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Topics - Pippen

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Gaming / I found another Mount and Blade mod
« on: October 05, 2015, 05:16:59 PM »
It's actually a mod pack...a HUGE mod pack.

It's called the Floris Mod pack, and it's 1.1 gigs of awesomeness so far. I'm going through the first parts of the mod pack and wow is it different.
Enhanced graphics, menus, gameplay and characters. It definitely shouldn't be played on an old computer.

Try it out though.

Gaming / Mount and Blade: Warband
« on: October 05, 2015, 10:18:07 AM »
Anyone playing this game? I've been trying out the A Clash of Kings mod for the game and have been having a blast. I plan on doing another run of the game right after this one.

If you do play the game, I have 3 questions.
1: Favorite Faction?
2: Favorite Style of play?
3: Favorite Module?

The Flood / I hate you all
« on: October 04, 2015, 09:26:49 PM »
Look at what you fuckers made me do?

Fuck you Kitsune for suggesting this
Fuck everyone who voted for it

The Flood / Choose my name
« on: October 04, 2015, 04:28:58 PM »
On the other post I made(that for some wierd reason got 3 pages) there was a lot of different suggested names. And because i'm secretly a woman...don't take that seriously, I chose these names as my favorites

Now pick one bitches

The Flood / I'M ON THE LAST DAY!
« on: October 04, 2015, 10:29:52 AM »
This is the last day I wil be Fruit!

So give me suggestions on what to be next, so that I don't have to be Fruit anymore!

Current favorites-
Strip Pip
My Little Pip
Princess Pip
Strawberry Pip

The Flood / I already regret this...
« on: October 02, 2015, 09:09:35 AM »
So someone sugested shifting to Fruit after I was done with Pokémon. But thanks to new events it'll be awhile before I finish it...

So I did it early, and I regret it.


The Flood / Okay i'm done being A Fox
« on: October 02, 2015, 08:57:18 AM »
For now Fox Burgundy will be put to rest.

What is Fruit's avatar right now?

Gaming / I am ALSO playing A Clash of Kings Mod
« on: October 01, 2015, 12:59:52 PM »
I am playing the A Clash of Kings mod for Mount and Blade: Warband....

And I need some help!

So I suck at this game, but I really wanna get somewhere. So far my first character is going around The Westernlands, The Reach and The Stormlands trying to get a foothold. But so far it's been bad.

What should I do? Restart and try something else? Keep trying my wandering actions?

I'll put my stats up in a bit.

The Flood / I did it again
« on: October 01, 2015, 11:54:55 AM »
Changed my name so the Sep7aNoobs may know who I am

The Flood / I'm taking bets
« on: October 01, 2015, 12:34:52 AM »
Taking bets on how many new guys will stay after a day or two.

I say 4/10 will stay for at least a week

The Flood / So with all the new people...
« on: September 30, 2015, 07:57:22 PM »
I recognize Tiber and Spyn

How many of you people do I know?

Gaming / Question
« on: September 28, 2015, 06:16:14 AM »
Was anyone actually interested in my White 2 playthrough?

Gaming / Mortal Kombat X Review
« on: September 27, 2015, 02:03:04 PM »


Okay so I got this game on rent, and was able to finish the story mode, try out some of the other modes, explore the krypt, etc before I returned it.

And here is my review.

The gameplay in Mortal Kombat X is GREAT, fluid, face paced action keeps you on the edge of your seat. As you and your opponent can go back and forth easily until both of you have a sliver of health left.
Combos range from very easy to extremely difficult, each special move can be used in a variety of ways, and X-Rays, breakers and enhanced specials help keep you at the advantage. However you never know when your opponent will turn the tide by breaking your combo or dealing massive damage from an X-Ray. You also get to interact with the items around you, such as jumping off of a tree to get away, grabbing Shao Kahn's hammer to slam down on your enemy, or THROWING AN OLD LADY. All of these things keep the battles interesting and dynamic, letting you have a variety of ways to take down your opponent. Great work NetherRealm.

Unlike the gameplay, story here is...lackluster. Clocking in at around 6 hours.((SPOILERS UP AHEAD))
The story picks up 2 years after Mortal Kombat 9, when Shinnok, former Elder God, invades Earthrealm to corrupt the lifeforce, the Jinsei.
A couple problems with this.
1: Quan Chi said that the invasion was ready right away, why did they wait 2 years?!
2: Why are we NOW learning about the Jinsei? 10 games and we just now know about such an important factor.
3: The Elder Gods have done NOTHING to stop this invasion...or do anything in the story actually.

Anyways continuing.

So Shinnok gets to the Jinsei, and with his extremely powerful amulet, goes to trap Raiden and What's-his-name(sorry) in the amulet. However Johnny Cage, Kenshi and Sonya Blade come in and save the day...
Again, a couple issues
1: Shinnok becomes a winy 12 year old in this part
2: Johnny Cage defeats Shinnok, former elder god, by Shadow power ex machina.

Throughout the rest of the game, many issues like these arise, most importantly, how inconsistent the power of some characters are. Johnny Cage can defeat both Sub Zero and Scorpion at the same time, but Sub Zero then can defeat all of the Young Justice squad later on, then one of the the squad members, Cassie Cage, is able to defeat SHINNOK AT MAXIMUM POWER...with Shadow Ex Machina.
There is a lot of issues with the story, if you wanna know them all, look up "Everything Wrong with Mortal Kombat X" on youtube.

Some of the main things i'm going over here is the extra game modes, the bonus items, etc.

However let me talk about one thing first....THERE IS MICROTRANSACTIONS! You can buy 30 easy fatalities, extra skins, and a $30 Kombat pack with 4 characters and some skins...WHAT?!
Just no, no, get out of here microtransactions, go, get.

Now let's talk's fun as hell.
But they do have this wierd Faction system, but i'd just ignore it since it basically does nothing.
So when you get matched with someone online, all you can do is cross your fingers that you get a good connection, if you do, it's amazingly fun...unless they are Sub-Zero/Scorpion spammers. If you don't, well you're fucked.
Local multiplayer however is REALLY fun, I had a couple friends over and we went back and forth of best out of 3 matches(which I won 80% of them), and we all tried out the different characters and special classes with each type, we had an absolute blast I can gladly hold by imaginary champion's belt as the best Ermac.

Okay next, is the Krypt, the Krypt is basically this extra store in the game, where you go to different tombstones and you can use the Koins you get from playing to unlock Fatalities, Brutalities, outfits, etc. It's pretty interesting and has an extremely creepy vibe...with jumpscares and QTE's for some reason. It's pretty neat nonetheless.

The Ladders are basically the same, but do have new endings in them where you beat Corrupted Shinnok. So pretty cool there.


Despite the meh story, the microtransactions, etc. The game is a blast and it's so much fun to grab a buddy and just go crazy, try a different game mode or buy some new stuff at the Krypt. Worth the buy if you like Mortal Kombat.

Gaming / Mortal Kombat X
« on: September 27, 2015, 11:28:18 AM »
Okay so I got this game on rent, beat the story, played some online, went into the krypt, did some ladder, had some fun with friends.

Does anyone want a review? Or has it been done already?

Also, which character is your favorite in MKX?
Mine is good old Ermac, Tournament costume, mystic specialization.

Serious / Rambling
« on: September 24, 2015, 07:11:48 PM »
This is just me talking about stuff on my mind, turn around now if you don't wanna read a bunch of text.
Put this in Serious to hopefully ward off trolling.

So! As many of you probably don't know, I am a teenager, in High School, trying to get good grades to hopefully get into gaming development or computer engineering, and the more and more I go to class, the more I think...

Why am I learning about this The Great Gatsby when they could be teaching me more important things? Like how to pay taxes, getting a job, buying a home, why am I not learning these skills?

I was homeschooled by my parents for a while, and am still taught a lot by them, and my parents are teaching me how to work in the Stock Market with buying and selling stocks, how to start a business, so on so forth.

MY PARENTS are teaching me more useful information than SCHOOL, the place where you are supposed to learn how to do things in real life.
Why? Why can't school explain to me how to make a good resume? How to work on a business or the best ways to commute to work? Why can't I learn those things?

Sure, knowing some chemical reactions and some abstract math can be useful...but for 1% of the time, the other 99% have you doing basic multiplication, addition, subtraction and division. Unless you are a friggin Rocket Scientist you won't need to know those things.

Which I why I wish that school systems focused on real world information, then had personalized classes that teach you in the areas you need to know for your specific career path
But that'll never happen, because this is the USA, which has a horrible education system.

The Flood / So what should I shapeshift into next?
« on: September 24, 2015, 05:21:29 PM »
Once I beat Pokémon White 2 I think i'll switch to another theme. So what should I choose?

And before you say Faggot, yes, I already have that written down as a viable candidate

Gaming / Poké Battles, FIGHT!
« on: September 24, 2015, 01:18:58 PM »
Since i'm going for the Pokémon theme, might as well talk more Pokémon.

So! Give me 2 Pokémon and i'll tell you which will win.

You can either just give me a Pokémon, or you can give me stats and moves as well.

All Pokémon will be at lvl50


The Flood / What's your power level? v2
« on: September 24, 2015, 12:26:55 PM »
So unlike the idiot who made the first one, lets make a way to calculate your power level!

Take your post count, and multiply that by your time spent online


Gaming / Pewdiepie's game just got released.
« on: September 24, 2015, 11:16:56 AM »
Surprise Surprise, it's already in the top 10 games on the app store and 99% of the reviews are 5/5 stars. Saying "Amazing!" "Buy it Now!" "Woo Felix!"....

Seriously? Does anyone wanna give constructive criticism or just pat Felix(who didn't actually make the game, just was a large part of it's creation) on the back?

The Flood / What is my true form?
« on: September 23, 2015, 11:57:45 AM »
I have taken the shape of many, but I wonder if anyone can guess who I am truly.

What am I?

Gaming / Pokémon: White 2 playthrough (Currently: Movie Star/3rd gym)
« on: September 22, 2015, 11:50:24 AM »
Pip's amazing playthrough of Pokémon White 2!

Name: Gunther

Rival's Name: Dolan Tump(D Tump)

-Growlithe(lvl 19)
-Riolu(lvl 19)
-Magnemite(lvl 18')
-Psyduck(lvl 12)
-Azurill(lvl 7)
-Mareep(lvl 13)

So far, White 2 is the same as other games. While having returning characters like Cheren and Bianca, Professor Juniper and Gym Leaders. Also the Champion.
I got my Snivy from Bianca in Aspertia City, and beat Cheren in the same place. Then went to the next city.
I also got to a ranch in between cities, where I captured Riolu, Psyduck and Mareep. That is also when I met the first member of Team Plasma, trying to catch the Ranch Owner's Herdier, but scurries off when I find him. Also Dolan Tump was there....just yelling at people basically.
After that it's the next city...and i'll type the rest of this later

Currently: Becoming a movie star/wooping Team Plasma's ass

Gaming / Should I...
« on: September 22, 2015, 10:56:13 AM »
Replay Pokémon White 2 and do a progression topic?


Wait until I get Pokémon Y(which could be a long time) and then do a progression topic?

Gaming / AMA I'm going through MCC wait time AMA
« on: September 21, 2015, 08:45:46 PM »
I'm gonna be here awhile so go ahead and ask me shit

« on: September 21, 2015, 04:04:18 PM »
I'M AT 1,000 POSTS!


Am I apart of the cool kids now?

The Flood / I don't know why I keep doing it
« on: September 21, 2015, 08:56:27 AM »
But I changed my theme again.

Pokémon theme anyone?

Serious / World Peace?
« on: September 19, 2015, 12:36:36 PM »
Do you think the world should keep trying for world peace? Give your opinions below.

Gaming / Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia review
« on: September 17, 2015, 11:05:57 PM »
WARNING!: I lost my copy of Shadows of Almia a long time ago, so I am merely working off of memory in this review. I have played through the game 5 or 6 times so I have a good idea of the game overall.

So hey everybody! I'm making another review, the last one I did was Dragon Age Inquisition, so lets go from killing demons to drawing circles shall we?

For anyone who hasn't played a Pokémon Ranger game, you play as a....pokémon ranger, duh, using your capture rod thing(been awhile okay?) to temporarily befriend a pokémon and have him help you in battle, clearing obstacles, etc.
So let's get started shall we?


Story:'s predictable, meant to be simple so that younger fellas can understand.
You start off as a Ranger in training, moving to the region of Almia to go to Ranger School. Yes, the first parts of the game start in school...yay. However it does let you learn the game at a somewhat decent pace, just a quick tutorial to learn the story and gameplay.
I won't spoil too much this time around, but basically stuff happens, you become cool, you become a ranger, etc.

After all the school silliness, you get to the place you'll be operating from, the Ranger place in small town, Almia, which happened to be the place your family moved to! There you meet your ranger team for the next parts of the game and do some simple quests, again teaching you a little bit more.
One quest has you go into a cave to deal with the pokémon inside, but instead find wierd machines that influence the Pokémon and make them go nuts, when they are like this you can only free them, you cannot befriend them.
Then that whole thing is broken when you come out the cave and find a munchlax, pachirisu and a starley going nuts. Which then you have to go ahead and choose who to befriend.((ALWAYS CHOOSE PACHIRISU)). Then when you befriend them they become your first permanent companion.

The rest of the game has you climbing up to the top of Ranger elite, learning about the machines and stopping the evil guys. Nothing special at all here.


Gameplay: This is basically the two things you'll be doing as gamplay.

Capture: Draw circles around pokémon.
Use captured Pokémon: Use the pokémon you capture to clear the way and beat an objective....

Yep, that's it. That's all.
Sure there is some puzzle bits, some parts you can kinda call platformers, etc. but this is the main two things you do.
And it's repetitve.

HOWEVER, just because it's repetitive doesn't mean it can't be fun!
As Shadows of Almia actually has some interesting boss pokémon to capture(Drapion always kicked my ASS!) and even little mini-bosses that can be just as difficult. As they use different tactics to break your circling and deplete your capture meter, or whatever it's called. When the meter is empty it's game over.

Again, the puzzle and platformer bits are fun, but the only time the MAIN part of the game is really challenging and unique is the boss fights.


I can't remember, leave me alone, just look it up yourself.

Nostalgia Verdict: 8/10
Unbiased Verdict: 6.5/10

Serious / I swear I hate people.
« on: September 17, 2015, 10:37:51 PM »
So offsite, I was talking to some friends online about LGBT, feminism, etc. I know it was a horrible idea now.

All of my friends on that site are avid supporters of all of those, and then I said.

"I don't support any of them."

Next thing I know, i'm reported, blocked and told i'm a homophobe degenerate.
They didn't even give me the chance to say "but I am not against it either, I just don't care."

Talk about annoying Supporters of LGBT, feminism, etc.

The Flood / New name for Psy
« on: September 17, 2015, 09:28:23 AM »
So Mr Psychologist has said that at some point in the future, he will be either changing his name, or shortening it.

So let's choose a name for him shall we?

Gaming / Pokémon GO
« on: September 11, 2015, 04:24:17 PM »
So, what do you think of it?

For me i'm very cautious on it, the game, if done correctly, can be extremely cool and a good excuse to explore(and angry neighbors yelling get out of my lawn).
However, the ad is just like that Google challenge, and what was the challenge? Horrible. This ad is cool and all but we all know it won't look like that.

If only Nintendo would work with Microsoft's Hololens, THEN it will be amazing.

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