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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: Dark Souls has shit lore
« on: October 29, 2014, 07:10:57 PM »

The Flood / Re: Did you see that Burger King bought Time Hortons?
« on: October 29, 2014, 06:27:14 PM »
Well, I know about Tim Hortons.

Don't know any Time Hortons though.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone want to buy this for me?
« on: October 29, 2014, 06:20:10 PM »
It's only £12 man

Sorry I can't afford a Lamborghini.


I AM THE 99%


on a side note, I do pay taxes :p

Haha, you pay taxes!

I'm so poor that I don't have anything to put on all my nice government papers but a bunch of zeros.

And folks say rich folks are the only ones who don't pay for shit!

The Flood / Re: lol ktan
« on: October 29, 2014, 05:10:40 PM »
You know what would be cool? What if, we just cut all ties with I mean, total blackout from all users here. I think it'd be hilarious, seeing as they'd make a thread to lure the few people who wander back and forth between sites, and then get nothing.

Just dust and echos. Silence is the most painful insult a lot of the times.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone want to buy this for me?
« on: October 29, 2014, 05:06:44 PM »
What does 12 Britania dollars equal in Canadian?

Ouch. Sorry hoss, that shit'll skyrocket. Too much of a bite on my end.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone want to buy this for me?
« on: October 29, 2014, 05:04:58 PM »
What does 12 Britania dollars equal in Canadian?

The Flood / Re: Your fantasy?
« on: October 29, 2014, 04:53:20 PM »
I guess the most common thing I fantasize about on a daily basis is my favorite Halo moments. I'm always playing them back in my head, slightly changing the inflection of the characters and trying out the roles of the characters myself.

And while I'm doing that I'm analyzing what they're saying. Doing this I realized that in the Gravemind cutscene, 2401 Penitent Tangent and the Prophet of Regret no longer have free will. They're basically his hand puppets.

"I have listened, through rock and metal and time, now I shall talk, and you shall listen."
*Gravemind proceeds to not talk*

Actually, thinking about it, Mercy seems like he's not there. I mean, it seems like he thinks he's somewhere else. Another time, or place.

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 29, 2014, 08:09:21 AM »
What the hell happened in here.

I appear to have done something vaguely constructive in here be replying to anything that moved before I went to sleep last night. Hmm. Neat.

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 08:39:35 PM »
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done. I'm being an asshole?
Not at all. You are sharing a touching story. Spreading positivity is a good thing, even if I can be a negative person at times.

Am I in the wrong for sharing this though? Your usually very blunt, honest and to the point so I know you'll be frank with me.

It's a pre-concieved view of things. Ever look at somebody's writing, and just get a really strong feeling that you think you know what the other person was feeling when they wrote it. An air of smugness or the like?

Maybe when other folks read what you right, that's what they get. A pre-concieved air of smugness. It might not actually be true, but sometimes, words from certain people have that air to them, and you just get the wrong vibes is all.

Your probably right in all honesty. :/

It's not a fault of yours however. It's just a tricky state to balance is all. Our pre-concieved views can be damn hard to break. Even if you changed your writing, the people who don't enjoy your company here, would still have that air of smuggness bleed through in their eyes.

As I said to casper, emotions, positive and negative feed each other. And, it seems that at the moment, folk's emotions have the upper hand over logic, and so they act and attack that pre-concieved smugness. Not your fault. We just need a little more sunshine in the place is all.

You can't really blame Casper. What he's saying is true. At first I always came across the wrong way, and I understand why he thinks and feels as he does. He's not being unreasonable. But I still try and mend things with him.

Casper isn't inconsiderate or anything like that, he's actually fairly reasonable.

And so am I. But the point is, when your emotional state is out of balance, it ovverrides your reason and logical thought processes. And, as Noelle said, as of late, this place is somewhat of a downer. Multiple people, negative people, are sapping things. Even them, it's not their fault. Because that's what emotions do by nature.

I try to remain as calm and clear headed as I can. But, if and when I'm angry, all of that goes out the window. So, the point is, to try and not let your emotions dictate who you are, and let your head dictate the emotions that make sense.

Like I said, Casp is stuck in the trap. She, he, or they, know that you don't mean to sound smug. And yet they started something anyway. They let that emotion, that need to attack drive them forwards even though they knew you didn't mean anything bad by it.

It all comes down to the simple fact, that this place could use a little more sunshine.

Have you ever considered being a councilor?

I'd make a terrible councilor. I have empathy because of the pain and trauma in my life. I do my best to understand because through another pair of eyes you can spot things that you would normally miss by yourself.

But I am not a person to ask for advice of help.

Right now? I'm ripping myself apart. And, the part of me that still makes a little sense knows it. But I can't seem to stop it. I attack myself. Turn and deflect things around on myself, and I wake up to days where I am completely crushed by despair and sadness.

But, there's a little spark left. It endures, and flickers, and reminds me of why I am here. Reminds me that not all is lost and hopeless. The point is, I am not fit for advice because my life is not whole, and it will be a long time before I can fit the pieces of the puzzle together, and truly make any sense.

From my perspective, your a tough son of a bitch. And your logical. I have full faith you can pull through of any situation, and I feel the sense of confidence but your real. I like you, I really do. Your humble.

I know life has been exceptionally tough, and I'm not going to give you any cliches. But think of this. For everything you have gone through, all the hardship. When you step outside, and you see your home, your area. It is your home. And your happy to see it, and you can legitimately say at the second that you conquered it all, and live to stand proud in the place you truly love.

It does not matter what your life is, a suicidal man can have an impact on another human being. That's the basic human connection. Everyone can benefit, no matter how broken you are. You seem to have the capacity, and I see that. And you saying your not whole, but yet you still show the same potential, speaks loudly for who you are.

Never degrade yourself, you truly are a gift to the world. If even people you do not know, or will ever meet believe that, then imagine all the possibilities.

I understand the concept of "it all leads to something." If I hadn't gone through every bad day I have to reach this point, then I wouldn't be the person I am now. Remove those days, those experiences, and you get a different person. But I can only say these things. Going through some of the bad days, is easier said than done.

And it's hard, not to lose hope that through the bad you might find something worthwhile. Most of all, I know it's not my fault. Part of it is the Fall weather. With it comes a weight. A constant heaviness. And I know what it is. It's the light. The sunlight changes up here int he fall and winter. Folks don't get enough. And people are susceptible to the environment, to varying degrees.

I am suceptable to this change. I can tell, the immidiate day that it is officially fall because of the at weight that arrives. And, that weight, that outside depression, feeds the inside one. I can't fight both off at once. But, once the winter comes, I'll be feeling a little less blue. I can smell it in the air already. That pure cold.

Then find warmth and light in the people you love and call family. Friends and families come together during the winter, because of all those reasons.

It's gonna be like 60-70℉ for most of the winter where I live.

Acquire fat for winter.
Acquire survival snowsuit and gear for extreme temperatures.
Have fun.
Also, hot coffee or tea.

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 08:35:28 PM »
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done. I'm being an asshole?
Not at all. You are sharing a touching story. Spreading positivity is a good thing, even if I can be a negative person at times.

Am I in the wrong for sharing this though? Your usually very blunt, honest and to the point so I know you'll be frank with me.

It's a pre-concieved view of things. Ever look at somebody's writing, and just get a really strong feeling that you think you know what the other person was feeling when they wrote it. An air of smugness or the like?

Maybe when other folks read what you right, that's what they get. A pre-concieved air of smugness. It might not actually be true, but sometimes, words from certain people have that air to them, and you just get the wrong vibes is all.

Your probably right in all honesty. :/

It's not a fault of yours however. It's just a tricky state to balance is all. Our pre-concieved views can be damn hard to break. Even if you changed your writing, the people who don't enjoy your company here, would still have that air of smuggness bleed through in their eyes.

As I said to casper, emotions, positive and negative feed each other. And, it seems that at the moment, folk's emotions have the upper hand over logic, and so they act and attack that pre-concieved smugness. Not your fault. We just need a little more sunshine in the place is all.

You can't really blame Casper. What he's saying is true. At first I always came across the wrong way, and I understand why he thinks and feels as he does. He's not being unreasonable. But I still try and mend things with him.

Casper isn't inconsiderate or anything like that, he's actually fairly reasonable.

And so am I. But the point is, when your emotional state is out of balance, it ovverrides your reason and logical thought processes. And, as Noelle said, as of late, this place is somewhat of a downer. Multiple people, negative people, are sapping things. Even them, it's not their fault. Because that's what emotions do by nature.

I try to remain as calm and clear headed as I can. But, if and when I'm angry, all of that goes out the window. So, the point is, to try and not let your emotions dictate who you are, and let your head dictate the emotions that make sense.

Like I said, Casp is stuck in the trap. She, he, or they, know that you don't mean to sound smug. And yet they started something anyway. They let that emotion, that need to attack drive them forwards even though they knew you didn't mean anything bad by it.

It all comes down to the simple fact, that this place could use a little more sunshine.

Have you ever considered being a councilor?

I'd make a terrible councilor. I have empathy because of the pain and trauma in my life. I do my best to understand because through another pair of eyes you can spot things that you would normally miss by yourself.

But I am not a person to ask for advice of help.

Right now? I'm ripping myself apart. And, the part of me that still makes a little sense knows it. But I can't seem to stop it. I attack myself. Turn and deflect things around on myself, and I wake up to days where I am completely crushed by despair and sadness.

But, there's a little spark left. It endures, and flickers, and reminds me of why I am here. Reminds me that not all is lost and hopeless. The point is, I am not fit for advice because my life is not whole, and it will be a long time before I can fit the pieces of the puzzle together, and truly make any sense.

From my perspective, your a tough son of a bitch. And your logical. I have full faith you can pull through of any situation, and I feel the sense of confidence but your real. I like you, I really do. Your humble.

I know life has been exceptionally tough, and I'm not going to give you any cliches. But think of this. For everything you have gone through, all the hardship. When you step outside, and you see your home, your area. It is your home. And your happy to see it, and you can legitimately say at the second that you conquered it all, and live to stand proud in the place you truly love.

It does not matter what your life is, a suicidal man can have an impact on another human being. That's the basic human connection. Everyone can benefit, no matter how broken you are. You seem to have the capacity, and I see that. And you saying your not whole, but yet you still show the same potential, speaks loudly for who you are.

Never degrade yourself, you truly are a gift to the world. If even people you do not know, or will ever meet believe that, then imagine all the possibilities.

I understand the concept of "it all leads to something." If I hadn't gone through every bad day I have to reach this point, then I wouldn't be the person I am now. Remove those days, those experiences, and you get a different person. But I can only say these things. Going through some of the bad days, is easier said than done.

And it's hard, not to lose hope that through the bad you might find something worthwhile. Most of all, I know it's not my fault. Part of it is the Fall weather. With it comes a weight. A constant heaviness. And I know what it is. It's the light. The sunlight changes up here int he fall and winter. Folks don't get enough. And people are susceptible to the environment, to varying degrees.

I am suceptable to this change. I can tell, the immidiate day that it is officially fall because of the at weight that arrives. And, that weight, that outside depression, feeds the inside one. I can't fight both off at once. But, once the winter comes, I'll be feeling a little less blue. I can smell it in the air already. That pure cold.

Then find warmth and light in the people you love and call family. Friends and families come together during the winter, because of all those reasons.

Oho, oh no my friend. I find my peace in winter in the solitary manner. When I work outside, alone, it's another world. It's just me and the cold. Big snowsuit. Like stepping foot on another world in a spacesuit. I'll take some pictures when and if the snow arrives. You will see.

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 08:27:31 PM »
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done. I'm being an asshole?
Not at all. You are sharing a touching story. Spreading positivity is a good thing, even if I can be a negative person at times.

Am I in the wrong for sharing this though? Your usually very blunt, honest and to the point so I know you'll be frank with me.

It's a pre-concieved view of things. Ever look at somebody's writing, and just get a really strong feeling that you think you know what the other person was feeling when they wrote it. An air of smugness or the like?

Maybe when other folks read what you right, that's what they get. A pre-concieved air of smugness. It might not actually be true, but sometimes, words from certain people have that air to them, and you just get the wrong vibes is all.

Your probably right in all honesty. :/

It's not a fault of yours however. It's just a tricky state to balance is all. Our pre-concieved views can be damn hard to break. Even if you changed your writing, the people who don't enjoy your company here, would still have that air of smuggness bleed through in their eyes.

As I said to casper, emotions, positive and negative feed each other. And, it seems that at the moment, folk's emotions have the upper hand over logic, and so they act and attack that pre-concieved smugness. Not your fault. We just need a little more sunshine in the place is all.

You can't really blame Casper. What he's saying is true. At first I always came across the wrong way, and I understand why he thinks and feels as he does. He's not being unreasonable. But I still try and mend things with him.

Casper isn't inconsiderate or anything like that, he's actually fairly reasonable.

And so am I. But the point is, when your emotional state is out of balance, it ovverrides your reason and logical thought processes. And, as Noelle said, as of late, this place is somewhat of a downer. Multiple people, negative people, are sapping things. Even them, it's not their fault. Because that's what emotions do by nature.

I try to remain as calm and clear headed as I can. But, if and when I'm angry, all of that goes out the window. So, the point is, to try and not let your emotions dictate who you are, and let your head dictate the emotions that make sense.

Like I said, Casp is stuck in the trap. She, he, or they, know that you don't mean to sound smug. And yet they started something anyway. They let that emotion, that need to attack drive them forwards even though they knew you didn't mean anything bad by it.

It all comes down to the simple fact, that this place could use a little more sunshine.

Have you ever considered being a councilor?

I'd make a terrible councilor. I have empathy because of the pain and trauma in my life. I do my best to understand because through another pair of eyes you can spot things that you would normally miss by yourself.

But I am not a person to ask for advice of help.

Right now? I'm ripping myself apart. And, the part of me that still makes a little sense knows it. But I can't seem to stop it. I attack myself. Turn and deflect things around on myself, and I wake up to days where I am completely crushed by despair and sadness.

But, there's a little spark left. It endures, and flickers, and reminds me of why I am here. Reminds me that not all is lost and hopeless. The point is, I am not fit for advice because my life is not whole, and it will be a long time before I can fit the pieces of the puzzle together, and truly make any sense.

From my perspective, your a tough son of a bitch. And your logical. I have full faith you can pull through of any situation, and I feel the sense of confidence but your real. I like you, I really do. Your humble.

I know life has been exceptionally tough, and I'm not going to give you any cliches. But think of this. For everything you have gone through, all the hardship. When you step outside, and you see your home, your area. It is your home. And your happy to see it, and you can legitimately say at the second that you conquered it all, and live to stand proud in the place you truly love.

It does not matter what your life is, a suicidal man can have an impact on another human being. That's the basic human connection. Everyone can benefit, no matter how broken you are. You seem to have the capacity, and I see that. And you saying your not whole, but yet you still show the same potential, speaks loudly for who you are.

Never degrade yourself, you truly are a gift to the world. If even people you do not know, or will ever meet believe that, then imagine all the possibilities.

I understand the concept of "it all leads to something." If I hadn't gone through every bad day I have to reach this point, then I wouldn't be the person I am now. Remove those days, those experiences, and you get a different person. But I can only say these things. Going through some of the bad days, is easier said than done.

And it's hard, not to lose hope that through the bad you might find something worthwhile. Most of all, I know it's not my fault. Part of it is the Fall weather. With it comes a weight. A constant heaviness. And I know what it is. It's the light. The sunlight changes up here int he fall and winter. Folks don't get enough. And people are susceptible to the environment, to varying degrees.

I am suceptable to this change. I can tell, the immidiate day that it is officially fall because of the at weight that arrives. And, that weight, that outside depression, feeds the inside one. I can't fight both off at once. But, once the winter comes, I'll be feeling a little less blue. I can smell it in the air already. That pure cold.

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 08:20:30 PM »
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done.

There are no saints. Everybody has baggage. Everybody has a bad side. The reason you've never heard them speak about it, is because they're a myth. A saint is not some holier than thou person. We are all flawed. But that doesn't change the fact people have the capability in them to do something special for others, even if it's small.
I'm not saying what he did wasn't good.  It's always nice to do something for other people.  But just like people don't like hearing about all the bad things in someone's life, doesn't mean people want to hear about all the good either.  You did something good?  Hey great! It feels nice to do something for others out of kindness, but don't go around looking for recognition and acceptance of what you did.  That's  petty.  Just know that what you did made someone happy and that should be good enough.

What's the point of being in a community where everything you share has you branded has someone who is conceited.

Somehow, everything I say gets completely turned around.

Maybe you are just an asshole?

Still confused.

Have I done something to you in the past? Or something?

You exist.

Seriously though, like did we ever get in an argument or something. Or do you genuinely dislike me simply because I am here

You post blog types threads about your emotions and shit.

And you spam pictures of a 12 year old boy telling us how much you want to fuck him.
He's just a white skaterboy with a bad attitude, so I've stopped paying attention to his opinions

I like how you people have all this emotional bullshit about tolerance and feelings and shit.

But then you just keep calling Ellen a 12 year old boy.

I can understand you calling me an asshole or something because I am sometimes.

But Ellen has done absolutely nothing to any of you but 9/10 times you guys just insult her and constantly make fun of her appearance. Just because she doesn't post here doesn't mean it doesn't hurt her.

To be fair, most of the girlfriends I've ever had were tomboys. No pitchforks from my side here.

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 08:17:20 PM »
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done. I'm being an asshole?
Not at all. You are sharing a touching story. Spreading positivity is a good thing, even if I can be a negative person at times.

Am I in the wrong for sharing this though? Your usually very blunt, honest and to the point so I know you'll be frank with me.

It's a pre-concieved view of things. Ever look at somebody's writing, and just get a really strong feeling that you think you know what the other person was feeling when they wrote it. An air of smugness or the like?

Maybe when other folks read what you right, that's what they get. A pre-concieved air of smugness. It might not actually be true, but sometimes, words from certain people have that air to them, and you just get the wrong vibes is all.
This makes sense.  I mean, I still have my reasons for getting these feelings, but I know he isn't intentionally trying to give them off.

So, if you know he's not doing it intentionally, why cause something intentionally? That's not cool. It would be like me going around and beating the shit out of every person I see because I didn't like the look on their face in the morning when they stepped into my restaurant.

Fuck, I talked about this the other day with somebody. Negativity and Positivity feed each other. Put a negative person next to a negative person, and they'll feed each other, spiraling downwards together.

Likewise, do it with positive people, and they'll pick each other up.

A strong enough positive person will alter a negative person, as likewise, a strong enough negative person will bring a positive person down.

So, if you know he's not doing it intentionally, but you attack, or make a fuss about things anyway, then you're caught in the negative trap. Emotional state, overpowers your logical side.

Use your noggin compatriot.
Well for one, I prefer to act on emotion more than logic.
But most of the time I say nothing. I make my quips once in a while, but not often.  I can't be entirely sure if he's completely innocent or not.  But it's because of the fact that some people just don't learn time after time.  It's ignorance I can't stand.  It's always this about his life and that about his life, and their's clearly backlash, but nothing changes.  I just always get an air of condescendence from the way he speaks.  And what irks me about it is that it is unintentional.  Like things he says are normal. 

We get it, he has a good life.  Do we know about the bad? No.  But the way he makes himself to be is, more or less the way I see it, that he's better than us.  Obviously other people don't see it or don't care, but coming from the opposite end of the spectrum of life, it get's old. 

I'm not trying to sound mean, but I don't know how else to say things.  And I'm not about to edit and revise what I'm trying to say on a Tuesday night when I have math due at midnight.


I genuinely don't think I'm better then anyone. If I come across that way then maybe I am at fault. Sorry you get that vibe.
This is going to take a lot from me, but.. I'm sorry.

Now then Casp. Stop for a second, and take a look at things. Look at what this thread started as. And look how it ended. Guess what?

You turned it around. What could have broken out into arguments and fights, ended in a closed thread and BC being crushed in his happiness, ended in this.

Stop for a moment, and think about that. We started out negative. Sunk low in a spiral. And now? Now we're here. The scales moved a little bit. The scales went up. They went up! Not down.

And that's the key. Use your noggin!

Haha, that's the way you do it! Remember that. We've always got a choice. And, you chose not to turn this into a dump! Good on you compatriot.

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 08:12:32 PM »
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done. I'm being an asshole?
Not at all. You are sharing a touching story. Spreading positivity is a good thing, even if I can be a negative person at times.

Am I in the wrong for sharing this though? Your usually very blunt, honest and to the point so I know you'll be frank with me.

It's a pre-concieved view of things. Ever look at somebody's writing, and just get a really strong feeling that you think you know what the other person was feeling when they wrote it. An air of smugness or the like?

Maybe when other folks read what you right, that's what they get. A pre-concieved air of smugness. It might not actually be true, but sometimes, words from certain people have that air to them, and you just get the wrong vibes is all.

Your probably right in all honesty. :/

It's not a fault of yours however. It's just a tricky state to balance is all. Our pre-concieved views can be damn hard to break. Even if you changed your writing, the people who don't enjoy your company here, would still have that air of smuggness bleed through in their eyes.

As I said to casper, emotions, positive and negative feed each other. And, it seems that at the moment, folk's emotions have the upper hand over logic, and so they act and attack that pre-concieved smugness. Not your fault. We just need a little more sunshine in the place is all.

You can't really blame Casper. What he's saying is true. At first I always came across the wrong way, and I understand why he thinks and feels as he does. He's not being unreasonable. But I still try and mend things with him.

Casper isn't inconsiderate or anything like that, he's actually fairly reasonable.

And so am I. But the point is, when your emotional state is out of balance, it ovverrides your reason and logical thought processes. And, as Noelle said, as of late, this place is somewhat of a downer. Multiple people, negative people, are sapping things. Even them, it's not their fault. Because that's what emotions do by nature.

I try to remain as calm and clear headed as I can. But, if and when I'm angry, all of that goes out the window. So, the point is, to try and not let your emotions dictate who you are, and let your head dictate the emotions that make sense.

Like I said, Casp is stuck in the trap. She, he, or they, know that you don't mean to sound smug. And yet they started something anyway. They let that emotion, that need to attack drive them forwards even though they knew you didn't mean anything bad by it.

It all comes down to the simple fact, that this place could use a little more sunshine.

Have you ever considered being a councilor?

I'd make a terrible councilor. I have empathy because of the pain and trauma in my life. I do my best to understand because through another pair of eyes you can spot things that you would normally miss by yourself.

But I am not a person to ask for advice of help.

Right now? I'm ripping myself apart. And, the part of me that still makes a little sense knows it. But I can't seem to stop it. I attack myself. Turn and deflect things around on myself, and I wake up to days where I am completely crushed by despair and sadness.

But, there's a little spark left. It endures, and flickers, and reminds me of why I am here. Reminds me that not all is lost and hopeless. The point is, I am not fit for advice because my life is not whole, and it will be a long time before I can fit the pieces of the puzzle together, and truly make any sense.

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 08:05:31 PM »
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done. I'm being an asshole?
Not at all. You are sharing a touching story. Spreading positivity is a good thing, even if I can be a negative person at times.

Am I in the wrong for sharing this though? Your usually very blunt, honest and to the point so I know you'll be frank with me.

It's a pre-concieved view of things. Ever look at somebody's writing, and just get a really strong feeling that you think you know what the other person was feeling when they wrote it. An air of smugness or the like?

Maybe when other folks read what you right, that's what they get. A pre-concieved air of smugness. It might not actually be true, but sometimes, words from certain people have that air to them, and you just get the wrong vibes is all.

Your probably right in all honesty. :/

It's not a fault of yours however. It's just a tricky state to balance is all. Our pre-concieved views can be damn hard to break. Even if you changed your writing, the people who don't enjoy your company here, would still have that air of smuggness bleed through in their eyes.

As I said to casper, emotions, positive and negative feed each other. And, it seems that at the moment, folk's emotions have the upper hand over logic, and so they act and attack that pre-concieved smugness. Not your fault. We just need a little more sunshine in the place is all.

You can't really blame Casper. What he's saying is true. At first I always came across the wrong way, and I understand why he thinks and feels as he does. He's not being unreasonable. But I still try and mend things with him.

Casper isn't inconsiderate or anything like that, he's actually fairly reasonable.

And so am I. But the point is, when your emotional state is out of balance, it ovverrides your reason and logical thought processes. And, as Noelle said, as of late, this place is somewhat of a downer. Multiple people, negative people, are sapping things. Even them, it's not their fault. Because that's what emotions do by nature.

I try to remain as calm and clear headed as I can. But, if and when I'm angry, all of that goes out the window. So, the point is, to try and not let your emotions dictate who you are, and let your head dictate the emotions that make sense.

Like I said, Casp is stuck in the trap. She, he, or they, know that you don't mean to sound smug. And yet they started something anyway. They let that emotion, that need to attack drive them forwards even though they knew you didn't mean anything bad by it.

It all comes down to the simple fact, that this place could use a little more sunshine.

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:57:55 PM »
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done. I'm being an asshole?
Not at all. You are sharing a touching story. Spreading positivity is a good thing, even if I can be a negative person at times.

Am I in the wrong for sharing this though? Your usually very blunt, honest and to the point so I know you'll be frank with me.

It's a pre-concieved view of things. Ever look at somebody's writing, and just get a really strong feeling that you think you know what the other person was feeling when they wrote it. An air of smugness or the like?

Maybe when other folks read what you right, that's what they get. A pre-concieved air of smugness. It might not actually be true, but sometimes, words from certain people have that air to them, and you just get the wrong vibes is all.

Your probably right in all honesty. :/

It's not a fault of yours however. It's just a tricky state to balance is all. Our pre-concieved views can be damn hard to break. Even if you changed your writing, the people who don't enjoy your company here, would still have that air of smuggness bleed through in their eyes.

As I said to casper, emotions, positive and negative feed each other. And, it seems that at the moment, folk's emotions have the upper hand over logic, and so they act and attack that pre-concieved smugness. Not your fault. We just need a little more sunshine in the place is all.

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:54:49 PM »
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done. I'm being an asshole?
Not at all. You are sharing a touching story. Spreading positivity is a good thing, even if I can be a negative person at times.

Am I in the wrong for sharing this though? Your usually very blunt, honest and to the point so I know you'll be frank with me.

It's a pre-concieved view of things. Ever look at somebody's writing, and just get a really strong feeling that you think you know what the other person was feeling when they wrote it. An air of smugness or the like?

Maybe when other folks read what you right, that's what they get. A pre-concieved air of smugness. It might not actually be true, but sometimes, words from certain people have that air to them, and you just get the wrong vibes is all.
This makes sense.  I mean, I still have my reasons for getting these feelings, but I know he isn't intentionally trying to give them off.

So, if you know he's not doing it intentionally, why cause something intentionally? That's not cool. It would be like me going around and beating the shit out of every person I see because I didn't like the look on their face in the morning when they stepped into my restaurant.

Fuck, I talked about this the other day with somebody. Negativity and Positivity feed each other. Put a negative person next to a negative person, and they'll feed each other, spiraling downwards together.

Likewise, do it with positive people, and they'll pick each other up.

A strong enough positive person will alter a negative person, as likewise, a strong enough negative person will bring a positive person down.

So, if you know he's not doing it intentionally, but you attack, or make a fuss about things anyway, then you're caught in the negative trap. Emotional state, overpowers your logical side.

Use your noggin compatriot.

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:48:48 PM »
Sorry I guess

Don't take it to heart compatriot. You know where you stand clear as day on the subject, and you know that you did something nice. All that counts in the end is the knowledge that you've done something. This place, as of late, is in a bit of a slum. A down moment if you will. You can't blame folks. A lot of bad seems to be happening over good.

And, after a while, folks become cynical. Doubtful. Which is why, you can only really take heart in yourself. Only you know what you did and the reasons you did it for. Be proud of that, and don't let the doubts of others plague you.

This is why I like you. Your reasonable, and your neutral.

Thank you.

How's the house coming along?

Not neutral, no. I just try to dump myself in other shoes. Points of view from another's eyes change everything. I have my flaws, my mistakes and statements that upset people, things that people disagree with. The best I can do is flip the perspective away from my own eyes. through that, you gain a little bit of understanding. Through understanding, you don't get so angry at people. You don't feel the need to cause issues and raise more troubles when you can see a piece of what's on the end of somebody else's world.

House won't be started for at least 8 months. Winter is here now. The snow and ice will close things up soon.

Fair enough.

And damn, how cold does it get up there?

Last year one of our cities hit the coldest it ever was in 40 years. -60 with the windchill. Converted into american measurments, it was -85F.

The coldest I have ever experienced, was probably...39F, in Florida.

Wow that's rough, I assume you can never get used to that. Where you live is beautiful, I've seen the pictures. Would you ever consider moving somewhere else?

I was running out and about on one of those days. The cold runs in my veins. I enjoy it. Have a higher tolerance for it than most others.

Moving? No. As I've said before, it's not as glamorous as other parts of the world, with flashy architecture or vibrant culture. But it is peaceful. This place is not a target. It's too inhospitable to invade or conquer, with little in the way of anything valuable. And so I would never trade it.

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:44:37 PM »
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done. I'm being an asshole?
Not at all. You are sharing a touching story. Spreading positivity is a good thing, even if I can be a negative person at times.

Am I in the wrong for sharing this though? Your usually very blunt, honest and to the point so I know you'll be frank with me.

It's a pre-concieved view of things. Ever look at somebody's writing, and just get a really strong feeling that you think you know what the other person was feeling when they wrote it. An air of smugness or the like?

Maybe when other folks read what you right, that's what they get. A pre-concieved air of smugness. It might not actually be true, but sometimes, words from certain people have that air to them, and you just get the wrong vibes is all.

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:40:31 PM »
Sorry I guess

Don't take it to heart compatriot. You know where you stand clear as day on the subject, and you know that you did something nice. All that counts in the end is the knowledge that you've done something. This place, as of late, is in a bit of a slum. A down moment if you will. You can't blame folks. A lot of bad seems to be happening over good.

And, after a while, folks become cynical. Doubtful. Which is why, you can only really take heart in yourself. Only you know what you did and the reasons you did it for. Be proud of that, and don't let the doubts of others plague you.

This is why I like you. Your reasonable, and your neutral.

Thank you.

How's the house coming along?

Not neutral, no. I just try to dump myself in other shoes. Points of view from another's eyes change everything. I have my flaws, my mistakes and statements that upset people, things that people disagree with. The best I can do is flip the perspective away from my own eyes. through that, you gain a little bit of understanding. Through understanding, you don't get so angry at people. You don't feel the need to cause issues and raise more troubles when you can see a piece of what's on the end of somebody else's world.

House won't be started for at least 8 months. Winter is here now. The snow and ice will close things up soon.

Fair enough.

And damn, how cold does it get up there?

Last year one of our cities hit the coldest it ever was in 40 years. -60 with the windchill. Converted into american measurments, it was -85F.

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:35:22 PM »
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done.

There are no saints. Everybody has baggage. Everybody has a bad side. The reason you've never heard them speak about it, is because they're a myth. A saint is not some holier than thou person. We are all flawed. But that doesn't change the fact people have the capability in them to do something special for others, even if it's small.
I'm not saying what he did wasn't good.  It's always nice to do something for other people.  But just like people don't like hearing about all the bad things in someone's life, doesn't mean people want to hear about all the good either.  You did something good?  Hey great! It feels nice to do something for others out of kindness, but don't go around looking for recognition and acceptance of what you did.  That's  petty.  Just know that what you did made someone happy and that should be good enough.

What's the point of being in a community where everything you share has you branded has someone who is conceited.

Somehow, everything I say gets completely turned around.

Maybe you are just an asshole?

Mirrors. Funny constructs, aren't they? But then, no. Asshole doesn't suit you. It's too, how do you say it? Too prestigous. I've bumped into assholes before. You're not one.

Tryhard suits you better.

In fact, I think I like Tryhard Love better. Aha! A new nickname!
Y'know, sinking to his level makes you just as bad.

But no, really. TryhardLove has such a nice ring to it now that I think about it. Not in an offensive way. It just rolls off the tongue nicely.

It's another name to my collection of folks here.

I call Charlie, Charles
Never speak to RC much, but he's RC Car to me
BasedLove is now TryhardLove, TLove for short if you will
Mr. Psychologist is Psych
Gojira is Goj
Smiggles is Smiggs

It's a habit of mine. Names for folks, things I can remember. BasedLove is now an identifiable figure to me. He's not an asshole. Or a tryhard.

Just a sack of old sacks is all.

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:29:29 PM »
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done.

There are no saints. Everybody has baggage. Everybody has a bad side. The reason you've never heard them speak about it, is because they're a myth. A saint is not some holier than thou person. We are all flawed. But that doesn't change the fact people have the capability in them to do something special for others, even if it's small.
I'm not saying what he did wasn't good.  It's always nice to do something for other people.  But just like people don't like hearing about all the bad things in someone's life, doesn't mean people want to hear about all the good either.  You did something good?  Hey great! It feels nice to do something for others out of kindness, but don't go around looking for recognition and acceptance of what you did.  That's  petty.  Just know that what you did made someone happy and that should be good enough.

What's the point of being in a community where everything you share has you branded has someone who is conceited.

Somehow, everything I say gets completely turned around.

Maybe you are just an asshole?

Mirrors. Funny constructs, aren't they? But then, no. Asshole doesn't suit you. It's too, how do you say it? Too prestigous. I've bumped into assholes before. You're not one.

Tryhard suits you better.

In fact, I think I like Tryhard Love better. Aha! A new nickname!

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:23:27 PM »
Sorry I guess

Don't take it to heart compatriot. You know where you stand clear as day on the subject, and you know that you did something nice. All that counts in the end is the knowledge that you've done something. This place, as of late, is in a bit of a slum. A down moment if you will. You can't blame folks. A lot of bad seems to be happening over good.

And, after a while, folks become cynical. Doubtful. Which is why, you can only really take heart in yourself. Only you know what you did and the reasons you did it for. Be proud of that, and don't let the doubts of others plague you.

This is why I like you. Your reasonable, and your neutral.

Thank you.

How's the house coming along?

Not neutral, no. I just try to dump myself in other shoes. Points of view from another's eyes change everything. I have my flaws, my mistakes and statements that upset people, things that people disagree with. The best I can do is flip the perspective away from my own eyes. through that, you gain a little bit of understanding. Through understanding, you don't get so angry at people. You don't feel the need to cause issues and raise more troubles when you can see a piece of what's on the end of somebody else's world.

House won't be started for at least 8 months. Winter is here now. The snow and ice will close things up soon.

The Flood / Re: Why can't I stop feeling like shit?
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:17:22 PM »
Lots of crap on the brain. A lot to think of. A lot to prepare for. And a clash. Self hate and sadness, and then, on the flipside, life and optimism, mired in humor.

It's a bit like a seesaw at the moment. Up and down.

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:14:49 PM »
Sorry I guess

Don't take it to heart compatriot. You know where you stand clear as day on the subject, and you know that you did something nice. All that counts in the end is the knowledge that you've done something. This place, as of late, is in a bit of a slum. A down moment if you will. You can't blame folks. A lot of bad seems to be happening over good.

And, after a while, folks become cynical. Doubtful. Which is why, you can only really take heart in yourself. Only you know what you did and the reasons you did it for. Be proud of that, and don't let the doubts of others plague you.

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:00:54 PM »
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done.

There are no saints. Everybody has baggage. Everybody has a bad side. The reason you've never heard them speak about it, is because they're a myth. A saint is not some holier than thou person. We are all flawed. But that doesn't change the fact people have the capability in them to do something special for others, even if it's small.
I'm not saying what he did wasn't good.  It's always nice to do something for other people.  But just like people don't like hearing about all the bad things in someone's life, doesn't mean people want to hear about all the good either.  You did something good?  Hey great! It feels nice to do something for others out of kindness, but don't go around looking for recognition and acceptance of what you did.  That's  petty.  Just know that what you did made someone happy and that should be good enough.

What if it's a new feeling? It's uplifting, really. It gives you an energy in your steps and thoughts. And, sometimes, you have to tell someone. You have to tell them how good you feel. It's infectious almost. It's a moment, something special in your mind, and you feel like sharing that feeling with everybody.

There are days when you do something good. And you go on with your day. You ask for no recognition. And there are others, where you do something good, and it not only affects the person you helped, but it affects you as well. You feel it in your soul, and you just want to laugh, and cry.

That feeling? That's what he's got right now. It's excitement. Pure happiness. And a simple desire to spread it.
I understand what you're saying.  Which would be fine... if it were the first time.  But it's not.  It's always something about his life with the random topic here and there to make it look not so conceited.  And honestly, I don't think it's necessarily intentional.  But it's like that person that always whines and complains.  My life is this, my life is that.  If we wanted to know about your life, then we'd ask.  Sure, something might happen like losing a family member or a pet or something, but that doesn't happen all the time either.

Well, as of late, my life seems to be getting wrapped up in the posts I make. Does that make me conceited as well? Thing is, everybody all has levels of what they're willing to share. And for some, posting about their day is as natural as any other business. It's a habit, if you will. A way of speaking.

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:47:45 PM »
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done.

There are no saints. Everybody has baggage. Everybody has a bad side. The reason you've never heard them speak about it, is because they're a myth. A saint is not some holier than thou person. We are all flawed. But that doesn't change the fact people have the capability in them to do something special for others, even if it's small.
I'm not saying what he did wasn't good.  It's always nice to do something for other people.  But just like people don't like hearing about all the bad things in someone's life, doesn't mean people want to hear about all the good either.  You did something good?  Hey great! It feels nice to do something for others out of kindness, but don't go around looking for recognition and acceptance of what you did.  That's  petty.  Just know that what you did made someone happy and that should be good enough.

What if it's a new feeling? It's uplifting, really. It gives you an energy in your steps and thoughts. And, sometimes, you have to tell someone. You have to tell them how good you feel. It's infectious almost. It's a moment, something special in your mind, and you feel like sharing that feeling with everybody.

There are days when you do something good. And you go on with your day. You ask for no recognition. And there are others, where you do something good, and it not only affects the person you helped, but it affects you as well. You feel it in your soul, and you just want to laugh, and cry.

That feeling? That's what he's got right now. It's excitement. Pure happiness. And a simple desire to spread it.

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:43:16 PM »
Well, folks always read my big walls of shit, so the least I can do is read yours. It's a good thing. We often forget how much of a difference some of the little things can make.

Sometimes, you don't have to move a mountain for somebody. All you have to do is make them smile. One little bright spot on a bad day. I know the feeling well. Tossing in some spare bucks in my pocket for folks who are short. Help when I see that they need a hand. A comment, that let's them know that I know, and that they aren't alone.

Our impacts, don't have to be massive to be world changing and life changing. Because of all the memories I remember, it's the small ones. The smiles from strangers I received on bad days. The comments, and the eyes of people you look at, and you know, that they can see that you need something, you need help. A leg up. One singular moment to spark one last light for you, something to hang onto no matter how lost you seem.

Remember that. You don't have to be god to change somebody's life around. You don't have to have millions at your disposal. Just the simple will to help, even if it's as something as small as a handshake, for somebody who feels like they have nothing left.

Everything just came together perfectly. It was so amazing. I honestly expected to say hi, hopefully get him to smile while we were talking (which I did) and say bye and go home.

It was just perfect. And I wanted to make his dream come true. Plus, I live very close by so it was a 5 minutes drive to and from

It's nice, isn't it? When everything lines up, and you know, all you have to do is take one step. You realize how you can help. You realize that you can make a difference.

I remember, some months back, an aqcuantance of mine lost his mother. She passed away to something horrid, and it was just him. Friends of hers showed up at the funeral, as did family. But the man, the person I knew, the person I'd worked alongside over the past months, had nobody.

But I told myself I should go. And I did. Even though I couldn't exactly call him a friend, he was close enough to fit the bill. And, I could tell, that it made a difference. Of all the people there, he never expected me to be there. And when he saw me, it broke him. Not break, as in a bad way. But his composure was shattered, and the only thing he could do was come up and hug me.

You could see it in his eyes. You could hear it in his voice. In this room of people, this sea of faces, of distant family, and older people he didn't know, he wasn't alone. He never expected me to be there. Never expected me to care, or understand. And yet, there I was.

Hugged me. Cried. And with shaking hands, shook mine. I couldn't say much. But the point was made. And sometimes, that's all you can do.

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:31:03 PM »
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done.

There are no saints. Everybody has baggage. Everybody has a bad side. The reason you've never heard them speak about it, is because they're a myth. A saint is not some holier than thou person. We are all flawed. But that doesn't change the fact people have the capability in them to do something special for others, even if it's small.

The Flood / Re: Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:28:42 PM »
Well, folks always read my big walls of shit, so the least I can do is read yours. It's a good thing. We often forget how much of a difference some of the little things can make.

Sometimes, you don't have to move a mountain for somebody. All you have to do is make them smile. One little bright spot on a bad day. I know the feeling well. Tossing in some spare bucks in my pocket for folks who are short. Help when I see that they need a hand. A comment, that let's them know that I know, and that they aren't alone.

Our impacts, don't have to be massive to be world changing and life changing. Because of all the memories I remember, it's the small ones. The smiles from strangers I received on bad days. The comments, and the eyes of people you look at, and you know, that they can see that you need something, you need help. A leg up. One singular moment to spark one last light for you, something to hang onto no matter how lost you seem.

Remember that. You don't have to be god to change somebody's life around. You don't have to have millions at your disposal. Just the simple will to help, even if it's as something as small as a handshake, for somebody who feels like they have nothing left.

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