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Messages - Dustin

Pages: 1 ... 120121122 123124 ... 194
hard drives aren't real
Silicon also isn't a part of human biology. In fact most metals are not.
no shit, but the point is that data can be stored physically.
Wow how mind blowing... well now I know. Any other cool facts you can share?

hard drives aren't real
Silicon also isn't a part of human biology. In fact most metals are not.

The Flood / Camnator be like
« on: October 25, 2014, 06:41:40 PM »

Camnator thread? Camnator thread.

The abolishment of the minimum wage would decrease public spending, at least initially, would it not?

I tried posting this on Thursday or Friday, but Mr Psy + Demonic weren't allowing me to post on alts so I've been saving this post for a few days now. Way to go mods for filtering out non-political threads, because this board is totally not in desperate need of them.

I was in my psychology class today (which at my university is taught as a natural science and focuses much less on behavior than typical psychology classes) and today's lecture was primarily on memory. The professor was explaining how the most prominent theory in psychology is that memories are held together as a network of connections, which explains why if you lose part of your brain you don't necessarily lose all of its stored memories. At this point I was tempted to raise my hand and ask him about the possibility that memories are held in the electrical signals that zap around your head, which seems to make more sense considering that there aren't any unique neuron organelles where a memory could physically be stored, but I didn't know how to word it without sounding naive so I never spoke up about it. Surely psychologists much be aware of the possibility, but I'm honestly a bit stunned it's not the leading theory. How is that memories can be stored in one physical location anyway? We're organic, meaning unique chemical structures are the only way to hard wire that kind of information in a physical manner (correct me if I'm wrong, but how else can organic matter store information?). But clearly having a unique chemical structure for each memory is just not realistic. It seems to me that if you're looking for that high of a level of complexity, electrical impulses (i.e. non-physical storage) are the way to go. I guess the reason why it's not the main theory is that these electrical impulses are of all the same intensity and speed, meaning frequency is the only variable the brain can use to create uniqueness to code for different memories. But I personally disagree that those three variables are all we're working with. I actually believe that quantum mechanics can help unlock some of the more hidden variability in electrical impulses that help code for memories. But considering you can't really measure a quantum state, and especially not while it's in a brain, there's really no way to confirm that. Still, I think that's a much more logical conclusion than to say that memories are somehow stored physically.

What do you think about how memories are stored? Can they be physically stored, or is it more likely something else? And sorry for the no-break wall of text above, but it can't be too hard to understand.

Septagon / Four glaringly obvious fixes to site moderation
« on: October 25, 2014, 06:34:15 PM »
1. You should know who banned you
2. You should be linked to the particular post which got you banned (if banned for a trend of posts, you should be linked to the last one that broke the rules)
3. You should know how long you're banned for
4. You should be able to PM, at least the moderators, when you are banned

Serious / Re: I'm terrified
« on: October 25, 2014, 06:30:58 PM »
Maybe you'll care less about receiving credit and attention when you're older, who knows. You might be intelligent, but the odds are still always against you to go down in history.

Serious / Re: Fun fact: the government isn't totally inefficient
« on: October 25, 2014, 06:22:34 PM »
Seeing as government spending is calculated into GDP, I'd say that's rather obvious.

Why not rid ourselves of democracy altogether?

The Flood / Re: Post gifs of your favorite tv shows, movies, whatever
« on: October 22, 2014, 05:57:25 AM »
I don't have a wide variety and they're pretty mainstream, but yeah

Breaking Bad
Walking Dead
How to get Away with Murder

Serious / Re: Your Thoughts on Suicide
« on: October 22, 2014, 05:53:40 AM »
Most people threaten to commit suicide just for attention. Telling someone that you don't care or egging them on to kill themselves probably does more to change their mind than giving them the attention they want.

I don't even care if you're joking, I just lost all respect for you.
You don't have to pretend that you care about other people.

The Flood / Re: I have all As and Bs in college right now
« on: October 22, 2014, 02:21:17 AM »
lol dustin pretending he's smart
Getting good grades in college depends on effort far more than intelligence.

The Flood / Re: I have all As and Bs in college right now
« on: October 22, 2014, 02:19:41 AM »
What's your major?
Chemical engineering, though I haven't applied for it yet. Currently I'm in (what they call) Allied Health because I originally was just planning on scientific research, but if I go for engineering I at least have the option open to work in industry (meaning I can actually make bank instead of being a poor as fuc­k researcher).

The Flood / Re: So Cheat......
« on: October 22, 2014, 02:17:26 AM »
I'm still thinking over exactly what to give you guys besides the Pestilence nameplate. With so many of the cool kids having custom nameplates, there needs to be another little gift for you.

Probably an icon like what the staff has, but don't bet money on it.
What's the cut off point? First 25 members or any members joined in September?
I'm going to say September, yeah. Again, don't exactly bet on it, but that's the range I'm going to probably go with (maybe).
All of September is way too many people. You should do the first 10 or 20 members that joined, IMO.
The difference between July and September is 153 total members and 468 total members.

Septagon / Re: Not Getting Alerts
« on: October 22, 2014, 02:01:37 AM »
Maybe people aren't quoting you?
It's funny because Camnator is probably the most 'quoted' member of Bungie history.

The Flood / Re: So Cheat......
« on: October 22, 2014, 02:00:39 AM »
I'm still thinking over exactly what to give you guys besides the Pestilence nameplate. With so many of the cool kids having custom nameplates, there needs to be another little gift for you.

Probably an icon like what the staff has, but don't bet money on it.
What's the cut off point? First 25 members or any members joined in September?

The Flood / Re: So Cheat......
« on: October 22, 2014, 01:51:06 AM »
The first eleven members that joined should get something special.

The Flood / Re: I have all As and Bs in college right now
« on: October 22, 2014, 01:14:02 AM »
Nuka isn't necessarily a random here, but he still seems to be butthurt about me.
I am?
This is news to me.
"I just happen to like butthurt comments but I am in no means butthurt myself"

The Flood / Re: I still don't understand this
« on: October 22, 2014, 01:03:58 AM »

Bitching publicly is going to help...
Public should know.

The Flood / I still don't understand this
« on: October 22, 2014, 01:00:30 AM »
How do you get warned for insulting other users when other users constantly insult you? Last time I reported insultive posts, you just slapped me with a ban for abusing the report function. This is the exact shit I'm talking about when I say biased moderation.

And no, I can't PM this because I don't know which mod issued the warning.

It'd also be nice if you could point me to the exact post I made that 'warranted' the warning.

The Flood / Re: I have all As and Bs in college right now
« on: October 22, 2014, 12:55:57 AM »

You have dishonored your family. Commit Sudoku.
I don't go to a community college, it's not that easy. You should see the shit I have to do for chemistry.

The Flood / I have all As and Bs in college right now
« on: October 22, 2014, 12:53:57 AM »

Well really I was hoping to use that meme for when the newfag losers on the forum try to make fun of me (even though they can't actually affect me because I'm not autistic and the internet doesn't hurt my feelings), but this will have to do.

Nuka isn't necessarily a random here, but he still seems to be butthurt about me.

The Flood / Re: They sell Gaben posters now?
« on: October 22, 2014, 12:45:12 AM »

The Flood / Re: They sell Gaben posters now?
« on: October 22, 2014, 12:44:27 AM »
You've never seen this before?

The Flood / They sell Gaben posters now?
« on: October 22, 2014, 12:42:52 AM »

When did this start happening?

The Flood / 1:30AM on a Wednesday
« on: October 22, 2014, 12:32:39 AM »
I'm awake because I went to bed at 6:00PM and woke up super early. Why the fuc­k are all you still awake for?

The Flood / Re: ALT+S
« on: October 22, 2014, 12:31:26 AM »
What does that do in browser?

The Flood / Re: Re: Cis Scum
« on: October 22, 2014, 12:26:46 AM »
There's this great thing called a preview button so you can see what your posts will look like before you post them.  Use it.
If that's the case then why did you just edit your post?

The Flood / Re: Re: Cis Scum
« on: October 22, 2014, 12:24:58 AM »

The Flood / Re: Cis Scum
« on: October 22, 2014, 12:22:58 AM »
The inside joke is me and my autism I'm sure of that.

Yeah I don't really care anymore.

Nice link there genius.
That happens to everyone. You must be desperate to make fun of him to try and fit in.

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