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Messages - Dustin

Pages: 1 ... 345 67 ... 194
The Flood / Hey challenger, SUCK MY BLACK NUTS
« on: February 21, 2015, 05:36:27 PM »

« on: February 21, 2015, 05:34:08 PM »



« on: February 21, 2015, 05:31:24 PM »

You stupid sheeps seriously need to reevaluate your pathetic little lives. Giving away all your hard earned money to the Jews WHO OWN THE BANKS AND INSURANCE COMPANIES AND THE MEDIA doesn't fucking save you money. How the fuck do you think insurance companies work? You really fucking believe they give out free money? No bitch niggers, you lose money. That's how the system stays afloat. YOU DO NOT SAVE ANY MONEY WITH INSURANCE YOU FUCKING RETARDS IT JUST DOESN'T FUCKING WORK THAT WAY IT'S CALLED PROFIT YOU DUMB NIGGERS, PROFIT.

Serious / Re: The state of education sucks, let's fix it by...
« on: February 18, 2015, 02:30:55 PM »
Propaganda outlined nicely in red ;)

A committee in the Oklahoma legislature voted to outlaw public schools from using state funds to offer Advanced Placement history courses on Tuesday, arguing that the coursework for AP U.S. History is unpatriotic.

Creating a replacement test would cost $3.8 million dollars, but Republican state Rep. Dan Fisher argued that it’s necessary because the AP coursework teaches “what is bad about America.”

The bill—passed along partisan lines in a House legislative committee – will head to the larger state House for a vote. While the bill only targets the U.S. history course, it could have implications for all the state’s Advanced Placement courses.

In the wake of conservative states’ rebellion against the Obama administration-pushed Common Core educational standard, the bill marks the latest state effort to buck nationalized education standards and the latest attempt for lawmakers to rewrite history coursework to be more to their liking.

AP courses and their corresponding tests are devised and administered by the College Board, a private, national organization that also administers standardized tests like the SAT. The courses allow students to undergo challenging coursework that can result in college credit and helps students bolster their college applications. Public schools aren’t required to offer them and they aren’t required for students.

Other conservatives tied the AP coursework to the Common Core, which the state repealed late last year. During discussion of the bill, Republican state Rep. Sally Kern argued that the AP courses should have lost their funding under the bill that repealed Common Core, because it granted all control of the state’s schools to the state and only the state. She said she’s asked the Attorney General to weigh in.

A spokesman for the College Board told a local paper the Republican critiques of the College Board and its AP classes were “mythology and not true.”
So you just highlight random things and call it propaganda?

Ok guy.
If your so naive that you believe that news articles aren't written specifically and articulately to sway opinion and portray hidden and intended meaning, you're a fucking idiot. A naive fucking ignorant idiot. Don't even talk to me.
arguing that the coursework for AP U.S. History is unpatriotic.
How is that propaganda if that's the argument they're using?
Why do I have a feeling it isn't?

Serious / Re: The state of education sucks, let's fix it by...
« on: February 18, 2015, 02:24:33 PM »
Propaganda outlined nicely in red ;)

A committee in the Oklahoma legislature voted to outlaw public schools from using state funds to offer Advanced Placement history courses on Tuesday, arguing that the coursework for AP U.S. History is unpatriotic.

Creating a replacement test would cost $3.8 million dollars, but Republican state Rep. Dan Fisher argued that it’s necessary because the AP coursework teaches “what is bad about America.”

The bill—passed along partisan lines in a House legislative committee – will head to the larger state House for a vote. While the bill only targets the U.S. history course, it could have implications for all the state’s Advanced Placement courses.

In the wake of conservative states’ rebellion against the Obama administration-pushed Common Core educational standard, the bill marks the latest state effort to buck nationalized education standards and the latest attempt for lawmakers to rewrite history coursework to be more to their liking.

AP courses and their corresponding tests are devised and administered by the College Board, a private, national organization that also administers standardized tests like the SAT. The courses allow students to undergo challenging coursework that can result in college credit and helps students bolster their college applications. Public schools aren’t required to offer them and they aren’t required for students.

Other conservatives tied the AP coursework to the Common Core, which the state repealed late last year. During discussion of the bill, Republican state Rep. Sally Kern argued that the AP courses should have lost their funding under the bill that repealed Common Core, because it granted all control of the state’s schools to the state and only the state. She said she’s asked the Attorney General to weigh in.

A spokesman for the College Board told a local paper the Republican critiques of the College Board and its AP classes were “mythology and not true.”
So you just highlight random things and call it propaganda?

Ok guy.
If your so naive that you believe that news articles aren't written specifically and articulately to sway opinion and portray hidden and intended meaning, you're a fucking idiot. A naive fucking ignorant idiot. Don't even talk to me.

Job of the modern government: make asking 'why' frowned and laughed upon.

And no, I'm not saying that I believe in any conspiracy theories, in fact I'm saying that the government invents them to decrease credibility to anyone who questions government decisions.

Tin foil hats are government propaganda. The un-enlightenment--the reversal process where asking why is frowned upon--is our modern age. Now go fuck yourselves.

Serious / Re: The state of education sucks, let's fix it by...
« on: February 18, 2015, 02:14:23 PM »
Propaganda outlined nicely in red ;)

A committee in the Oklahoma legislature voted to outlaw public schools from using state funds to offer Advanced Placement history courses on Tuesday, arguing that the coursework for AP U.S. History is unpatriotic.

Creating a replacement test would cost $3.8 million dollars, but Republican state Rep. Dan Fisher argued that it’s necessary because the AP coursework teaches “what is bad about America.”

The bill—passed along partisan lines in a House legislative committee – will head to the larger state House for a vote. While the bill only targets the U.S. history course, it could have implications for all the state’s Advanced Placement courses.

In the wake of conservative states’ rebellion against the Obama administration-pushed Common Core educational standard, the bill marks the latest state effort to buck nationalized education standards and the latest attempt for lawmakers to rewrite history coursework to be more to their liking.

AP courses and their corresponding tests are devised and administered by the College Board, a private, national organization that also administers standardized tests like the SAT. The courses allow students to undergo challenging coursework that can result in college credit and helps students bolster their college applications. Public schools aren’t required to offer them and they aren’t required for students.

Other conservatives tied the AP coursework to the Common Core, which the state repealed late last year. During discussion of the bill, Republican state Rep. Sally Kern argued that the AP courses should have lost their funding under the bill that repealed Common Core, because it granted all control of the state’s schools to the state and only the state. She said she’s asked the Attorney General to weigh in.

A spokesman for the College Board told a local paper the Republican critiques of the College Board and its AP classes were “mythology and not true.”

The Flood / Re: Do you consider yourself a loser?
« on: February 18, 2015, 10:57:51 AM »
I go to college, get good grades, don't do drugs, have ambition, have strength, have intelligence, but most importantly I've been happy with my life for a very long time now. I'm only a loser in the sense that I still have virginity, but that's hardly a priority of mine to change.

The Flood / Re: Do you consider yourself a "core member" of the Flood?
« on: February 18, 2015, 10:53:09 AM »
No, because I've grown to hate this community. Everything here just makes me disappointed. All the stupid gimmicks, crying, fighting, general immaturity got old for me. The only reason I stay is for the Serious board, but that's hugely disappointing too. Someone please point me to a science board or something ffs, I can't stand you losers anymore.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by 'positive' laws.
Something moves a certain way because a law demands it to--as opposed to something moving a certain way because it can't move any other way.
That's literally a tautology.
It's not a tautology; there's an important physical difference between the two clauses. And the difference is of cause. Is something happening because a law forces it to happen in that one specific possibility, or are there laws that prevent against something happening in every other possibility but that one? For the majority of measurable objects, it doesn't actually make a difference (having one possibility is seemingly ambiguous), but when we have objects in which they have more than one possibility to take (like subatomic particles), it makes sense. Negative laws of physics can describe not where an object will be, but where it won't be. And you only really need this one law (the law that the universe won't contradict itself) to explain how the universe will behave.

The difference isn't sentimental; it's physical.

Daily reminder of how pathetic you all are that this kind of kiddy shit makes you more active on the forum. Lol. You must be so depraved of attention that you actually need this to make it through the day. How fucking pathetic... truly just... so... disgusting. Don't really know how else to properly insult you. I mean 'pathetic' really hits it right on the mark. That's what you fucking are. Just so damn... pathetic. I mean, damn, your lives are really fucked aren't they?

The Flood / Re: Goodnight Flood
« on: February 17, 2015, 10:23:33 PM »
How's high school serving you, kid?


The Flood / Re: Isn't this such a smart idea?
« on: February 17, 2015, 10:22:03 PM »


This will make a great chant at the festivals.

The Flood / Isn't this such a smart idea?
« on: February 17, 2015, 10:19:54 PM »
Let's give transgenders DAILY hormone pills so they're all pissy 60/60/24/7/365.25 (ALL THE FUCKING TIME).

Don't even deny they're not, just look at every transgender on this forum further proving my claims.

LGB (drop the) T

Join the movement everybody!

The Flood / Re: Daily reminder multiple personality disorder isn't real
« on: February 17, 2015, 10:08:53 PM »
The girl was being an attention whore but that doesn't mean the disorder she was pretending to have doesn't exist.
I've yet to be convinced.

The Flood / Re: Guys I got a pie
« on: February 17, 2015, 10:05:51 PM »
inb4 shitposts

The Flood / Re: Daily reminder multiple personality disorder isn't real
« on: February 17, 2015, 09:58:42 PM »
especially because it's called disassociative identity disorder now
Nigga I don't care what you and your gay anti-natalist knitting circles call it, pansy ass faggot pussy. Lol. Seriously, yall faggot anti-natalist determinist nihilists need a hit of fucking reality.

The Flood / Daily reminder multiple personality disorder isn't real
« on: February 17, 2015, 09:55:17 PM »
My friend's ex (Jackie) claimed to have this other personality who called herself Angel. She would come in to school some days with blue eye contacts, wearing light, happy-colored clothing and pretty much she acted differently. I don't buy into it though. She literally has the choice to fucking stop that shit, she chooses not to because she's an attention whoring cunt. I literally don't care what Mr. P has to say about it: fucking multiple personalities don't fucking exist. End of story. End of discussion. Fuck it, even end of thread. Lock this shit mods.

Nah... don't really though

The Flood / Re: Are you sexist?
« on: February 17, 2015, 09:49:35 PM »
That doesn't make you sexist, that just makes you human.

Sexism is more irrational, everything you said is perfectly agreeable.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by 'positive' laws.
Something moves a certain way because a law demands it to--as opposed to something moving a certain way because it can't move any other way.

I really only know the fundamental theorem of capitalism and market forces as it was first theorized back during the American and French revolutions without actually understanding the extremely more complex economy of modern times, but I do think my opinion is valid on this.

Essentially what I'm saying is that American republicans aren't pro-capitalism because they protect businesses from competition, and American democrats aren't pro-capitalism because they protect individual people from competition. Now I'm sure there are plenty of people who will say those definitions are wrong, but assuming they're right, the only correct economic stance to take is the middle ground: shielding competition from nothing and no one. We should all at least agree that having the most amount of competition is the most efficient route to take in a capitalist society.

Am I right?

Serious / Re: Serious board restoration discussion thread
« on: February 17, 2015, 09:31:42 PM »
okay this thread can go now

The idea that the laws of physics are ultimately, fundamentally derived from the notion that contradiction cannot exist (contradiction being a sentimental, mathematical representation of the unified theory) changes not the laws themselves but rather how they exist; the laws of physics describe actions that cannot happen, not actions that must happen. In this sense, we can make sense of how a universe could come from nothing: there is simply no contradiction in the spawn of a universe. In fact, we actually witness how particles spawn and disappear from nothing all the time. The best application of negative laws of physics are actually in quantum physics. The behavior of electrons indicates multiple paths the electrons can take. Unlike larger objects in which there is a threshold of only one possibility (all others unable to happen due to a contradiction), subatomic particles have a threshold of many possibilities.

Because negative laws of physics assume much less than positive laws of physics (in the sense that there's no need of a platonic heaven of physical laws), I think this is a better, and possibly, more apt way to understand the universe. Obviously, and I think I've beaten this point to death, I'm no expert, so I need more input on this idea. Should I bother to tinker with it or is it logically flawed in some way? Turkey is the only person who's been kind enough to contribute some input in another thread on the same topic, but I'd like yeah know... maybe at least one other opinion? What if this turns out to be correct and physicists adopt this idea one idea? (hopeful thinking = not going to fucking happen, I know). Still, please give me some input here, thanks.

The Flood / mods are incorrect still not working on my ban
« on: February 14, 2015, 10:17:23 PM »
Yeah, I don't actually know what you think you do not have to be a 86 I have been a long day at a very nice and cool and the other hand is the best way to secure sufficient infrastructure

The Flood /
« on: February 14, 2015, 10:16:41 PM »
Cheat codes for the bus stop.

The Flood / Yeah, I don't actually knowyour phone number
« on: February 14, 2015, 10:15:21 PM »
Hey guys 777

The Flood / fuck this forum
« on: February 14, 2015, 10:13:59 PM »
Thanks again sandtrap

The Flood / rape jokes
« on: February 14, 2015, 10:13:22 PM »
Hgsf the only thing that I am going on. 750 the only thing I have to gain by pretending to be in the next Guardians of the Galaxy film or something. I am a beautiful person.

The Flood / mods are incorrect
« on: February 14, 2015, 10:11:54 PM »
I'm sorry. I'm not really sure what to do. I am not high quality. it will not only be the best but the most important thing. Unless otherwise stated in my opinion, destroy sandtrap. Burn Nuka.

The Flood / your forum sucks sandtrap
« on: February 14, 2015, 10:09:08 PM »
Yeah I wish I could have a good idea to have a philosophical discussion based on the forum. click on the Internet can determine if the reader to the amount of immigrants. the only thing that I am going to be is the homeless loser Nuka. This forum's competency is an issue.

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