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Messages - Dustin

Pages: 1 ... 808182 8384 ... 194
Serious / What's more important: the state or the individual?
« on: December 04, 2014, 09:49:21 PM »
I'm asking this subjectively, of course. You are the individual.

Do we sacrifice one's personal freedoms (e.g. getting drafted into a war) for the sake of the larger society as a whole, or do we respect, completely, the conscious choice of the individual despite the needs of the state?

Serious / Re: Putting things into perspective
« on: December 04, 2014, 09:37:19 PM »
By any chance did you find this on /pol/?

Anyway, and don't think I'm taking sides here, but I believe the counter argument to their main point (that blacks commit more crime than whites) is due to their higher poverty rate and likelihood of police to false-accuse them of crimes. The latter is the reason we've been having all these anti-law enforcement protests lately. Since it's not like someone would have a voice when faced with law enforcement abuse, it's not hard to see why there's nothing more than anecdotal evidence to support them. Though I am a bit skeptical considering the media has hyped these issues up to be more severe than they actually are, and the fact that the cop was clearly innocent in the Mike Brown case (you'd think they come up with a better case to make the headlines if this was a real problem).

But moving forward, I don't have a lot faith in anonymous infographics and essay, even if cited. Due to my past experience with them, I've found that often times the sources say something different than what is claimed in the infographic or essay. And it's entirely un-scholarly to create new statistics based off other data, just because there are many places where things can get skewed. And lastly because this infographic was an attack on blacks as a whole rather than a specific issue or problem, the bias (and of course the cherry picking) is pretty clear to me.

In conclusion, I'm not going to take this infographic seriously. Yes, there are a lot of problems that the black community faces, but this infographic isn't getting us to any higher level of understanding. As per whether or not law enforcement abuse exists towards blacks and other minorities, my best guess is that it most likely does, but not on the level portrayed in the media.

The Flood / Re: >He doesn't know what a Hippocampus is
« on: December 04, 2014, 04:46:04 PM »
Your threads have less discussion value than Elegaic's.

Serious / How much money do you think we spend on the elderly?
« on: December 04, 2014, 04:34:10 PM »
I didn't actually think about this topic all that deeply until earlier today when I was at the hospital, but there's really a whole lot of old people there. Like a lot of old people, far more than young people and they are spending millions of dollars, each, to extend their lives by mere months or years. So I was talking with my friend about it, and we both agreed that we shouldn't waste so many of our hospital resources towards old people when they don't have long to live anyway, especially when it's a miserable time. And it's not just hospital resources, it's social security, medicare, and all the other expensive holes we live with so that old people can extend their life by a small percentage.

Now I understand why we have all these expensive programs in the first place: because no one wants to be the one to say that we're not going to take care of old people anymore. And the ethical argument always precedes the logical expect in times of urgency. Well we're hitting an urgency now and we're going to have to recognize some truths. Sad it may be, but this diversion of our resources is crushing our kids' future and our present.

Capitalist or not, you have to recognize that such large government spending on something that gives little to none back to the economy is only taking away from everyone else. Not to mention that hospitals are crammed with patients as it is and they're only getting worse. At they very least we need to decide if the cost of a trip to the hospital is worth x amount of years of life that it adds (e.g. nothing worse than $10k to extend a life by one year) with the exception of kids considering they've only lived a short time and adding a year on for them is much more meaningful than for an elderly person.

Because I am a capitalist, I do believe it is okay and economically beneficial for old people to spend their personal earnings towards their health, but I disagree taking it from the government because that money could be better spent somewhere else, like on children or infrastructure.

Anyway I know a lot of you are going to come in with emotional arguments, but I'm just going to ignore you. If you have any logical arguments for me, please share them. I'm here to expand my knowledge not to cling onto an idea so if you can convince me that's actually more good for me than it is for you.

Serious / Physics experts please help explain why this wouldn't work
« on: December 03, 2014, 08:38:27 PM »
Self-perpetual motion thread

So here's the idea: You have a space elevator consisting of one large tube. To generate power, water is flushed up and down the tube hitting the orange rotors and making them spin. The water uses the lack or pressure to move upwards and uses gravity to move downwards. The purple latch at the top of the structure is the door that would open up to space that would create the pressure shift that would launch the water upwards. The door is conveniently closed in time before the water escapes into space. The water then falls back down to earth.


The only work that the machine relies on is the power to open and close the door to allow the pressure to change. But I don't see how it would require any more force than the amount it would generate. Obviously this machine cannot work because it violates the laws of physics. I'd just like to know where the flaw is because I can't find it myself.

The Flood / Re: Are you bothered by cold?
« on: December 03, 2014, 08:05:50 PM »
When I'm in downtown people always think I'm poor because I wear a t-shirt in 20-30 degree weather (that's below zero for non-americans). I just have a much higher tolerance for the cold than most white people, and I'm not even fat.

The Flood / Re: Solonoid Memorial Thread
« on: December 03, 2014, 07:54:55 PM »
Did he try and kill himself again or are we just remembering his times here before he raged quit?

The Flood / Re: Just some stuff I've need to get off my chest
« on: December 03, 2014, 07:50:37 PM »
tl;dr: OP is facing depression including severe apathy, sociopathic tendencies, social anxiety, fear of his future plans (in the academic/work world), and uses videogame lore as a coping method and he wants advice.

The most important thing it seems that you need is motivation, and maybe something to distract you from your darker thoughts. But then again I don't want to become an armchair psychologist and give bad advice and diagnoses.

That's more or less summing it up.

What do you mean by armchair psychologist?
It means I'm not an expert and you should take what I say with little value and heavy prejudice.

The Flood / Re: Just some stuff I've need to get off my chest
« on: December 03, 2014, 07:48:25 PM »
tl;dr: OP is facing depression including severe apathy, sociopathic tendencies, social anxiety, fear of his future plans (in the academic/work world), and uses videogame lore as a coping method and he wants advice.

The most important thing it seems that you need is motivation, and maybe something to distract you from your darker thoughts. But then again I don't want to become an armchair psychologist and give bad advice and diagnoses.

The Flood / Re: Remember the first offsite?
« on: December 03, 2014, 07:36:52 PM »
I completely forgot you were mod

The Flood / Re: ITT: My Penis
« on: December 03, 2014, 07:26:32 PM »
Posting this here because I'm buttmad the thread got locked.

I'm going to put this in simple terms.

You feel less. You lose 70,000 nerve endings. You last longer because your penis is less sensitive thus you feel far less pleasure.

Rub your finger slowly across your palm. That's what a normal penis feels. Now do the same to the top of your hand. That's what you feel. There is no need for circumcision. We have clean water.

Understand yet?
Are you purposely ignoring me or are you legitimately this disengaged in the argument that you think repeating the same false statistic over and over again is going to be any more convincing than the last time? And yes I mean what I say when I say false statistic. An uncircumcised penis has at most 20,000 nerve endings. How are you supposed to lose 70,000 of them by cutting off the foreskin? Please cite your sources because none of what you're saying seems to hold true.

Scroll down to the bottom of page 866 ( That is the difference between the feeling of a circumcised penis and an uncircumcised penis. Not only is the difference small and negligible, but because psychology is relative and not numerical, the difference is yet even less than that (and feel free to argue with me on that instead of just repeating the same defeated argument for the fourth time now).


Take this elsewhere, or don't discuss it at all.
This is the Flood, it doesn't matter as long as it's not spam or rule breaking. I mean it's less spammy than the OP for crying out loud.

I just wanted to post it rather than having it go to waste.

Then make another thread in Serious if you want to discuss (This shouldn't be discussed in The Flood because of how the last thread turned out), or PM Challenger.

But you are not derailing.
I sent a PM to Mr P if he could make a new thread since people will actually listen to him if he says no spamming or shitposting. I've literally done this same thing in the past and I'll still have losers like Max and challenger who'll end up shitposting anyway. But yeah, Mr P is taking too long to reply, he probably got off or something, so I just put it here.

The Flood / Re: ITT: My Penis
« on: December 03, 2014, 07:22:57 PM »
Posting this here because I'm buttmad the thread got locked.

I'm going to put this in simple terms.

You feel less. You lose 70,000 nerve endings. You last longer because your penis is less sensitive thus you feel far less pleasure.

Rub your finger slowly across your palm. That's what a normal penis feels. Now do the same to the top of your hand. That's what you feel. There is no need for circumcision. We have clean water.

Understand yet?
Are you purposely ignoring me or are you legitimately this disengaged in the argument that you think repeating the same false statistic over and over again is going to be any more convincing than the last time? And yes I mean what I say when I say false statistic. An uncircumcised penis has at most 20,000 nerve endings. How are you supposed to lose 70,000 of them by cutting off the foreskin? Please cite your sources because none of what you're saying seems to hold true.

Scroll down to the bottom of page 866 ( That is the difference between the feeling of a circumcised penis and an uncircumcised penis. Not only is the difference small and negligible, but because psychology is relative and not numerical, the difference is yet even less than that (and feel free to argue with me on that instead of just repeating the same defeated argument for the fourth time now).


Take this elsewhere, or don't discuss it at all.
This is the Flood, it doesn't matter as long as it's not spam or rule breaking. I mean it's less spammy than the OP for crying out loud.

I just wanted to post it rather than having it go to waste.

The Flood / Re: ITT: My Penis
« on: December 03, 2014, 07:07:26 PM »

Dustin pls
I know you don't have to tell me

The Flood / Re: ITT: My Penis
« on: December 03, 2014, 07:05:46 PM »
Posting this here because I'm buttmad the thread got locked.

I'm going to put this in simple terms.

You feel less. You lose 70,000 nerve endings. You last longer because your penis is less sensitive thus you feel far less pleasure.

Rub your finger slowly across your palm. That's what a normal penis feels. Now do the same to the top of your hand. That's what you feel. There is no need for circumcision. We have clean water.

Understand yet?
Are you purposely ignoring me or are you legitimately this disengaged in the argument that you think repeating the same false statistic over and over again is going to be any more convincing than the last time? And yes I mean what I say when I say false statistic. An uncircumcised penis has at most 20,000 nerve endings. How are you supposed to lose 70,000 of them by cutting off the foreskin? Please cite your sources because none of what you're saying seems to hold true.

Scroll down to the bottom of page 866 ( That is the difference between the feeling of a circumcised penis and an uncircumcised penis. Not only is the difference small and negligible, but because psychology is relative and not numerical, the difference is yet even less than that (and feel free to argue with me on that instead of just repeating the same defeated argument for the fourth time now).

Serious / Re: Let's talk about circumcision
« on: December 03, 2014, 06:31:33 PM »
There should be a new law on the internet, whenever circumcision is mentioned people will inevitably bicker >_______>
Even though it's a dumb thing to get bothered over, it's still a sensitive issue because we're talking about our dicks. Or at least that's my theory, I guess you could also say it's because people will argue over anything. Both are probably valid.

Serious / Re: Let's talk about circumcision
« on: December 03, 2014, 06:29:09 PM »
Just because you don't see it as a problem doesn't mean it's not a problem.
No shit. Do not patronize me.

Kindly demonstrate why it's a problem.
Because it's a loss of sexual nerves, basically genital mutilation without consent, and it can make erections painful for circumcised men since the skin can be cut very tight.
I remember reading you lose upwards of 50,000 nerve endings when the foreskin is removed.

Basically, slowly rub your finger across your palm, then do the same to the top of your hand. The former being normal, the latter being a circumcised penis.
Holy fuck, I'm actually really glad I'm cut then. I am way too fucking sensitive to touch so as it is.
People don't seem to understand the psychology behind it. You're not experiencing any less of a feeling after you're circumcised, the feeling is relative not numerical. And even if it does have a small effect I don't see how that's a bad thing. Who doesn't want to last longer in bed?
Up to 70,000 nerve endings can be lost. You last longer because it's like you're wearing a thick tin foil condom.
You literally just repeated the same argument I just countered. Unless you have anything to say about my rebuttal, don't bother wasting time repeating the same argument I just read.
Right, and you keep ignoring my argument and science in favor of ignorance and the failure to understand you don't feel half the pleasure people with normal penises do. 

It's actually pretty funny how in denial you guys are.
Look back and read what I wrote:

"People don't seem to understand the psychology behind it. You're not experiencing any less of a feeling after you're circumcised, the feeling is relative not numerical."

Tell me what you think my argument is in your own words.

Serious / Re: Let's talk about circumcision
« on: December 03, 2014, 06:25:14 PM »
Just because you don't see it as a problem doesn't mean it's not a problem.
No shit. Do not patronize me.

Kindly demonstrate why it's a problem.
Because it's a loss of sexual nerves, basically genital mutilation without consent, and it can make erections painful for circumcised men since the skin can be cut very tight.
I remember reading you lose upwards of 50,000 nerve endings when the foreskin is removed.

Basically, slowly rub your finger across your palm, then do the same to the top of your hand. The former being normal, the latter being a circumcised penis.
Holy fuck, I'm actually really glad I'm cut then. I am way too fucking sensitive to touch so as it is.
People don't seem to understand the psychology behind it. You're not experiencing any less of a feeling after you're circumcised, the feeling is relative not numerical. And even if it does have a small effect I don't see how that's a bad thing. Who doesn't want to last longer in bed?
Up to 70,000 nerve endings can be lost. You last longer because it's like you're wearing a thick tin foil condom.
You literally just repeated the same argument I just countered. Unless you have anything to say about my rebuttal, don't bother wasting time repeating the same argument I just read.

Serious / Re: Let's talk about circumcision
« on: December 03, 2014, 06:21:45 PM »
Just because you don't see it as a problem doesn't mean it's not a problem.
No shit. Do not patronize me.

Kindly demonstrate why it's a problem.
Because it's a loss of sexual nerves, basically genital mutilation without consent, and it can make erections painful for circumcised men since the skin can be cut very tight.
I remember reading you lose upwards of 50,000 nerve endings when the foreskin is removed.

Basically, slowly rub your finger across your palm, then do the same to the top of your hand. The former being normal, the latter being a circumcised penis.
Holy fuck, I'm actually really glad I'm cut then. I am way too fucking sensitive to touch so as it is.
People don't seem to understand the psychology behind it. You're not experiencing any less of a feeling after you're circumcised, the feeling is relative not numerical. And even if it does have a small effect I don't see how that's a bad thing. Who doesn't want to last longer in bed?

Serious / Re: Let's talk about circumcision
« on: December 03, 2014, 06:17:05 PM »
Are you given the choice how you're influenced growing up? Getting circumcised is nothing more than the inevitable outside environment that shapes who you are, the only difference being that whether or not you have an extra flap of skin on your dick is extremely unimportant and negligible. The fact people are hyping this up as if getting circumcised is like being debilitatingly amputated is laughable.

Bottom line is that you don't get to choose what makes you who you are and that's not ever going to change. And even then, the shape of your dick is not an important issue people should worry over.

Serious / Re: Thoughts on Friedrich Nietzsche?
« on: December 03, 2014, 11:34:43 AM »
When he says that God is dead, is he referring to the rise of Christianity or its fall?
The rise of nihilism.
And he wanted society to go back to the old Greek gods which were about culture and spirit rather than origin, right? And it was Christianity, Socrates, and philosophy that gave rise to nihilism?

Serious / Re: Thoughts on Friedrich Nietzsche?
« on: December 03, 2014, 11:28:43 AM »
A great philosopher and an even greater lunatic.

I think his atheism is much more interesting than you see today from the likes of people such as Richard Dawkins. His disbelief in God and claim that the death of god from society would be the moral downfall of the species is one of the most honest and powerful philosophical statements in history. 
I still don't understand that part of his philosophy. He despises Christian morals but admires objective meaning of life.

When he says that God is dead, is he referring to the rise of Christianity or its fall?

Serious / Re: The concept of non-existence
« on: December 02, 2014, 10:51:52 PM »
Death is one of the many fears I used to have that I was able to get rid of by obsessing over it and eventually becoming desensitized to it. Though non-existence itself is something I haven't given any deep thought to. I guess I just don't see the point in trying to think about it when I know the conclusion I'm going to come to is that there's no point to anything. God is dead after all, and objective morality really isn't a thing.

The Flood / Re: Have you ever fapped to a Floodian?
« on: December 02, 2014, 10:07:05 PM »
Just Cowpie

The Flood / Re: Well educate me Flood. I missed a lot during B.lind
« on: December 02, 2014, 09:09:25 PM »
Sapphire may have had merit very early in it's inception.

But now, with Jay's tyrannical power over Harlow, I can't imagine it is much better than North Korea.
You get banned if you disagree with either of the two. To stay unbanned you pretty much had to be generic and boring.

The Flood / Re: RC and Dustin took a picture of their first time
« on: December 02, 2014, 09:00:55 PM »
Rc is way fatter than that

Thought that was you in front.
If I was gay I definitely wouldn't become the bitch.

The Flood / Re: RC and Dustin took a picture of their first time
« on: December 02, 2014, 09:00:09 PM »
Rc is way fatter than that

The Flood / Re: The Sep7agon Analects [Updated: Featuring Meta]
« on: December 02, 2014, 08:58:55 PM »
why the fuck is meta mentioned if i'm not
You're not a significant member. But the OP is pretty incomplete right now anyway.

The Flood / Re: Well educate me Flood. I missed a lot during B.lind
« on: December 02, 2014, 08:54:31 PM »
Sapphire was a private group that only accepted the most popular, most intelligent members of the Flood. All the butthurt losers who weren't accepted are here on Septagon.

>tfw im still in sapphire
Do you post or lurk? Apparently they actually did kick me out, but it must have been after I stopped going there. They probably got butthurt that I got bored of the same old shit or maybe they found out about my hundreds of alts. Either way kicking me after I already left is like firing someone after they already quit, it just doesn't work that way.

The Flood / Re: Well educate me Flood. I missed a lot during B.lind
« on: December 02, 2014, 08:39:05 PM »
Sapphire was a private group that only accepted the most popular, most intelligent members of the Flood. All the butthurt losers who weren't accepted are here on Septagon.

Then go to Sapphire and gtfo of here.
He got kicked out.

Sapphire attempted too look like it was the place for only the best people, but truth is it was a cesspool of BS, especially after Harlow sold his soul to Jay.
I didn't get kicked out, in fact I can log into it right now and post a screen cap. I left, whoever told you I was kicked is lying and making shit up.

The Flood / Re: You might call Deci an autismo
« on: December 02, 2014, 08:36:21 PM »
oh my gawd rite now

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