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Messages - Dustin

Pages: 1 ... 116117118 119120 ... 194
Now you're just on the same level of predictability as Kiyo
Kiyo gives some good unpredictable sex tho

Money isn't real either, we need to convert to socialism already.

The Flood / Re: Yeah heaven sounds great and all
« on: October 26, 2014, 10:31:44 PM »

God's an asshole. He could prevent miscarriages, but instead lets it happen.
What a buthurt supreme fedora tipper
Is today 4Chan buzzword day?
If he can prevent miscarriages, but doesn't, that makes him a twat.
Somebody doesn't have the comprehension to read my explanation. Death=/=bad. Jesus sacrificed himself to save ALL life. A fetus IS a life and therefor it is saved. The child gets a one-way ticket to Heaven where they don't have to experience hostile human nature in life. Probably the best thing that can happen to a person
So if you and all your family were to die tomorrow, it'd be the best thing that could ever happen to you and them?

That's just straight fucked up logic you've got there. I hope all religious people aren't this deranged.
You seriously have a reading comprehension issue I can see. Do you have down-syndrome or something?

I said a miscarriage is the best thing because the child goes to Heaven. It won't have to live a life experiencing what human nature is. Where the hell did I even bring up me and my family? Lol, you're seriously pathetic
I don't even...
 A child dying before birth is a terrible thing to happen and absolutely isn't better than it never having the chance to live.
You're seriously fucking deranged if you think a miscarriage is a good thing to happen at all, and I hope nobody else is as mentally backwards as you.
If you got your wife/girlfriend pregnant, would you be happy if she were to have a miscarriage?
To both you and Kinder, take the word miscarriage and replace it w/ abortion.
That's different because it's murder.
According to Kinder's reasoning it's still the best thing for the child, they go to heaven w/o having to experience bad shit.

In fact, allow me to apply some fucked up utilitarian logic to this situation. If Kinder's logic is to be believed then we should be conceiving and aborting in insane numbers because this would only increase the number of souls in heaven and therefor the total amount of wellbeing/happiness. After which we could all just pray for forgiveness on our deathbeds.
God is all forgiving, yes, but he's also all merciful. A mass murderer can't just say 'I'm sorry' at the very end of his life and expect to go to Heaven. And yes, an aborted baby does go to Heaven, and that's a good thing, but it's not the best thing. As a religious scientist, you can simply work out most of these issues in your head. Really, it's not that hard for anyone else claiming to be a scientist or engineer to do.
First of all, I never claimed to be a scientist or engineer, I'm working on it but I've got a long way to go.

>all forgiving
>all merciful

It's these sort of absolute statements that cause anything you people believe to be hopelessly contradictory.

Did I not say I was going by Kinder's logic? He said and I quote
The child gets a one-way ticket to Heaven where they don't have to experience hostile human nature in life. Probably the best thing that can happen to a person
The bottom line is that you're not going to understand God until you first believe in him, hence why you'll die an atheist and never go to Heaven. I'll pray for you, but that only goes so far.
"You must believe in it for it to work."

Words uttered by every snake oil salesman and charlatan ever. Forgive me if I'm entirely unconvinced or impressed.
If God isn't real then what made the universe?

The Flood / Re: Just think for a second.....
« on: October 26, 2014, 10:30:29 PM »
Based Harry Truman was just a puppet of the Illuminati.

Serious / Re: Atheist logical fallacy: assuming the default reality
« on: October 26, 2014, 10:23:42 PM »
I would say that claiming to know exactly what ancient mythology is correct and therefore you know exactly who created the universe is a bolder claim than stating that no divine being created the universe.
Typical response from a typical atheist.

1/10 made me reply.

The Flood / Re: Yeah heaven sounds great and all
« on: October 26, 2014, 10:22:53 PM »
While Kinder is busy fighting the atheistards, he misses the drama in the Kiyo thread about him.

The Flood / Re: #Destiny's Jimmies cannot recover
« on: October 26, 2014, 10:21:42 PM »
Call of Duty is one of the best series of all time, what are you talking about?

The Flood / Re: Should I reveal Kiyo's secret? [REVEALED (on page 2)]
« on: October 26, 2014, 10:20:17 PM »
On another topic, does anyone know what happened to Kiyo?
Honeymoon with Sentra.

The Flood / Re: Yeah heaven sounds great and all
« on: October 26, 2014, 10:19:23 PM »

God's an asshole. He could prevent miscarriages, but instead lets it happen.
What a buthurt supreme fedora tipper
Is today 4Chan buzzword day?
If he can prevent miscarriages, but doesn't, that makes him a twat.
Somebody doesn't have the comprehension to read my explanation. Death=/=bad. Jesus sacrificed himself to save ALL life. A fetus IS a life and therefor it is saved. The child gets a one-way ticket to Heaven where they don't have to experience hostile human nature in life. Probably the best thing that can happen to a person
So if you and all your family were to die tomorrow, it'd be the best thing that could ever happen to you and them?

That's just straight fucked up logic you've got there. I hope all religious people aren't this deranged.
You seriously have a reading comprehension issue I can see. Do you have down-syndrome or something?

I said a miscarriage is the best thing because the child goes to Heaven. It won't have to live a life experiencing what human nature is. Where the hell did I even bring up me and my family? Lol, you're seriously pathetic
I don't even...
 A child dying before birth is a terrible thing to happen and absolutely isn't better than it never having the chance to live.
You're seriously fucking deranged if you think a miscarriage is a good thing to happen at all, and I hope nobody else is as mentally backwards as you.
If you got your wife/girlfriend pregnant, would you be happy if she were to have a miscarriage?
To both you and Kinder, take the word miscarriage and replace it w/ abortion.
That's different because it's murder.
According to Kinder's reasoning it's still the best thing for the child, they go to heaven w/o having to experience bad shit.

In fact, allow me to apply some fucked up utilitarian logic to this situation. If Kinder's logic is to be believed then we should be conceiving and aborting in insane numbers because this would only increase the number of souls in heaven and therefor the total amount of wellbeing/happiness. After which we could all just pray for forgiveness on our deathbeds.
God is all forgiving, yes, but he's also all merciful. A mass murderer can't just say 'I'm sorry' at the very end of his life and expect to go to Heaven. And yes, an aborted baby does go to Heaven, and that's a good thing, but it's not the best thing. As a religious scientist, you can simply work out most of these issues in your head. Really, it's not that hard for anyone else claiming to be a scientist or engineer to do.
First of all, I never claimed to be a scientist or engineer, I'm working on it but I've got a long way to go.

>all forgiving
>all merciful

It's these sort of absolute statements that cause anything you people believe to be hopelessly contradictory.

Did I not say I was going by Kinder's logic? He said and I quote
The child gets a one-way ticket to Heaven where they don't have to experience hostile human nature in life. Probably the best thing that can happen to a person
The bottom line is that you're not going to understand God until you first believe in him, hence why you'll die an atheist and never go to Heaven. I'll pray for you, but that only goes so far.

I really hope the joke here is that the OP is actually a horrible troll.

The Flood / Re: Yeah heaven sounds great and all
« on: October 26, 2014, 10:09:47 PM »

God's an asshole. He could prevent miscarriages, but instead lets it happen.
What a buthurt supreme fedora tipper
Is today 4Chan buzzword day?
If he can prevent miscarriages, but doesn't, that makes him a twat.
Somebody doesn't have the comprehension to read my explanation. Death=/=bad. Jesus sacrificed himself to save ALL life. A fetus IS a life and therefor it is saved. The child gets a one-way ticket to Heaven where they don't have to experience hostile human nature in life. Probably the best thing that can happen to a person
So if you and all your family were to die tomorrow, it'd be the best thing that could ever happen to you and them?

That's just straight fucked up logic you've got there. I hope all religious people aren't this deranged.
You seriously have a reading comprehension issue I can see. Do you have down-syndrome or something?

I said a miscarriage is the best thing because the child goes to Heaven. It won't have to live a life experiencing what human nature is. Where the hell did I even bring up me and my family? Lol, you're seriously pathetic
I don't even...
 A child dying before birth is a terrible thing to happen and absolutely isn't better than it never having the chance to live.
You're seriously fucking deranged if you think a miscarriage is a good thing to happen at all, and I hope nobody else is as mentally backwards as you.
If you got your wife/girlfriend pregnant, would you be happy if she were to have a miscarriage?
To both you and Kinder, take the word miscarriage and replace it w/ abortion.
That's different because it's murder.
According to Kinder's reasoning it's still the best thing for the child, they go to heaven w/o having to experience bad shit.

In fact, allow me to apply some fucked up utilitarian logic to this situation. If Kinder's logic is to be believed then we should be conceiving and aborting in insane numbers because this would only increase the number of souls in heaven and therefor the total amount of wellbeing/happiness. After which we could all just pray for forgiveness on our deathbeds.
God is all forgiving, yes, but he's also all merciful. A mass murderer can't just say 'I'm sorry' at the very end of his life and expect to go to Heaven. And yes, an aborted baby does go to Heaven, and that's a good thing, but it's not the best thing. As a religious scientist, you can simply work out most of these issues in your head. Really, it's not that hard for anyone else claiming to be a scientist or engineer to do.

Serious / Atheist logical fallacy: assuming the default reality
« on: October 26, 2014, 10:06:37 PM »
Essentially this a logical fallacy when atheists make the claim that they don't need to prove that God isn't real because the burden of proof relies on the one making the claim. But who's really making a claim here? How can you say that atheism is the default without knowing what actually created the universe? Certainly there must be some process that created the universe. To say that nothing created the universe is a quite a claim in and of itself. So please elaborate on why atheists believe it is the default that God is not real and not the other way around?

The Flood / Re: Yeah heaven sounds great and all
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:58:12 PM »

God's an asshole. He could prevent miscarriages, but instead lets it happen.
What a buthurt supreme fedora tipper
Is today 4Chan buzzword day?
If he can prevent miscarriages, but doesn't, that makes him a twat.
Somebody doesn't have the comprehension to read my explanation. Death=/=bad. Jesus sacrificed himself to save ALL life. A fetus IS a life and therefor it is saved. The child gets a one-way ticket to Heaven where they don't have to experience hostile human nature in life. Probably the best thing that can happen to a person
So if you and all your family were to die tomorrow, it'd be the best thing that could ever happen to you and them?

That's just straight fucked up logic you've got there. I hope all religious people aren't this deranged.
You seriously have a reading comprehension issue I can see. Do you have down-syndrome or something?

I said a miscarriage is the best thing because the child goes to Heaven. It won't have to live a life experiencing what human nature is. Where the hell did I even bring up me and my family? Lol, you're seriously pathetic
I don't even...
 A child dying before birth is a terrible thing to happen and absolutely isn't better than it never having the chance to live.
You're seriously fucking deranged if you think a miscarriage is a good thing to happen at all, and I hope nobody else is as mentally backwards as you.
If you got your wife/girlfriend pregnant, would you be happy if she were to have a miscarriage?
To both you and Kinder, take the word miscarriage and replace it w/ abortion.
That's different because it's murder.

The Flood / Re: Should I reveal Kiyo's secret?
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:56:27 PM »
Did Kiyo reject you in the internet too?
Actually I rejected her. But the story is far more elaborate than that.
Yeah sure, that totally happened. Did you cry whens he said no like every other girl?
Here's what happened: we were talking about Israel when Kiyo started getting all giddy around me (through webcam). So I started playing it smooth with no real objective in mind and then she told she would come to my house and screw my virgin body. At the point I froze, because a girl had never offered that to me, but I told her no because I had a crush on Korra. After accidentally spilling to her that I thought Korra was hot (I knew what she looked like because Kiyo had been using her admin powers to find pictures of her through PMs she's been sending to TBlocks and Icy) she began to plot against me. She started telling Korra all these mean and horrible things about me. So when I finally asked Korra out on webcam, she declined and it looked like I was crying because I was eating onions. Later on, Kiyo fuc­ked Sentra (or at least cyber-fuc­ked him) to try and get me jealous about all the sex I was missing out on. She also photoshopped pics of Korra and TBlocks fuc­king to get me mad and depressed. Ever since she's been plotting against me but I've had enough of it.

Stopped reading there because that's 100% BS. lol
Lol it get's more retarded.
Your jealously over the fact that I can get bitches and you can't is showing.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha kill yourself.
I can report you for that.

The Flood / Re: Yeah heaven sounds great and all
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:55:32 PM »

God's an asshole. He could prevent miscarriages, but instead lets it happen.
What a buthurt supreme fedora tipper
Is today 4Chan buzzword day?
If he can prevent miscarriages, but doesn't, that makes him a twat.
Somebody doesn't have the comprehension to read my explanation. Death=/=bad. Jesus sacrificed himself to save ALL life. A fetus IS a life and therefor it is saved. The child gets a one-way ticket to Heaven where they don't have to experience hostile human nature in life. Probably the best thing that can happen to a person
So if you and all your family were to die tomorrow, it'd be the best thing that could ever happen to you and them?

That's just straight fucked up logic you've got there. I hope all religious people aren't this deranged.
You seriously have a reading comprehension issue I can see. Do you have down-syndrome or something?

I said a miscarriage is the best thing because the child goes to Heaven. It won't have to live a life experiencing what human nature is. Where the hell did I even bring up me and my family? Lol, you're seriously pathetic
I don't even...
 A child dying before birth is a terrible thing to happen and absolutely isn't better than it never having the chance to live.
You're seriously fucking deranged if you think a miscarriage is a good thing to happen at all, and I hope nobody else is as mentally backwards as you.
If you got your wife/girlfriend pregnant, would you be happy if she were to have a miscarriage?
At least the baby goes to Heaven. That's one place you'll never see.

The Flood / Re: Should I reveal Kiyo's secret? [REVEALED (on page 2)]
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:53:37 PM »
Wait a minute..... FUCK!

I can't view IP's on here.

And from the sounds of it, that's a good thing.

Welp. There goes my plan.

Now if Dustin was on my site, things would be completely different.
If you link me to your site, I will never post here on sep7agon again.

Too bad. You're not invited.
I'll tell you another user's secret if you invite me.

And why the flying fuck would I care to know about that?
The other girl, Isara, said she'd totally be done to fuc­k you if not for your autism.

The Flood / Re: Should I reveal Kiyo's secret? [REVEALED (on page 2)]
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:50:59 PM »
Quiet you, before I start sharing someone else's secrets.
Kay.  I dunno who, cuz I don't have any that I can think of.

Stop pretending I don't know what's going on with you, challenger, and kinder.
Challenger?  I dunno if I've even talked to him.
Of course you haven't. He's not your man. Kinder would never let you near to him. According to what Kinder has told me, he rejected you for challenger.

The Flood / Re: Should I reveal Kiyo's secret? [REVEALED (on page 2)]
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:47:22 PM »
Quiet you, before I start sharing someone else's secrets.
Kay.  I dunno who, cuz I don't have any that I can think of.

Stop pretending I don't know what's going on with you, challenger, and kinder.

The Flood / Re: Should I reveal Kiyo's secret? [REVEALED (on page 2)]
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:46:16 PM »
Wait a minute..... FUCK!

I can't view IP's on here.

And from the sounds of it, that's a good thing.

Welp. There goes my plan.

Now if Dustin was on my site, things would be completely different.
If you link me to your site, I will never post here on sep7agon again.

Too bad. You're not invited.
I'll tell you another user's secret if you invite me.

The Flood / Re: Should I reveal Kiyo's secret? [REVEALED (on page 2)]
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:44:40 PM »
Wait a minute..... FUCK!

I can't view IP's on here.

And from the sounds of it, that's a good thing.

Welp. There goes my plan.

Now if Dustin was on my site, things would be completely different.
If you link me to your site, I will never post here on sep7agon again.

The Flood / Re: Should I reveal Kiyo's secret? [REVEALED (on page 2)]
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:42:33 PM »
Quiet you, before I start sharing someone else's secrets.

The Flood / Re: Should I reveal Kiyo's secret? [REVEALED (on page 2)]
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:39:31 PM »

I can share what secrets I like. Who's going to stop me? Are you?

Besides, Kiyo only banned me because I rejected her.

The Flood / Re: Should I reveal Kiyo's secret? [REVEALED (on page 2)]
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:34:45 PM »
This thread is sad.

Go get laid by a hooker Dustin.
Your autism isn't an excuse to break the rules.

The Flood / Re: Should I reveal Kiyo's secret?
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:32:45 PM »
Did Kiyo reject you in the internet too?
Actually I rejected her. But the story is far more elaborate than that.
Yeah sure, that totally happened. Did you cry whens he said no like every other girl?
Here's what happened: we were talking about Israel when Kiyo started getting all giddy around me (through webcam). So I started playing it smooth with no real objective in mind and then she told she would come to my house and screw my virgin body. At the point I froze, because a girl had never offered that to me, but I told her no because I had a crush on Korra. After accidentally spilling to her that I thought Korra was hot (I knew what she looked like because Kiyo had been using her admin powers to find pictures of her through PMs she's been sending to TBlocks and Icy) she began to plot against me. She started telling Korra all these mean and horrible things about me. So when I finally asked Korra out on webcam, she declined and it looked like I was crying because I was eating onions. Later on, Kiyo fuc­ked Sentra (or at least cyber-fuc­ked him) to try and get me jealous about all the sex I was missing out on. She also photoshopped pics of Korra and TBlocks fuc­king to get me mad and depressed. Ever since she's been plotting against me but I've had enough of it.

Stopped reading there because that's 100% BS. lol
Lol it get's more retarded.
Your jealously over the fact that I can get bitches and you can't is showing.

Can confirm this is false
The brit-girls are attractive or that you actually are aware that they're not attractive?
We're aware that they're attractive.
The explain this:

The Flood / Re: Should I reveal Kiyo's secret?
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:27:08 PM »
Did Kiyo reject you in the internet too?
Actually I rejected her. But the story is far more elaborate than that.
Yeah sure, that totally happened. Did you cry whens he said no like every other girl?
Here's what happened: we were talking about Israel when Kiyo started getting all giddy around me (through webcam). So I started playing it smooth with no real objective in mind and then she told she would come to my house and screw my virgin body. At the point I froze, because a girl had never offered that to me, but I told her no because I had a crush on Korra. After accidentally spilling to her that I thought Korra was hot (I knew what she looked like because Kiyo had been using her admin powers to find pictures of her through PMs she's been sending to TBlocks and Icy) she began to plot against me. She started telling Korra all these mean and horrible things about me. So when I finally asked Korra out on webcam, she declined and it looked like I was crying because I was eating onions. Later on, Kiyo fuc­ked Sentra (or at least cyber-fuc­ked him) to try and get me jealous about all the sex I was missing out on. She also photoshopped pics of Korra and TBlocks fuc­king to get me mad and depressed. Ever since she's been plotting against me but I've had enough of it.

Stopped reading there because that's 100% BS. lol
She's liked me for a while before that, but I only realized then that she liked me.

Can confirm this is false
The brit-girls are attractive or that you actually are aware that they're not attractive?

The Flood / Re: Should I reveal Kiyo's secret?
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:23:34 PM »
Did Kiyo reject you in the internet too?
Actually I rejected her. But the story is far more elaborate than that.
Yeah sure, that totally happened. Did you cry whens he said no like every other girl?
Here's what happened: we were talking about Israel when Kiyo started getting all giddy around me (through webcam). So I started playing it smooth with no real objective in mind and then she told she would come to my house and screw my virgin body. At the point I froze, because a girl had never offered that to me, but I told her no because I had a crush on Korra. After accidentally spilling to her that I thought Korra was hot (I knew what she looked like because Kiyo had been using her admin powers to find pictures of her through PMs she's been sending to TBlocks and Icy) she began to plot against me. She started telling Korra all these mean and horrible things about me. So when I finally asked Korra out on webcam, she declined and it looked like I was crying because I was eating onions. Later on, Kiyo fuc­ked Sentra (or at least cyber-fuc­ked him) to try and get me jealous about all the sex I was missing out on. She also photoshopped pics of Korra and TBlocks fuc­king to get me mad and depressed. Ever since she's been plotting against me but I've had enough of it.

The Flood / Re: Should I reveal Kiyo's secret?
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:12:58 PM »
Did Kiyo reject you in the internet too?
Actually I rejected her. But the story is far more elaborate than that.

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