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Topics - Sandtrap

Pages: 123 45 ... 11
The Flood / I'm retiring the
« on: September 04, 2015, 06:32:38 PM »
Just kidding. I'm being a bandwagon riding faggot to feel special.

Into a short patch of writing filled with cheesy action and one liners.

Will write more ridiculous nonsense when I come back later.

The Flood / Oh Yee Xbox 360 Slim, I hardly knew thee
« on: September 04, 2015, 05:07:48 AM »
A cat barfed into the vents of it on the one time I left it out and now that's one dead piece of equipment filled with vomit corrosion. RIP in pieces quality entertainment device. Many great hours were spent with you.

Guess it's a sign. Time to get an xbone maybe. Fuckin' expensive brick.


The Flood / Little bit of thinking tonight
« on: September 02, 2015, 12:07:02 AM »
I just feel like talking a bit is all. Something I'd like to get off my chest I guess.

I've got a faulty heart. Maybe I said that at some point. And not just faulty-miss-a-few-beats faulty anymore. We're talking one day it'll stop out of the blue and I'll drop dead. Well, that warrants me for a heart transplant. But I gave it some thought a while back when it was propositioned to me.

Me and my "salvage" chemotherapy. At the best case scenario? I've got maybe 20 years. 30 is pushing it so extremely far that it's almost out of the question. So, I figured, why waste it?

Why waste a heart on myself? If I've only got that long of a chance at the max, why bother getting a transplant? To which I figured if my heart does stop between now and whenever, it'd be no big deal since, well, I'm pretty much fucked anyway.

But, I still think about it every now and then. And I suppose, I always could sign up for one. But it seems like a waste to me.

Anyway. I guess so you folks don't have to put up with me bleeding about my "feels" on the subject, do any of you ever have doubts on big things like that? Maybe things you could still potentially change if you wanted to?


Holy fucking shit my sides. This dude was a fucking classmate of mine. He scammed somebody out of 6000 dollars and now he's all over the news as a con artist.

Holy shit the fucking town I live in I swear. The people that walk outta this place.

The Flood / The LGBTQIA+ is now a thing
« on: August 27, 2015, 05:44:06 PM »
Quite a mouthful that one is. Just thought ya'll should know before the impending hoards of Tumblriestas and Feminazis stuff it down your throats.

The Flood / Some dude walked into my restaurant
« on: August 25, 2015, 01:23:16 PM »
I ain't kidding here. Some dude just walked into my restaurant, started browsing stuff and pouring himself coffee, but the whole time, he was flexing.

You know, the really slow deliberate moves to show off muscle as they flex, but in the kind of way that's like "I'm casually flexing because I'm so strong but I totally don't even notice it" kind of deal?

Best part here, I knew it was coming when he went over to talk to some women sitting down at a table.

Please tell me you guys have seen some of these people because it's fucking hilarious.

The Flood / Imma go McMurder™ myself now
« on: August 24, 2015, 02:07:15 PM »
The amount of sleep deprived "I don't wanna do this today" is too damn high. I've a bad feeling about today folks. But, what can I do? Sit round like a lump and do nothing?

Unacceptable. Gonna go scale a pile of stacked trees and cut firewood. That's risky business with a chainsaw. Only saying this cause, as I said.

I have a bad feeling about today. Blog post, I know. The level of shit I feel today outweighs whatever shitty things you folks could comment about in regards. So, I speak my mind.

Gentlemen and lady or two who visits this site.

May I ask for something nice to return to in this thread, if I manage today in one piece? Thank you guys.

I bid you folks all a decent day.

Serious / I may need some assistance gentlemen
« on: August 24, 2015, 03:02:14 AM »
Been musing on some words to spoken to me some time back. Been listening to various docs on the subject. Been doing my own research alongside their efforts. And I've a problem.

How do I make myself not dead? Not burnt out? Not.....non-receptive?

The first line of advice I've ever been given and nudged towards, is of course, changing environment. Going new places, seeing new people. Find something inspiring, so to speak. Problem is, this has never registered with me. And I'm not saying that I never put effort into those words given. I've crossed provinces. Thrown myself into completely new situations and places.

I can't force something out of me that's not there. I can't not grow tired of seeing or talking to people.

I can't go somewhere new or barely exciting, without having that experience drain away back to nothing within an hour, tops. I had a family meet-up this year. Most interesting, happy thing all year. Within an hour of was just gone. Like it never happened. I was back on a flatline state of nothing.

So. Maybe some of you can shed some light on this, or play another angle that I've not seen. Like I said. I've broken out the big guns in terms of help for this. And.... it's a bit of a pickle.

The Flood / You know how you guys shopped Deej with a dildo?
« on: August 24, 2015, 02:12:01 AM »

Gimme your best, gentlemen.

Gaming / Playing as a "vulnerable" Master Chief
« on: August 24, 2015, 01:48:04 AM »
Just some thinking. It's always been noted that most Spartans feel as if MJLOLNIR armour is a second skin since they're used to practically living in it. As MC once thought or coined it akin to, it was like being naked without it.

Think it would ever be interesting to play as MC in a point of vulnerability like that? A portion of a game where MC is stripped of his armour and has to resort to good old fashioned stealth tactics and melee in light of being weaponless?

I figure it'd be interesting from two perspectives, both MC's and the players, since we too, are used to roaming around in a near bullet proof suit of armour. No HUD to guide us along or display our condition, a much less bulletproof state and so on.

Any pipe dreams you folks have for Halo gameplay?

The Flood / Unexpected feels in the mailbox today gentlemen
« on: August 20, 2015, 03:44:05 PM »
Nobody ever sends me shit unless it's for bills. Sue me Verb or Class for the horrid usage of "feels."

I ain't used to getting nice things from people let alone general strangers.

When's the last time you got anything unexpected in the mail folks?

Gaming / Lobby for Sep7agon
« on: August 19, 2015, 12:48:34 PM »
So yeah. Neat little time killer of a game I might have mentioned a while back. Basically, eat stuff and try to be the most morbidly obese cell of the pack among other players. It's been updated quite a bit since I mentioned it, now having a basic party function.

Copy pasta that into the dropdown box when you hit join a party.

For any that are curious, for the sake of bragging rights or whatever, I'll commonly and most likely be known as Gaydolf Shitler. Enjoy folks.

All the recent vegan talks gets me thinking a little bit. I've always favored constructing myself a greenhouse so I can grow proper food up here. I wouldn't say I'm exactly the biggest "fan" of meat. I mean I enjoy well cooked stuff, seasonings and all that. But that's a rarity for me.

Most of the food I eat is a mix of everything. Mostly greens and that, and usually bits of meat on the side. I do figure, as I go along, I'd like to try and minimize that. More than I already do. But that's extremely difficult up here. Especially if you're relying on the stores to sell you greens.

Because they sell you bullshit. Which is why I come back to my greenhouse point.

Anyway Verb, I have a question for you. Most of my family has the same stance on things. We enjoy meat, but it's a shame that some critter has to be offed in the process. And we hate buying from the stores because we know how store meat, previously belonging to animals, is treated.

Both the meat itself and the animals.

My sister and her husband, who is more meat inclined, does something different however. We're scavengers. There are hunters up here, who only hunt for trophies. They will literally kill an elk, or a moose, saw its head off, and leave the rest there.

It's an absolute waste. And that's where they get 90% of their meat from. The same can be said of somebody else I know. He's even worse, if you want to say. He scavenges roadkill. I'm not trying to justify anything here.

But I'm curious. What's your stance on something like that? The animal is already dead, and otherwise, left to waste. If not, just left as a trap for more animals to show up and get shot or ran over.

How would you categorize that in terms of morality, since we're bringing up the point of being immoral?

The Flood / Daily Reminder that Insurance Companies are Crooks
« on: August 14, 2015, 01:47:56 PM »

Right, so this happened. And I'm going over my options of how to fix it. I considered contacting the police to notify them of the driver who did a shit job at strapping their garbage down that flew into me. And then I realised that with no functioning lights and that broken windshield, my vehicle would be taken off the road.

I then considered contacting my insurance provider.

At which point, I did some pre-emptive investigating before I made my statement.

My vehicle, being somewhat older, and deemed too much of a hassle to find parts for, would be written off, and therefore taken off the road and destroyed.

And in compensation to find another vehicle for myself, I'd be paid 700$.

It's real comforting to know that I blow over a couple grand every year to literally be covered for almost jack shit.

The Flood / I think life is trying to tell me something guys
« on: August 12, 2015, 09:40:41 PM »

If I listen closely, it almost sounds like....... "fuck you."

So the story on this little fucker is, I'm driving down the highway behind a big scrap truck. The truck slows, goes to turn, and sure as fucking shit, as it takes the turn, a little too quickly, a decent sized metal rod flies off the thing, goes straight through my side window as I pass by, and impales itself in the dashboard there.

It took out my side window, fucked my dashboard, fucked the controls to my lights, totalled a few instruments, and broke my windshield. And a stray piece of wood, smashed my fucking door in.

And that shit could have fucking killed me. Not that I'm a god damn stranger to this fucking shit at this point.

But jesus fuck. I need some coffee.

I ask, of course, because one of my many various job contacts went completely belly up today and most of my day was spent trying to sort out through the whole fucking affair without picking up the the fellow and chucking him across the nearest fucking mountain.

Any of you have any experiences with being fucked around in this particular manner?

I'll say it. It's a first for me today.

The Flood /
« on: August 10, 2015, 12:03:59 PM »

The Flood / This hurts a bit less now
« on: August 08, 2015, 04:13:24 AM »
Entire right side of my head is on fire. Feels like somebody's stepping on my right eye constantly. Woke up two hours ago and this shit doesn't seem to be getting any better. Turned out all the lights and dimmed this screen as much as I could. Can't even hardly fucking stand and it feels like I'm going to puke.

Just fucking kill me already please. Had enough of this shit.

So I'm not being useless here, discuss head fuckery and other related niggertry. If you have any one up cards to feeling like you've got your head bashed in and somebody stepping on your eye, please do so cause I'm not real fond of feeling this amount of pain at the moment. I'm going to try and sleep if I can. I'll see you folks.

The Flood / Should Verbatim.......
« on: August 07, 2015, 07:42:05 PM »
He could get creative with it or some shit. Strap a garbage can to a basketball hoop and do trick shots of all his favorite games into the garbage.

He could even make intricate rube goldberg machines that do the work for him.

The Flood / Somebody call life alert
« on: August 07, 2015, 12:03:40 AM »
Jesus fuck why. I had to sneeze while sending down coffee. I couldn't chug that shit down in time before the blast wave hit.

It's like I just walked outta a bukkake session except everything was fucking coffee.

Fuck you involuntary body functions.

Everybody usually has one. I was reminded of this recently as I started playing through Bioshock and Bioshock 2 again. Especially so in Bioshock 2 since I did melee only builds, in which case the drill is the most OP as fuck build in the game but so risky to use.

And for nostalgia's sake I remember an unorthadox as fuck method in Halo Wars, parking an army of elephants outside a base with the turret upgrade on them and watching the fireworks.

How about you folks? Any unorthadox builds and stuff you have fun with?


The hitchhiking robot called HitchBOT set out on the American leg of its world journey two weeks ago. It couldn't move on its own and relied on kind strangers to drive it from place to place. But after successful trips in Canada and Europe, HitchBOT was found damaged beyond repair in Philly on Saturday

Only two weeks into an attempt to travel across the United States, the friendly hitchhiking robot's journey has ended in Philadelphia after being beaten to a pulp.

HitchBOT, who was created by a team of communication researchers from Ontario, was found damaged beyond repair early Saturday in the city of brotherly love. The robot set out to travel cross-country after successfully hitchhiking across Canada in 26 days last year and parts of Europe.


That's going to be remembered by Skynet methinks.

The Flood / I'm doing this a bit ahead of time here
« on: July 31, 2015, 01:38:10 AM »
It's now friday today, bright and early. My week off is almost up. I'll be packing my shit up and leaving on Sunday, and resuming my volunteer fire aid shift up north for another three weeks as of Monday.

As it stands the now current total number of active fires in my province is down to 70, with the big fire over 100,000 hectares in size still burning.

Blog post and yada yada, all that stuff, I probably won't stick around for the remainder of the last few days here. So, without further adieu, I say goodbye in advance again for a little bit.

I'll see you folks around. Take care.

Edited bit here because I'd like to say some stuff before I head out.

I'd like to thank you guys, all of you, for over time providing such a decent place to hang around for me. Ups and downs, I know that, but overall the time here so far has been well enough off. And I'd like to apologize for derp moments of mine since I started rolling out into meds and stuff. I do my best to keep stuff under wraps.

Maybe I haven't done the best of doing that either, but I do try. This job that I'm undertaking now, well, it's a long haul to be sure. Or at least it feels like it. 21 days. Maybe it doesn't quite mean so much to you folks, but it means something to me. I'm just not the best at being a proper functioning person when it comes to social non-loner type stuff.

You folks are really the only people I have here, and have been the only ones over the course of the last year or so. Call it what you will, but I'll miss the company of this place while I'm gone. It's been a tough summer this year. Ups and downs and all that. I know it's not exactly a party for a fair few of folks here either.

But still, it leaves me all a little bit lost right now. So. I'll miss you guys. You all take care now. I'll see ya around.

Serious / Depression Vent(Yeah I know)
« on: July 28, 2015, 10:48:48 PM »
I've been running around all over lately. I'm on my week off here and I still can't seem to catch a break. Running around and I'm working in a million little pieces all at once. Anyway. I've had docs checking in on me and all that stuff and a while back I got in touch with a psychologist. Anyway.

No surprise there after all this time, doc says I've got chronic depression after our talks. I can't say that I'm surprised. But it's strange to hear it out loud. To sort of officially christen it with a title and make it known. I've been fighting it on my own for years. And of course, since me and the doc discovered it we've been working out stuff to try and curb it, at least.

But, at the same time, here I am. I don't want to fight with it anymore. I've given it everything I have. And it's just not a simple on off switch. When it comes, it comes, and nothing stops it. And now that it's got this official sort of title to it. I'm fucking tired of it. And, naturally, with my tendency to adamantly stay away from people, with my ability to write.

I just bleed. It bleeds into my writing, it bleeds into my head and just takes a wrench and destroys everything. And the only people I can talk to, really, are acquaintances on the internet. Guess what happens there? I just bleed out over and over and over again with no god damn end in sight and the people I call friends call it quits because they can't take it, and try as hard as I can, I can't put a stop to it.

It's just, always there. I give myself every fucking reason not to give in and this still pushes me over without effort. I'm tired of it. It sucks all my willpower away and it just feeds itself. I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore. I don't know how I can fight it. I'd say that it's pissing me off but all it really does is just make me sad. God dammit.

I'm aware of it. I've been fighting it off for years. And....I don't even know what to say. It's not a victim complex. It's like.....nothing. I just go straight down. And everything feeds it. This isn't a whiny-pity type deal kind of talk. I don't want pity and I'm not searching for it.

But....this is crushing to me. I'm lost on ideas and willpower here no matter where I turn. This shit just shows up and makes a mess of me as it pleases. And the only reason I'm saying this right now is because of my tendency to write freely, which is both a blessing and a curse because I just bleed all over the place in my writing, basically.

Do whatever you want with this thread. Tell your own stories of depression. Say stupid shit or insults or whatever. I just needed to put this out there because I refuse to shoulder it on anybody else directly but I can't keep it locked up either. Move it, lock it, do as you please, whatever.


Credit to breadloaf for spawning my question.

This relates to pity movements as well in regards to so called underdeveloped 3rd world countries/poor people and such. I don't question the need for advances in technology upgrades in less well off portions of the planet but I question the mindset of less well off people being supposedly miserable.

Like the picture up above for instance, in all of it's pity party 1st world shaming glamour.

To most modern people this way of life is unheard of. And, to most modern people, it's an unthinkable, unknowable experience that's most likely miserable.

"Savage," if you will. But, only from their point of view.

What about the other side? Where the life they have is normal? To them being naked on a continent that on average is 10 million degrees of nope at all times is average. Having water in such conditions is average, everyday life. And, as we know, when you live an "average" every day life, it's just the norm, and therefore, acceptable.

So, my question here is, do you think a complete modern, 1st world societal overhaul with all of its trends is neccessary in countries like these for the well being and happiness of people? Keep in mind, I'm not advocating against the usage of technology to improve certain conditions and functions like medical care or water access, or, access to information.

To sum it up in short, do you have to be completely modern to be happy and considered in a state of well being?

The Flood / Fucking Slavs
« on: July 26, 2015, 02:42:31 AM »

The Flood / Hey you late night rabble
« on: July 26, 2015, 01:18:51 AM »
Let's talk about shit. What's up on your end of things?

Serious / Canadian PM calls for abolition of the Canadian Senate
« on: July 25, 2015, 04:37:17 PM »

Oh hey look there's stuff happening in Canadian politics. In short the big boss is calling for shutting out our rather useless old senate of screaming old guys.

Coincidentally, not long after increased child wellfare cheques hit ciculation not a month ago.

I know our senate never really has been too up front about their affairs. Or useful. But I'm curious about what outright abolishment might bring. For starters I think it's safe to say this is a pretty transparent move to shift some election votes Harper's way before election time, just three months away.

It sure has the boat rocking though.

The Flood / What'd I miss?
« on: July 25, 2015, 12:42:43 AM »
Three week shift done. On break for a week before I go back out. Got home an hour ago.

Did I miss anything neat?

Feel free to ask about my adventure so far. I've got some stories to tell. Goin' to sleep in a bit. Will answer whatever I miss in the morning.

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