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Messages - Solonoid

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The Flood / Re: I need the opinions of actual Altrighters/Alex Jones fans
« on: October 04, 2017, 10:02:48 AM »
There's a few things I'm unconvinced by. One, that we're going to see such a response from Spain. Two, that guns would be anything but a detriment in this situation. Three, that the US federal government would go to war with a secceding state and its civilians. Four, that guns would help.
The Spanish government has already responded violently, and so has the American government.

This age is no more civilized than the last.

You owe your fealty first to your neighbour, never forget that.
The Spanish police reacted overly violent against a vote its constitutional court deemed illegal. With the eyes of the world on them and (albeit limited) condemnations of the violence by the EU and UN, I'm not seeing a substantiation that they'll really "bring down the hammer" or violently force a stop to the Catalan search for independence.

And the rest doesn't really address my other comments. I'm not unsympathetic to the idea of an armed population resisting a tyrant, but I'm not convinced that it's a good argument in this case.
If you don't call storming polling places violently forcing a stop to independence, I'm not sure what you would.

If you wait for civil war to break out before you see the need to arm the civilians, you're too late. These days battles aren't fought on fields, they clamber through streets and erupt into homes.

But it's like I said, they're rebels. Why on earth would they respect the rulings of a court they no longer see as having power over them? The Spanish are afraid of the Catalan will, and Washington is afraid of the Americans.

I wish we lived in a world where there was no need to fight wars. Peaceful protest and civil disobedience accomplished a great deal in the 20th century. There's a realist in me too though, and he says that we still live in an era where the majority of conflicts relating to who governs who are solved with bullets.

It could happen to you too.

The Flood / September 2017 Slowest Month in Sep7agon History.
« on: October 04, 2017, 06:52:16 AM »
Posts were at an all time low this September, at just 6395 total posts.

Appx. half of all posts in Sep7agon's four calendar years were made during 2015.

Serious / Re: Shooting at Vegas, more than 50 dead.
« on: October 04, 2017, 04:33:58 AM »
What makes a killer a terrorist?
political agenda
Yeah this. Political or religious agenda.
I think a better definition would be any person who (regardless of motive)

1) Has no other goal than to take lives, the more the better.
2) Does the killings very publicly, trying to get as much attention as possible - therefore causing most terror

Because, is an assassin of a political figure really a terrorist?
Here's the dictionary definition of a terrorist:
a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
So an assassin couldn't really be called a terrorist by this definition and I don't think there's anything wrong with the definition.

The only reason so many people are so concerned with whether or not he's a "terrorist", is because of his race (of course).
Is Islam / The Quran political? Is religion political?
Abrahamic religions are intensely political.
Christianity, by design, is not, but somehow it has become insanely politicized by millenia of Popes with political agendas.

Judaism and Islam both have political agendas built into their doctrine, though one is of self preservation, while the other follows the Christian demand to spread their religion to all mankind.

While Jesus taught that this mission is nonviolent, Mohammed taught that should the 'Good News' fall on deaf ears, they should be converted at the tip of the sword. The refusal of this results in being labeled a heathen, and being executed.

Islam also advocates conquest by Muslim nations as a means to spread Islam.

Christianity has... Uh... Been known to do this. A lot.

The Flood / Re: I need the opinions of actual Altrighters/Alex Jones fans
« on: October 04, 2017, 03:47:53 AM »
There's a few things I'm unconvinced by. One, that we're going to see such a response from Spain. Two, that guns would be anything but a detriment in this situation. Three, that the US federal government would go to war with a secceding state and its civilians. Four, that guns would help.
The Spanish government has already responded violently, and so has the American government.

This age is no more civilized than the last.

You owe your fealty first to your neighbour, never forget that.

Gaming / Re: Question
« on: October 04, 2017, 02:43:50 AM »
There is the official Sony Pro controller - funny enough it has the Xbox stick layout. So even Sony knows the superior stick layout since they call it Pro.


But Xbox controllers still need AA batteries in order to work when consoles 20+ years ago didn't need them
Really? Mine came with the battery pack. But I always buy floor models.

In 2010, I bought a 360 that still had a copy of ODST in it.

Gaming / Re: Cuphead
« on: October 04, 2017, 02:01:37 AM »
No hey keep arguing with me about it I can't be contrarian to complacency.

The Flood / Re: I need the opinions of actual Altrighters/Alex Jones fans
« on: October 04, 2017, 01:34:09 AM »
I know it's not really the point of this thread, but I just need to get this off my chest.

If any of you honestly believe that something like what is happening in Catalonia could never happen where you live, you're a fucking idiot.

When Catalonia declares their independence and Spain comes down like a hammer, they're going to either defend themselves or crumble.

The same thing could happen next year in your state. Every time there's an election we get closer to it happening, but you think that because it hasn't happened here in a hundred and fifty years, it won't happen any time soon.

If my local government did secede, I wouldn't want to be caught unprepared. I've seen what the US does to civilians when they go to war.

It isn't pretty.

Gaming / Re: Cuphead
« on: October 04, 2017, 01:25:46 AM »
The game itself is the progeny of Destiny hype. That's the point of this conversation.

No, it isn't. The game came out a year before Destiny's release and was in development before Destiny was even announced. The concepts that make the two ever more similar were introduced before Destiny's mold was known, so it's impossible DE would have known what to copy. It's a coincidence.
The point is that it came out before Destiny. That's the best time to cash in on hype. There's a reason no publisher would pick up Warframe, and it's not because it's a bad game. It's because the industry knew exactly what was coming with Destiny, and didn't want to back a doomed horse. DE even recognized this when the went to self-publish,  and realized the only way they could get the game established without competing against Bungie's juggernaut would be to structure it as F2P.

The fact that Warframe is still around is only a testament to how well they cashed in on that hype.

Gaming / Re: Cuphead
« on: October 04, 2017, 01:01:57 AM »
Oh I see.

You don't get that every cent they make is cashing in on the Destiny hype.

The game itself is the progeny of Destiny hype. That's the point of this conversation.

The part where people decide they like the game enough to spend money on it is the part where they cash in; the hype is what got them playing in the first place.

Oh, and, when you play Warframe without spending money, they're still making money off of you. Yes, you personally.

You'll figure out how eventually.

The Flood / Re: New Topic
« on: October 03, 2017, 10:59:24 PM »
I have to move out of my Dad's house because he is getting married.
wanna come live with me
Thank you, but I have a place to go.
I have to move out of my Dad's house because he is getting married.
Is it all of a sudden or is did he tell you this ahead of time?
I was told a couple weeks ago that his fiancee was going to move in, and he asked me what I was going to do. I decided that I am moving out, as she and I don't get along very well. She was very passive aggressive and generally rude towards me over something outside of my control recently; in light of that incident I have decided that co-habitation with her wouldn't go well, especially considering she works from home.
What's her name?
humor me
Napalm don't tell this sociopath anything
As if I couldn't find and kill all of you if I so pleased.

That feel when you'd bite the curb harder than your pillow.
listen buddy

you're going down a dangerous path laughing at me

I have vast, almost immeasurable reserves of tenacity and skill.
Anywhere on the globe I could locate and eliminate you. You represent little more to me than another shit stained gourd splattering on a wall from a klick out. I've sat quietly while you espoused your religion of memes and picked on people like me and Deci. As we speak, I'm in constant collaboration with Iberian Husky to find you and make you into an example for all the rest of these shit lords. If you think you're safe, if you think you can hide, if you think you can run, you've drawn a fool's lot.

I'm coming for you, and Hell's coming with me.

The Flood / Re: fuck sports
« on: October 03, 2017, 08:32:56 PM »
But I'm really Sol.
Like the Honda?
No that's del Sol.

Sol as in Solonoid.

The Flood / Re: woah my stepdad gave me a black & mild
« on: October 03, 2017, 08:31:13 PM »

This explains a lot about the way you are.

as if I care about petty family stuff
Text me back.

The Flood / Re: fuck sports
« on: October 03, 2017, 08:30:16 PM »
But I'm really Sol.

The Flood / Re: fuck sports
« on: October 03, 2017, 08:29:14 PM »
fuck oss
I keep trying but I'm not even sure Finland is a real place.
omg there's two of you???
How is this name that confusing.

He's Ossku.
I'm Ossus.

The Flood / Re: fuck sports
« on: October 03, 2017, 08:26:51 PM »
fuck oss
I keep trying but I'm not even sure Finland is a real place.

The Flood / Re: woah my stepdad gave me a black & mild
« on: October 03, 2017, 08:25:36 PM »

This explains a lot about the way you are.
I've had four! :D

The Flood / Re: New Topic
« on: October 03, 2017, 08:12:12 PM »
I have to move out of my Dad's house because he is getting married.
wanna come live with me
Thank you, but I have a place to go.
I have to move out of my Dad's house because he is getting married.
Is it all of a sudden or is did he tell you this ahead of time?
I was told a couple weeks ago that his fiancee was going to move in, and he asked me what I was going to do. I decided that I am moving out, as she and I don't get along very well. She was very passive aggressive and generally rude towards me over something outside of my control recently; in light of that incident I have decided that co-habitation with her wouldn't go well, especially considering she works from home.
What's her name?
humor me
Napalm don't tell this sociopath anything
As if I couldn't find and kill all of you if I so pleased.
listen buddy

you're going down a dangerous path laughing at me

I have vast, almost immeasurable reserves of tenacity and skill.
Anywhere on the globe I could locate and eliminate you. You represent little more to me than another shit stained gourd splattering on a wall from a klick out. I've sat quietly while you espoused your religion of memes and picked on people like me and Deci. As we speak, I'm in constant collaboration with Iberian Husky to find you and make you into an example for all the rest of these shit lords. If you think you're safe, if you think you can hide, if you think you can run, you've drawn a fool's lot.

I'm coming for you, and Hell's coming with me.

The Flood / Re: New Topic
« on: October 03, 2017, 08:01:58 PM »
I have to move out of my Dad's house because he is getting married.
wanna come live with me
Thank you, but I have a place to go.
I have to move out of my Dad's house because he is getting married.
Is it all of a sudden or is did he tell you this ahead of time?
I was told a couple weeks ago that his fiancee was going to move in, and he asked me what I was going to do. I decided that I am moving out, as she and I don't get along very well. She was very passive aggressive and generally rude towards me over something outside of my control recently; in light of that incident I have decided that co-habitation with her wouldn't go well, especially considering she works from home.
What's her name?
humor me
Napalm don't tell this sociopath anything
As if I couldn't find and kill all of you if I so pleased.

The Flood / Re: New Topic
« on: October 03, 2017, 07:51:33 PM »
I have to move out of my Dad's house because he is getting married.
wanna come live with me
Thank you, but I have a place to go.
I have to move out of my Dad's house because he is getting married.
Is it all of a sudden or is did he tell you this ahead of time?
I was told a couple weeks ago that his fiancee was going to move in, and he asked me what I was going to do. I decided that I am moving out, as she and I don't get along very well. She was very passive aggressive and generally rude towards me over something outside of my control recently; in light of that incident I have decided that co-habitation with her wouldn't go well, especially considering she works from home.
What's her name?
humor me

The Flood / Re: New Topic
« on: October 03, 2017, 07:48:42 PM »
I have to move out of my Dad's house because he is getting married.
wanna come live with me
Thank you, but I have a place to go.
I have to move out of my Dad's house because he is getting married.
Is it all of a sudden or is did he tell you this ahead of time?
I was told a couple weeks ago that his fiancee was going to move in, and he asked me what I was going to do. I decided that I am moving out, as she and I don't get along very well. She was very passive aggressive and generally rude towards me over something outside of my control recently; in light of that incident I have decided that co-habitation with her wouldn't go well, especially considering she works from home.
What's her name?

The Flood / Re: New Topic
« on: October 03, 2017, 07:31:49 PM »
I have to move out of my Dad's house because he is getting married.
wanna come live with me

Gaming / Re: Cuphead
« on: October 03, 2017, 06:49:24 PM »
You say it didn't used to be like Destiny, but as the game got older, it became more like it.

The two aren't linked. The similarities between Destiny and Warframe arose during the year after Warframe's release and stopped appearing after Destiny's. If anything Destiny has taken more cues from Warframe after its release.

Someone cashing in on something doesn't have anything to do with what the end user may or may not spend.

You can't "cash in" on something if you're not making money. That's what "cashing in" means. That's why "cash" is in the sentence.

Facebook is free, but they're sure as shit cashing in on people's desire to broadcast themselves.

The difference is Facebook makes money just by you using it thanks to ad revenue and sponsorships. Warframe doesn't make a dime unless you choose to spend money.

The question isn't, "Am I spending money?", it's, "Are they making money?"

And if all you're doing is playing the game to satiate your desire for Destiny without spending money on Platinum (in-game currency), the answer is "No."

That doesn't have to be a negative accusation, so there's really no reason to get up in arms about the fact that someone is cashing in on a fad.

I'm just saying the accusation is false. Destiny often gets unfavourably compared to Warframe because Warframe is the free underdog that people tend to overlook. I'd say Warframe is better because it has far more depth and it's just more fun on a fundamental level but it's also more work to stay on-top of the meta and it's less accessible.
So what you're saying is they're cashing in.

You don't seem to get that just because you haven't spent any money doesn't mean they aren't making any.

You don't seem to get that they're not making money if you don't spend any.
I haven't spent any.

I have definitely loaded the game once.

But they're still making it.
And if they stopped making money,  they would shut the servers down.
But they haven't, because they are making money.

It's not rocket surgery.

Serious / Re: Shooting at Vegas, more than 50 dead.
« on: October 03, 2017, 07:25:16 AM »
I mean, why would a bunch of glow in the dark CIA niggers try to stage a false flag to gun grab at a time when the Democrats have so little power that any attempts to pass legislation to ban big scary guns would just be shot down by the Republican majority government?
Because Trump is a Democrat and Obamacare is still alive.
If Trump started shitting on 2A it'd piss off his core support enough to the point where he'd actually get impeached. If the deep state staged this because they wanted to take our guns, why would they be trying to do it by using weapons that are already highly illegal? The attack was definitely bizarre, and could very well have been an op of some sort, but I'm not sure gun grabbing was the motive here. I think that's just shitlibs being shitlibs.

So this is what it's like to have an IQ in the double digits
Not an argument.
It was the warranted response though.

The Flood / Re: Meme thread
« on: October 03, 2017, 06:36:35 AM »

This is too high brow for me please explain
his mastercard was declined

Gaming / Re: Cuphead
« on: October 03, 2017, 04:52:43 AM »
You say it didn't used to be like Destiny, but as the game got older, it became more like it.

The two aren't linked. The similarities between Destiny and Warframe arose during the year after Warframe's release and stopped appearing after Destiny's. If anything Destiny has taken more cues from Warframe after its release.

Someone cashing in on something doesn't have anything to do with what the end user may or may not spend.

You can't "cash in" on something if you're not making money. That's what "cashing in" means. That's why "cash" is in the sentence.

Facebook is free, but they're sure as shit cashing in on people's desire to broadcast themselves.

The difference is Facebook makes money just by you using it thanks to ad revenue and sponsorships. Warframe doesn't make a dime unless you choose to spend money.

The question isn't, "Am I spending money?", it's, "Are they making money?"

And if all you're doing is playing the game to satiate your desire for Destiny without spending money on Platinum (in-game currency), the answer is "No."

That doesn't have to be a negative accusation, so there's really no reason to get up in arms about the fact that someone is cashing in on a fad.

I'm just saying the accusation is false. Destiny often gets unfavourably compared to Warframe because Warframe is the free underdog that people tend to overlook. I'd say Warframe is better because it has far more depth and it's just more fun on a fundamental level but it's also more work to stay on-top of the meta and it's less accessible.
So what you're saying is they're cashing in.

You don't seem to get that just because you haven't spent any money doesn't mean they aren't making any.

The Flood / Re: How can you root for the Punisher and not Joker?
« on: October 03, 2017, 01:34:00 AM »
The Punisher doesn't kill innocents

To the Joker's POV, neither has he

He knows what he does is evil, he just doesn't care.

Maybe he doesn't see it as evil? Maybe it's a high price for good that so far only he's willing to pay?

What good does poisoning children and blowing up hospitals do?

To show how the system we have in place creates these tragedies.

I am not saying he's right. I am saying that he's not so different than the Punisher. The only difference is the scope. One aims at the people involved. The other aims at the system which decides who's involved
Stop trying to rationalize the Joker.

He does what he does because he feels like doing it.

The Flood / Re: How can you root for the Punisher and not Joker?
« on: October 03, 2017, 01:06:32 AM »
The Punisher doesn't kill innocents.

But anyway here's a scenario I've pondered for a bit: the Joker and Rorschach are chained up on opposite side of a table and can do nothing but talk to each other. Who breaks first?
That's gonna keep me thinking for a while.

The Flood / Re: cute bois wanted
« on: October 03, 2017, 12:15:39 AM »
I see, you want your dick to be sucked?
can you do it while dressed as my father?

The Flood / Re: cute bois wanted
« on: October 02, 2017, 09:22:44 PM »
Call dibs on whoever posts below me
give me your number bb
nah fuck that scrub

what's up

The Flood / Re: fuck sports
« on: October 02, 2017, 09:22:05 PM »
Are people confused and thinking the poll is about best sport?
I don't see how, since baseball is winning.

Obvs the worst.

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