk
what risk

Gaming / Magic: The Gathering is getting an MMORPG
« on: June 13, 2017, 07:28:43 PM »

Revealed just days ago, it sounds like we're not talking about a Magic: Online-esque game but a full fledged RPG.

I've been critical of the game's direction for a few years now, but this just seems like a good idea.
Unfortunately it's going to be in the free-to-play market, so quality may end up being lackluster, but it will still be a cool playthrough the first time.

Who knows, maybe they'll surprise us.

The Flood / Re: Just started Teen Titans: The Judas Contract
« on: June 13, 2017, 07:18:09 PM »
because it'd be pretty broken if he could turn into superman or something and steamroll the bad guy of the week

anyone remember how beast boy is a prince because he was adopted by an african king? yeah, neither does anyone else
Well duh but eventually everyone has a storyline where they unlock their fullest powers and ascend to godhood.

Even Batman and he didn't have any powers in the first place.

You're all wrong.

Yawgy affects more change than anything
Save Urza.

Their legacies are still locked in immortal combat.
Yea tru
Yawgy tried to Borg everyone, but Urza almost blew up the multiverse.

And Karn > Phyrexians
I'll start buying cards again if there's ever another Un block or when they get over all this big five bullshit and return to New Phyrexia.

Battle for Zendikar disappointed me.
Shadows over Innistrad bored me.

Nothing has been worth reading since KTK, Fate and Dragons were droll, and even before that the whole Theros block was lame as hell.

I don't know who writes this shit now but it's seriously getting flaccid.

The Flood / Re: Just started Teen Titans: The Judas Contract
« on: June 13, 2017, 06:53:31 PM »
beast boy's powers always raised a lot of questions for me

questions where the answer is always "don't think about it"
He's a psychosomatically crippled shapeshifter.

Kind of like Cyclops from X-men has the same powers as his brother Havoc, but can only fire beams from his eyes due to a mental lock he placed on his own powers.

Beast Boy could theoretically alter his form down to the atomic level, but is limited by what he believes he can do.
That's why he can't turn into non-human sapient creatures, but has no trouble mimicking an alien beast.

Superman had to overcome something similar.
There was a time when he would suffocate in space, but he overcame that mental limitation and realized he didn't need oxygen.

It's actually a very common thing among superheroes that they set their own boundaries subconsciously and struggle to overcome them.

But for some reason Beast Boy's arc never takes him there.

The Flood / Re: thus tune is dope fam
« on: June 13, 2017, 06:19:45 PM »

Gaming / You know what would make Destiny 2 good?
« on: June 13, 2017, 05:42:22 PM »
An exotic rocket launcher called the frogblaster, and when you shoot a well hidden structure in a secret location with it resembling a vent core, you get a secret achievement.

Any other degree of failure would be acceptable if this happens.

The Flood / Re: oh imgur
« on: June 13, 2017, 05:15:37 PM »
Some may say the only true contentedness, the only true enlightenment, comes with death.
If that is the path one must walk, then that is the path one must walk.

Accept there is no meaning.

There is only desire, and contentedness.
Only once you have become content will you know peace.

The Flood / Re: oh imgur
« on: June 13, 2017, 05:11:32 PM »
They're not wrong though

Even if she meant it literally, that she wanted all her money to disappear live a completely normal life, there would be NOTHING wrong with that. Boo hoo, you're not rich. That doesn't give every rich person an obligation to stay rich.

Literally the same logic I'd use to be "against" FtM trans people, except even I can recognize that the disdain there is illogical and rooted in emotion. Which, surprise, is the same as the anti-wealth sentiment.
People who desire wealth but lack the drive to acquire it don't appreciate what they have.
People who have wealth but desire to be common don't appreciate what they have.

Both types of people are shallow.
Are FtM trans people shallow? Are MtF trans people shallow? Is someone who has a mutiliation fetish and cuts off the tip of their finger shallow? Is a man who gives up his possessions to live in the wild shallow?

People giving up things that are considered desirable by society or sects of society aren't shallow. She doesn't appreciate what she has? Why the fuck should she, if what she has is considered negative by HER??

God you've become so dumb
Everyone is shallow.

It's one of the traits that set humans apart from animals.
We refuse to be grateful for what we have.
We are shallow.

Separate yourself from possession and desire, and close yourself to jealousy and greed.
Do not want what is beyond your grasp. You will gain only pain.

If you expose yourself to peril, make it count.
Toil for an attainable goal, so that your pain births joy.

Do not mourn for the loss of a limb.
You have already lost the limb, let the pain end there.
Embrace your disfigurement and seek to overcome it.
Do not subject yourself to wanton woe and fail to bear fruit from it.

Depth comes from understanding.
Shallowness comes from fruitless woe.

So to answer your questions: not, anymore.
Because they address their own malcontent.
Before they address it, they are without depth.

They are merely a thin layer of grey malcontent adhering to the surface of a well filled with something colorful and wonderful in its own right.

The lesson is this: learn to appreciate what you have or do something to change it, because if not you will never find peace.

You're all wrong.

Yawgy affects more change than anything
Save Urza.

Their legacies are still locked in immortal combat.

MTG is a seriously dope game.
Been a long time since I played or bought cards tho.

Good decision, bans are frequent and mostly based on too many people playing a deck
ikr that's why I quit modern to play standard for a few years, then I stopped playing altogether because playing standard is more expensive than playing Modern.

I'm telling you, they're gonna ban all the cards that make the game interesting and everyone is just gonna play Junk.

I played a ton of EDH and Legacy non-competitively, but then somebody came up with competitive EDH and the modern faggots started playing that too.

One FNM we were having our monthly Commander night, which had become the only night I even came anymore, and this shit happens.
We played in groups of five to keep it interesting. An old friend of mine had become judge in the months prior, and EDH night was his night to play, because it was more relaxed, so we set something cool up.
We planned to play Pentagon EDH, me as mono-white, him as mono-black, and three of our other friends, but our blue guy bails on us. Luckily, this guy who started coming to our shop earlier that month had a mono-blue Commander. So Black already doesn't like this guy, apparently he's a real modern faggot, plays some shitty cheap ass version of Death and Taxes. Our friend who's playing an elf Commander does something this cat doesn't like, and instead of asking 'can I read that?' like you should during casual games when you're not sure of something, he turns to Black and says with minor franticism 'Judge! can Green do that?!?'
Black literally facepalms, declares the move legal (it was anyway) and then it's my turn.

I looked around the table, then around the store.
I realized it was everyone playing callously, coldly, and aggressively.
This was EDH! The last sanctuary of casual kitchen table play in a card shop!
It didn't seem to matter anymore now that French Commander was a thing.

Blue impatiently asks me, 'You gonna go?'
I look back to him and with melancholy say, 'No'

I quietly scooped, walked out to my car, drove away, and never came back.

You're all wrong.

The Flood / Re: oh imgur
« on: June 13, 2017, 04:04:42 PM »
They're not wrong though

Even if she meant it literally, that she wanted all her money to disappear live a completely normal life, there would be NOTHING wrong with that. Boo hoo, you're not rich. That doesn't give every rich person an obligation to stay rich.

Literally the same logic I'd use to be "against" FtM trans people, except even I can recognize that the disdain there is illogical and rooted in emotion. Which, surprise, is the same as the anti-wealth sentiment.
People who desire wealth but lack the drive to acquire it don't appreciate what they have.
People who have wealth but desire to be common don't appreciate what they have.

Both types of people are shallow.

The Flood / Re: The Mummy 2017
« on: June 13, 2017, 04:00:21 PM »
Wait, was The Mummy really all that popular beforehand? I watched the original and I honestly thought it was just "Meh".

The '32 and '99 versions are cult classics.

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