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Messages - Dustin

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The Flood / Re: Movies no one should see
« on: September 05, 2014, 10:03:08 PM »

The Flood / Movies no one should see
« on: September 05, 2014, 10:00:51 PM »
Guardians of the Galaxy
Batman 2 or 3 (they got stale after the first movie)
Lord of the Rings (totally unrealistic; talking and walking trees, like seriously?)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (lame)

The Flood / Re: Movies that everyone should see
« on: September 05, 2014, 09:54:42 PM »
Transformers Dark of Moon
Water World

Serious / Re: First world people have it so rough
« on: September 05, 2014, 07:17:01 PM »
Yeah, the people born at the bottom are unlikely to break through to the highest tiers of society. Is that unfair? Perhaps. Should we change everything ever to give people a perfectly equal chance to succeed? No.
I'm thinking we don't actually disagree as much as we think we do, there are just a lot of misconceptions flying around. On a semi-related note (completely shifting the tone of the conversation here) when you say that sentiment that I have quoted, do you mean to say that you don't want everyone to have an equal education and an equal opportunity in general, or do you mean you don't want them to have it if it means a worse education and less opportunities for the people at the top?

Serious / Re: First world people have it so rough
« on: September 05, 2014, 07:06:33 PM »
You're shitting me right? Your entire post reeks of "people in first world countries face little to no difficulties and have no right to complain about their life." Go back and edit the OP if you were genuinely trying to come off differently, but that's what it seems like you're trying to convey.
You see, that's just your gut reaction, because that isn't what I said at all. Part of my point is that you're seeing what I'm trying to say as something different because you automatically make the connection without even knowing it that anyone who talks about equality is a troll who has extremist opinions. No where in my post does it say that first world people don't have problems, it merely states that they have less problems.

Uh, no actually. I'm well aware that I, as a white male, certainly have more options in life than others. That doesn't mean to say you, or the SJW for that matter, get to pass judgement on my life in one succinctly smug post over the internet. You don't get to make the call that I am less 'privileged' based on my background and ethnicity. It's disingenuous to me as a person, and I find it affronting.
I literally just said that I don't pass judgement of people.

That's not the issue I have though. My problem is that you're preemptively trying to encapsulate my life based on something as fucking stupid as what country I was brought up in. I'm well aware of the appalling living conditions people have to endure in third world countries, but does that in any way diminish the hurdles and challenges I, or anyone else in the western world have to face? No. It does not.
So what you're trying to say is that you don't want to be labelled as privileged but you also accept that you have privileges?

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Picture Thread (Version 3.0)
« on: September 05, 2014, 05:16:08 PM »

Serious / Re: US Air Force requires you to swear to God
« on: September 05, 2014, 05:01:08 PM »
Had you kept your mouth shut, yeah. You could've trolled people for a little while.

Now we know it's you we don't care.
You can already check who likes what posts if you just click the thing.

Serious / Re: US Air Force requires you to swear to God
« on: September 05, 2014, 04:58:13 PM »
I don't know, ask Dustin.
The secret will eventually come out. Until then I have a power you don't have.

Serious / Re: Is Globalization more Positive or Negative?
« on: September 05, 2014, 04:30:48 PM »
Positive because it more easily allows Jewish/Zionist influence to control the world banks and media outlets.

Serious / Re: First world people have it so rough
« on: September 05, 2014, 03:24:49 PM »
You what?

I'm not after sympathy, I'm explaining that not everyone has it easy in the first world simply because they are in the first world.
That wasn't a serious comment mang

Serious / Re: You get to choose up to 10 policies for your country
« on: September 05, 2014, 03:23:44 PM »
1. Ban Americans from holding office

The Flood / Re: Is there such thing as an app for Google Chrome...
« on: September 05, 2014, 01:42:49 PM »
omg thanks

Does that work on Windows 7 too?

Serious / Re: First world people have it so rough
« on: September 05, 2014, 12:46:57 PM »

Oh well. This entire thread has been an exercise in assumptions you anyway. That being said, you can't really blame people. It's incredibly out of the norm to have somebody speak about poverty and then have them not expect you to care or be active in the matter.
I was being sarcastic for the most part. I do care, that's why I bothered with this whole thread.

Serious / Re: First world people have it so rough
« on: September 05, 2014, 12:42:09 PM »
What does that have to do with anything? I don't want your sympathy.

Besides, an INTJ should know not to make such a flagrant assumption.
I was really only referring to Mr P

Serious / Re: First world people have it so rough
« on: September 05, 2014, 12:37:45 PM »
So were you. You assumed both of us have two parents.
Because both of you were on a track to seek sympathy from an INTJ personality type.

Serious / Re: First world people have it so rough
« on: September 05, 2014, 12:31:29 PM »
Again, he's not talking globally.
Right, he's talking personally.

Serious / Re: US Air Force requires you to swear to God
« on: September 05, 2014, 12:15:32 PM »
Like I said on, it's really not that big of a deal. If you're smart, you're only entering the military so you can afford college. Play along and do it for the money.

Serious / Re: Your morals =/= fact
« on: September 05, 2014, 12:09:10 PM »
Yeah I know, trust me. Culturally however, you need them or else we'd all be robots. It's probably why most people are hardwired to feel emotion so they can never become too logical and end up saying fuck it all and their life.

Serious / Re: First world people have it so rough
« on: September 05, 2014, 12:03:51 PM »
If that's how you interpreted it, then that's how you did. That certainly wasn't what I meant to convey. I've been taking this thread a bleedthrough/extension from the intelligence seperation thread, because it appeared to basically follow on from that.
Yes, this is a follow up conversation from that NUT thread.

I'm not one yet.As I have said numerous times, I am under no illusions that life in the developed world is far more luxurious than the third, even for those at the bottom of the ladder. But as I also keep saying, just because you have a house and clean water doesn't mean that you don't have to deal with other problems, and I don't mean trivial shit either. Broken families, rampant mental illness and oligarchs shitting down on whatever benefits the poorer to line their own pockets. Sure, maybe depression isn't as bad as living in a literal minefield, but that sure as fuck doesn't mean it's a walk in the park. Or having your family torn apart by psychosis and alcohol instead of war, the result is still the same. This is the point I've been trying to make, running water and a brick house doesn't make life a walk in the park, but it's clearly a grade above the third world living standards.
You just blew past where I said that people in the first world don't have it perfect. If you were actually trying to work with me here you wouldn't have bothered with this part of your post.

Alright, this one again.


Right, I don't have a problem with social justice, equality or feminism. What I do have a problem with is Tumblr idiots, not because of some opposing ideology but because I find it insufferably annoying. And they can hate men all they want, I just won't give them the time of day. Not because they are Feminazis/SJWs/Whatever, but because they oppose or impede true equality and instead clog the place up with petty quibbling and bitching about downright absurd bollocks.
And you know this how? Oh wait, you don't. I have seen this shit firsthand, not just regurgitated troll posts as you call them. I find those funny, but that doesn't mean they are the only time I've seen SJW twonks.
Okay now here is where the problem is and it's due to the negative influence of the sour culture of the forum. How many people do you actually think there are whose political agenda it is turn the privileged groups of society into oppressed minorities? Would you not say there are far more people who simply want equality? Would you not say that this group of people you don't like has so little political power with goals so unrealistic that to actually become an oppressed minority is not a threat at all? So why are you even concerned with it?

Read what I said to Madman earlier, too.

And the point about an enviroment not conducive to learning is one that I tend to call bollocks on, simply because I managed to do all this shit whilst looking after my three younger brothers (I was 12-15 for this period of time), my drunken and psychotic mother and any other shit that was thrown at us.
I'm pretty sure you're aware that there are statistics that show that people born poorer have a smaller chance to succeed. If the environment isn't a factor, then what is it? Have humans really undergone evolution that fast? It's easy to get caught up in the emotional, personal arguments, and as you can see, I've said nothing about where I come from.

Serious / Re: First world people have it so rough
« on: September 05, 2014, 11:45:19 AM »
One actually, and I'm certainly not exaggerating.
Hey, you're now in the group of the 9/10 children of the world without two parents.

Serious / Re: First world people have it so rough
« on: September 05, 2014, 11:43:34 AM »
You know, to blithely pass judgements on people because they grew up on a less politically and economically volatile continent is kind of insulting. You really think you can encapsulate me as a person because you can gauge how 'privileged' I am based on the country I grew up in? Fuck off. You don't know me besides this veil of cyber anonymity, and you never will, so don't ever assume that my life is fucking 'privileged' because of a few gutter rats that have it worse off than me due to circumstances that I (or anyone else for that matter) can't ever control.

I think it's time to stop browsing tumblr and lapping up Jay's rhetoric, Dustin.
Okay now here's a point I wasn't able to address earlier. I'd like you to go back and find where I said or implied that 'I pass judgements on people based on uncontrollable factors.' You don't have to bother to do that because that was never my opinion. This is my theory about what's going on that seems to be affecting everyone on this forum. You hear someone talk about equality and you automatically, subconsciously link me up with the troll misogynist persona in which you feel threatened that men are somehow going to become oppressed minorities. It's ridiculously unrealistic, and it doesn't even have anything to do poverty, but here you are throwing around the usual batch of rehashed insults that have stuck in your head because of a group of skilled trolls. Look what you're saying in response to all I have said: that advocating that people who live in the first world have it easier than those who live in the third world that I must hate those who live in the first world.

You following me here? I think you and many others here need to readjust their thinking.

Serious / Re: First world people have it so rough
« on: September 05, 2014, 06:12:15 AM »
Other countries typically look at consumption instead of income, and because transfer payments aren't counted as a form income, they aren't counted.
The article you linked doesn't even say that countries measure poverty rates differently in the fashion you described. It doesn't make any sense anyway due to the fact that there are many organizations that could extract that information and analyze income and consumption among the poor, so trying to say the well accepted poverty rates are skewed is a claim with no merit. Further, the point is moot anyway if your prior point is that there is a difference between international affluence and intranational affluence, and looking at only one country, the means in which poverty is measured is irrelevant, so long as it is uniform and can extrapolate the relative wealth inequality of that one country.

So back to my original point, poverty isn't unique in a first world country, and at the same time, it's still a high standard of living for the rest of the world.

The Flood / Re: Is Liam Neeson today's Clint Eastwood?
« on: September 05, 2014, 05:40:17 AM »
Hard to believe Liam Neeson is 62 years old.

Serious / Re: First world people have it so rough
« on: September 05, 2014, 05:37:49 AM »
U.S. poverty measures aren't terribly reliable, considering the fact that they don't factor in things like transfers (which most developed countries do).
Do you just pull this stuff out of your ass or?..

Serious / Re: First world people have it so rough
« on: September 05, 2014, 05:31:01 AM »
Part of me feels as if this is stemming from the thread on separating students on ability, where me and Mr Psychologist both claim to have done well despite not coming from affluent backgrounds.

If you want to take a global view of it, then sure, we're ridiculously affluent and incredibly lucky. Do I feel grateful? No, not on an emotional level, although I understand my luck intellectually. I don't know if that's just me or if it's born of a deadened sense of my own, comparative, affluence to those in poorer countries.

Nonetheless, don't confuse international affluence with intranational affluence. Me and Mr Psychologist were making the claim that we're not particularly affluent compared to the people in our own environment, and our achievements are contingent on the effort we expend in that environment. Neither of us ever made the claim that we don't have an affluent background relative to people from other countries.
Most kids don't have much money, you're not really that unique (25% of all kids in the US are born in poverty, the overwhelming majority are born well below average). In fact both of you are just exaggerating anyway. How many parents do you have? Two? Oh, I thought as much.

The Flood / Re: How much money do you think Geico spends on advertising?
« on: September 05, 2014, 05:23:15 AM »
Just under 1 billion.
I didn't ask you Google it, dumbass.

The Flood / Is there such thing as an app for Google Chrome...
« on: September 05, 2014, 04:19:04 AM »
That disallows sites from making it impossible to exit out without having to restart your computer? I think most of you know what I'm talking about.

The Flood / Re: How many people were in your graduating high school class?
« on: September 05, 2014, 03:50:05 AM »

The Flood / How much money do you think Geico spends on advertising?
« on: September 05, 2014, 03:49:30 AM »

The Flood / Re: Are you a straight edge?
« on: September 05, 2014, 03:46:46 AM »
Minus one night in my life and I am.

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