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Messages - Dustin

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The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:37:01 PM »
I'm really going to believe that I'm overreacting when it seems as if everyone on this forum is defending those who want to exploit children. My only fault is that I've gone to lengths to change those opinions rather than just sit back and not care. But I still don't understand why people who don't agree with exploiting children are defending those that do agree with it. It boggles my mind.
Take a step back. Breathe. Sit down for this one.

We aren't doing that.

Criticising you for being an utter bumblefuck about the issue isn't the same as defending the exploitation of children. Which, by the way, anime patently is not. Hell, two Dutch sexologists have called for the legalisation of virtual child pornography on the basis it could help paedophilic urges, and you think the people who post loli images, support lowering the AoC, and those who defend them are bad on the grounds that this somehow supports child exploitation?

Not to mention, child molestation=/=paedophilia. Child molesters are almost guaranteed to be psychopaths, which is a mental health issue that stretches way beyond the confines of the things we're considering.
You and Mr P already said you didn't agree with it, I know. It doesn't explain why you're still arguing with me, but whatever. And again, the loli shit has little to do with this, hence why I excluded it from the poll. The article you linked brings up a good point, but I'm not going to address it right now because it distracts from the main point here.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:32:25 PM »
Except a poll is not a claim, dumbass. Meta is just trying to draw attention away from the results by saying I can't validate no one is trolling.

The poll is your only piece of evidence you have to support you claim. Besides, there aren't even any votes for the ones actually involving children, how do you know if the people who weren't trolling aren't just European where the age of consent ranges from 14-16 with only a few exceptions.
I'm not making a claim here. I said twice in this thread already that I made the poll to figure out what the forum really believed on the subject, nothing more and nothing less.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:29:54 PM »
See my final post, your bait lost it's appeal.

You almost lured me back in with the reputation bit, but in the words of Tarantino 'I'm not biting'.

It's been fun in the loosest sense of the word.
Then I guess I will keep you muted now if to you [url]I'm a troll for being concerned with the exploitation of children[/u]. I'm sure you don't actually think that, but you have a reputation you need to care about.
Why are you completely incapable of grasping this?

Over the past few weeks you've spewed forth all manner of utter bullshit. And this one originally started with you blowing something way out of proportion. You're making this into a huge deal, when, evidently, the exploitation of children isn't at all, to even a minimal fucking degree, an issue to be concerned about on a fucking off-site forum of a video-game developer.

Just think about the fucking lunacy at the bedrock of this. I can understand not wanting children to be exploited or molested, really, I can. That's not our problem here. Our problem is the insufferable way in which you approach this, the unbearable sanctimony and the absolutely ridiculous levels of naysaying you're performing against this forum, as if you're the only bastion of what's good and proper here.

Most of us are tired of it. So, really, if there's a massive moral dilemma in this forum that, for some fucking reason, you perceive and it's giving you trouble. Then do everybody a favour and fuck off.
I'm really going to believe that I'm overreacting when it seems as if everyone on this forum is defending those who want to exploit children. My only fault is that I've gone to lengths to change those opinions rather than just sit back and not care. But I still don't understand why people who don't agree with exploiting children are defending those that do agree with it. It boggles my mind.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:25:39 PM »
See my final post, your bait lost it's appeal.

You almost lured me back in with the reputation bit, but in the words of Tarantino 'I'm not biting'.

It's been fun in the loosest sense of the word.
Then I guess I will keep you muted now if to you [url]I'm a troll for being concerned with the exploitation of children[/u]. I'm sure you don't actually think that, but you have a reputation you need to care about.

*breaks the seal*

Top. Fucking. Kek.

Mute me then you sad little SJW.
Funny how you still use that term anytime you disagree with me, even if it's horribly unrelated to anything we're talking about.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:24:17 PM »
To think you actually think I'm trolling or baiting because I'm concerned that people hold the top four poll options. Yeah I can't wait to tell #offtopic how horrible this offsite has become.
We're horrible? you're the douchefuck who is assuming a whole forum is a pedo paradise for the actions of 5 faggots who can't keep their loli fetishes to themselves, YOU'RE the horrible person, and YOU are the cancer of this forum, kindly log off and never come back.
Right because I said that the whole forum is a "pedo paradise." All I'm going to say is all that I know: that a bunch of you are defending people who hold opinions that it's okay to exploit children.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:21:17 PM »
Cool story. It's not up to me to prove the people who voted are just trolling, nor is it even necessary.

>Makes claim
>"It's not up to me to prove that it's true."
Except a poll is not a claim, dumbass. Meta is just trying to draw attention away from the results by saying I can't validate no one is trolling.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:20:22 PM »
See my final post, your bait lost it's appeal.

You almost lured me back in with the reputation bit, but in the words of Tarantino 'I'm not biting'.

It's been fun in the loosest sense of the word.
Then I guess I will keep you muted now if to you [url]I'm a troll for being concerned with the exploitation of children[/u]. I'm sure you don't actually think that, but you have a reputation you need to care about.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:17:19 PM »
You're just being ridiculous now and asking me to do something you know I can't do.
No, Dustin.

The ridiculous thing here is your initial assumption that the results of this poll would be even remotely reliable.
Cool story. It's not up to me to prove the people who voted are just trolling, nor is it even necessary.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:15:24 PM »
No fucking shit that paedophiles who molested children viewed CP and vis versa. CP is utterly wrong with zero basis for argument.

What isn't CP is the fucking lolispam that seems to tweak your bonnet so, it's a fucking cartoon and it's getting ridiculously tiring to see you equating the two or claiming that lolispam is a gateway to actual CP.

Am I going to become someone who watches bestgore 24/7 because I love gory films? Am I going to become a serial killer if I do? This is how fallacious your argument is. You are doing the same old shit that the media pulls on violent video games but applying it to what perverts draw in their basements.

Jesus christ with a cross up his shrektum, will you give this malarkey a rest?
Once again, this is just another side argument, I don't care if you don't agree with me on the loli argument. Once again, this thread has to do with the people who hold the opinions listed in the top four poll options of this thread and why in the hell you and everyone else are defending them.

Because you are making a mother fucking strawman out of this, that's why.

You want me to do a piecemeal point for your precious four points? Here we fucking go.

It's okay for nude pictures of teens and kids to circulate the internet
-Not okay, zero discussion.
It's okay for nude pictures of teens 14+ to circulate the internet
-Not okay, partial discussion as AoC Laws vary from country to country. That's the trouble with the internet. On a personal level, I don't think they should.
The AoC should be significantly lower so younger people can have relationships with older people
Up for discussion as this is deliberately vague, your view of significantly lower could be either 2 years or 10. Clarify it for a clarified response.
It's okay to spread nude photos of children around because they shouldn't have taken the photo in the first place
Of course it's not okay, and this argument is another example of the ridiculous strawman you have going.

You then blanket it off with this 'I don't agree with any of the above stances' and expect everyone to vote properly on a stupid poll rather than clog it up with stupid answers to further prolong this farce.
This isn't meant to include everyone's opinions on the issue, clearly. I listed four opinions to see who agreed with them. And it appears as if there are multiple people that do and here you are still defending them.

My last point - People will vote for the four options simply to prolong this fucking farce.
I'm not defending those four points either, I'm pointing out the flaws in your stupid logic and how you keep trying to extend this to cover lolis. I find it all distasteful, but I'm not going to have some idiot shit all over people I like to talk to simply because of some picture/gif spamming they did a while back. So if you want to split this thread at this point, be my guest.

Once again, I'm not defending the four points but I am providing counter-points to the extensions and >implications you have previously thrown towards lolicons.

To put it even more simply, find another group to lynch you insufferable SJW phaggot.

Or post the troll face and claim this was a ruse simply to raise my blood pressure.
This thread hardly has to do with the loli shit, as I've countlessly said. If you want to hate me because I think it's wrong go ahead. If you don't agree with the four points and you're still here trying your damned hardest to insult me then it would appear you are only doing this for your reputation. And I'm doing this despite that, so what does that make you and me?

See my final post, your bait lost it's appeal.

You almost lured me back in with the reputation bit, but in the words of Tarantino 'I'm not biting'.

It's been fun in the loosest sense of the word.
To think you actually think I'm trolling or baiting because I'm concerned that people hold the top four poll options. Yeah I can't wait to tell #offtopic how horrible this offsite has become.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:13:38 PM »
So, why are you assuming the answers to the poll are serious?
A moot question, really. Mostly because people have been arguing about those opinions in past threads.
I agree, the question really is moot.

Now, give a proper reason for assuming the five people who answered with the undesirable options are absolutely truthful.
You're just being ridiculous now and asking me to do something you know I can't do. I said in a previous thread, but when you say that you're going to bomb an airplane, the authorities don't sit around and wait to tell if you're serious, they assume that you are.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:10:46 PM »
No fucking shit that paedophiles who molested children viewed CP and vis versa. CP is utterly wrong with zero basis for argument.

What isn't CP is the fucking lolispam that seems to tweak your bonnet so, it's a fucking cartoon and it's getting ridiculously tiring to see you equating the two or claiming that lolispam is a gateway to actual CP.

Am I going to become someone who watches bestgore 24/7 because I love gory films? Am I going to become a serial killer if I do? This is how fallacious your argument is. You are doing the same old shit that the media pulls on violent video games but applying it to what perverts draw in their basements.

Jesus christ with a cross up his shrektum, will you give this malarkey a rest?
Once again, this is just another side argument, I don't care if you don't agree with me on the loli argument. Once again, this thread has to do with the people who hold the opinions listed in the top four poll options of this thread and why in the hell you and everyone else are defending them.

Because you are making a mother fucking strawman out of this, that's why.

You want me to do a piecemeal point for your precious four points? Here we fucking go.

It's okay for nude pictures of teens and kids to circulate the internet
-Not okay, zero discussion.
It's okay for nude pictures of teens 14+ to circulate the internet
-Not okay, partial discussion as AoC Laws vary from country to country. That's the trouble with the internet. On a personal level, I don't think they should.
The AoC should be significantly lower so younger people can have relationships with older people
Up for discussion as this is deliberately vague, your view of significantly lower could be either 2 years or 10. Clarify it for a clarified response.
It's okay to spread nude photos of children around because they shouldn't have taken the photo in the first place
Of course it's not okay, and this argument is another example of the ridiculous strawman you have going.

You then blanket it off with this 'I don't agree with any of the above stances' and expect everyone to vote properly on a stupid poll rather than clog it up with stupid answers to further prolong this farce.
This isn't meant to include everyone's opinions on the issue, clearly. I listed four opinions to see who agreed with them. And it appears as if there are multiple people that do and here you are still defending them.

My last point - People will vote for the four options simply to prolong this fucking farce.
I'm not defending those four points either, I'm pointing out the flaws in your stupid logic and how you keep trying to extend this to cover lolis. I find it all distasteful, but I'm not going to have some idiot shit all over people I like to talk to simply because of some picture/gif spamming they did a while back. So if you want to split this thread at this point, be my guest.

Once again, I'm not defending the four points but I am providing counter-points to the extensions and >implications you have previously thrown towards lolicons.

To put it even more simply, find another group to lynch you insufferable SJW phaggot.

Or post the troll face and claim this was a ruse simply to raise my blood pressure.
This thread hardly has to do with the loli shit, as I've countlessly said. If you want to hate me because I think it's wrong go ahead. If you don't agree with the four points and you're still here trying your damned hardest to insult me then it would appear you are only doing this for your reputation. And I'm doing this despite that, so what does that make you and me?

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:06:02 PM »
Psy plz.

He's not even trying.

Goddamn, I know it's bait but I can't help it.
It's rustled my jimmies enough to the point where I'll finish this crap or the thread will get locked ._.

Partly because I'd rather that Dustin didn't turn out to be a completely retarded SJW and that this is just a ruse. If he sincerely is like this then it's all ogre for him.
Sorry I didn't know it was bait to make a big deal out of the fact that people find it okay to exploit children. I must be such a troll for caring about it.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:04:50 PM »
So, why are you assuming the answers to the poll are serious?
A moot question, really. Mostly because people have been arguing about those opinions in past threads.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:03:41 PM »

I honestly don't know why I expected anything different.

Take your persecution complex and cram it so hard up your ass that it comes out of your mouth. I'm done with this crap, if you still think that I'm only playing to the tune of the forum rather than expressing my opinion, then why would I waste any more time on you.

Congratulations on inheriting the position of Kinder Tier eejit.
Are you not going to address the fact that every single argument you made against wasn't even legit or did that just slip by your head? I've said a dozen times and I'll say it again: this argument is about how people hold the opinions listed in the top four poll options and people like you are defending them. That doesn't fly with me and frankly not the rest of society.

The trouble with bait is once you take a bite, the hook is in your gob.

Stop trying to attach my name to degenerates because I disagree with you. How were they not legitimate? Did you refute them? Or just dismiss them? You claim they were irrelevant and yet they are what I have picked up on from the previous threads.

Then you'll no doubt pull the I'm not trolling but I am trolling in some threads, to which I have to point out Poe's Law. If it's all the same colour of horseshit, don't act surprised when people call it all horseshit rather than pick out the slightly different texture.
Why are you not even understanding what I'm saying? You gave at least three claims about what my arguments were, and I told that wasn't my argument. For example you said the root cause of this had to do with "loli" and I said that wasn't it but rather something else. Does that make sense to you now?

So define your argument clearly then. Rather than spreading it out over pages of bollocks and cherry picking ones to suit your meta-game. Or better yet, I could stop wasting my time on this crap.

Go on though, clearly and concisely explain your entire argument and I will address that rather than the flustercuck of shite you spew out.
I said it a million times, literally. I'm upset that there are so many people who hold the top four poll options of this thread and so many people are defending them. That's literally it. If I didn't care I wouldn't have sold my reputation trying to fix this problem here.

And yet, it was obviously not clear otherwise this discussion wouldn't be occuring. Or are you going to imply that I'm just bashing you for popularity points again?
I made it clear enough, it isn't my fault you can't understand. And yes you are here to bash me because you just told you don't agree with the four top poll options and you've used a heavy amount of insults and ad hominem at me.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:01:51 PM »
No fucking shit that paedophiles who molested children viewed CP and vis versa. CP is utterly wrong with zero basis for argument.

What isn't CP is the fucking lolispam that seems to tweak your bonnet so, it's a fucking cartoon and it's getting ridiculously tiring to see you equating the two or claiming that lolispam is a gateway to actual CP.

Am I going to become someone who watches bestgore 24/7 because I love gory films? Am I going to become a serial killer if I do? This is how fallacious your argument is. You are doing the same old shit that the media pulls on violent video games but applying it to what perverts draw in their basements.

Jesus christ with a cross up his shrektum, will you give this malarkey a rest?
Once again, this is just another side argument, I don't care if you don't agree with me on the loli argument. Once again, this thread has to do with the people who hold the opinions listed in the top four poll options of this thread and why in the hell you and everyone else are defending them.

Because you are making a mother fucking strawman out of this, that's why.

You want me to do a piecemeal point for your precious four points? Here we fucking go.

It's okay for nude pictures of teens and kids to circulate the internet
-Not okay, zero discussion.
It's okay for nude pictures of teens 14+ to circulate the internet
-Not okay, partial discussion as AoC Laws vary from country to country. That's the trouble with the internet. On a personal level, I don't think they should.
The AoC should be significantly lower so younger people can have relationships with older people
Up for discussion as this is deliberately vague, your view of significantly lower could be either 2 years or 10. Clarify it for a clarified response.
It's okay to spread nude photos of children around because they shouldn't have taken the photo in the first place
Of course it's not okay, and this argument is another example of the ridiculous strawman you have going.

You then blanket it off with this 'I don't agree with any of the above stances' and expect everyone to vote properly on a stupid poll rather than clog it up with stupid answers to further prolong this farce.
This isn't meant to include everyone's opinions on the issue, clearly. I listed four opinions to see who agreed with them. And it appears as if there are multiple people that do and here you are still defending them.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 04:56:21 PM »

I honestly don't know why I expected anything different.

Take your persecution complex and cram it so hard up your ass that it comes out of your mouth. I'm done with this crap, if you still think that I'm only playing to the tune of the forum rather than expressing my opinion, then why would I waste any more time on you.

Congratulations on inheriting the position of Kinder Tier eejit.
Are you not going to address the fact that every single argument you made against wasn't even legit or did that just slip by your head? I've said a dozen times and I'll say it again: this argument is about how people hold the opinions listed in the top four poll options and people like you are defending them. That doesn't fly with me and frankly not the rest of society.

The trouble with bait is once you take a bite, the hook is in your gob.

Stop trying to attach my name to degenerates because I disagree with you. How were they not legitimate? Did you refute them? Or just dismiss them? You claim they were irrelevant and yet they are what I have picked up on from the previous threads.

Then you'll no doubt pull the I'm not trolling but I am trolling in some threads, to which I have to point out Poe's Law. If it's all the same colour of horseshit, don't act surprised when people call it all horseshit rather than pick out the slightly different texture.
Why are you not even understanding what I'm saying? You gave at least three claims about what my arguments were, and I told that wasn't my argument. For example you said the root cause of this had to do with "loli" and I said that wasn't it but rather something else. Does that make sense to you now?

So define your argument clearly then. Rather than spreading it out over pages of bollocks and cherry picking ones to suit your meta-game. Or better yet, I could stop wasting my time on this crap.

Go on though, clearly and concisely explain your entire argument and I will address that rather than the flustercuck of shite you spew out.
I said it a million times, literally. I'm upset that there are so many people who hold the top four poll options of this thread and so many people are defending them. That's literally it. If I didn't care I wouldn't have sold my reputation trying to fix this problem here.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 04:54:40 PM »
No fucking shit that paedophiles who molested children viewed CP and vis versa. CP is utterly wrong with zero basis for argument.

What isn't CP is the fucking lolispam that seems to tweak your bonnet so, it's a fucking cartoon and it's getting ridiculously tiring to see you equating the two or claiming that lolispam is a gateway to actual CP.

Am I going to become someone who watches bestgore 24/7 because I love gory films? Am I going to become a serial killer if I do? This is how fallacious your argument is. You are doing the same old shit that the media pulls on violent video games but applying it to what perverts draw in their basements.

Jesus christ with a cross up his shrektum, will you give this malarkey a rest?
Once again, this is just another side argument, I don't care if you don't agree with me on the loli argument. Once again, this thread has to do with the people who hold the opinions listed in the top four poll options of this thread and why in the hell you and everyone else are defending them.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 04:51:18 PM »

I honestly don't know why I expected anything different.

Take your persecution complex and cram it so hard up your ass that it comes out of your mouth. I'm done with this crap, if you still think that I'm only playing to the tune of the forum rather than expressing my opinion, then why would I waste any more time on you.

Congratulations on inheriting the position of Kinder Tier eejit.
Are you not going to address the fact that every single argument you made against wasn't even legit or did that just slip by your head? I've said a dozen times and I'll say it again: this argument is about how people hold the opinions listed in the top four poll options and people like you are defending them. That doesn't fly with me and frankly not the rest of society.

The trouble with bait is once you take a bite, the hook is in your gob.

Stop trying to attach my name to degenerates because I disagree with you. How were they not legitimate? Did you refute them? Or just dismiss them? You claim they were irrelevant and yet they are what I have picked up on from the previous threads.

Then you'll no doubt pull the I'm not trolling but I am trolling in some threads, to which I have to point out Poe's Law. If it's all the same colour of horseshit, don't act surprised when people call it all horseshit rather than pick out the slightly different texture.
Why are you not even understanding what I'm saying? You gave at least three claims about what my arguments were, and I told that wasn't my argument. For example you said the root cause of this had to do with "loli" and I said that wasn't it but rather something else. Does that make sense to you now?

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 04:48:41 PM »
Wait, did Dustin really post nude pics?

No, he just accused this forum of having "pedophilic culture" because a few users support lowering the age of consent by a couple years or are attracted to anime characters. Then went on to spam multiple threads on the same topic and made threats to have the police investigate this site's users.
Once again, no, it has to do with the fact there are people who hold opinions stated the four top poll options. I find "loli" excruciatingly distasteful, and it's a gateway for people to start looking up more extreme porns.

I know I said that I was done, but lawd have mercy on me for going back on my word.

You simply have to be trolling at this point, there is no other explanation. You used the cardinal sin of slippery slopes and equated drawings with a gateway to looking up CP. GG Dustin, you rused us all well.
A slippery slope is an assumption. Saying one thing leads to the other requires evidence, so here:

According to one paper from the Mayo Clinic of the U.S.A. based on case reports of those under treatment, 30% to 80% of individuals who viewed child pornography and 76% of individuals who were arrested for Internet child pornography had molested a child. As the total number of those who view such images can not be ascertained, the ratio of passive viewing to molestation remains unknown. The report also notes that it is not possible to define the progression from computerized child pornography to physical acts against children.[43]

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 04:41:43 PM »

I honestly don't know why I expected anything different.

Take your persecution complex and cram it so hard up your ass that it comes out of your mouth. I'm done with this crap, if you still think that I'm only playing to the tune of the forum rather than expressing my opinion, then why would I waste any more time on you.

Congratulations on inheriting the position of Kinder Tier eejit.
Are you not going to address the fact that every single argument you made against wasn't even legit or did that just slip by your head? I've said a dozen times and I'll say it again: this argument is about how people hold the opinions listed in the top four poll options and people like you are defending them. That doesn't fly with me and frankly not the rest of society.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 04:39:47 PM »
Wait, did Dustin really post nude pics?

No, he just accused this forum of having "pedophilic culture" because a few users support lowering the age of consent by a couple years or are attracted to anime characters. Then went on to spam multiple threads on the same topic and made threats to have the police investigate this site's users.
Once again, no, it has to do with the fact there are people who hold opinions stated the four top poll options. I find "loli" excruciatingly distasteful, and it's a gateway for people to start looking up more extreme porns.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 04:35:18 PM »
Wow, that poll sure does reinforce the claim that this place is a haven for pedophiles.
1. I didn't make the poll to prove a point. I made the poll to discover what the forum thinks for myself.
2. The poll was literally just made not long ago.
3. There's already a few votes for the top four options.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 04:33:37 PM »
#1. The suspected root cause.
I already said, maybe three times, that isn't why I'm doing this.

#2 AoC discussion =/= Hurr lez raep kidzzzzz
This one should be self evident. Discussing the altering of a law does not mean that it's going to lead to horrific consequences.
And that is an assumption I did not make. No where did I call anyone a pedophile, I said people were accepting of pedophilia, and nothing further. So far you don't seem to understand my argument one bit.

#3 Mental Illness.
I try not to get pissy over this but it irks me when it's waved around as a smear. People holding different and controversial opinions doesn't make them mentally ill.
I think I said once that Comms was mentally ill, I really don't you need to take it any further than that with the way the forum throws around the word autism. But obviously you're just desperately trying to come with insults now. Because you've always been that kind of person to do what pleases the masses.

#4 Following on from 3.
Paedophile =/= Child Molester
Once again, this was never said. This is the third time you've done this. It's quite annoying actually.

The rest of your post is just pointless ad hominem I'm not going to take seriously. But let's just take a moment and look at how you wrote this post without even understanding my argument. And probably all just to get on the good side of the people who I pissed off by trying to fight the people who hold opinions that it's okay to exploit children.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 03:43:02 PM »
First thread, obviously nowhere near serious.
Second thread, people taking the piss out of you. Again, nobody is actually serious.
Third was again, people pissing all over your evidentally, shit thread.

So, recap.
I see: A joke thread.
           A thread where people shit over your opinions
           A thread where you bitch about the above.

And now, a thread where you bitch about all three of those.
Please, nothing you're saying was happening in any of those threads.
Stop stirring shit and grow up.
Funny. I guess we'll see once the poll finishes up.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 03:31:53 PM »
Why can't you let this die.

Also why do I get the feeling you are going to make a thread about this on to slander the Sep7 name. Oh yea because thats exactly what you said you were going to do.
Not until I figure what's really going on.
Then let me spell it out for you no one here supports that shit for prepubescent children. Which is basically what you're making this out to be. Doing it with a child and doing it with a 17 year old has different social repercussions. Not only in the US but around the world. When its done to a child everyone flips their shit and rightfully so. When it happens to a teenager 16 and older its not that big of a deal, why? Because teenagers aren't the smartest bunch.

So for the sake of all of this can you just shut up Dustin, its getting real old. No one here wants the Sep7 name slandered because people don't agree with you, got it Zoe Quinn?
If I can't change those opinions who find it okay to have nude pictures of children or to have sex with a teenager, then I can only do what I can with the few opinions I have left.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 03:28:23 PM »
See, that's where I want more of an explaination.
Where on the site did it happen? Anarchy?

If it's such a serious deal, can I have names of users that were/are part of this?
If not, can I have a link to the threads this took place in?
First here
Then here
And here

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 03:17:47 PM »

A little explaination?
There's not much to explain other than what I already said. There was an argument in which it seemed that a large amount of people agreed with one or more of the top four poll choices above, and everyone else thought that it was okay. I didn't and I've been making a big deal over it. But I don't regret doing this, even it's making everyone hate me. If this forum really wants to defend the exploitation of children then their stances need to be loud and clear.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 03:08:38 PM »
Why can't you let this die.

Also why do I get the feeling you are going to make a thread about this on to slander the Sep7 name. Oh yea because thats exactly what you said you were going to do.
Not until I figure what's really going on.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 03:06:05 PM »


Dustin pls.
Frankly I'm just more concerned about the mental health here than my own reputation. If that's a problem for you then disassociate yourself from me. I honestly wouldn't care at this point.

The Flood / Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 03:00:05 PM »
So here's the problem: it started off as a few people arguing about the things above. Later a much larger group of people began to defend them, which led me to believe either one of two things: that this forum is very argumentative and will argue with anyone on any stance just because they don't like the person; or two, that this forum has a legitimate pedophilic culture.

Unfortunately a moderator decided the last thread was having too much discussion (which of course is a bad thing) so they locked it before I was able to reply back to you. The last few posts were directed at how they thought that my whole argument is about how users post sexualized drawings of young people, but however that has to nothing to do with this. It was simply a side argument that some of you were trying to pull me into so you could make that conclusion and illegitimize my argument. Not that I don't find it sickening that there are people who openly do this and think that it's okay, but I'm more concerned about the fact that so many users do not see the exploitation of children as something 'bad.'

So clear up the misconceptions and prove what this forum truly believes.

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