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Messages - Solonoid

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Gaming / Re: How much time have YOU wasted on Destiny?
« on: July 21, 2017, 08:45:15 PM »
Dude, I wasn't trying to one up you or be hostile by mentioning a person that beats your time wasted on destiny score, I figured you would know who he was and be interested in hearing that he's wasted even more of his life, since you both posted on at the same time.

You're taking everything so personally today.

actually i've just started to like you less amd less. i'm not taking anything personally, you're just annoying.

Just like how I'm not entertained by Tetris (something meant to entertain me) so you let loose oceans of salt.

i'm not even remotely salty. lots of people i like dont like tetris.

like i said i just think your need to seem better than people is fucking annoying and i've only recently started to notice it.
And Verbatim, who goes around unironically saying aloud constantly how much better he is than everyone else, is more worthy of your emulation?

Cool how you've started getting more annoyed by me during my hiatus though.
I tend to get mad at things that aren't there too.

Like my father!

But a dog is a dope animal, and a really good family member.

A dog is flawless.

It achieves everything it sets out to do.

Nevermind the fact that they have the glaring flaw of being able to die and that they're a little dumb, which fuels the first one.

But it doesn't set out to live forever so that isn't a flaw.
i think you realize how tenuous and lackadaisical this argument is, so i won't entertain it

also dying is great
most sarcasm neither seeks nor warrants response

so yeah
i realize you're being sarcastic, but i'm saying that the underlying point you're making is tenuous and lackadaisical
I did not refute that.
so are you just done or what
I've run out of serious things to say.

I maintain that Zelda is mired with imperfections, and that some of the imperfections jested over in this video are reasons the series lost my interest.

But a dog is a dope animal, and a really good family member.

A dog is flawless.

It achieves everything it sets out to do.

Nevermind the fact that they have the glaring flaw of being able to die and that they're a little dumb, which fuels the first one.

But it doesn't set out to live forever so that isn't a flaw.
i think you realize how tenuous and lackadaisical this argument is, so i won't entertain it

also dying is great
most sarcasm neither seeks nor warrants response

so yeah
i realize you're being sarcastic, but i'm saying that the underlying point you're making is tenuous and lackadaisical
I did not refute that.

Gaming / Re: ANTHEM
« on: July 21, 2017, 08:18:08 PM »
i think it looks generic and uninspired
You forgot hecking fun.

But a dog is a dope animal, and a really good family member.

A dog is flawless.

It achieves everything it sets out to do.

Nevermind the fact that they have the glaring flaw of being able to die and that they're a little dumb, which fuels the first one.

But it doesn't set out to live forever so that isn't a flaw.
i think you realize how tenuous and lackadaisical this argument is, so i won't entertain it

also dying is great
most sarcasm neither seeks nor warrants response

so yeah

But a dog is a dope animal, and a really good family member.

A dog is flawless.

It achieves everything it sets out to do.

Nevermind the fact that they have the glaring flaw of being able to die and that they're a little dumb, which fuels the first one.

But it doesn't set out to live forever so that isn't a flaw.

Gaming / ANTHEM
« on: July 21, 2017, 08:00:39 PM »

I'm really interested in this game.

Knowing Bioware it oughtta be good, and it looks downright gorgeous.

Many more details.

The Flood / Re: Any major wars since this site's creation?
« on: July 21, 2017, 07:54:03 PM »
Challenger and Rocketman held hands
Hey you lying fuckwad I'm in a supermarket right now and they sell beer.
That just started happening like, two months ago.
they were getting ready for me

Gaming / Re: How much time have YOU wasted on Destiny?
« on: July 21, 2017, 07:52:52 PM »
it's looking like i have the most hours played so far
you don't add deleted hours. it's already counted in the character breakdown.
Yeah, they kinda just let you know how many you deleted to tell you if there was any way that you weren't completely wasting your life playing Destiny, those hours would still be wasted.

The Flood / Re: Any major wars since this site's creation?
« on: July 21, 2017, 07:49:55 PM »
Challenger and Rocketman held hands
Hey you lying fuckwad I'm in a supermarket right now and they sell beer.

When you market a piece of art as entertainment, you forfeit immunity to the "it's boring" argument.
but why

Being boring, or failing to grasp interest, is a flaw in all entertainment.
flaws have to be rooted in some level of objectivity

just because we can never fully grasp objectivity doesn't mean we can't have an idea

i don't understand how your personal taste means anything
They're interactive blockbuster movies more often than not just out to make a buck.
blockbuster movies are art too
•Because if entertainment doesn't entertain someone who pays money to be entertained, it's an abject failure.
•If flaws had to be based in objectivity, there would be no such thing as subjectivity.
•You seem to think I'm the only person in the world who doesn't play Zelda anymore.
•They're also definitively entertainment, and therefore not purely, and solely, art, like you're trying to pitch games as.

but honestly, call me a fanboy, but the franchise (when taken as a whole) is technically flawless

holy shit i'd never thought of that
I need this explained to me because I'm a simpleton.
I like how this video was sponsored by you.

Gaming / Re: How much time have YOU wasted on Destiny?
« on: July 21, 2017, 07:36:57 PM »
Most people here put years into and know a bunch of people who posted there before we started this site.

But yeah, let's keep the three year ruse that this isn't a Bungie offsite and we're not part of their community going.

that's not the point, he isn't a user here and it was obvious to everyone except yourself that i'm talking about the people on our forum.

how about you go 24 fucking hours without trying -- and failing -- to one-up someone to appease your deep-rooted self-esteem issues?
Dude, I wasn't trying to one up you or be hostile by mentioning a person that beats your time wasted on destiny score, I figured you would know who he was and be interested in hearing that he's wasted even more of his life, since you both posted on at the same time.

You're taking everything so personally today.

Just like how I'm not entertained by Tetris (something meant to entertain me) so you let loose oceans of salt.

your disinterest in the franchise comes down to your personal taste, but your personal taste does not dictate whether something is "flawless" or not when you're trying to be objective

there are movies out there that i don't enjoy, but i'd have to concede that they are technically flawless regardless of my personal distaste

that doesn't mean they're perfect; it means that the director succeeded in everything that he attempted to do, and i can't argue with that—and i can tell you one thing: "pleasing everybody" is one thing that is NOT on any artist's agenda (or at least, any artist with an ounce of wisdom)
Being boring, or failing to grasp interest, is a flaw in all entertainment.

Stop pretending you can ever gauge media objectively.
And stop pretending video games are art.

They're interactive blockbuster movies more often than not just out to make a buck.

Oh, sorry.

I forgot being boring isn't a fundamental flaw in entertainment.
i'm looking at zelda as an artistic oeuvre, not a piece of entertainment

sometimes art is boring, and not everyone is gonna like certain pieces of art

personally i find most zelda titles exhilarating and beautiful
When you market a piece of art as entertainment, you forfeit immunity to the "it's boring" argument.

I can watch indie films and be impressed by their artistic integrity, but when I see trailers, merchandise, and go to the box office to buy tickets, I expect to be entertained.

Zelda hasn't given me a lot of reason to keep playing since the N64.
Some people get by just fine with the new offerings.

Zelda presents (and sells) itself as a piece of entertainment, and so, if it wants to be known as perfect (or flawless) as a franchise, it's going to have to start being universally entertaining to everyone.

Which is impossible.

But that's okay, because people still like it, and it clearly has a lot going for it if they're still buying it after so many years.
There are a number of reasons why I (and others) stopped playing some time ago though, and as I said many posts ago, that's okay too.

video games aren't entertainment
i'm not even going to bother with why this is the most batshit fucking retarded thing i've ever read in my life

Oh, sorry.

I forgot being boring isn't a fundamental flaw in entertainment.

legend of zelda is perfect on a conceptual level in the same way as tetris. this is life changing.
Tetris isn't perfect either.

name a single flaw.
If a game isn't universally appealing to everyone, it isn't perfect.
I have always found Tetris boring.

Verb, consider this your answer too.

i'm not even going to bother with why this is the most batshit fucking retarded thing i've ever read in my life
Since the quality of entertainment is subjective it can only be perfect if everyone likes it.

It's not a complicated idea.

Gaming / Re: How much time have YOU wasted on Destiny?
« on: July 21, 2017, 07:08:36 PM »
it's looking like i have the most hours played so far
drksteel has 1200

who the fuck is that
Decently well known guy from the pre-sep7agon era.

We stil play Xbox sometimes.

based on the context of the thread i figured it would be obvious that i'm talking about the people on our forum.

forgive me, i forgot you were retarded
Most people here put years into and know a bunch of people who posted there before we started this site.

But yeah, let's keep the three year ruse that this isn't a Bungie offsite and we're not part of their community going.

legend of zelda is perfect on a conceptual level in the same way as tetris. this is life changing.
Tetris isn't perfect either.

name a single flaw.
If a game isn't universally appealing to everyone, it isn't perfect.
I have always found Tetris boring.

Verb, consider this your answer too.

but honestly, call me a fanboy, but the franchise (when taken as a whole) is technically flawless
No. Not at all.
it does and succeeds at everything that it sets out to do
No it doesn't.

Gaming / Re: How much time have YOU wasted on Destiny?
« on: July 21, 2017, 06:57:20 PM »
it's looking like i have the most hours played so far
drksteel has 1200

who the fuck is that
Decently well known guy from the pre-sep7agon era.

We stil play Xbox sometimes.

Gaming / Re: How much time have YOU wasted on Destiny?
« on: July 21, 2017, 06:54:55 PM »
it's looking like i have the most hours played so far
drksteel has 1200

legend of zelda is perfect on a conceptual level in the same way as tetris. this is life changing.
Tetris isn't perfect either.

but honestly, call me a fanboy, but the franchise (when taken as a whole) is technically flawless
No. Not at all.

pre examplar, I have 400hrs in destiny (not that many tbh), and I spent at least 300 of them shit talking parts of the game with my party.

But we were still playing, and we got back on and played again the next day.

Stop taking everything so damn seriously.

the creator of this video is quite obviously a big zelda fan, too—you kind of HAVE to be to make a video like this

it's clearly just a dude poking some fun at one of his favorite game franchises in a very lighthearted, tongue-in-cheek way—it's not meant to be an exposé or turn anyone away from the franchise, and if anything, it's a tribute

so you're using what's essentially a joke video to justify your loss of interest with a franchise

what a solonoid thing to do
Yes, clearly they are a fan.

But that doesn't change the fact that sometimes we shit on things we love, and shrug with a "but I love it, what are you gonna do?" attitude, and the reasons we have to shit on them are the same reasons other people end up dropping it.

Oh, but, I'm sure if we go back over this thread there will be a point where I claimed this YouTuber was creating a ravenous and very serious assault against Zelda, and maybe even my own heavyhanded demand that you all do the same.

This video describes the reasons I lost interest in the franchise to a tee. Just because it isn't fuming doesn't mean it isn't true, and doesn't mean those reasons can't just be a *giggle, so true xD* moment for others.

you stopped playing zelda five years ago because of a video that contains no reasons why you would stop playing zelda?
Oh yeah, because vaguity, shit character motivation, a bunch of xxxtra flat characters, annoying mechanics, and a truly awful overarching narrative (all things mentioned in this video) are just the type of shit that keep you wanting to come back!

The Flood / Re: Any major wars since this site's creation?
« on: July 21, 2017, 05:34:31 PM »
I'm hearing that there are no mods to be seen on this site anymore. And is an influx of new members still a problem?

to both


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