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Messages - Dustin

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Serious / Re: Lena Dunham admits to molesting her younger sister
« on: November 01, 2014, 07:56:46 PM »
I don't know who that is so why should I care?

In this sense, it has been more successful in the likes of Scandinavian nations - like Finland - where teaching is actually seen as a profession of repute and educational responsibility is devolved to the lowest possible level.
And in what way could that be achieved? Raising salaries?

Is there a specific regulation you are referring to in which teachers are mandated to "sit at the front and give [you] data which [you] then write down and have to learn"?
At no point did I make the implication that there was a government regulation which orders teachers to behave in such a manner. If that were the case, I wouldn't be able to differentiate between good and bad teachers.
You continue to say that government regulation is changing how the school functions. In whatever country or state you're referring to, what specific regulation are you referring to that hinders the ability for a school to teach its students? It might be asking for a lot, but at the same time speaking philosophically about how the government needs to get its hands out of education is entirely pointless conjecture.

where students aren't forced to learn.
Well, first of all, I didn't say that.

There's a difference between being dictated to and then being "forced to learn", although I think the phrasing of that is quite malicious. Even now I have didactic teachers who sit at the front and give me data which I then write down and have to learn.

Now, maybe tweaking that a little bit, giving more autonomy to the schools with a slimmed-down, standardised curriculum would encourage an environment more conducive to learning whether that involves compulsion or not.
Is there a specific regulation you are referring to in which teachers are mandated to "sit at the front and give [you] data which [you] then write down and have to learn"?

the idea that teachers are there to provide an environment in which children can learn and flourish, instead of being just dictated to.
Localizing schooling creates an environment where kids aren't forced to learn? And that makes sense to you?
I didn't watch the video, but according to your summary, you said that we need an environment where students aren't forced to learn. Yet that has nothing to do with localizing education. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if someone's looking to teach their political or religious agenda.

the idea that teachers are there to provide an environment in which children can learn and flourish, instead of being just dictated to.
Localizing schooling creates an environment where kids aren't forced to learn? And that makes sense to you?

The Flood / Re: Exotic cars don't do it for me anymore
« on: November 01, 2014, 01:54:19 PM »
Better than having to deal with Hybrids and Teslas and all those obnoxious liberals who think they're better than everyone else.

The Flood / Re: Let's be nothing but logical now
« on: November 01, 2014, 01:44:16 PM »
suk my wiener UglyPenisrahna
How many thousands of years have we had time to come up with a model that could explain, within the bounds of the laws of physics, how the universe could come to be? I think we've had plenty of time to come up with something. If there simply is no model, then we can only assume it is a supernatural act that made the universe. If you are an atheist, you must agree the laws of physics are faulty. And by that reasoning, you are unscientific and inexplicably wrong.

Here are your choices broken down:

1. The laws of physics are wrong
2. A supernatural act occurred

To go with option one is rather ignorant and unscientific. Any successful atheist scientists are simply in denial, are reserved in their talents to reason to just their skilled profession. God must be real.
> thousands of years
Actually physics has only been around for 500 or so years. Cosmology only became a science last century even now it's not exact.

Are you implying the fact that we don't have a complete theory of reality means that God must exist(not that I think that's possible, ever heard of Godel's incompleteness theorem)? Are you retarded? God of the gaps much? When Isaac Newton couldn't figure out how his inverse square law of gravity could explain the movement of more than a couple of bodies he assumed god must be responsible, he was wrong. This is the same thing, you wanna try again?
That's still dodging the question. If the universe's creation happened naturally, why can't it be explained? You don't even need math or measurements to answer the question why we have something rather than nothing.  A God is the only thing that could do that, and thus by process of elimination we have proved His existence.
  In saying an absence of such a theory proves god's existence you are essentially saying, "I can't prove god does or does not exist, therefor god exists."

Dustbin, pls.
The theory can't exist. You cannot explain using logic how something can come from nothing. Only a supernatural God can explain that.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone here just feel worthless?
« on: November 01, 2014, 01:42:12 PM »
Quite often, it's something that you have to look into and understand why. Trying to find a purpose is hard, I'd suggest figuring out what makes you happy and what you want first.
I would just like to say that I'm a huge fan of your country. Anti-semites need to pay for the Holocaust.

The Flood / Re: Let's be nothing but logical now
« on: November 01, 2014, 01:39:09 PM »
suk my wiener UglyPenisrahna
How many thousands of years have we had time to come up with a model that could explain, within the bounds of the laws of physics, how the universe could come to be? I think we've had plenty of time to come up with something. If there simply is no model, then we can only assume it is a supernatural act that made the universe. If you are an atheist, you must agree the laws of physics are faulty. And by that reasoning, you are unscientific and inexplicably wrong.

Here are your choices broken down:

1. The laws of physics are wrong
2. A supernatural act occurred

To go with option one is rather ignorant and unscientific. Any successful atheist scientists are simply in denial, are reserved in their talents to reason to just their skilled profession. God must be real.
> thousands of years
Actually physics has only been around for 500 or so years. Cosmology only became a science last century even now it's not exact.

Are you implying the fact that we don't have a complete theory of reality means that God must exist(not that I think that's possible, ever heard of Godel's incompleteness theorem)? Are you retarded? God of the gaps much? When Isaac Newton couldn't figure out how his inverse square law of gravity could explain the movement of more than a couple of bodies he assumed god must be responsible, he was wrong. This is the same thing, you wanna try again?
That's still dodging the question. If the universe's creation happened naturally, why can't it be explained? You don't even need math or measurements to answer the question why we have something rather than nothing.  A God is the only thing that could do that, and thus by process of elimination we have proved His existence.

The Flood / Re: Let's be nothing but logical now
« on: November 01, 2014, 01:17:27 PM »
suk my wiener UglyPenisrahna
How many thousands of years have we had time to come up with a model that could explain, within the bounds of the laws of physics, how the universe could come to be? I think we've had plenty of time to come up with something. If there simply is no model, then we can only assume it is a supernatural act that made the universe. If you are an atheist, you must agree the laws of physics are faulty. And by that reasoning, you are unscientific and inexplicably wrong.

Here are your choices broken down:

1. The laws of physics are wrong
2. A supernatural act occurred

To go with option one is rather ignorant and unscientific. Any successful atheist scientists are simply in denial, are reserved in their talents to reason to just their skilled profession. God must be real.

Serious / Re: Georgia Not Required to find 40,000 missing voter IDs
« on: November 01, 2014, 12:12:14 AM »
You literally only care because the missing votes would likely vote democrat. Otherwise you would not give two shits--any of you.

Septagon / Re: New ad service, report shitty ads here
« on: October 31, 2014, 11:23:13 PM »
I have not been seeing any ads yet.
In 72 hours you probably will.
How much money are you predicting from this provider?
I don't have high hopes, but if we can do better than a dollar every 3 days then it's a step in he right direction. We'll just see.
I'm starting to think that maybe you should just go with the donation route to pay for the site.
This is the last one I had lined up (I had to apply for most of them), so we'll probably have to go the donation route if this tanks, yeah.
If you do that you should let everyone see how much money is in the Sep7agon bank and how long that'll keep the website active for.

Blatant white privilege you refuse to acknowledge.
refuse to acknowledge?
Essentially yeah. I wish I could know what it's like but I don't identify as white.

Serious / Re: How stressed should I be?
« on: October 31, 2014, 09:20:47 PM »
Got yelled at by my dad because I said I didn't want to do it. I just don't want to be around kids, I want co-workers my own age.Substituting just has the connotation that you couldn't find anything else, it's not a career. I just don't know what to do anymore. I literally cannot decide what to do with my life -so much that I'm starting to wish I didn't exist in the first place so I wouldn't have to worry about it. If I don't find a job within in a year...that's it, my life is pretty much over and I might as well kill myself.
Maybe you could be a professor at UConn? That way you don't have to deal with kids.

That would be awesome if I was in your class. I'd completely blackmail the shit out of you for straight As.
>years to get master
>then even more years to get a PhD
Too much schooling. I want to get into the workforce to gain more experience. And I'm not exactly the academic type. I finished with a 2.966 in Liberal Arts. That is just absolute shit. Literally I cannot decide on a single occupation that I would want to do, and now it is really starting to affect me. Definitely not thinking good thoughts tonight.
A 3.0 can't be too bad though. I mean isn't that just straight Bs? Bs aren't that bad.

Blatant white privilege you refuse to acknowledge.

Serious / Re: How stressed should I be?
« on: October 31, 2014, 09:12:08 PM »
Got yelled at by my dad because I said I didn't want to do it. I just don't want to be around kids, I want co-workers my own age.Substituting just has the connotation that you couldn't find anything else, it's not a career. I just don't know what to do anymore. I literally cannot decide what to do with my life -so much that I'm starting to wish I didn't exist in the first place so I wouldn't have to worry about it. If I don't find a job within in a year...that's it, my life is pretty much over and I might as well kill myself.
Maybe you could be a professor at UConn? That way you don't have to deal with kids.

That would be awesome if I was in your class. I'd completely blackmail the shit out of you for straight As.

The Flood / Re: Let's be nothing but logical now
« on: October 31, 2014, 08:53:49 PM »
I am being serious. Religion, at it's core, only means to aid the well being of the common man. And to justify his actions.

Religion is culture.

It's stupid to say it should be "abolished".
Perhaps. I can accept and see the benefits of religion for its moral guidance and giving people hope in life. It does slow the progress of human advancement though, and those things I mentioned can be achieved without believing in some backwards, illogical fairy tales or having idiotic beliefs regarding gay marriage and divorce. Not all religions are choosing to live in the Dark Ages of course, but the fact that so many religions exist is because humans created them, because there is no God.
Einstein was religious. Descartes was religious. Most scientists, mathematicians, and engineers are religious. You can't tell me that things would have slowed without religion. If anything, religion has sped technological progress up.

The Flood / Re: Let's be nothing but logical now
« on: October 31, 2014, 08:52:24 PM »
It's not an argument even remotely tied to logic. It's a matter of personal belief and nothing more
It is not an argument though, one side is factually correct, me, and one side is factually wrong, the people who believe God is real. There is really nothing more to it. I thought adults were supposed to get over having imaginary friends.

I'm not taking sides. But with that being said, there aren't facts that actually say that a higher being exists or not. From a scientific perspective, how do you prove that something 100% does not exist?
You can't, which is one of the many reason we know he exists.

>can't prove it
> = existing

So how about those Aliens?
Aliens probably do exist on some world somewhere.

I am in awe at how idiotic you are.

I give up.
"I can't debate so I'll just call you stupid."

Typical atheist.
pls respond
Respond to what

The Flood / Re: Let's be nothing but logical now
« on: October 31, 2014, 08:49:47 PM »
It's not an argument even remotely tied to logic. It's a matter of personal belief and nothing more
It is not an argument though, one side is factually correct, me, and one side is factually wrong, the people who believe God is real. There is really nothing more to it. I thought adults were supposed to get over having imaginary friends.

I'm not taking sides. But with that being said, there aren't facts that actually say that a higher being exists or not. From a scientific perspective, how do you prove that something 100% does not exist?
You can't, which is one of the many reason we know he exists.

>can't prove it
> = existing

So how about those Aliens?
Aliens probably do exist on some world somewhere.

I am in awe at how idiotic you are.

I give up.
"I can't debate so I'll just call you stupid."

Typical atheist.

The Flood / Re: Let's be nothing but logical now
« on: October 31, 2014, 08:48:18 PM »
It's not an argument even remotely tied to logic. It's a matter of personal belief and nothing more
It is not an argument though, one side is factually correct, me, and one side is factually wrong, the people who believe God is real. There is really nothing more to it. I thought adults were supposed to get over having imaginary friends.

I'm not taking sides. But with that being said, there aren't facts that actually say that a higher being exists or not. From a scientific perspective, how do you prove that something 100% does not exist?
You can't, which is one of the many reason we know he exists.

>can't prove it
> = existing

So how about those Aliens?
Aliens probably do exist on some world somewhere.

The Flood / Re: Let's be nothing but logical now
« on: October 31, 2014, 08:47:42 PM »
It's not an argument even remotely tied to logic. It's a matter of personal belief and nothing more
It is not an argument though, one side is factually correct, me, and one side is factually wrong, the people who believe God is real. There is really nothing more to it. I thought adults were supposed to get over having imaginary friends.
Look at everything around you: the trees, the grass, the children, the water, the sky. You can't tell a design of this complexity and this peacefulness cannot exist. The scientific law of chaos means there must be just that-chaos. But where is that chaos on earth? Not here, because God must exist in order to stop the chaos.

Uhh, no.

There is no peace.

Once again, I'm religious. And I'm telling you, you can't prove it.
Who are you to say I can't prove it? I'm giving you proof and you're just ignoring it.

That's not proof lol.

Do you know what proof is?

The only proof we would have is if God came down, and said "hello".

Maybe your just crazy religious, and that your not open to actually being reasonable.
If God doesn't exist, then what created the Universe?

The Flood / Re: Let's be nothing but logical now
« on: October 31, 2014, 08:45:48 PM »
It's not an argument even remotely tied to logic. It's a matter of personal belief and nothing more
It is not an argument though, one side is factually correct, me, and one side is factually wrong, the people who believe God is real. There is really nothing more to it. I thought adults were supposed to get over having imaginary friends.

I'm not taking sides. But with that being said, there aren't facts that actually say that a higher being exists or not. From a scientific perspective, how do you prove that something 100% does not exist?
You can't, which is one of the many reason we know he exists.

The Flood / Re: Let's be nothing but logical now
« on: October 31, 2014, 08:45:16 PM »
It's not an argument even remotely tied to logic. It's a matter of personal belief and nothing more
It is not an argument though, one side is factually correct, me, and one side is factually wrong, the people who believe God is real. There is really nothing more to it. I thought adults were supposed to get over having imaginary friends.
Look at everything around you: the trees, the grass, the children, the water, the sky. You can't tell a design of this complexity and this peacefulness cannot exist. The scientific law of chaos means there must be just that-chaos. But where is that chaos on earth? Not here, because God must exist in order to stop the chaos.

Uhh, no.

There is no peace.

Once again, I'm religious. And I'm telling you, you can't prove it.
Who are you to say I can't prove it? I'm giving you proof and you're just ignoring it.

The Flood / Re: Let's be nothing but logical now
« on: October 31, 2014, 08:44:22 PM »
Why can no one accept that no one can prove ANYTHING

You can't prove God doesn't exist, can't prove he does.

Get over it, respect peoples beliefs

*rips fedora off neckbeard*
He factually does not exist though.

Factually it goes no where. No party can ever win. No one realizes how pointless arguing about it is.

If I believe it, I'm not changing.

If you believe what you believe, your not changing.

It's not an argument even remotely tied to logic. It's a matter of personal belief and nothing more
Not true. It's been proven many times that he exists.

Saying you proved it makes you look like an idiot.
Saying they proved it makes them look like idiots.

I'm catholic, and I'm telling you, you can't prove shit. If you believe it, believe it
You're clearly ignorant of the many proofs for God.

The Flood / Re: Let's be nothing but logical now
« on: October 31, 2014, 08:43:49 PM »
It's not an argument even remotely tied to logic. It's a matter of personal belief and nothing more
It is not an argument though, one side is factually correct, me, and one side is factually wrong, the people who believe God is real. There is really nothing more to it. I thought adults were supposed to get over having imaginary friends.
Look at everything around you: the trees, the grass, the children, the water, the sky. You can't tell a design of this complexity and this peacefulness cannot exist. The scientific law of chaos means there must be just that-chaos. But where is that chaos on earth? Not here, because God must exist in order to stop the chaos.

The Flood / Re: Let's be nothing but logical now
« on: October 31, 2014, 08:40:52 PM »
Why can no one accept that no one can prove ANYTHING

You can't prove God doesn't exist, can't prove he does.

Get over it, respect peoples beliefs

*rips fedora off neckbeard*
He factually does not exist though.

Factually it goes no where. No party can ever win. No one realizes how pointless arguing about it is.

If I believe it, I'm not changing.

If you believe what you believe, your not changing.

It's not an argument even remotely tied to logic. It's a matter of personal belief and nothing more
Not true. It's been proven many times that he exists.

The Flood / Re: Let's be nothing but logical now
« on: October 31, 2014, 08:38:23 PM »
Why can no one accept that no one can prove ANYTHING

You can't prove God doesn't exist, can't prove he does.

Get over it, respect peoples beliefs

*rips fedora off neckbeard*
He factually does not exist though.
Prove it.

The Flood / Re: Let's be nothing but logical now
« on: October 31, 2014, 08:38:09 PM »
I am getting annoyed with the shitposters and trolls on this forum.
Me too.

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