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Messages - Dustin

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The Flood / Re: I'm still trying to wrap my mind around this
« on: November 30, 2014, 08:39:31 PM »
Copying this thread here in case anything happens to it.

An Apology

I spend a lot of time contemplating many things. It's one of my favorite ways to pass the time, because it amazes me how I can learn so much, not only about life and reality, but about myself, solely through a process of pure rumination. It's kinda like creating something out of nothing, which makes me feel in control--another one of my favorite things.

And then there's the epiphanies. The moment when a great burgeoning thought breaks through the cracks of my mind, and when fully unearthed, reveals a thoroughly enlightening truth about whatever it is I've been contemplating. My entire perspective on any issue can flip upside down, or become permanently solidified upon achieving this experience.

Today, I had something of an epiphany. Not exactly a true epiphany, but something of the sort. What I mean by that is that I already knew what was being fully realized. I was fully, consciously aware of it. I embraced it, even. People let me know about it every single day of my life. How could I not be well aware of it? I am, to make an understatement, an asshole on the Internet. This is something I've admitted and it's something that I've held with impunity for a good five years on this website.

So, what did I end up learning, if I already know I'm an asshole? If I've always been an asshole?

I mean, it really is simple, and I have no idea why I'm choosing to drag this out for so long. Dramatic effect? Sure. I can see why a couple people would find this to be a bigger deal than it is. The simple truth is this: Never before until just recently, and especially last night, have I realized not only the true extent to which how much of an asshole I am (though, truthfully, I maintain that there are far worse users than myself on this website), I must also concede that I have not fully realized the implications of that.

Before, you could call me an asshole and I would shrug it right off. Not only did it do nothing to deter my antics--it made me even "stronger", for lack of a better word. Now, with the last... three or four threads that I have made, what with all the abuse of my own (and others') physical appearance, and my choice of major study in college, I've begun to consider truly who I am and who I choose to be with regards to my Internet persona.

Before, it was a bragging right. On b.old, I could start a full-fledged hot topic two hundred reply flame war with a single sentence, and I viewed that as a sort of "power" that I had and abused frequently for my entertainment. Nowadays, things are harder. People are harder to "troll" (though, if you know anything about me, you know that I don't "troll" in the classic sense of the word). I up the ante a little bit. I increase the volume of venom and anger in my posts, sacrificing eloquence and coherence of my statements, obfuscating my true intentions with a cloud of malice.

Many of you have taken notice to this, with my trademark insult being "kill yourself" (which is actually not an insult; it's an inflammatory imperative, but whatever). Naturally, such an insult is veritably childish and puerile. The kind of thing you'd hear from a twelve-year-old an Xbox Live when you get done slaying him for the twenty-seventh time, or whatever.

But that's not really the point. The point isn't my choice of words when it comes to flaming people--the point is why I have to flame people at all. If you told me I didn't have to insult people all the time, you'd be absolutely correct. It's rude, unnecessary, mean, creates a bad atmosphere, and I don't really even have a right to do it without any just cause. So why do I do it? That's another easy one: Because it entertains me. It makes me feel good inside to know that I was able to put someone down over the Internet. Even the illusion makes me feel good, if, in all reality, I did not manage to affect my opposition on any emotional level--because at the end of the day, the person on the other end of the screen now knows the true extent to which I dislike them, and that is all the justification I needed to insult another person. I like letting people know if I like or dislike them--doesn't matter if they care or not. I'm just imposing like that.

But now, I've suddenly realized just how wrong that is. How bad that is. How really threatening it could be to my livelihood, as well--I just know there might be one or two extremely vindictive people out there who are willing to ruin my life with the things I've said here, and the things I've posted here. There's a slim chance of that happening, but just knowing the reaction I get whenever I make a thread--people calling me autistic, ugly--it doesn't matter what I say. I've pissed off this community so much, and I've become SUCH a pariah, that I could find the cure for cancer and there would STILL be a few of you who would try to drag my name through the mud some more. And this community has known me for over five years.

Knowing that I've created that kind of a dent on this community makes me feel ashamed, and afraid. Ashamed, because this far extends beyond this website--there isn't one, not a single goddamn forum on the Internet that I've become a member of that I was not eventually permanently banned from because of my vituperative behavior. I am absolutely incompatible with virtually every single community I can ever imagine, because I just hate everything. I have so few interests, and such a weird worldview, and that makes it so difficult to relate with other human beings, to talk with them, respect them, what have you. It's a hugely fatal flaw in my personality, and it's ingrained. I can't change it. I've tried to change it--I've tried to "like" things, but I just don't. I can't develop interests. And it pisses me off when I see people who are happy, enjoying these things that I hate so much. Sex, drugs, friends, games, life. It's just not for me. And I hate being in a place where everyone likes those things.

I'm not gonna kill myself, though. I'm gonna keep trying to--well, I'm gonna start to better myself. But it's gonna have to be a step by step process. I want to begin here--for I've started no more shit in my life than I've started shit here. This is something I know I have to do.

So, to the community as a whole, I'd like to apologize for my behavior for the past five years. I've received over sixty-five bans in my time, so I'm able to recognize that this apology is a little late, but for what it's worth right now, I'm sorry. For all the good I feel that I've contributed in the past, no amount of intelligent posting can really make up for the staggering levels of hatred and anger that I've wreaked in this community since I began posting.

This is difficult for me, so I've decided to name a few names and apologize personally to a select few people--the ones I can name off the top of my head.

To CamCamm, I apologize for continually letting you down. I feel like whenever we talk, I give you all these false impressions of a person who can change for the better spontaneously, and that I'm truly capable of rational, civilized discourse, but then I ruin those expectations whenever I wish violent acts upon the people I despise.

To Otthild, I'm sorry in general for being so mean to you. I know you're not exactly the type of person to care, but that's not the point. I've ridiculed your physical appearance hypocritically, which I hold deep regrets for, and I just want you to know that I don't actually hold anything personal between us.

To the forum ninjas, especially Recon Number 54: Sorry for being such a whiny little shit. One of my more embarrassing tendencies was to bitch about how corrupt you guys are, but as soon as someone antagonizes me, I came crying to you. I appreciate the time you take to help clean up the forums, even if you haven't exactly been doing so as of late.

To the TFS community, we had a bit of history in the past that still lingers a bit to this day, especially with your members, Capiton Render, Hipi, and even Felicia. I'm sorry for being an insufferable child. I actually think many of you are intelligent, level-headed users, particularly Felicia, and I regret that my stay in your community could not have been more amicable on my behalf. I feel like if I had a better self-control, I could have gotten along with you all quite well.

To DTL and the BE community, I don't wanna repeat myself too much, but again, I apologize for my lack of self-control and incendiary posts. This was one of my more recent permabans, so the precise circumstances are a little fuzzy to me (when you get permabanned in seventeen different forums, they all start to coalesce a little bit), but it's safe to say that I was just too much of a piece of shit to be in that community, and I regret that it ended the way it did. I rescind all unjust negative statements I've made towards DTL and I wish to end all animosity between us.

I also want to apologize to Cheat, challengerX, Uncle Putin, Camnator, Secondclass, Noelle, Vien, and all of my detractors who go out of their way to troll me or piss me off at any opportunity, because evidently, whatever I did to piss you off was enough to do so, and I just want to end the hatred. I don't want to hate so much anymore.

I don't know if this thread is going to change anything.
I don't know if this thread is just going to make everything worse for me.
This is the scariest thread I've ever posted in the mains, and I think the reasons are obvious.

I want to be accepted into this community.
I want to start over.

I don't know what else to say.
I'm sorry.

This is his only reply:

I failed to cover many aspects of my douchebaggery over the years in this thread--the result of which is the short 10,000 character limit the forums have, so I had to cut a lot of that stuff out. I hope that doesn't make this seem any less sincere.

The Flood / Re: Who was it that loved ellen page?
« on: November 30, 2014, 07:13:41 PM »
Reported for spam

The Flood / Re: Regarding Halo canon
« on: November 30, 2014, 06:30:55 PM »
I don't know why it honestly matters what other people consider to be the actual story. It's literally just fiction it's not like any of this is actually happening and it needs to make perfect sense. I disregard parts of Halo that I don't like, like how there's only supposed to be 200m humans left on earth.

The Flood / Re: Should I be a surgeon or a scientist?
« on: November 30, 2014, 06:27:36 PM »
Bio-technology would allow you to make robot arms and stuff for amputees
That'd be biomedical engineering. If he's doing strictly science he's looking at research.

The Flood / Re: Should I be a surgeon or a scientist?
« on: November 30, 2014, 06:26:46 PM »
It takes a certain mindset for both of those jobs. Do you know what you're getting into?

The Flood / Re: who wants to start a new UN game?
« on: November 30, 2014, 06:25:43 PM »
Lol looks like the circle jerk is having a civil war ITT

The Flood / Re: Regarding Halo canon
« on: November 30, 2014, 04:16:22 PM »
>people are getting this upset

The Flood / Re: Regarding Halo canon
« on: November 30, 2014, 12:32:49 PM »
noelle is le epic trolling rite noaw lol

Serious / Re: Are arguments legit if they're based on morals or ethics?
« on: November 30, 2014, 12:15:42 PM »
Yes, because there are objective moral facts.
Can you elaborate on that?

The Flood / Re: Are you smarter than the president? (Obama and Bush)
« on: November 30, 2014, 11:32:36 AM »
This is just dumb.
Then don't reply. I'm looking for a discussion on the zealousness of the American public when it comes to proclaiming politicians as idiots. If that's not anything you're interested in, you can exit the thread and never come back.
Your thread doesn't belong in Serious because it doesn't promote any discussion and especially not any serious discussion. It's a shitpost.
Honestly you're not an intelligent enough person for me to really value your input.

Septagon / Re: Daily reminder the upvoting/downvoting system is broken
« on: November 30, 2014, 01:19:25 AM »
The rating system seems to be working perfectly, actually, so...

>Being this much like DeeJ

Serious / Are arguments legit if they're based on morals or ethics?
« on: November 30, 2014, 01:10:12 AM »
I feel like the argument can't really be sound if its reasoning is just "it's the right thing to do." Anything that subjective can be molded and used towards anything really. I get that some ethics are pretty agreeable like not killing people and not stealing from people but there are still people who disagree with that. It's not that I don't have any ethics myself, it's just that I don't care to recognize them as universal truths when it comes to solving problems, because they're not.

Septagon / Daily reminder the upvoting/downvoting system is broken
« on: November 30, 2014, 01:01:59 AM »
Broken because there are still obsessive losers that make sure I get downvoted everyday

Even Decimator Omega has a higher rank than me

Please stop being DeeJ and ignoring this problem.

Serious / Re: White people empathize less with darker skinner people
« on: November 30, 2014, 12:51:19 AM »
Jay? Is that you?
I found this gem in /pol/ actually

Serious / White people empathize less with darker skinner people
« on: November 30, 2014, 12:07:33 AM »

>New research from the University of Toronto-Scarborough shows that white people’s mirror-neuron-system fires much less, if at all, when they watch people of colour performing motor tasks.
>After the United States invaded Iraq and massacred tens of thousands of Iraqis, worldwide terrorist recruitment skyrocketed, as well as terrorist attacks targeting the U.S. and coalition countries. Terrorist leaders cited the Iraq invasion and the deaths of Iraqis as the reason for the attacks. However, White Americans did not buy it, believing it to be a smokescreen for some other reason. It must be Islam, they reasoned, as they grasped at straws.
>The vast majority of White Americans could not empathize with brown people at a very basic level. For most White Americans, the death and violence of thousands of brown bodies was just part of some abstract ethical argument to position oneself as morally superior to the United States. For most White Americans, brown people dying just meant flickers on the television screen about something happening far away. They didn’t feel the overwhelming anger and sadness they would normally feel when someone they know dies without reason. They couldn't see the full reality of what death means, when the people who die are brown.
>White people complain online that they cannot see the facial expressions of (East) Asian faces. For many white people, East Asians are like emotionless robots who are efficient at machine-like things like number crunching. Some white people argue that while East Asians may be able to play musical instruments beautifully, they play music without soul.
>Most white people just don’t see them as humans. When brown people die through violence, or East Asians express joy or sadness through their faces, most white people’s brains just don't register the human connection between their bodies.

Is this any true for you? Be honest now, no one's going to judge.

The Flood / Re: All my views can be summed up in this
« on: November 29, 2014, 09:55:46 PM »
so your only opinion is that god's not real?
Which would imply he's wrong about everything.

Serious / Double standards among atheists
« on: November 29, 2014, 08:38:59 PM »
Atheists believe to be persecuted using a term called the Christian Persecution Complex but then say that feminists aren't persecuted and are only making it all up, despite their argument against feminism also applying to themselves: that persecution in the western world is so little that it is negligible.

inb4 lock because the mods get butthurt when an opinion conflicts with their own

The Flood / Re: Are you smarter than the president? (Obama and Bush)
« on: November 29, 2014, 07:44:04 PM »
This is just dumb.
Then don't reply. I'm looking for a discussion on the zealousness of the American public when it comes to proclaiming politicians as idiots. If that's not anything you're interested in, you can exit the thread and never come back.

The Flood / Are you smarter than the president? (Obama and Bush)
« on: November 29, 2014, 07:27:06 PM »

The Flood / Re: Literally Bravo Nolan
« on: November 29, 2014, 06:59:31 PM »
I've never seen a single ad for this movie.

If you do plan on watching it, stay far far away from spoiler territory
What kind of movie is this and what's it about?

The Flood / Re: Literally Bravo Nolan
« on: November 29, 2014, 06:57:47 PM »
I've never seen a single ad for this movie.

On second thought, I'm not going to waste my time getting wound up by some irredeemable fool.
Am I the only one here who debates for knowledge and not winning? I know this subject is 'touchy' for you but I don't see why you can't go back and fourth on the arguments. As long as you're being open about your arguments and positions and not trying to glue yourself to any one idea or side, you and everyone else reading through this may end up learning something.
It's not really about winning, I'm just rather fed up of arguing the same point with the same people who refuse to understand that mental health hospitals don't just accept any old person off the street, and if someone gets sectioned then they are deeply ill.

But sure, I'm in less of a grouchy mood since my headache has abated so I'll go over this thread if people want to discuss it. I'll do so tomorrow morning though >.>

Shoot any questions you have/points you wish to discuss and I'll dissect kinder's post when I wake up <.<
If anything I say pisses you off, just assume I'm playing devil's advocate. Meta can feel free to answer these as well since he likes economics and stuff.

What's the main purpose for universal healthcare over private care? Is the reason economical or ethical? (Is it better because more people can receive care or is it better because more people receiving care helps the economy?)

Does the NHS have death panels? Are they a good thing? Wouldn't you have to spend a lot of money to prevent the need to have death panels? I think we'd all like it if hospitals didn't have to prioritize patients over others, but how realistic is that really?

Similar to the first question, is the reason for trying to prevent suicide merely ethical? And if it is just an ethic, wouldn't it just be better to not report these incidents so no one feels hurt or offended?

On second thought, I'm not going to waste my time getting wound up by some irredeemable fool.
Am I the only one here who debates for knowledge and not winning? I know this subject is 'touchy' for you but I don't see why you can't go back and fourth on the arguments. As long as you're being open about your arguments and positions and not trying to glue yourself to any one idea or side, you and everyone else reading through this may end up learning something.

Serious / Re: All my views can be summed up in this.
« on: November 29, 2014, 06:22:24 PM »
This thread makes me wonder if people who say "I love everyone" actually even know what love is.

Serious / Re: Is authoritarianism inevitable? Is it justifiable?
« on: November 29, 2014, 06:16:12 PM »
I'd say it's inevitable. I wouldn't underestimate the ability of the government to influence society's political wants and dislikes. Even without much technology, our government was able to instill the fear of communism and nazism into every American soul. Point is, the government knows how powerful ideology is. And if you can instill that ideology into people, you can control what the masses believe in.

Now with the topic of the NSA at hand I might sound glaringly wrong seeing as its actions are very unpopular on both political sides. But even though the government has a lot of power, it's not the only one with it. There are other interests at play, like other governments and private (likely corporate) interests that prevent as much sway in support of pro-government policies. The 9/11 pro-security boost has certainly warn off.

I could be wrong here, but the government has more influential power than its competitors. And while they can be fought back, they will ultimately win.

The Flood / Re: No, describe ME in ten words or fewer
« on: November 29, 2014, 04:38:43 PM »
Mass Effect is tied for first for my favorite game.

The Flood / Re: DeeJ got hacked! Lmao
« on: November 27, 2014, 09:40:35 PM »

The Flood / it must suck to be British right now
« on: November 27, 2014, 02:59:34 PM »
Thanksgiving man

The Flood / Re: What are you thankful for today?
« on: November 27, 2014, 02:56:35 PM »

The Flood / Re: Shitposters assemble!
« on: November 27, 2014, 02:54:38 PM »
Can I join the autistic four since comms left?

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