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Messages - Dustin

Pages: 1 ... 434445 4647 ... 194
This is gonna be a ramble, today isn't a good day for seriousness but I'm going to lose the idea if I don't write it down now.

And that's exactly my problem, I have too many open thoughts I don't know what to do with. I tried a few months ago to visualize this circular pie chart and have triangular sections with all my information sorted by categories. And as I zoomed in I saw more and more details (sort of like a prezi if you've ever used those before and know what I'm talking about) but the idea just wasn't sticking for whatever reason (whatever reason being I lacked the care and effort to make it work) so I fell back on this tangled knot of thoughts, which is really inconvenient for recalling information and orienting yourself. So does anyone know how to organize their thoughts? Or is that not even necessary for the way you guys think? I mean I honestly have no idea what it's like inside other people's brains. All I can really say is that I'm very practically minded.

>pascal's wager
>ever being a legitimate fucking argument
your logical fallacy is: appeal to logic
And that, your honour, is when I appealed to the mods to remove this from Serious.
europoors gonna europoor

The Flood / Re: So I'm sitting here eating strawberries
« on: January 12, 2015, 01:33:48 PM »
If you think about this site when you're not on it that's when you know you don't have a life
not true, i left the house a couple days ago to get a hair cut

>pascal's wager
>ever being a legitimate fucking argument
your logical fallacy is: appeal to logic

The Flood / So I'm sitting here eating strawberries
« on: January 12, 2015, 01:29:37 PM »
And I can't help but think what faggots you all are.

Literally every single one of you: faggots

The Flood / Re: gotta go fast
« on: January 12, 2015, 01:28:27 PM »
This one's quiet so turn up your volume to hear it better.


RIPinPieces Headphone users

Press F to pay respects
This meme didn't originate in just sayin

Turn your attention to the chart below. Please tell me why it's better to live as an atheist and be right rather than to live as a Christian and be wrong?

The Flood / Re: Fuck marry kill?
« on: January 12, 2015, 01:09:10 PM »

The Flood / Re: Fuck marry kill?
« on: January 12, 2015, 01:05:15 PM »

part 2 fuck marry kill

Serious / Re: So ISIS have hacked US Central Command's twitter
« on: January 12, 2015, 01:03:44 PM »
So much potential... so many things they could have said instead...

Serious / Re: I "support" this policy
« on: January 12, 2015, 01:00:41 PM »
I think this sort of thing is best left up to the individual to decide for themselves.
Ultimately everything is about the individual. Of course in this society were disproportionately influenced by powerful rich figures rather than our close friends and family. Not that I'm against that, I think that fact is a godsend. Just saying we're all just puppets and strings.


Gaming / Re: You thought IGN was bad?
« on: January 12, 2015, 12:58:11 PM »
They gave it an accurate score for what it deserves. I would even go to a 14, but that's just my opinion.

The Flood / haha im making elegiac so angry by calling him dingo lol haha
« on: January 12, 2015, 12:55:09 PM »
>thinking he cares about being called dingo
>being this autistic

Actually he probably enjoys the attention

Oh I wonder how I would know it's not like you faggots ever make up names for me...

Serious / Re: BBC reporter under fire for "anti-Semitism"
« on: January 12, 2015, 12:52:11 PM »
You shouldn't side with the terrorists but you also shouldn't side with the puppet masters.

Serious / Re: I "support" this policy
« on: January 12, 2015, 12:49:01 PM »
So what you're saying is that I shouldn't care?
May as well if it's leaving a negative mark on you. If it's not (say you keep in touch with politics for intellectual stimulation) then I can't you mock you over it. But I'm hesitant to say that because most people will insist they're being intellectual when they're being an emotional, loud-mouthed prude.

The Flood / Re: Do you scrobble things? Let's be friends.
« on: January 12, 2015, 12:46:23 PM »
Reported for advertising.

Serious / I "support" this policy
« on: January 12, 2015, 12:44:08 PM »
Really bitch? You support it? Do you really believe you are making a noticeable difference in the political attitudes of society by expressing your non-expert opinions?

Just making the point here that it's not important in the least bit to keep in touch with politics and your vote doesn't make a difference even in close elections.

Violent, irrational users posting in this thread will be reported and ignored, you guys know who you are. If you have any intellectual arguments or points to bring up, please share them.

I don't know why this attack has brought on such a profound emotional response from me
I don't know why this attack has brought
I don't know
Really? You don't know?

Is not obvious how easily manipulated you are by the government agents prowling this forum?

I can think of a few

The Flood / Re: Want 2 join anonymous bro?
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:12:57 AM »

The Flood / Re: Want 2 join anonymous bro?
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:05:38 AM »
I was there in the thread on /b/ when they were picking the symbol for Anonymous. I thought the Guy Fawkes was kind of stupid but I guess it gave it that cryptic, spooky feel.

I've been trying to do it solo scrubs.

Halo 2 is impossirubeee
I did Halo 2 on heroic solo a couple days ago, wasn't too bad. The checkpoints were shit and the brutes wouldn't fucking stop lobbing grenades (and there's always bitch made snipers everywhere) but I'm sure I could do legendary too.

OP probably resents the fact they mutilated his penis. Now he's taking it out on everyone else. I think circumcision is pretty stupid. It doesn't surprise me that so many people look at an uncircumcised penis as disgusting. This is that power complex I was thinking about earlier. People want to erase things from their conscience that make them upset, like circumcision, so they treat circumcision like it's gross. This is how society works, when they want to make something normal to compensate for their insecurity.
"I make myself feel better by defending my own penis."

oh, there's tens of thousands?

there's 150 million men in the US, guy
If you'd simply google "foreskin restoration", you'd see that there's dozens of actual organizations out there who are working on just that. Seeing how it's something that anyone can do at home without any type of surgical intervention, it's obviously extremely hard to properly determine how many men are doing this. Yet if you'd have a look around these sites, which I'm not going to link because of NSFW pictures on there, you'd find that just one of these organizations that isn't even active in half of the US, NORM, already had over 7000 men involved with them back in 2001. So yes, I don't think that tens of thousands is such a bad estimate.

Not to mention that these are just the people that are actually actively trying to restore their foreskin through these organizations. It only makes sense that the actual number of people with complaints and regrets is far higher than this.
I doubt these organizations even have those numbers. It's really not uncommon for organizations and companies to lie about memberships. They probably have 7000 Internet users, and most of them are just there to troll their forums.

ITT teenagers who think they know better than medical professionals because they read stuff on the Internet
ITT teenagers who think they know better than medical professionals because they read stuff on the Internet
ITT teenagers who think they know better than medical professionals because they read stuff on the Internet

ITT: Americans being ignorant

Way to live up to the stereotype guys.

Also you're talking about a bunch of dicks.
Confirmed uncircumcised worm dick

Brah I don't even give a shit about what people do to their dicks. I'm just pointing out American ignorance on the subject.
Yet Europe is still poor and shitty. I'm sure Europe's opinion on the U.S. is really fucking important seeing as their such a great example of a first world country.


2) That was never part of the premise of your statement.
Yeah totally, Europe is a part of the western world...

The only people who should have a say in the circumcision debate are women and fags, and we all agree that a nice cut looks better than a god damn earthworm turkey baster looking thing.

Cutfags - 1
Europoors - 0
>dried out glans
>skin bridge
>scar tissue
>hardened coronal ridge

>looks better

Boot pls.
>trying to use words to say that one thing looks better than another

Anyway, most women agree that circumcision is preferable to non-cuts.
Europe and South America and most of Asia say hello.
"unjustifiable in the Western world"
You were talking about females' opinions on it. Don't change the subject because you're still wrong lol
I'm saying that South American, Asia, and Europe's opinions don't count because they're not a part of the western world.

The only people who should have a say in the circumcision debate are women and fags, and we all agree that a nice cut looks better than a god damn earthworm turkey baster looking thing.

Cutfags - 1
Europoors - 0
>dried out glans
>skin bridge
>scar tissue
>hardened coronal ridge

>looks better

Boot pls.
>trying to use words to say that one thing looks better than another

Anyway, most women agree that circumcision is preferable to non-cuts.
Europe and South America and most of Asia say hello.
"unjustifiable in the Western world"

The only people who should have a say in the circumcision debate are women and fags, and we all agree that a nice cut looks better than a god damn earthworm turkey baster looking thing.

Cutfags - 1
Europoors - 0
>dried out glans
>skin bridge
>scar tissue
>hardened coronal ridge

>looks better

Boot pls.
>trying to use words to say that one thing looks better than another

Anyway, most women agree that circumcision is preferable to non-cuts.

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