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Messages - Dustin

Pages: 1 ... 133134135 136137 ... 194
Of course the amount of sheep in each party makes a huge difference when calculating averages. I think political affiliation among STEM majors should take larger precedence over political affiliation among everyone.

Septagon / Re: We need to deal with the problem in Serious
« on: October 13, 2014, 05:41:20 PM »
Posting bad bait in the serious forum gets it called out.

Post that shit in the Flood where it's permitted.
It's not bait...

But even if it was Cheat would move it to Serious anyway, cause lol he can't tell the difference.

Septagon / We need to deal with the problem in Serious
« on: October 13, 2014, 03:48:14 PM »
Some of the more immature members of the forum seem to think it's acceptable to post this kind of content on the serious board:


There's nothing I can do about, because if I report them the mods will just say I'm spamming the report button and ban me. How can we solve this problem so Serious doesn't have the negative, insultive culture it has developed?

Serious / Re: All our evidence of evolution relies on the fossil record
« on: October 13, 2014, 03:35:03 PM »
Just so you know, I'm reporting all of you for harassment.

The Flood / Re: Oh Christ this is cringey
« on: October 13, 2014, 03:34:14 PM »
That was actually pretty funny

Serious / All our evidence of evolution relies on the fossil record
« on: October 13, 2014, 03:19:25 PM »
That's really kind of pathetic if we're supposed to consider it science. Especially considering there's no DNA involved, we just eye ball a pile of bones and assume that they're put together in a certain way that matches our presumption of how we think they should work, and that's usually heavily biased towards the theory of evolution. And who's to say the bones weren't put in the ground that way to have us doubt the scientific theory of creationism? These variables have not been ruled out and yet we go on to conclude evolution as fact. Further, our fossil record is far too limited to pull those conclusions. There simply is far too little data to form the theory of evolution and it's shoved down everyone's throats as fact.

I'm not saying evolution is proven false, I'm just saying that it hasn't been proven.

The Flood / Heterosexuals...
« on: October 13, 2014, 12:39:50 PM »
Would you participate in an orgy where there is only one person of the opposite sex and about four or five of the same sex?

lol liberals

The Flood / Re: I would WRECK this girl's vagina
« on: October 13, 2014, 12:30:04 PM »
you don't know how to debate me.
Well, you're right there.
Intellectually speaking, if you lose the debate, you have to convert to other side.

How's it feel to be Christian now, Meta?
What was your argument for God anyways?
That atheists are unable to see the logic behind God's existence due to the Devil's mental manipulation.

The Flood / Re: I would WRECK this girl's vagina
« on: October 13, 2014, 12:27:12 PM »
you don't know how to debate me.
Well, you're right there.
Intellectually speaking, if you lose the debate, you have to convert to other side.

How's it feel to be Christian now, Meta?

The Flood / Re: I would WRECK this girl's vagina
« on: October 13, 2014, 12:22:34 PM »
i'm in me mum's car vroom vroom

get out me car
I thought you quit the site?
Judging by the bullshit he's trying to pull in the Serious board?

No. Not even slightly.
By your reaction, my guess is that this is my strongest argument for God since I've been doing this and you don't know how to debate me.

Christians: 1
Atheists: Hell

The Flood / Re: I would WRECK this girl's vagina
« on: October 13, 2014, 12:21:03 PM »
i'm in me mum's car vroom vroom

get out me car
I thought you quit the site?
I did, but now I'm back

The Flood / Re: I would WRECK this girl's vagina
« on: October 13, 2014, 12:19:27 PM »
i'm in me mum's car vroom vroom

get out me car

Serious / Re: Epistemic knowledge on God and human conscious
« on: October 13, 2014, 12:17:42 PM »
Just because most people go to Hell doesn't mean that God isn't real.
I didn't even claim that.
LOL enjoy Hell, atheist.

Serious / Re: Epistemic knowledge on God and human conscious
« on: October 13, 2014, 12:15:49 PM »
Door and Meta are just buttmad edgy atheists who are upset because they're going to Hell.
So are most of the human species. The odds aren't in anybody's favour.
Just because most people go to Hell doesn't mean that God isn't real. You see these are the logical fallacies you atheists commit without even realizing it.

Serious / Re: Epistemic knowledge on God and human conscious
« on: October 13, 2014, 12:09:58 PM »
Is this legit, or bait? I'll respond if you're sincere, but it's hard to tell with you.
It's Dustin.

Sincerity shouldn't have any bearing on your judgement. . .

I just want to know if he actually believes what he said, because a lot of it was very misguided. I'll respond to it if this isn't just an attempt at trolling.
I'm being serious here. Door and Meta are just buttmad edgy atheists who are upset because they're going to Hell.

Serious / Re: So you know Ferguson?
« on: October 13, 2014, 12:05:33 PM »
You guys honestly think that "no one" wants the police to leave.

I'd bet my savings account that at least half of those scumbags want no police.
Why? Cause they're black? Get out.

You're the only one here who brought up race. Congrats.

You get out.
But the liberals aren't the racist ones right??? Right???

Lol, liberal hypocrisy is simply astounding.

Serious / Re: Epistemic knowledge on God and human conscious
« on: October 13, 2014, 12:03:47 PM »
I actually thought El Bustin' would be decent enough to at least try to come up with some answers.


Just lock this.
If I were to tell you answers, you wouldn't understand them. Your manipulated atheist mind will not allow you to make any sense of it.

Serious / Re: Epistemic knowledge on God and human conscious
« on: October 13, 2014, 11:58:53 AM »
It all makes sense to me and other believers. Unfortunately however, you are an atheist, so you cannot see God's reason while under the manipulation of the Devil.

Serious / Re: Epistemic knowledge on God and human conscious
« on: October 13, 2014, 11:56:53 AM »
It all makes sense to me and other believers. Unfortunately however, you are an atheist, so you cannot see God's reason while under the manipulation of the Devil.

Serious / Re: Be honest now
« on: October 13, 2014, 11:53:47 AM »
So much this. Atheists seem to have some sort of deficit when it comes to self understanding. The Dunning Kruger Effect applies so well to how atheists think they're geniuses when they're truly just naive teenagers.
I simply can't believe
Well that's your problem

Serious / Re: Marriage
« on: October 13, 2014, 11:52:54 AM »
You'll know if it's the right time if it is. Age is no factor (unless you're not even adult, but yeah).

Serious / Epistemic knowledge on God and human conscious
« on: October 13, 2014, 11:50:36 AM »
As you may have read in my other thread, I've recently converted to Christianity. It was not an easy process but I made it out a smarter, more faithful servant of God, and it has left my conscious at rest for the first time.

God grants us free will to do what we want. While He has the power to grant all our wishes, He chooses not to. Instead He guides us towards the right path, so that we may enter Heaven after we die. However there is also a duality effect at play. The Devil is also guiding us, just as God does; albeit towards the wrong path. He manipulates us and twists our minds--if we allow him to. This is essentially how the victimization of atheists manifests itself in humanity. The Devil doesn't want humans to believe in God, or else humans would have morality and thus follow God's path. For if we do wrong things, following the Devil's path, do we go to Hell where Satan has control over us. Atheists, by biblical definition, are manipulated by Satan. A Christian may communicate a logical fallacy to an atheist, but they are unable to recognize it as illogical. This is because their minds are manipulated and they are unable to break free.

Once I realized this, I quickly went to the closest pastor I knew and begged to him to help save me. It took a long time and a lot of work, but eventually I was able to see God's light, guiding me on the path to Heaven.

The proof is clear as day, but you cannot see it as an atheist. You must take a leap of faith, to gain faith, and you will see that God is real and enlightens us all.

I hope this helps my fellow atheists on the forum understand God a little better. I will pray for all of you to one day know God just as I do. Good luck.

Serious / Re: Be honest now
« on: October 13, 2014, 11:31:14 AM »
Everyone "grew up" and stopped having faith around 13-14?

Guess what? So did I. Then I grew up as well and realized it wasn't cool to be edgy.
So much this. Atheists seem to have some sort of deficit when it comes to self understanding. The Dunning Kruger Effect applies so well to how atheists think they're geniuses when they're truly just naive teenagers.

Serious / Re: Acceptance of evolution
« on: October 13, 2014, 06:08:00 AM »
You probably don't even understand evolution. Just because you're on the right side doesn't make you any less of a sheep.

The Flood / Re: Cheat is the absolute worst admin
« on: October 13, 2014, 06:03:06 AM »
And you're the absolute worst member.

What is this like your 5th alt on here now?
>coming from Deci


The Flood / Re: Cheat is the absolute worst admin
« on: October 13, 2014, 06:02:30 AM »
I've never seen someone as desperate for attention as you.
lol I purposely left you out, how's it feel to be unloved?

The Flood / Re: Cheat is the absolute worst admin
« on: October 13, 2014, 06:01:48 AM »
You are this forums equivalent of a red-headed, inbred, step child that throws tantrums for attention and annoys everyone.

The Flood / Re: So My Brother Decided To Grow Marijuana.
« on: October 12, 2014, 10:29:36 PM »
I would be careful about saying that on this forum just because of the government agent that secretly lurks here.

oh shit they're coming for me now that I've spilled the beans (again)

The Flood / Re: A social experiment
« on: October 12, 2014, 10:27:42 PM »
Option 4

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