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Topics - Pippen

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The Flood / So I met Josh McCown today.
« on: February 07, 2016, 02:17:47 PM »

For anyone who doesn't know em, he is a pro football player for the Cleveland Browns and former Chicago Bears.

And I am on the left...squished by a friend.

I ALSO think that I weirded him out. So here's the story.

I was volunteering at my church today, and Josh McCown came over for a special interview since it's Super Bowl Sunday. So I was looking for the guy I was supposed to go to so he can put me in a spot to work on. That guy ends up showing Josh to the autograph station. So I had to walk over and ask while Josh was there.

So I completely ignore Josh and focus on the guy, trying to figure out where i'm working.
Josh was just staring at me(and my friend who was with me) while I was asking. And as soon as I was done talking I guess he expected us to say hello to him...we didn't. So after a pause he introduces himself.

Later on he instantly recognizes us and takes that picture. He's a nice guy but I don't think he was expecting us to act like he was just some guy, because he was one of the big parts of the event.

Anyways, any of you guys weird out a pro football player today?

Gaming / Can't believe this...
« on: February 05, 2016, 10:58:30 PM »

>Be Me
>Playing Halo 5
>Load up slayer match
>See the player list
>OverLordx117 is on other team
>OverLordx117=The Lord Ruler
>OverLordx117 is offline on friends list
>Play game anyways
>Get absolutely steam rolled
>Sends message to OverLordx117
>No response

I don't even think he noticed.

Gaming / Halo 5 Game Night/Cast Photo. NOW OVER
« on: February 05, 2016, 09:33:58 AM »
All done! There will be a seperate thread for screenshots/videos made that night.

See ya then!

Gaming / Halo 5 photoshoot/game night anyone?
« on: February 04, 2016, 03:24:11 PM »
So back when I first came onto Sep7, I did something called "Sep7agon Cast Photo" where we got a bunch of people on MCC and somehow got a picture of everyone together(after a lot of mayhem).

I wonder if we should do the same for Halo 5.

SO if I you are interested in doing another Cast Photo type thing, comment and i'll set one up if there is enough interest. OR if you don't want to do it and just want to have fun on Halo 5 we can just do a game night.

So go ahead and tell me what you think.


Gaming / Look at this motherfucker
« on: February 03, 2016, 10:05:27 PM »

The Flood / I think this truly proves you people like circle jerks.
« on: February 03, 2016, 09:19:45 PM »
Card Game thread: Both threads = 20+ pages

My story thread: 0-10 posts, mainly being me.

I tried to involve you guys too ;-;

By the way, this is a shitpost, I honestly don't mind the fact that you guys aren't replying to them. The card game is a much cooler idea than a story.

The Flood / How did I JUST learn about Jediism?
« on: February 03, 2016, 06:28:58 PM »
In 2001 many people put down their religion as "Jedi" in New Zealand and the UK. Becoming the 4th most popular in the UK and the 2nd in New Zealand.


This is real, people actually go around like this. Wearing hoods, probably have fake lightsabers. All of it. It's hilarious and cool IMO.

The Flood / Alternate Realities: New thread/CHAPTER ONE.
« on: February 03, 2016, 05:28:01 PM »
So since my other thread has just become me talking to myself. I'm gonna try one more time to see if you guys are interested enough to help me create this story.

Alternate Realities is a story about a man/boy named Gared Welding, showing his life in not one, but two different worlds. The real world of Earth and the Virtual land of Nomanis. Watching him develop into who he is. However it isn't that easy, as the line between the worlds become thin, to a point where the real reality becomes obscure. Revelations are found and choices made for young Gared as he splits his path between two Realties.


    Wake up, take a shower, brush my teeth and eat breakfast. These are the first things I do during the day, a boring day just like the rest of them. After that I would find some nice clothes to wear during classes, then talk to my roommate until classes start. Nothing changes in College, the same routine every morning, the same classes teaching me what I need to know for the "future" as if going to a College like this one was really note worthy for businesses.
    My roommate, Cody would say our see ya laters then walk off to his classes. Then I go off to learn more in computer science. I didn't mind learning more about computers and what goes into them, or what I can do with them. However I always had the same teacher, who had to scream our ears off to teach and made sure to make everything more difficult than it needed to be. His lectures lasting longer than they need to and the work afterwards taking a week to finish. To say I didn't like the guy would be an understatement.
    The rest of the day would move along normally. With the couple of odd occurrences that are never truly interesting, and end just as fast as they begin. By the end of the day I finish all the work I can and get ready to sleep. However Cody always seemed to appear then, and always had to say, "you putting that thing on again?" Which I would always say, "yep".
     After that he would go out to party with some Fraternity like usual, it makes you wonder if he ever sleeps. However I never cared enough about him enough to take too long thinking on it. So like usual I got ready to sleep.
     Going into my closet, I would grab a small white box and bring it out, taking the lid off showing large amounts of foam padding and bubble wrap. After moving all of the covering to the side showed a headpiece, large enough to cover the entire top of my head. On the side of the headpiece had a tag on it, "VR Life" it read. This high tech headset was a virtual reality headset, capable of much more than previous creations for virtual reality. The previous VR pieces ended up becoming old fast, and the advancement of the technology was trumped by the creators of VR Life, Alternate Reality studios. Only 15 VR Life headsets were made, and I have had one of them for almost six years now.
     Turning it on is as simple as turning on a gaming console, just push a button and it is on. Once it's on I place it on my head, using the straps to hold it in place and lay in bed. As soon as I do this I already start to get drowsy, and not moments later my eyes closed for the night. A shift in the headpiece bringing down a metal screen covering my face, and I am out.
    Now, I wake up in a different place. Stone covering the walls and roof and a wooden floor covering the ground. The bed i'm in made of solid wood and covered in sheepskin blankets, sitting up and stretching. Small birds singing a tune outside as I stand. Walking to a small desk covered in clothing.
    I put on my underclothes, a wool shirt and pants. Then over that I grabbed my chainmail, covering my underclothing in ringed armor. Above that was my uniform, a green cloak cut shorter than most, coming closer to the abdomen. Black pants covering my legs with padded leather. Finally I put on my chest strap, commonly known as a Sam Browne belt back in the normal world. The strap holding the insignia of what I am. A dragon with it's wings spread high.
   Nomanis, a medieval land, was the VR Life for me. Where magic was strong and the people a little different. Where swords clashed and arrows flew high. The best part though..
    As soon as I finished dressing, a roar could be heard just outside. Making me put on my boots rather quickly and grab a sword inside a leather sheathe then hurry outside. Where you could see that my house was just disconnected from a large manor, with the servants moving out of the way of a special something in the sky...
    A huge, red, winged beast dived down to land in an open patch of grass. The human servants fleeing out of the way of the creature as it stared straight at me, it's face somehow smiling. I already was smiling myself.
    In my mind, I heard a deep growling voice, only asking one thing, "Ready to go, Gared?"

"Yes, yes I am."

Chapter One, Gared:

       July 15th, 2017. A child laid in a hospital bed, his father knelt down next to him, holding his hand. His mother sitting in a chair nearby, sobbing softly as a knock came on the hospital room door. "Doctor?" The father called out, turning around to see an older man in a white coat. The tag on his coat reading "Dr. Miles".
       This child has been undergoing chemotherapy for the last five months, a troubling time for the whole family. The beautiful brown hair on his head gone, instead skin showed where hair should be. Marks on his arms of where the needles injected the treatment into his veins. Even with all of this, the young boy still could smile when Dr. Miles came into the room.
       "Well, Mr and Miss. Welding, I have some news." Dr. Miles said, sitting on an empty seat as the mother and father turn to face him. "After looking over Gared, we have found no evidence of Lung cancer in his body. It's safe to assume the cancer is gone."
       It only took moments for Gared's mother and father to jump up in joy, hugging each other then moving to hug Gared. Who gave a weak hug in return. "Now, before you go celebrate. I am obliged to tell you." Miles continued, standing up. "That does not mean Gared's cancer is gone. I cannot promise that. It could return someday in the future, which is why I ask you make sure he is keeping up with exercise, eating well and has frequent check ups to make sure he is safe."
       "Thank you, doctor. We cannot appreciate this enough." Gared's mother said, which his father then continued, "We will make sure you are well compensated for this, any number you need-"
       "Actually, someone already took care of your payment. Including a letter they gave me to show to you." Miles cut in, going into his coat pocket and bringing out a small envelope. Addressed to Gared's father. Which he took and opened up right away.
"Hello Dan Welding. Through social media we learned of your family's troubles with Lung Cancer. We hope to see young Gared recover quickly, and because of this we have volunteered to donate $30,000 to the hospital to cover all expenses. In addition to this, we want your son to be able to enjoy himself as he begins his recovery. Given to the hospital was a white box, which should be given to you after reading this letter. Inside will be a limited edition VR Life headset. Tested extensively to make sure nothing about VR Life will affect Gared's mind in a negative way, and will only make for a positive and fun experience for him as he sleeps. We hope he can enjoy this gift and hope your family can live happily ever after.
                                                                                                      -Alternate Reality Studios"

       As soon as Dan finished reading, he handed it to his wife. Left speechless as Miles came in with a white box. Resting it on the table next to Gared. "I-I can't believe this! Is this all true?!" The mother said, Dr. Miles nodding his head. "A representative of Alternate Reality studios came personally, handing over the letter, box and $30,000 in cash." As soon as he finished speaking, both Dan and his wife burst into tears of joy. Leaning onto each other as Miles moved over to Gared. "Hey buddy, when's your birthday?" He asks.
      "July 20th" Gared replies. Most of Gared's mind was too tired to recognize all that was going on around him. Trying to understand everything that was happening. As far as he knew he was cured. Which made him happy enough. "Oh really?" Miles said "How old will you be then?"
      "I'll be 15 years old, dad says i'll be a true man then." Gared says happily, even though he was a teenager. He still had the personality of a ten year old. It didn't hinder him from learning in school or making friends though. He was just known as the jester.
      "Oh? Well, we all got you a gift. It's a little early but we thought it would be nice as a...get well soon present" He says, grabbing the box off the table. Placing it on his lap. "Go ahead, open it."
      So Gared did, sitting up and grabbing the lid. Opening it up to a large amount of bubble wrap and foam padding, with a small sticky note on top of it all. "We hope you enjoy!" It read. Once Gared got through the padding it showed a shiny piece of headwear, most of it's machinery hidden inside as it looked like a simple helmet. Covering most of the head except for the face. Every part of the helmet adjustable to fit any size head. On the side of it saying "VR Life".
      "What is it?" He asked, looking over it. "Just put it on and it will do the rest. Just lay down" Miles replies, making Gared give him an odd look before placing it on his head. Laying back down. As soon as he laid down Dr. Miles reaches and hits a button on the side of the helmet, as soon as he hits the button soft vibrations barely audible to anyone but Gared could be heard. Going straight into his ears and somehow, someway hitting the right spots to make his eyes start to close, and not moments later it was lights out. As soon as Gared went into slumber, a metal screen came down in front of his face. Making his whole head covered in metal, and his parents turning around to look. Confused, they were too focused on their tears of joy to notice what Dr. Miles and Gared have been doing.
      "What did you do?" Dan asked him, Miles standing up and facing them. "Don't worry, that's the VR Life helmet. My own son keeps me informed on every little detail of it. I feel bad that I am not able to get him one of the fifteen currently existing. Anyways, I hope you two have a good night. You'll see your son's face again in eight hours." He said, walking past Dan and his wife. The two looking at each other in surprise. What was Gared seeing in there?

VR Life initializing, loading alternate reality.....

Welcome, Gared Welding to VR life. We will be putting you into universe #227089. Treat this as if it's reality. As it truly is an alternate reality...

Sending user to: #227089. Good luck Gared.


      The sounds of flapping wings and chirping birds brought Gared to a place he doesn't recognize. His bare skin laying in a patch of green grass. Following the cool breeze as it made the short brown hair on Gared's head shuffle. Slowly getting up as he looks around. He was in a forest, but not the ones back home. The trees around him so large he could never climb to the top. A roof of leaves letting little sunlight in, and the birds maneuvering through the branches as if they have done it a hundred times before.
       It worked, it truly worked! This is an alternate reality. Just like it said! This was like nothing Gared has ever seen before, no video game he has played ever was capable of this! For the next few minutes all Gared did was test everything. Touching the tree trunks, sniffing flowers, tasting a berry off a nearby bush. No matter what he did he couldn't find any reason to show this was fake. It was all so real. They even added bladder to the mix!...
       Bladder, Gared has to go. As soon as he came to that realization he also realized something else.
       He is bare naked, everything showing, no layer of clothing to hide his skin. This sudden realization also brought another troubling thought. What if someone were to appear? As soon as he thought that the sound of clopping hooves could be heard not too far away, probably a group of horses, with a group of people riding them...
       Gared couldn't be seen like this! He had to hide! Looking around frantically for somewhere to stay hidden, and ultimately went and dove into the berry bush he recently plucked a berry from. To say that was the greatest move Gared has made would be wrong. As there were a lot of branches and twigs in the bush, poking at Gared from all directions. Probably scratching and cutting into his skin as well.
       It did seem to work though, as when the horses came to a halt by the bush. Three sets of boots dropping down into Gared's view. "I swore I smelled something around here." A deeper voice called out. "I don't see anything Baldwin, you might wanna clean out your sniffer." A more feminine voice replied, causing snickers from her and another voice. "Oh shut it you two, just look around and call out if you find anything"
      Gared didn't want to be found, but whoever these people are may just be able to do so anyway. As one was able to sniff him out..who are they?
      As soon as that question arose, Gared could do nothing but try and take a peak, and what he saw made his mouth go agape. He didn't see a group of humans, with light or dark skin, he saw fur and scales. The first voice was a taller man, but older. A long snout with large ears drooping on the sides, and wrinkles all over. That isn't a man, that's a bloodhound. The next one Gared saw was the woman, a shorter girl who's back was to him. Her long and thin tail swaying behind her, a round face with two big ears pointing out. Even from the back Gared could recognize what she is, she is a cat. Both of them were wearing studded leather armor, with simple pants and boots. A scabbard at their waists and a sword inside each of them.
      No matter where Gared peeked out from though, there was no signs of the third person. He tried again and again, but nothing. Every ounce in him was afraid now, where was the third voice? Those fears were answered, not by seeing him, but by a clawed hand grabbing the back of his neck, pulling him up. "Found him" said the voice behind him. Digging his claws into Gared's bare skin. All Gared could do was squirm in his grip, giving out small cries for help.
       Instead of help, the bloodhound and cat turned around and looked straight at him. "Oh lord, he is naked!" The cat said, going over to the man holding onto Gared. "Addanc! Lower him back down, nobody wants to see that!" The cat cried out, Addanc huffing and letting Gared go. Dropping him back into the bush, which let him see who Addanc was.
       Unlike the cat or bloodhound, Addanc didn't have fur. Instead he had bright green scales covering his whole body. Clawed hands and bare feet, which were also clawed. His head had no hair either, only two horns protruding out the back of his head. "Humph" was all that came out of the lizard's mouth. Walking back over to the horses as the bloodhound, Baldwin, came with some rags. "Here boy, cover that up and then get out of that bush. You have some explaining to do." Baldwin said, throwing him the rags. The clothing wasn't exactly comfortable, more meant for a slave on the farm than the average commoner, but as far as Gared was concerned it kept from anymore embarrassment happening today. Putting them on and stepping out.
      Thanks to bushes and claws, Gared was a mess. With cuts and marks all over his body and small amounts of red coming from his neck. Baldwin grabbing the boy straight away and looking over his neck. "You gripped him too hard Addanc, look at this mess." Baldwin says with a huff. Then looking at Gared directly. "What's your name boy?"
      "G-Gared sir.."
      "What were you doing out here Gared?"
      Now that was a trick question, how are you to explain this? For quite awhile Gared stood there stumped. If he told the truth it may break the simulation, or if he told a lie he could be found out. So the easiest thing to say was, "I-I don't remember.."
      "Liar.." Addanc said, giving a glare from afar. Which prompted the cat to whack him over the head. "Are you saying you have amnesia? If you fess up now it could save a lot of trouble."
      "I don't know! I'm being honest, I don't know where I am, how I got here. Who any of you are and why I was naked." Gared pleaded, trying his best to sound convincing. He did know some of the answers, but overall this whole thing was a mystery to him. For awhile Baldwin kept quiet, looking over every detail of Gared's face. Before standing up and saying, "I can't say for sure if I believe him. However I do know he got banged up a bit. His whole body is cut and bruised and our friend here gave him some claw markings too. We'll bring him back with us and fix him up, Lord Drake will also want to know that a human boy was found in the hunting grounds." Once Baldwin finishes, both the cat and Addanc get their horses ready. "Catelyn, can you let the boy ride with you?" Baldwin asks, the cat Catelyn smiling with a nod. "Gared come here, i'll give you a ride."
       Thanks to some riding lessons when Gared was younger, he was able to get on the back of the horse with relative ease. Catelyn sitting in front of them as Baldwin on his horse takes the lead. "Let's get back to Evarton." Baldwin calls, and with a kick and a whip of the reign the horses were off.

SO tell me what you think! Criticize, compliment, suggest. Just tell me what you think!

Chapter 2 will be out soon, so come back here when it does! (And yes, special users will get an early view of the chapter.)

Gaming / So I got Halo 5 for Christmas..
« on: February 03, 2016, 01:00:01 PM »
And I am just now opening it up to play.

It still had it's plastic wrap on and everything.

Anyways, are you guys still playing H5?

The Flood / 12 users.
« on: February 02, 2016, 06:34:09 AM »
Don't any of you dare go offline.

The Flood / Does anyone here like Fall Out Boy?
« on: January 30, 2016, 08:21:01 PM »
Sure, many will count it as one of those teenage boy bands. However I beg to differ.

A lot of Fall Out Boy's songs are well done with a story behind them. Usually about a battle, fight or war. They aren't just the typical emo band or boy band.

Plus they're videos are very well done(when they aren't make three different videos for a song). Centuries has the band go through a very David And Goliath esque battle, which is not only well made but makes you look into the story of David and Goliath.

Anyways. That's my view of them, what's yours?

Gaming / Pip Reviews: The Division BETA
« on: January 29, 2016, 08:03:47 PM »
So hey there. I'm back(finally) making another review. Taking a pause from writing Alternate Realities to create this real quick.

So let me go ahead and post this since it's true...


Anyways, let me get started...

Since there isn't much of the story to show, I am not gonna worry about spoiling it.


The game starts...extremely abruptly. Straight after you randomize your character enough times till you are happy it automaticall goes KERBLAM!
You're a new agent in this group of...militants? I don't know what to think of them. They all wear casual clothing while killing people. Anyways you go ahead and meet your only other ally agent Faye Luao(hope I spelled that right). Apparently just before you get on whatever helicopter you are on at the start of the game a huge explosion blew up your previous transport. Leaving you completely okay and Faye fucked up to all hell. With an eye out and leg broken.
Anyways, you land in New York and just like the rest of the game it is extremely abrupt. Landing you on the docks and straight into the hub of The Division. Much like an MMO you have a hub area which players can join eachother, buy weapons and accessories, etc. However you'll find yourself waltzing straight through the hub and into the city.
Now I have to point this out now, while the game looks nowhere near as good as it did in the E3 trailers, it still looks amazing. They put so much detail into the world's design and textures you'll find yourself just looking around to see all of it...and trust me, you'll have a LOT of time to do so.
Back to story now, after you set up a base of operations you learn that you have to go out and find 3 different people to run 3 different wings of your base....except you'll only be able to unlock 1 wing since this is a beta.
So you go out to find Dr. Whatshername in some football stadium thingy, kill a bunch of hooded figures. Save the girl. Badda boom badda bang unlock the medical wing and!.....

You're done...that's it. There is nothing else to the story mode. 2 main missions....

COME ON. You have me wandering this empty city for so friggin long but you don't let me have a couple extra story missions?! Even Destiny had more than that in their beta!

Anyways, that's it for story mode. Basically it's forgettable and you'll only play through it to get the main missions done. Woopie.

Okay, now I have some pros and cons here.

-This game has many different ways to play, even if you are sticking with the same cover based mechanics that we have had since GOW 1. You can have a riot shield and take all the hits while blasting them with your pistol, or send out a heal for your teammates.(which the radius to heal is soooo frrrrrrriiiiiiigggggiiiin smaaaaalll) or send sticky bombs that you can detonate on command.
Yeah, if you haven't figured it out yet, this is a team based game. Meant for you to work with a group of friends to assault a group of enemies.
-PvP is GREAT....sure I died a lot but it can be fun as hell to try and find some loot. Have some random guy appear who you don't know if they are good or bad, and end up working together/killing eachother. I was so surprised when I saw groups of rogues do a full on assault on an extraction point full of people trying to extract their items. It turned into a full warzone of the good guys and bad guys. So much fun.

-So....muuuuch.....waaaaaaalking, what the fuck were they thinking? As far as it goes it is walk from A to B...five minutes later you are there! Nothing happened in between except for the same goddamn NPC asking for water or the same group of enemies shooting you. It's very tedious.
-Bullet sponge! Bullet sponge! Bullet SPONGE! Every enemy, every ally even you are friggin BULLET SPONGES. It can take clips of ammo just to kill one normal guy...ONE. Come on! This is Tom Clancy for god's sake!

Anyways, as far as I can see. This is an okay game, but it won't be winning game of the year on release as far as I can see. So I give

The Division: 6.5/10. Meh.

Gaming / Shit I just remembered.
« on: January 29, 2016, 06:33:15 PM »
I haven't made a review...

Instead i'm playing odd games and writing new stories.

Since I should make one, would anyone be interested in seeing The Division Beta review?

The Flood / God damnit Vien
« on: January 28, 2016, 08:00:32 PM »
I don't like licorice.

The Flood / Alternate Realities: Story Thread
« on: January 28, 2016, 03:36:12 PM »
Alternate Realities

Yes! I'm finally starting to write this bitch, I got the main plot down, some characters made and a small Prologue/Teaser created for you guys to see what kind of story i'm creating.

However, let it be known. I AM NOT A GREAT WRITER. I will try my best in this story but don't expect perfection. However if something does sound wrong in anything I post feel free to point it out so I can fix it.

I also want you guys to give me ideas on what to do, maybe you want a certain type of character, or some sorta location. Feel free to post what you would want to see.
However if you do suggest something I prefer character ideas or locations.

Anyways, i'll be answering questions and posting info on this thread, for now, here is the Teaser/Prologue for Alternate Realities!


    Wake up, take a shower, brush my teeth and eat breakfast. These are the first things I do during the day, a boring day just like the rest of them. After that I would find some nice clothes to wear during classes, then talk to my roommate until classes start. Nothing changes in College, the same routine every morning, the same classes teaching me what I need to know for the "future" as if going to a College like this one was really note worthy for businesses.
    My roommate, Cody would say our see ya laters then walk off to his classes. Then I go off to learn more in computer science. I didn't mind learning more about computers and what goes into them, or what I can do with them. However I always had the same teacher, who had to scream our ears off to teach and made sure to make everything more difficult than it needed to be. His lectures lasting longer than they need to and the work afterwards taking a week to finish. To say I didn't like the guy would be an understatement.
    The rest of the day would move along normally. With the couple of odd occurrences that are never truly interesting, and end just as fast as they begin. By the end of the day I finish all the work I can and get ready to sleep. However Cody always seemed to appear then, and always had to say, "you putting that thing on again?" Which I would always say, "yep".
     After that he would go out to party with some Fraternity like usual, it makes you wonder if he ever sleeps. However I never cared enough about him enough to take too long thinking on it. So like usual I got ready to sleep.
     Going into my closet, I would grab a small white box and bring it out, taking the lid off showing large amounts of foam padding and bubble wrap. After moving all of the covering to the side showed a headpiece, large enough to cover the entire top of my head. On the side of the headpiece had a tag on it, "VR Life" it read. This high tech headset was a virtual reality headset, capable of much more than previous creations for virtual reality. The previous VR pieces ended up becoming old fast, and the advancement of the technology was trumped by the creators of VR Life, Alternate Reality studios. Only 15 VR Life headsets were made, and I have had one of them for almost six years now.
     Turning it on is as simple as turning on a gaming console, just push a button and it is on. Once it's on I place it on my head, using the straps to hold it in place and lay in bed. As soon as I do this I already start to get drowsy, and not moments later my eyes closed for the night. A shift in the headpiece bringing down a metal screen covering my face, and I am out.
    Now, I wake up in a different place. Stone covering the walls and roof and a wooden floor covering the ground. The bed i'm in made of solid wood and covered in sheepskin blankets, sitting up and stretching. Small birds singing a tune outside as I stand. Walking to a small desk covered in clothing.
    I put on my underclothes, a wool shirt and pants. Then over that I grabbed my chainmail, covering my underclothing in ringed armor. Above that was my uniform, a green cloak cut shorter than most, coming closer to the abdomen. Black pants covering my legs with padded leather. Finally I put on my chest strap, commonly known as a Sam Browne belt back in the normal world. The strap holding the insignia of what I am. A dragon with it's wings spread high.
   Nomanis, a medieval land, was the VR Life for me. Where magic was strong and the people a little different. Where swords clashed and arrows flew high. The best part though..
    As soon as I finished dressing, a roar could be heard just outside. Making me put on my boots rather quickly and grab a sword inside a leather sheathe then hurry outside. Where you could see that my house was just disconnected from a large manor, with the servants moving out of the way of a special something in the sky...
    A huge, red, winged beast dived down to land in an open patch of grass. The human servants fleeing out of the way of the creature as it stared straight at me, it's face somehow smiling. I already was smiling myself.
    In my mind, I heard a deep growling voice, only asking one thing, "Ready to go, Gared?"

"Yes, yes I am."

Gaming / The Division Beta OFFICIAL THREAD.
« on: January 28, 2016, 07:33:21 AM »
So this is for all things The Division Beta, which starts for Xbox One players today(January 28th) and every one else tommorow(January 29th).

Times it start: 10 am CST, 4 am EST, 1 am PST.

Post your GT and console as well so we can all join up and play.


Pip: gamer x7 42 (Xbox One)
Comet: Nobody (Playstation)

The Flood / I'm writing a story.((UPDATE TOMMOROW))
« on: January 27, 2016, 06:34:22 PM »
Not really a story worth publishing, but more of like a "why the heck not?"

and yes, it's gonna be faggot worthy. Because i'm thinking of using anthropomorphic creatures.

Anyways, my idea is to have this one guy(name pending, taking ideas) have a VR headset called "VR Life." A futuristic head piece that helps put you asleep, while you are asleep it kicks on and for a full 8 hours you can live a whole new life in another world. The world being randomly generated and you being able to truly live what it would be like in a completely different universe. It could be anything from post apocalyptic, to primal, Medieval or even more futuristic.

Anyways, this guy basically living a double life, has stuff happen that will make him question what he is doing, what is real and what is fake and much more.

Does this sound interesting to anyone?

ALSO, if I do decide to do this. I will let some of you guys pick names, appearances, etc for the characters. They will have to be real and not "His name is Faggotry69 and he is a dwarf troll with golden hair". I will not accept that.

Gaming / FNAF World pulled from steam and all players are to be refunded.
« on: January 26, 2016, 09:40:34 AM »

Wow, from the guy who churned these stupid damn FNAF games for years, I have to say this is an interesting thing to do.

I'm surprised Scott, but you're still a prick for making FNAF exist.

Gaming / I got stuck in GMOD starwarsrp...
« on: January 26, 2016, 06:41:10 AM »
And i'm actually enjoying it.

There is a lot of rules and things you have to follow, and since you start at the bottom you have to listen to everyone above you. However as a roleplayer I really enjoy the events done in the gamemode, or just the special things to do.

Mostly all you'll be doing in between events early on is trying to impress higher ups, train or just dick around(I think most of you favor the third). You have to be active to stay in higher ranks and as you get higher ranks you are given more responsibility, like training recruits or commanding regiments and squads. Even becoming Admiral(or if you pay money on the server, becoming sith or Sith Lords).

One other thing you can do is be in special regiments, since i'm in an Imperial server(Heil the Empire!) we have the Stormtroopers(ST), ShadowTroopers, Novatroopers, FEAR, 501st, 317th Commandos, Rogue Warriors, Prison Gaurds, Royal Gaurds, Scout Troopers, Sand Troopers, Snow Troopers and I think a few more...

Me personally, I am 317th Commando all the way.

The best part I think though is the people on the server i'm in. The people actually there to play and not troll are usually friendly and fun to play with. Since GMOD is no super competitive game it's easy to just goof off with other players or just chat until something happens. Nice way to pass the time.

So yeah...i'm stuck in GMOD starwarsrp.

The Flood / I'm okay with Deci atm.
« on: January 25, 2016, 10:40:35 AM »
Just don't go nuts when Rogue One comes out.

The Flood / The small glimmer of hope from bungle.
« on: January 24, 2016, 12:46:59 AM »

This guy is actually trying to help this community.
I feel bad for him and approve what he's trying to do. Sadly with Bunglevision he won't be getting far.

Someone invite him to Sep7.

The Flood / Thanks for making me feel good Cheat.
« on: January 23, 2016, 12:34:19 PM »

Yes, I will jump on the bandwagon of hating EA. BUT I am getting this just to try out Titanfall again.

So if anyone wants to play Titanfall on the One i'm open

The Flood / FINALLY!
« on: January 21, 2016, 03:58:38 PM »

Am I colorful now?

The Flood / Am I the only one who misses Awwo~?
« on: January 21, 2016, 01:07:57 PM »
Awwo~ may have been the horniest user around, but still pretty entertaining and you can have a conversatiom with the user..

Come back Awoo~!

Honestly I don't know if he is truly inactive, but I don't see him online much

The Flood / I love almost being at 3000....
« on: January 20, 2016, 11:26:29 PM »
When i'm still fucking heroic....

Gaming / I think i'm gonna try SWTOR, what to expect?
« on: January 20, 2016, 01:41:00 PM »
Yep, I made another. I won't have Dragon's Dogma for much longer so I have to find somethin else.

So next on my list is to try Star Wars: The Old Republic. This is a pretty popular MMO, and while I am not a huge fan of MMO's I have been interested in them in the past.

So, what should I expect coming in? I heard the actual chat is cut off from free users. If it has a huge "pay 2 win" barrier I won't even bother.

Gaming / Rented Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen. What to expect?
« on: January 19, 2016, 03:31:33 PM »
I haven't played Dragon's Dogma before, since Dark Arisen has the original game i'm playing that first.

What should I expect from this game?

The Flood / I still only have 2 users on my ignore list..
« on: January 19, 2016, 02:17:21 PM »
Guess them and you get a cookie.

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