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Messages - Sandtrap

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It depends on the information being asked for.

If it was something trivial to me, like some code to a safe or something, then fuck they wouldn't even have to start. I'd butler them in on a silver platter even. If it was something personal, to bring harm to a friend or family, somebody I care for, then I'd bite my tongue off, try to fuck myself over faster than they could.

The Flood / Re: It's a big, buggered up mess, ain't it flood?
« on: November 03, 2014, 11:15:06 AM »
Life has it's ups and downs. I can be quite cynical in times, but I still have my faith and trust in humanity.

As a whole, Humanity is an ugly creature. Its singular, special people, people that are like candles, providing light in the dark, yet still so fragile, that deserve that trust, and deserve that faith.

Yes, that is how I feel about humanity. A sea of darkness, with a lights few and far between.

Gotta make those candles burn like stars amigo. Let's get some fucking sunshine going today!

The Flood / Re: It's a big, buggered up mess, ain't it flood?
« on: November 03, 2014, 11:12:53 AM »
Life has it's ups and downs. I can be quite cynical in times, but I still have my faith and trust in humanity.

As a whole, Humanity is an ugly creature. Its singular, special people, people that are like candles, providing light in the dark, yet still so fragile, that deserve that trust, and deserve that faith.

The Flood / It's a big, buggered up mess, ain't it flood?
« on: November 03, 2014, 10:53:00 AM »
It is, isn't it today Flood? Take a look around. Take a look at yourselves. There's a lot of unhappiness around. I know that I'm not infallible. I too am subject to bouts of deep sadness. But, today, I'm going to make things different.

Some of you here, know that I work quite a bit for my family. Some of you, know that I do it for that little sick shard in me, out of self loathing and hate. But I do it for another reason. You people don't know what my family has gone through. You people don't want to. But know, that for every one of them, life was not fair. And it will never repay them for that unkindness. But I can.

This is why I stay. This is why I work. I make them a part of my life, because money can't repair them. Someone who is unbending in will, someone who cares, and loves can. I talked to my brother in law today. He's in his 70's. And this year, he seems to be really down. My sister fares better, but the fact is, he's got a million things to do, and he's running out of time.

Everybody never has enough time.

But I do. I'm 22. I can do whatever I put my head into.

So, do you know what I choose? Despite my life, as shitty as it was, as shitty as people have been to me, I choose to believe in the better parts of Human nature. I choose to go out into the world, and fight for that, in any way that I can. My family, my friends.

I sit, and I watch, all these people, falling to pieces around me. Even here, the struggle exists. And you know what I say? Not fucking today.

Years, are but a number. Money, is but a number. I can make it all back shortly, through work of mine. I'm going to take the current money in my possession, that I've scrounged up from all corners of work and couches, and give it to my brother in law. And I'm going to tell him to take my sister, and my little niece, and get the fuck out of here and go on a vacation for a bit.

I'm going to look at the people around me, that I care for, and like fucking hell am I going to let them sink. Not today folks. Not today.

All of you, in your woes, and your troubles, given to you by a world that seemingly doesn't care, by people who don't give a shit how much they hurt and bring misery, know that you're not alone. You can beat it.

And today, I'm going to change that. It's not much. It's not life changing. But, just this once, I'm going to change things. And tomorrow, I aim to do the same. And all of you folks here, should do it too. Power of choice right? You choose, everything.

I choose not to let things get the better of me, or the people I love and care for.

Gaming / Re: whoa wait a second
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:15:24 AM »
Callin' it. Callin' it right fucking now. It's an anti-air rocket launcher with lock on systems.
m8 do you even halo 2

and halo 4

That's the point. Ever since Halo 2 the lock on got nuked. So, rather than simply put the lock on back on, why not just make a whole seperate weapon system specifically for aircraft?

Gaming / Re: 9 more days....
« on: November 02, 2014, 06:05:39 PM »
Honestly, this shit pisses me off. Usually, when I get games, I'm a few days late. So I have to play catch-up with my friends. But, the serious chances of me getting an xbone and all the shit that comes with for me to make things work, are basically zip. So much so that at this point, I may as well not even fucking bother.

By the time I pick up the MCC, all my friends will have played the shit out of it, and I'll be on my own doing my own shit as usual. Which fucking blows because Halo has always been the true uniting game for me and co. And they're all coming back for it. And this time, I'm not going to be there for the party.

The Flood / Re: SPIDERS!
« on: November 02, 2014, 05:46:51 PM »

Fuck that. It's based door spider! Eating all the shit in my house one day at a time.

The Flood / Re: An attractive girl/guy is drunk
« on: November 02, 2014, 01:23:17 PM »
I'd rather not wake up in bed to a big shitty mess of problems in the morning. Awkardness. Accusations. No thanks.

TFW you wonder what the fuck somebody on the other end thinks when you were born in 1902.

Gaming / Re: whoa wait a second
« on: November 01, 2014, 06:19:29 PM »
Callin' it. Callin' it right fucking now. It's an anti-air rocket launcher with lock on systems.

Serious / Re: Say Russia colonizes mars first
« on: November 01, 2014, 03:45:24 PM »
That's the similar thing as the nuclear umbrella. Nobody can ensure whether or not if you launch a nuke off a planet then none won't hit back one of yours. In the same way, Russia could have nuked any of the European countries with the uncertainty that the US would have retailed on Russian lands.

The interesting question I have is this. What if one country colonizes a planet, controls it completely, and prospers? What reason would they have to no longer stay true to the "I won't fire my nukes if you don't fire yours" rule?

Because they could spark old hatreds once more. And they would have complete immunity to the repurcussions because they control another world. We couldn't lob nukes over to mars in precision strikes. Not fast enough anyway.

Consider that little question.

That's the point though. At that point, old russia on earth would just be dead weight. Russia owns the vast majority of a planet. Governments view people as pawns. And I can tell you Putin wouldn't bat a fucking eyelash in the morning about seeing russia caught in the crossfire. If they pulled all their assests out, then it'd be fair game.

The Flood / Re: I've Tried DP For The First Time In Years...
« on: November 01, 2014, 03:41:30 PM »
Am I the only one aound here, who when having soda, shakes it up so it doesn't burn so much?

Gaming / Re: 10 more days....
« on: November 01, 2014, 01:01:25 PM »
TFW I'm going to miss all of it.


Too much. All the costs add up to something I not only can't afford, but something I can't waste that much money on.

Gaming / Re: 10 more days....
« on: November 01, 2014, 10:39:46 AM »
TFW I'm going to miss all of it.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone here just feel worthless?
« on: November 01, 2014, 10:32:45 AM »
Worthlessness is the default end state of life.

Is it? Come on, look a little harder.

The Flood / Re: And thus, I commit account suicide
« on: November 01, 2014, 10:31:05 AM »
This...this is really good.
Why did you act like this was bad or twisted in any way?


This one's an easier going one. In fact I think it's the first ever standard human and human thing I've ever written. Everything else, is different.

I keep this close to me, because it's hard to find people who walk this blurred line that I do. But, back to things.

Told ya I had some class.
I find nothing shameful in this. It's well written, tasteful and clearly had a lot of passion put into it. Anyone that has an issue with this is probably just squeamish about sexual encounters.

I've actually gained a lot more respect from you after reading this.

I don't know about you, but it's been a good night for me. Very good indeed.

You know, looking back now, I realize I did a lot of work on this piece. It was a spontaneous idea. And I finished it in roughly two days. But I put a lot of time into this. When I say two days, I really mean two days worth of time spent writing. And most of all, looking through it, I realize all the little things I put into this piece.

I looked deep back into my memories of Halo lore. Did some research on what I didn't remember. I found the dates. Did the math on Danielle's age. I even looked up the list of every single Spartan II in canon, and found a service tag that wasn't used. As much as I've always wanted to write about a Spartan, I held off on it. Because to me, their idea, their concept, and in the story, they are respectable people.

I didn't want a mary sue character. I didn't want her to be "outside" of what a Spartan was, and is. So in that regard, when I started this, from the beginning, I created a character for the sole purpose of killing them. I played my sad music as I wrote the ending, paused and took breaks to clear my head.

I don't know about you, but this piece, in some strange way, breaks my heart. But I'm glad that I wrote it. And personally, I don't think I could have done any better. Most of all, it was good to come back to Halo. I haven't written anything in a long time for it. And this shows how much I've changed over the years, as I've put out stories, and grown as a person.

I hope, that in the years to follow, I can keep doing this, pieces of work like this. And I hope, that along the way, that any people who stick around to read what my strange mind can spin up enjoy what I write. I would never trade this for anything.
In all honesty, have you considered the idea of novel writing?

I don't have the drive for novels. I've always been a short story writer. Like a friend of mine says, short stories are just short novels really. But, you can always take a bundle of short stories and make a novel collection of them. And, I probably would have the number of stories to do it. I've got about 36 completed works, and the unfinished ones bump me up to something like 48. But, in the meantime, no, it's never crossed my mind.
This. You should do this.
I actually enjoy novels that are collections of short stories, makes them easier to read through. Like one a night before bed kind of thing.

Something to consider. Anywho, getting late. I am tired now. But, before I go, since I have a feeling you'll be the only one to have a conversation with, what'd ya think about it? Like I said, taking a look at things, it's fucking amazing all the little things I subconsciously crammed into the bit. Little inspirations and so on.

Like I said, I don't think I could have pulled this off any better. But, some external pair of eyes would be nice on the subject. Best parts? Worst parts? That sort of stuff. I even think I pulled all the stops out on grammar as well. Usually miss a few bits and pieces. Anywho, I'll be off. tootles.
As someone who has read most of the Halo novels, I really really appreciate your attention to detail. It even felt like I was reading one of the novels. How fast was that hog going that it was enough to outright kill a hunter? Must've been going pretty damn fast.

The only thing I can really say is that I was slightly confused in the beginning since I connected the name Douglas to the spartan Douglas, but that was quickly cleared up so no big deal.

Warthog was going full blast. The thing about Hunters is, is even though their armour is thick, I imagine that their suits are partly mechanized. They aren't completely indestructable. And one of them got hit in the back. Even if their armour wasn't damaged, the shockwaves alone, directly over an exposed area, reverberating off the metal would kill the worms.

Ever had something metal in your hands, a long wrench or something, a tool of some kind, and have it been struck? Those vibrations, depending on the strength, hurt.
So if that's the case, I'd imagine that the front of the hog was probably impaled by the hunter's spikes.

In combat, the spikes of a hunter stick p. It is unlikely a 'hog can be impaled on them unless it had ramped off a cliff or something.

Their spikes don't stick up, so much as they stick out. The longest spines of theirs seem to be roughly half the length as the Hunter is tall, so you're looking at 6 feet long minimum. The top ones flare, but generally there's always spines hanging around on the back of them.

Serious / Re: Say Russia colonizes mars first
« on: November 01, 2014, 10:27:13 AM »
The interesting question I have is this. What if one country colonizes a planet, controls it completely, and prospers? What reason would they have to no longer stay true to the "I won't fire my nukes if you don't fire yours" rule?

Because they could spark old hatreds once more. And they would have complete immunity to the repurcussions because they control another world. We couldn't lob nukes over to mars in precision strikes. Not fast enough anyway.

Consider that little question.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone here just feel worthless?
« on: November 01, 2014, 10:23:10 AM »
I feel worthless, maybe sometimes, things would be better off without me. That's how I tend to feel about it general.

Is that a question? Or a belief? A question, as in a potential of what would happen where you not here anymore? Or a belief? Nobody would care about your passing? Your life, and everything thus far would just wink out, and no one would bat an eye?

The Flood / Re: Does anyone here just feel worthless?
« on: November 01, 2014, 09:12:14 AM »
An average fate for the average every day person. It's a rat trap. Today's world, society in particular is terrible for people growing up. Because before people really know what they want to do with their life, they're given the boot by parents. Every face you turn to for help says "get a job." And, with seemingly nothing left to do, that's what most kids do.

And it crushes them. They get caught and trapped completely. But that's not what it should be. And the point is, that's not all there is to it. I can't help you. Even if I knew you, I couldn't. Because it's all a matter of choice. But I understand.

You're likely stuck in a city. Cities, in this day and age serve one purpose. Trap people. It's a self serving goal. Without people, cities don't function. And when they don't function, there's no profit. No expendature. And over the last 100 years, society has changed. People have been slowly pushed into cities and large settlements, to fufill that need.

Point is, while cities have a lot to offer, a lot to see and a lot to do for those who know what they're doing, at their core, they're traps. In order to live in them, you need money. And so you work. Just to stay alive, just to feed yourself, just to pay off every single rising bill and cost. And the job wants more time of yours.

But it all comes down to you. Change doesn't happen overnight. But you should try looking at things. Look around, for something that captures your interest. Nowadays, it seems time is short for everybody. There's never enough of it. But, if you care enough, if you want to, you will make time. Like right now. I'm typing this in between breakfasts at my morning job. I'm busy. But I make time, because time to me, is the most valuable thing. And I know, it's hard. How do you stand up, look around, out there amongst every possibility, and find something you like?

How do you make time, to search, to learn and grow? That's not something I can answer. Because it all comes down to you. And you, just like me, have a road to walk. Separate from mine. But know that it always comes down to you. It's all your choice. It always has been. So that means, it's you choice to change. Your choice to grow. Your choice to find something more that what a flimsy society could ever offer.

The Flood / Re: And thus, I commit account suicide
« on: November 01, 2014, 08:41:19 AM »
Remind me to read this like, tomorrow or something.

Daily reminder that reading and light fapping before bed time is a good thing.

The Flood / Re: >mfw kid throws an egg at my car
« on: October 31, 2014, 10:25:47 PM »
You know, sometimes late night kids stop by my place, and fuck around with plants in my mothers garden? They even took one of my plants, smashed its pot, and ran over the cactus in it.

Not tonight. If I see any mother fuckers setting foot near my property, I'm stepping out with my trusty chinese pizza cleaver.
Kill them Sandy.
Kill them all.

I shall throw my dead cactus at them.

The Flood / Re: >mfw kid throws an egg at my car
« on: October 31, 2014, 09:01:28 PM »
You know, sometimes late night kids stop by my place, and fuck around with plants in my mothers garden? They even took one of my plants, smashed its pot, and ran over the cactus in it.

Not tonight. If I see any mother fuckers setting foot near my property, I'm stepping out with my trusty chinese pizza cleaver.

Chinese pizza cleaver

It's a chinese cleaver. But I use it for cutting whole pizzas. Chinese pizza cleaver.

The Flood / Re: >tfw nothing to do on halloween
« on: October 31, 2014, 08:59:52 PM »
TFW writing late Halloween story.

The Flood / Re: >mfw kid throws an egg at my car
« on: October 31, 2014, 08:58:33 PM »
You know, sometimes late night kids stop by my place, and fuck around with plants in my mothers garden? They even took one of my plants, smashed its pot, and ran over the cactus in it.

Not tonight. If I see any mother fuckers setting foot near my property, I'm stepping out with my trusty chinese pizza cleaver.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Users Exposed!
« on: October 31, 2014, 06:59:03 PM »
Oh so I get banned for Chicken Mc Niggits but he keeps Nagger? GG Microsoft banhammer team.

It's based on whether or not someone reports you for it.

Did you kick anyone's ass in a video game? If so they likely used that to get back at you.

Ye. Many a year ago I was a part time steam roller in Halo. The rage was real.

Gaming / Re: Heads up: "Remaking a Legend" is up already
« on: October 31, 2014, 05:41:21 PM »
>TFW when the noise of a Hunter moving is produced by two leather jackets being rustled together

We need hunters in leather jackets.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Users Exposed!
« on: October 31, 2014, 05:38:26 PM »
Oh so I get banned for Chicken Mc Niggits but he keeps Nagger? GG Microsoft banhammer team.

Gaming / Re: Do you still follow Halo?
« on: October 31, 2014, 12:33:29 PM »
Loosely. Over the years the nasty blows to the series really just bummed me out, and it's a spark I can't really seem to re-ignite anymore. I'm enjoying these embers while they last.

The Flood / Re: And thus, I commit account suicide
« on: October 31, 2014, 12:05:32 PM »

Serious / Re: College Feels Pointless
« on: October 31, 2014, 08:53:25 AM »
Well, the further you go along, the more challenging things should get no? Stick it out in the splashy pool for a while and wait until they throw you in with the sharks in the ocean. It'll have to happen eventually.

Or, accelerate things.

Learn on your own. Challenge yourself.

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