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Messages - Dustin

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Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 10, 2015, 10:13:42 AM »
If you go to college and get a degree in something worthless it's your own fault.
This isn't the subject, and I wasn't gonna post in this thread at all, but this just hits too close to home for me to just let it slide.

It's my fault that I'm just conditioned to hate everything related to STEM.

I'd rather be miserable doing something that I love, than be miserable and doing something that I hate.
Either way, I'm going to be miserable. It's not like I'm ever going to avoid it.

"But you'll make more money with a STEM degree."

Money for what? Money for what.
I don't give a FUCK about money.

So tell me--yes, I realize the "jobs" are gonna come only with difficulty if I continue majoring in the subject that I'm passionate in. I'd just like one reason why I should conceivably give a fuck. In a PM, please, because I don't wanna derail this thread. I should've PM'd you first, but your post pissed me off too much.


You know, it seemed like a good idea at first, but I mean... of course, there's always something wrong with it. What works? Nothing. What doesn't work? Everything. I'm so lost and jaded towards all this shit.
I'm not knowledgeable enough to give you all the philosophic labels Meta could, but if we're looking at what's good for society, that's it. As far as what's good for you personally, that's probably something else.

Who's dying now that we're bashing? What?
Ktan is dying.

What triggered this?
Sandtrap's thread.

You've tried to make me look like the bad guy by saying I don't care about a fellow user who was going to go homeless. And they were absolutely right, I didn't care. That guy was a complete asshat. But now look at things: a user is now dying. And the people who defended the homeless one are now unleashing their wrath upon the dying one. Why do they do this? Oh, because he was an asshat to them.

Do you see what's going on here. You have no moral high ground. You were only ever looking after yourselves the whole time. You are not good people for defending someone who was going homeless, you are selfish people hoping on circle jerk train and completely abandoning your morality when Ktan shared his story.

You guys know who you are, and you now know that you're miserable, despicable people. You're welcome.

Or 57, if you're Obama.

The Flood / Re: Depression
« on: January 10, 2015, 09:52:11 AM »
Nice to see Dusty boy is being the usual vindictive spiteful same old same old. Not even going to bother with that shit.
No one is being spiteful except for the asshole that's trying to bitch to poor Ktan. Unless you'd like to involve yourself in deeper and deeper shit, you should stop taking hits for your douche bag friend who cannot learn to be decent human being.

Can someone tell me what Elegiac has been saying? I generally agree with his rants on certain users.

Seeing how Bush drove America into the ground and Obama is fixing the country
I'm pretty sure the majority of us could agree that's probably one of the stupidest things you've ever said. Anyway, you're far too violent to have a rational discussion with, and I doubt you'd understand even if you wanted to. Which is of course a joke, because you would never want to.

If you can find one intelligent person on the forum who thinks democracy even exists in this country I'll stop replying and allow you to have the last post, which according to you is what defines who wins an argument and who doesn't.

I'm sure they have a good reason.
Can you're bait be anymore obvious? This is not even fun bait. It's just shit bait.
If you want to show me it's bad bait you ought to ignore it, not give me this awesome rage-infused post about it. Whether you recognize it as bait or not (which is highly irrelevant since all opinions are bait) you're still letting me get a rise out of you.
No, he's just letting you know you're trying too hard and failing either way.

It's the Serious forum. The fact that you aren't banned for baiting in the first place is ridiculous, but then the fact that it's just so bad threads get derailed because people tell you to stop wasting your time is even more ridiculous.

Seriously dude, you're going to look back at your behavior in a few months or years and be disgusted.
No you just haven't yet discovered the meaninglessness of political opinions. Continue trying to believe that you think matters though.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone else hate trying to make new friends online?
« on: January 10, 2015, 06:23:55 AM »
Wow, this is a whole new level of beta faggotry

Please go back to 4chan

The Flood / Re: I for one, don't agree with a mod decision
« on: January 10, 2015, 03:26:25 AM »
Bisexuals can choose to be gay.

The Flood / Re: What are your aspirations/life plans?
« on: January 10, 2015, 03:22:18 AM »
I have so many but they're just not realistic. For as far as what is realistic, I know I'm going to become a chemical engineer. Once I get my degree and my engineering certification I plan on joining the military for at least five or so years. After that I plan on getting a job in industry, and because of my history in the military I should have an easy time getting a good position somewhere. At that point it's all just dreams. I want to work on bio-genetic engineering in bacterium. I want to expand the diet of bacterium to apply to most everything you can find in a landfill so that we can make things biodegradable, effectively cleaning up the landfill, or at least turning it into something that could be mined for resources. I've had other large ideas I want to work on but I just feel like they're not that realistic. But as far as getting married, I do hope to, I just feel like I'll have a harder time if I'm joining the military straight out of college.

The Flood / Re: You are forced to babysit one of the following:
« on: January 10, 2015, 03:14:43 AM »
Sammy would probably be the easiest but I'll go with Chris because he would be the most entertaining.

The Flood / Re: Depression
« on: January 10, 2015, 03:11:31 AM »
please dont turn this into "you must suffer this much to understand depression'', guys. make another thread if you want to have your depression olympics.

The Flood / Re: Depression
« on: January 10, 2015, 03:10:43 AM »
I can actually say that I understand what you're going through.
No, you don't.
Unfortunately the rest of your post was ruined by this one sentence, good intentions or not.

Oh, but I CAN understand what he is going through to a degree. Though our exact circumstances may be different, the end result is the same. Death. I can understand the depression he speaks of; the harrowing and unending darkness and sadness, watching as your mind, body, and very spirit begin to crumble around you, and being helpless to stop it. To truly feel a complete absence of hope. I'm assuming you weren't on when I came clean about a lot of stuff.
Nuka doesn't like to share empathy and sympathy. In fact I'd love to tell you all the shit these people talked about you while you weren't here, but I'm really trying to hold back. All you need to know is that these people are heartless and only care about themselves. Ignore them, it is to your benefit.

The Flood / Re: which user, would you say, on average
« on: January 10, 2015, 02:31:37 AM »
Easily Nuka

The Flood / Re: Depression
« on: January 10, 2015, 02:26:03 AM »
whatever mood your in.

The Flood / Re: whoaaa this is just like the old site
« on: January 10, 2015, 01:46:10 AM »
"Hey guys I got a boner off watching gay porn does that mean I'm gay now lol haha so much oppression haha these guys who look just like girls are so attractive wow"

Septagon / Re: So Cheat
« on: January 10, 2015, 01:40:10 AM »
Basically...I forgot. :/
pls add it pls
Isara said something about it being possible but really difficult and she gave off the impression she really didn't feel like it would be worth it.

Serious / Re: What are your thoughts on schools like this?
« on: January 10, 2015, 01:38:12 AM »
It sounds like a school for kids who are too lazy or unintelligent to fit in at a normal school, and it's probably ran by some big time socialist uber-liberal who only knows how to think in perfect dream worlds rather than realities.

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 10, 2015, 01:32:34 AM »
If you go to college and get a degree in something worthless it's your own fault. You had four years of time to do one Internet search to see how many jobs were available for your major and you didn't do it.

And it's really annoying because at UConn (where I go to) it's almost a sin to ask people if there's any jobs for the degree they're trying to get. They always respond in some emotional, violent response, "people should be allowed to pursue what they're interested in not what society wants them to be!" It's that kind of unhealthy, unintelligent mentality that's contributing to the college degree bubble. I agree, the government should be doing something to help people pay for ridiculously expensive education, but they should be doing it in such a way that respects the laws of supply and demand.

Fun fact: if everyone had the requirements for every job opening, there would be no unemployment. Point is, if people don't intelligently choose a degree, they shouldn't be surprised when they're jobless in the future. And the government shouldn't be helping out people who can't bother to do that.

The Flood / Re: Where's Camnator gone?
« on: January 10, 2015, 01:10:08 AM »
Camnator is unbanned on the eleventh, so just wait 24 hours for the booty threads to start rolling in.

I'm sure they have a good reason.
Can you're bait be anymore obvious? This is not even fun bait. It's just shit bait.
If you want to show me it's bad bait you ought to ignore it, not give me this awesome rage-infused post about it. Whether you recognize it as bait or not (which is highly irrelevant since all opinions are bait) you're still letting me get a rise out of you.

Serious / Re: Should their be more concern with the NBPP?
« on: January 09, 2015, 01:24:53 PM »
I honestly hope there is a standoff, my entertainment is all they're useful for

The Flood / Re: The best and worst qualities of certain users
« on: January 09, 2015, 01:23:38 PM »

stupid bitch

That's quite a way to start off a list :/
I don't mean it

The Flood / Re: The best and worst qualities of certain users
« on: January 09, 2015, 01:23:06 PM »

furfag (fag in denial)

not a bitch (i change my mind about you)

The Flood / Re: The best and worst qualities of certain users
« on: January 09, 2015, 01:21:17 PM »

stupid bitch
conspiracy theorist nut

understands star wars canon
independent woman who dont need no government to validate her
posts a lot
lots of drama

The Flood / Re: The best and worst qualities of certain users
« on: January 09, 2015, 01:15:57 PM »

good at computer stuff
big tits

doesnt know how to properly quote
doesnt post dank memes

Why should we abort fetuses with Down Syndrome when there is an option to remove the defect and allow the child to have a life?
Science has gone too far. There was a time when you could sit down, have a beer, and not have to worry about who was gonna come knocking at your door about some problem or another. And then the *cough* came along and took it all away. Does this make sense to you?
The only thing that's making sense to me is that I should have posted this in Serious >.>
That wouldn't stop me from shitposting.

Why should we abort fetuses with Down Syndrome when there is an option to remove the defect and allow the child to have a life?
Science has gone too far. There was a time when you could sit down, have a beer, and not have to worry about who was gonna come knocking at your door about some problem or another. And then the *cough* came along and took it all away. Does this make sense to you?

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