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Messages - Dustin

Pages: 1 ... 262728 2930 ... 194
Serious / Re: Most controversial public figures whom you admire?
« on: January 22, 2015, 05:31:08 PM »
Hitler, because his actions ultimately led to a better world than we'd have without WWII.

inb4 angsty teens get angsty because we all don't share the same opinion

Serious / Re: Bakery refuses to make anti-gay cake; legal action ensues
« on: January 22, 2015, 05:29:07 PM »
What the fuck?

Businesses have a right not to serve you.
Your comment only got as many likes as it did because it benefits their liberal world view. Were this a thread on a gay man trying to get a baker to write a Christian slur on a penis shaped cake and you posted that same comment, it would not get as many likes, because it would not have benefited their (il)liberal world view.

Serious / Re: Online voting - could it work?
« on: January 22, 2015, 05:24:50 PM »
I don't agree with democracy,

Stopped reading there
Why do you think I would care about your political opinions? I don't even care about my own.

Serious / Re: has anyone on this site had problems with substance abuse?
« on: January 22, 2015, 07:09:22 AM »
I got drunk once after drinking one and a half beers at the prom after party almost a year ago now, and I got drunk a second time at my cousin's wedding just a few weeks ago drinking this infused vodka shit.

And I tried cannabis once while I was drunk the after party, but I didn't really care for it that much.

But let me present a complementary, more practical explanation: If you’re a conservative who lives in a major metropolitan area or who simply reads the New York Times, you get used to being outnumbered by liberals. Liberals, by contrast, get used to being surrounded by other liberals, both in person and in culture and the media. As a result, liberals speak their minds freely, often in ways that are harshly condemnatory of conservatives and their stands on issues. As a conservative, you can defend your values against friends and acquaintances who essentially just called you stupid and evil or you can keep quiet.
Cry more Mr P, voicing opinions freely on this board is healthy.

The Flood / Re: "I don't find black girls attractive"
« on: January 22, 2015, 06:51:09 AM »
Some black girls are hot, but they're relatively few and far between compared to whites.
And white girls have flat butts, compared to latinas, they're relatively few.

The Flood / Re: I know two things North Korea has that we don't
« on: January 21, 2015, 07:53:32 PM »
Actually their air is really shitty. They have a huge catorax (however the fuck you spell it) issue in their population because of the bad air quality and shitty healthcare system.

Serious / Re: Thought Experiment: God living among us?
« on: January 21, 2015, 07:51:22 PM »
A God capable of being bored would be no God.

Then again, a God incapable of being bored would be no God.

Maximal greatness is a logically broken concept.
He's so great that contradictions are irrelevant.

He just... is.

The Flood / Re: 50% troll post, 50% serious question
« on: January 21, 2015, 07:48:42 PM »
ITT: Atheists hiding behind their computer screens to make threats towards Christians

Betcha you still wouldn't be talking shit if we were face to face, you punk ass bitches.

The Flood / Re: I Want To Fuck Ryle
« on: January 21, 2015, 07:43:58 PM »
I'd probably fuck him if I was gay maybe even if I wasn't
You must be a blast when you get drunk

Serious / Re: Online voting - could it work?
« on: January 21, 2015, 06:30:19 PM »
I don't agree with democracy, but if the security cannot be maintained then it shouldn't be allowed. I don't really care about the government snooping at our voting habits, if anything I'd be happy that they have a new way to determine which people to keep a closer eye on.

The Flood / Re: How much money do you have in the bank
« on: January 21, 2015, 06:16:28 PM »
It's not even that, it's such a hastle to drive everywhere, pay for insurance, pay for gas, pay for your shit when things break and go wrong, etc.
Otherwise know as a self dependent adult
Why the fuck would anyone want to be an adult when they don't have to be? If you like to have a little extra spending money, then good for you, but if you're getting a job just to tell your parents to screw off you're just being an edgy teenager.
are you genuinely this stupid?
I don't work because I don't have to. If I had more free time I would, but right now I enjoy getting eight hours sleep, having a day or two I can commit to community service, having plenty of study time, and still having some free time. I wouldn't sacrifice that unless I needed to.
>does community service
>won't get a job

Holy shit you're autistic
Community service is for your resume. It's looked down upon if you haven't done any volunteering.
Are you stupid or something?
Clearly I'm the stupid one
Well yeah, if you think that employers don't look at volunteer hours.
Remind me, how many jobs have you had?
Honestly I'm tempted to just let you think it's not important, just to let someone else get a job over you. You're acting stubborn enough that I doubt anyone would be able to get it through your head what you need to put on your resume. Aren't you in high school? Yeah you'll figure it out when you grow up.

The Flood / Re: How much money do you have in the bank
« on: January 21, 2015, 06:07:57 PM »
It's not even that, it's such a hastle to drive everywhere, pay for insurance, pay for gas, pay for your shit when things break and go wrong, etc.
Otherwise know as a self dependent adult
Why the fuck would anyone want to be an adult when they don't have to be? If you like to have a little extra spending money, then good for you, but if you're getting a job just to tell your parents to screw off you're just being an edgy teenager.
are you genuinely this stupid?
I don't work because I don't have to. If I had more free time I would, but right now I enjoy getting eight hours sleep, having a day or two I can commit to community service, having plenty of study time, and still having some free time. I wouldn't sacrifice that unless I needed to.
>does community service
>won't get a job

Holy shit you're autistic
Community service is for your resume. It's looked down upon if you haven't done any volunteering.
Since when?
You don't even live in my country.
have fun getting a job with no work references 😂
If I get a job it'll be during the Summer a year from now, this Summer I have classes I'm taking. It doesn't really matter anyway, I'm joining the military after I get my degree and they generally don't care about work experience. And after I've spent five or six years there, I should easily get a job with military experience.
unless you're doing ROTC you should have gone to the military first, then they would have payed for your schooling and you would have been making money this whole time
I'm not becoming a soldier, I'm going in as a chemical engineer. I'll be fixing and building shit out in the desert or at military bases.

The Flood / Re: How much money do you have in the bank
« on: January 21, 2015, 06:07:09 PM »
It's not even that, it's such a hastle to drive everywhere, pay for insurance, pay for gas, pay for your shit when things break and go wrong, etc.
Otherwise know as a self dependent adult
Why the fuck would anyone want to be an adult when they don't have to be? If you like to have a little extra spending money, then good for you, but if you're getting a job just to tell your parents to screw off you're just being an edgy teenager.
are you genuinely this stupid?
I don't work because I don't have to. If I had more free time I would, but right now I enjoy getting eight hours sleep, having a day or two I can commit to community service, having plenty of study time, and still having some free time. I wouldn't sacrifice that unless I needed to.
>does community service
>won't get a job

Holy shit you're autistic
Community service is for your resume. It's looked down upon if you haven't done any volunteering.
Are you stupid or something?
Clearly I'm the stupid one
Well yeah, if you think that employers don't look at volunteer hours.

The Flood / Re: How much money do you have in the bank
« on: January 21, 2015, 06:05:24 PM »
It's not even that, it's such a hastle to drive everywhere, pay for insurance, pay for gas, pay for your shit when things break and go wrong, etc.
Otherwise know as a self dependent adult
Why the fuck would anyone want to be an adult when they don't have to be? If you like to have a little extra spending money, then good for you, but if you're getting a job just to tell your parents to screw off you're just being an edgy teenager.
are you genuinely this stupid?
I don't work because I don't have to. If I had more free time I would, but right now I enjoy getting eight hours sleep, having a day or two I can commit to community service, having plenty of study time, and still having some free time. I wouldn't sacrifice that unless I needed to.
>does community service
>won't get a job

Holy shit you're autistic
Community service is for your resume. It's looked down upon if you haven't done any volunteering.
Since when?
You don't even live in my country.
have fun getting a job with no work references 😂
If I get a job it'll be during the Summer a year from now, this Summer I have classes I'm taking. It doesn't really matter anyway, I'm joining the military after I get my degree and they generally don't care about work experience. And after I've spent five or six years there, I should easily get a job with military experience.

The Flood / Re: How much money do you have in the bank
« on: January 21, 2015, 06:01:40 PM »
It's not even that, it's such a hastle to drive everywhere, pay for insurance, pay for gas, pay for your shit when things break and go wrong, etc.
Otherwise know as a self dependent adult
Why the fuck would anyone want to be an adult when they don't have to be? If you like to have a little extra spending money, then good for you, but if you're getting a job just to tell your parents to screw off you're just being an edgy teenager.
are you genuinely this stupid?
I don't work because I don't have to. If I had more free time I would, but right now I enjoy getting eight hours sleep, having a day or two I can commit to community service, having plenty of study time, and still having some free time. I wouldn't sacrifice that unless I needed to.
>does community service
>won't get a job

Holy shit you're autistic
Community service is for your resume. It's looked down upon if you haven't done any volunteering.
Since when?
You don't even live in my country.

The Flood / Re: How much money do you have in the bank
« on: January 21, 2015, 06:00:11 PM »
It's not even that, it's such a hastle to drive everywhere, pay for insurance, pay for gas, pay for your shit when things break and go wrong, etc.
Otherwise know as a self dependent adult
Why the fuck would anyone want to be an adult when they don't have to be? If you like to have a little extra spending money, then good for you, but if you're getting a job just to tell your parents to screw off you're just being an edgy teenager.
are you genuinely this stupid?
I don't work because I don't have to. If I had more free time I would, but right now I enjoy getting eight hours sleep, having a day or two I can commit to community service, having plenty of study time, and still having some free time. I wouldn't sacrifice that unless I needed to.
>does community service
>won't get a job

Holy shit you're autistic
Community service is for your resume. It's looked down upon if you haven't done any volunteering.
Are you stupid or something?

The Flood / Re: How much money do you have in the bank
« on: January 21, 2015, 05:59:08 PM »
It's not even that, it's such a hastle to drive everywhere, pay for insurance, pay for gas, pay for your shit when things break and go wrong, etc.
Otherwise know as a self dependent adult
Why the fuck would anyone want to be an adult when they don't have to be? If you like to have a little extra spending money, then good for you, but if you're getting a job just to tell your parents to screw off you're just being an edgy teenager.
are you genuinely this stupid?
I don't work because I don't have to. If I had more free time I would, but right now I enjoy getting eight hours sleep, having a day or two I can commit to community service, having plenty of study time, and still having some free time. I wouldn't sacrifice that unless I needed to.
>does community service
>won't get a job

Holy shit you're autistic
Community service is for your resume. It's looked down upon if you haven't done any volunteering.

The Flood / Re: How much money do you have in the bank
« on: January 21, 2015, 05:58:04 PM »
400 bucks because I just bought fucking textbooks and an anniversary gift
lol just ask your parents to buy your textbooks, there's no reason why they wouldn't
not everyone is a spoiled fuck. My mom can't afford to
You get 99% of your money back in tax returns for educational expenses.
blatantly false and that doenst change the fact that she can't afford to. If somebody asks for 500 dollars but you'll get it back later, that won't help you if you dont have 500 dollars
If you live in the United States and properly submit your tax forms you can get the majority of your money that you've spent on text books, especially if your mom can't afford it. My mom can afford it and she still gets all the money back in tax returns. You just have to fill out all the correct forms.
since you're ignorant and clearly haven't filed any taxes yourself I won't be too harsh on you, but you're wrong. They're only tax deductible if they're mandatory to attendance and only sold by your school.
Maybe it's a state thing, but where I live you get the majority of your money back if you fill out a certain form. My mom talked to me about it and my friends have all said similar things about it. I mean yeah, you need money to pay for it initially, but if you just save some up and keep it aside for books, you'll be fine.

The Flood / Re: How much money do you have in the bank
« on: January 21, 2015, 05:54:25 PM »
It's not even that, it's such a hastle to drive everywhere, pay for insurance, pay for gas, pay for your shit when things break and go wrong, etc.
Otherwise know as a self dependent adult
Why the fuck would anyone want to be an adult when they don't have to be? If you like to have a little extra spending money, then good for you, but if you're getting a job just to tell your parents to screw off you're just being an edgy teenager.
are you genuinely this stupid?
I don't work because I don't have to. If I had more free time I would, but right now I enjoy getting eight hours sleep, having a day or two I can commit to community service, having plenty of study time, and still having some free time. I wouldn't sacrifice that unless I needed to.

The Flood / Re: How much money do you have in the bank
« on: January 21, 2015, 05:51:06 PM »
400 bucks because I just bought fucking textbooks and an anniversary gift
lol just ask your parents to buy your textbooks, there's no reason why they wouldn't
not everyone is a spoiled fuck. My mom can't afford to
You get 99% of your money back in tax returns for educational expenses.
blatantly false and that doenst change the fact that she can't afford to. If somebody asks for 500 dollars but you'll get it back later, that won't help you if you dont have 500 dollars
If you live in the United States and properly submit your tax forms you can get the majority of your money that you've spent on text books, especially if your mom can't afford it. My mom can afford it and she still gets all the money back in tax returns. You just have to fill out all the correct forms.

The Flood / Re: How much money do you have in the bank
« on: January 21, 2015, 05:49:15 PM »
It's not even that, it's such a hastle to drive everywhere, pay for insurance, pay for gas, pay for your shit when things break and go wrong, etc.
Otherwise know as a self dependent adult
Why the fuck would anyone want to be an adult when they don't have to be? If you like to have a little extra spending money, then good for you, but if you're getting a job just to tell your parents to screw off you're just being an edgy teenager.

The Flood / Re: How much money do you have in the bank
« on: January 21, 2015, 05:46:13 PM »
400 bucks because I just bought fucking textbooks and an anniversary gift
lol just ask your parents to buy your textbooks, there's no reason why they wouldn't
not everyone is a spoiled fuck. My mom can't afford to
You get 99% of your money back in tax returns for educational expenses.

The Flood / Re: How much money do you have in the bank
« on: January 21, 2015, 05:45:15 PM »
400 bucks because I just bought fucking textbooks and an anniversary gift
lol just ask your parents to buy your textbooks, there's no reason why they wouldn't
If you're past the age of 18 you should try and earn your money. Even if your parents can afford to buy you everything.
If you have resources available to you, you'd be an idiot not to use them to your full potential. Essentially any job you get is going to cut back your studying hours (which are hugely important if you're a STEM major).
I work, even though my parents could fund me. You can't be studying that much to the point where you can't even work 15 hours a week. If you are then lol, enjoy your shitty life.
It's not even that, it's such a hastle to drive everywhere, pay for insurance, pay for gas, pay for your shit when things break and go wrong, etc.

And it is true that some majors have to study 24/7

The Flood / Re: How much money do you have in the bank
« on: January 21, 2015, 05:40:02 PM »

Like hell if I'm saying LOL
And probably for the best considering how many beggars there are on this forum.

No One begged. Don't start shit.
Fine. I'll stop.

Point still stands though.

The Flood / Re: How much money do you have in the bank
« on: January 21, 2015, 05:39:22 PM »
400 bucks because I just bought fucking textbooks and an anniversary gift
lol just ask your parents to buy your textbooks, there's no reason why they wouldn't
If you're past the age of 18 you should try and earn your money. Even if your parents can afford to buy you everything.
If you have resources available to you, you'd be an idiot not to use them to your full potential. Essentially any job you get is going to cut back your studying hours (which are hugely important if you're a STEM major).

The Flood / Re: How much money do you have in the bank
« on: January 21, 2015, 05:37:41 PM »

Like hell if I'm saying LOL
And probably for the best considering how many beggars there are on this forum.

The Flood / Re: How much money do you have in the bank
« on: January 21, 2015, 05:35:32 PM »
400 bucks because I just bought fucking textbooks and an anniversary gift
lol just ask your parents to buy your textbooks, there's no reason why they wouldn't

Serious / Re: Would Negroes be better off if slavery had never existed?
« on: January 21, 2015, 05:34:17 PM »
I don't think so.

Much of the advantages (or disadvantages depending how you see it) came from the colonisation of Africa/the Caribbean, although they didn't exactly get the direct benefits until they had left.

On the one hand, they had no control over their own country and were essentially prisoners of their own home, but on the other hand they benefited from the colonisation as the colonists had to provide (or get the locals to construct) infrastructure such as roads, communications, all that, which when under rule and after liberation got the use of. Compare that to Ethiopia and Liberia which were never colonised, they lack in that respect.

I'm not colonisation or slavery was a good thing, but I fail to see overall how they would have been better off on their own by today.
Is this what Europeans are taught in school? LOL

The colonization of Africa was objectively bad and it turned their societies back hundreds of years.

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