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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: Empathizing with the 1%
« on: November 05, 2014, 06:28:10 PM »
And you know what you need to get there? Money

Not true.

Over 8 months of winter, fuck yeah you do. Over hundreds of miles with a child to care for, in -30 degree weather, fuck yeah you do. Because up here, doing things without the system, or not having a setup for yourself that can operate on it's own, means you die.

The Flood / Re: Empathizing with the 1%
« on: November 05, 2014, 06:23:57 PM »
Yeah, and you know what? Those areas are either owned by the hundreds worth of acres, and sell for millions, or are small properties that are held tooth and claw by their owners. There is nowhere else. In fact, the way they live, compared to me, while being only roughly 30 miles away, is cheaper than the prices I have to pay.

There are plenty of places to live.

And you know what you need to get there? Money. My sister lives on a property that is paid off completely. and that's all that matters. Because up here, land is not easily claimed. The amount of money required to pack up, and move could do 10x more for them on their own property.

And you're going in circles. They already live in a secure place. Their issue is not the location. It's the money. No matter where you go up here, it's the money. No matter where you run, you can't beat shitty weather, not up here.

The Flood / Re: Empathizing with the 1%
« on: November 05, 2014, 06:17:16 PM »

Where do they live? They may want to consider moving to a better area.

"consider moving"

I don't get it. There's obviously areas where growing would be superior.

Yeah, and you know what? Those areas are either owned by the hundreds worth of acres, and sell for millions, or are small properties that are held tooth and claw by their owners. There is nowhere else. In fact, the way they live, compared to me, while being only roughly 30 miles away, is cheaper than the prices I have to pay.

The Flood / Re: Empathizing with the 1%
« on: November 05, 2014, 06:14:03 PM »

Where do they live? They may want to consider moving to a better area.

"consider moving"

The Flood / Re: Empathizing with the 1%
« on: November 05, 2014, 06:10:36 PM »
I mean paying for the food to eat.

Not literally eating money lol

One could always grow their own.

Not everyone has the ability to do so. If it was that simple, people wouldn't go hungry.

I wish it was that simple, trust me.

Everyone could if they wanted, they'd just rather be dependent.

Neither of us are in the position to make that sort of claim. And you have to believe that. It's easier said then done.

Nothing is as simple as "they could if they wanted"

Because there could be a family trying their heart out, and still go hungry everyday. The world can be brutal and unforgiving

A good example of this would be last year. Last year was shitty year for gardens. My sister and her husband's garden, which they depend on for their vegetables throughout the course of the entire year, failed. And they tried. But you can't fight bad weather.

They got freebies from people who did better, and had extra to give, but it wasn't enough. So they had to use the credit cards. Over one winter they stacked up 15,000 dollars on food and gas alone. And this year, since they're paying the cards off, they're fucking failing and stalling in every other avenue because thye just don't have enough.

The Flood / Re: Empathizing with the 1%
« on: November 05, 2014, 06:00:30 PM »
Financial Freedom is something both beautiful, and sad.

Beautiful because it gives you the freedom to do whatever, whenever. (I'm talking legally, such as vacations and such)

Sad because so many people don't have the same freedom. Very few people get to see the world, and so many suffer and lose the basic human needs because they don't have money. It is sad that money dictates whether someone lives or dies, or whether or not they have food to eat and water to drink.

I know it's weird for me to say that, but it's true

You know what's sad in my eyes? The price paid. Everything you do, has a cost. Time. And time in your life is precious.

In order to make it that far up the ladder, time must be sacrificed. Time for family, time for friends. Time for self discovery and exploration. Your head has to be in the game 100%. Which is why it's sad. Because you see people, chasing a pipe dream with money. They spend their lives, their time away, trying to make it, trying to earn it, trying so hard in the vain misplaced hope that there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

And when they look back on their life, they realize, that even with all this wealth, or even in all their struggle, death will claim them. And so, their time was wasted. And they can't repair that with money.

The Flood / Re: Empathizing with the 1%
« on: November 05, 2014, 05:53:00 PM »
If I had as much money as the few families that run everything, I'd use it to find scientific and medical research. Being human is no excuse for being a shitty human being, and I have no empathy for people who actively destroy our planet and species.

For the most part, I don't either. I'm just saying, that despite how shitty these people are, and can be, you have to remember that they're people. Who's to say that after you dumped all your money into research and couldn't dump anymore in to speed shit up, that you too wouldn't lose focus?

The Flood / Empathizing with the 1%
« on: November 05, 2014, 05:38:19 PM »
Just doing some thinking here. I always like to try and put my boots down into another perspective, which helps me make sense of the world, and its people. Because, primarily, people are strange. They do strange things, they do questionable things, and they do terrible things. From my perspective. From theirs, however, it's a different story.

And so I come to one of the most alien form of people I can think of. The so called, 1%. An elite group of people, scattered across the globe, who form up a circle of the worlds richest.

And, in our current society, the richest hold all the strings. All the power. And with so much power, they seem to bring nothing but trivial conflict and foolish waste, unfairness and pointless destruction with their greed.

But why? Why is that so? Well, I pose a question.

You go to sleep one night. And you wake up. In your name, in the morning, you've just gained over 100,000,000 dollars. And this happens all day. Every day. Every night. Every minute. There are, people out there int he world, with more accumulated money in their name than entire countries.

So I pose to you, what would you do?

Because our society as it stands is founded on money. Money, grants you access to things. And with so much money, everything becomes an option. Every single thing you could ever think of, becomes something you can grasp. And not only that, but it becomes effortless to attain.

So, what happens, when you can go anywhere? Buy anything? Do, literally anything you can think of? What happens, when there's no challenge? Because let's face it, we as people need a driving, life goal of sorts to keep ourselves occupied. Like a hobby, except with more intensity.

The answer is, with so much power, it becomes boring. So what's left?

Playing god. Not only that, but playing god with a select few. A board game. And, let's face it here. When you have that much power, that much sway, people on the bottom become pawns. Assets and resources. Countries become locations to own. Armies and wars, political shifts in power, collapses and new reforms, your weapon of choice to claim something on the board.

It's all one big board game. And, really, look at it. Why wouldn't it be? The only challenge remaining is the other players on the field, other wealthy people who own as much as you do.

But, the key point here, is that despite how, to me anyway, how awful that seems, it doesn't change the fact that these are people. They are subject to the same laws that you and me are. And so, this board game of theirs is simply the result of their lifestyle and their choices.

And they can't see that. And, honestly, that sucks.

However, they aren't neccessarily villains. They are people too. Likes, dislikes, hobbies, families. I've walked alongside a few rich people in my life. Nothing so grand as what I mention here. But grand enough to be one of the richest men in canada. And yet simple enough, that on time off, he comes down to my rickety old little restaurant and buys pies. These people do their thing, like me and you, and from their eyes, what they do, is their way of life.

Unfortunately, and thankfully, nothing lasts forever. At one point, this board game will end. Through revolution or total collapse, or revision and evolution.

I'm not a big fan of society as it stands today. But I don't wish for a collapse. Collapse implies the breaking of something. With breaking, comes pain, unnessesary conflict, and meaningless death and troubles.

Here's to hoping that one day, people don't demonize one another and mark one another out as a soulles machine on one end of things. A face or a mask to be destroyed, with no humanity behind it.

What the rich folks up top pulling th strings are doing isn't right. But it's in human nature, to fuck up like that.

So in that regard, take a look in the mirror first before you start flinging shit.

The Flood / Re: A final formal apology
« on: November 05, 2014, 05:06:45 PM »
No apologies needed. You didn't step into the wrong here. The real issue is lack of empathy from other folks. But, let's face it, who the fuck wouldn't be jealous in some bit?

There's a man, that occasionally comes into my restuarant. One of the richest men in Canada, a low level, multi-billionaire. I've seen this dude's property, his land, his equipment. And as simple as I am, what I wouldn't give to have even a fraction of all that for myself.

But, I understand that in order to do so, sacrifices would have to be made. So would it really be worth it, in the end? The chance of losing sight of what really matters to me? I wager, no, it's not worth it. And so I choose this.

Am I still jealous, just a bit? Sure thing. This man can go anywhere, do anything, on a whim. But, such is the way of things.

In the end, we're all just people. You're not soulless because of your supposed wealth. And, compared to most, you don't seem like a sack of old sacks when paired up against other wealthy people I've met and seen before.

You don't need to change a damn thing.

The Flood / Re: Friendly Confession Thread
« on: November 05, 2014, 04:32:38 PM »
I don't usually spill my guts until someone inquires and that is next to never. Sorry I'm not optimal for this thread.

Then I'll inquire. Who are the folks you admire or have any sort of fondness for in any regard?

Serious / Re: I'm starting to lose it
« on: November 05, 2014, 02:44:18 PM »

There you go, as quick as I could, a lot of ground to cover. Gonna be busy now, but give it a listen. Faster than I can currently write today at the moment.

Serious / Re: I'm starting to lose it
« on: November 05, 2014, 02:12:20 PM »
Okay bud. I'm going to do something here for you. I don't have the time to fire off a huge wall of writing, but I can speak faster than I can write today, so that's what I'm going to do in a little bit. Speak for you, to you, because speaking one's mind helps.

And you need to listen. Give me time, and I'll have something for you.

The Flood / Re: I got new tires for my car yesterday
« on: November 05, 2014, 01:58:40 PM »
But did you get snow tires?

The Flood / Re: Friendly Confession Thread
« on: November 05, 2014, 01:54:01 PM »
One of the few people I actually feel I owe something to, considering her support during my moments of need.

Mr P:
Interesting, understanding and decent to talk to. A man of immense intellect and considerable foresight; if he were my personal planner I never would've crashed a utility vehicle, fucked up a guy's greenhouse or done anything stupid.

A quasi-Buddhist, overly-emotional manchild. But goddamn he's fucking genuine, and that's probably one of the most admirable qualities you can find in a person. I don't care what it is he's saying, I will read what he writes just for how he says it, and to get a refreshing dose of reality. Maybe I find his attitudes occasionally frustrating because they're so alien, but nonetheless I find him respectable.

My nigger, really.

That's all I can be bothered to do.
Such kind words Meta! See, little sunshine in this place never hurt.

Although I wasn't aware I was a manchild. That's a new one. Maybe, inside my noggin. Outside, na. Overly emotional? Maybe. But, emotions never hurt, so long as you don't let them override you, which, is easier said than done some days. But, in general?

NOT FUCKING TODAY SON! Winter's here. No more depressy bullshit that comes with the seasons. I am free of all chains now. Smell that damn cold air and look at all that fucking snow. It's showtime for a new year of mine.

Sunshine folks, this place looks better already with it.

The Flood / Re: One will protect you, the other 8 will try to kill you
« on: November 05, 2014, 01:11:35 PM »
The interesting thing about this, is that these people are a little more grounded.

Django is a gunsmith, potentially the best on the list, but is limited by the technology of his time.

Yellow suit woman from kill bill, extremely dangerous in close quarters, durable, stubborn, not easy to take down.

Likewise, V is extremely dangerous in close quarters, is, to some extent vaguely superhuman, but his main role is stealth.

Hit girl, is a small walking armoury, and has the advantage of being underestimated.

Leonidas is a Spartan, the head honcho of Sparta. Enough said. But then, he's limited to the tech of his age.

Riddick, is a future varient of Humanity across the stars, and likes to kill people with cups. Future tech bonus too. But he's a loner. And piss poor at defending.

Matt Damon from the bourne series, is an assassin, a tool to perfection.

Night owl is basically a toned down Batman.

And Sarah Conner is resourceful, stubborn, and intelligent. But she's a loner.

The interesting thing about these choices are, is that some of these people are piss poor at defending. They have to run, they have to hide. And unless you're able to keep up with them, you're fucked. Personally, I'd go with riddick.

Riddick has almost no conscience, which means he wouldn't hesitate to to kill any of the women on the list, and he probably wouldn't bat much of an eye on knocking hit girl around. Although he's a piss poor guardian, if he told you to run, he could probably make a fucking mess of everybody while they came after you.
I think you're forgetting the immense technological advantage Nite Owl has at his disposal.

But of all the people there, Nite owl is, to some degree, one of the softest people. You telling me he'd nuke hit girl? I don't fucking think so. Subdue maybe. But not kill.
If he plays it smart he could just chill in Archie from above. He also has non lethal weapons at his disposal if he ever gets touchy feely about killing a little girl.

If we're going by rescources here, I think Riddick has Nite Owl smoked. At one point in time, he was the head honcho of an entire (don't kill me for not remembering the terms) Necrolite fleet. Ships trad Riddick's hands like coins. And I'd be willing to bet Riddick's tech is a hell of a lot more advanced than what Nite Owl can pack.
If we're going by standard loadout then his repertoire includes those curved knives he loves to use, but not much else. Unless he stumbles on a Necromonger fleet or something, his tech's going to be extremely limited. Of course, his preferred approach to combat is stealth, but that isn't really going to prove much difficulty to Nite Owl given his aerial superiority and night vision.

Don't make the same mistake as I did in the last thread. Remember, their objective is to protect you, not kill the others. From what I can tell, Archie offers the best source of defense than anyone else.

That makes sense. However, there's a problem. If you're up there chillin' out maxin' relaxin all cool with Nite Owl, there are 8 people groundside to deal with.

Sarah Conner has access to heavy weaponry.

Hit girl has access to heavy weaponry.

I'd bet money it wouldn't take long for Riddick to find some as well.

God forbid if V did some stealth kills and got control of an installation since he is decent at hacking as well.

You're safe, but for how long? Because going on the offense in archie means you're in the line of fire.
Sarah Conner does have access to potent weaponry, but last I checked they weren't AA.

Hit Girl on the other hand? Yeah, she proves a bit of a problem, especially if she has that jetpack from the first film. Although it isn't as maneuverable or developed for long periods of flight like Archie is. She'd have to really prepare ahead with prior knowledge to get the jump on him, which she doesn't have.

It depends where the fight is taking place if Riddick were to get his hands on tech from his universe. I doubt it'd just fall out the sky. If the fight is taking place in our universe, then that pretty much rules him out on obtaining tech. If not, well again, depends where in his universe it's taking place.

V? I never saw him use anything more advanced than close quarters weaponry (going by the movie here, haven't read the comic). Sure, he has access to explosives and poisons, but what's that going to do against Archie mid flight? I wouldn't really consider him a viable threat, unless Nite Owl decides to go full retard and take him head on.

Really, I think Hit Girl is the only one that poses a legitimate threat, but again, she'd have to really invest a decent amount of time in planning if she wants to take down Archie. Planning and thinking ahead isn't exactly within the realms of her character though. She's pretty impulsive and cocky.

If I ruled out Archie there'd be no doubt that they two main contenders would be HG and Riddick, but I just think the ship offers too much for me to decline Nite Owl as an option.

I was thinking in terms of standard earth. I mean riddick could land himself in a military base, mop the floor with the militarymen in there, and take their shit. They, have AA equipment.

V is primarily stealth and CQC, but he's a hacker. He knows how to get into networks. You know what networks have in them? AA military grade equipment codes.

Matt Damon? Same as Riddick and V.

Plus, these people are trying to kill you. They're on the same side. They'd be working together. You telling me they couldn't get up to some really fucking dammicky shit?

The Flood / Re: Things that piss you off way more than they should
« on: November 05, 2014, 12:58:16 PM »
I fucking hate getting stuck. Stuck in mud, stuck in snow.

You have to be so gentle with your tires, otherwise they get coated in shit, lose traction, and then spin into ruts. I get really, really fucking pissy when it happens.

The Flood / Re: One will protect you, the other 8 will try to kill you
« on: November 05, 2014, 12:56:28 PM »
Damn Django is just badass so I'd have to go with him, for style points.

Making sure you die with style?

I can dig it.

The Flood / Re: One will protect you, the other 8 will try to kill you
« on: November 05, 2014, 12:51:41 PM »
Leonidas is a Spartan, the head honcho of Sparta. Enough said. But then, he's limited to the tech of his age.
I could be speaking straight out my ass here, but don't Spartans also operate better as collective soldiers in battle as opposed to 1 v 1(or in this case 8) situations? As in, they work in formation as a single unit.

Trained well in unit tactics, but that doesn't mean they don't know how to hold their own in a single one on one fight.

The Flood / Re: One will protect you, the other 8 will try to kill you
« on: November 05, 2014, 12:48:32 PM »
The interesting thing about this, is that these people are a little more grounded.

Django is a gunsmith, potentially the best on the list, but is limited by the technology of his time.

Yellow suit woman from kill bill, extremely dangerous in close quarters, durable, stubborn, not easy to take down.

Likewise, V is extremely dangerous in close quarters, is, to some extent vaguely superhuman, but his main role is stealth.

Hit girl, is a small walking armoury, and has the advantage of being underestimated.

Leonidas is a Spartan, the head honcho of Sparta. Enough said. But then, he's limited to the tech of his age.

Riddick, is a future varient of Humanity across the stars, and likes to kill people with cups. Future tech bonus too. But he's a loner. And piss poor at defending.

Matt Damon from the bourne series, is an assassin, a tool to perfection.

Night owl is basically a toned down Batman.

And Sarah Conner is resourceful, stubborn, and intelligent. But she's a loner.

The interesting thing about these choices are, is that some of these people are piss poor at defending. They have to run, they have to hide. And unless you're able to keep up with them, you're fucked. Personally, I'd go with riddick.

Riddick has almost no conscience, which means he wouldn't hesitate to to kill any of the women on the list, and he probably wouldn't bat much of an eye on knocking hit girl around. Although he's a piss poor guardian, if he told you to run, he could probably make a fucking mess of everybody while they came after you.
I think you're forgetting the immense technological advantage Nite Owl has at his disposal.

But of all the people there, Nite owl is, to some degree, one of the softest people. You telling me he'd nuke hit girl? I don't fucking think so. Subdue maybe. But not kill.
If he plays it smart he could just chill in Archie from above. He also has non lethal weapons at his disposal if he ever gets touchy feely about killing a little girl.

If we're going by rescources here, I think Riddick has Nite Owl smoked. At one point in time, he was the head honcho of an entire (don't kill me for not remembering the terms) Necrolite fleet. Ships trad Riddick's hands like coins. And I'd be willing to bet Riddick's tech is a hell of a lot more advanced than what Nite Owl can pack.
If we're going by standard loadout then his repertoire includes those curved knives he loves to use, but not much else. Unless he stumbles on a Necromonger fleet or something, his tech's going to be extremely limited. Of course, his preferred approach to combat is stealth, but that isn't really going to prove much difficulty to Nite Owl given his aerial superiority and night vision.

Don't make the same mistake as I did in the last thread. Remember, their objective is to protect you, not kill the others. From what I can tell, Archie offers the best source of defense than anyone else.

That makes sense. However, there's a problem. If you're up there chillin' out maxin' relaxin all cool with Nite Owl, there are 8 people groundside to deal with.

Sarah Conner has access to heavy weaponry.

Hit girl has access to heavy weaponry.

I'd bet money it wouldn't take long for Riddick to find some as well.

God forbid if V did some stealth kills and got control of an installation since he is decent at hacking as well.

You're safe, but for how long? Because going on the offense in archie means you're in the line of fire.

Edit: I forgot Matt Damon. A hyper lethal assassin is trouble too.

The Flood / Re: Friendly Confession Thread
« on: November 05, 2014, 12:43:27 PM »
What did my eye tell you?

Exciteability. Energy. Like a sugar rush. You can bounce around, up and down on a dime, filled with life. Hyperactive thought and feeling, spur of the moment type deal.

And then it crashes. You crash, slow down, and become more grounded. Less receptive, hardened. With that slowdown comes a shift in energy. Mild agression and irritability.

That's what I see.
You're not wrong

You were somewhat sporadic when you took the picture, no?

The Flood / Re: One will protect you, the other 8 will try to kill you
« on: November 05, 2014, 12:36:00 PM »
The interesting thing about this, is that these people are a little more grounded.

Django is a gunsmith, potentially the best on the list, but is limited by the technology of his time.

Yellow suit woman from kill bill, extremely dangerous in close quarters, durable, stubborn, not easy to take down.

Likewise, V is extremely dangerous in close quarters, is, to some extent vaguely superhuman, but his main role is stealth.

Hit girl, is a small walking armoury, and has the advantage of being underestimated.

Leonidas is a Spartan, the head honcho of Sparta. Enough said. But then, he's limited to the tech of his age.

Riddick, is a future varient of Humanity across the stars, and likes to kill people with cups. Future tech bonus too. But he's a loner. And piss poor at defending.

Matt Damon from the bourne series, is an assassin, a tool to perfection.

Night owl is basically a toned down Batman.

And Sarah Conner is resourceful, stubborn, and intelligent. But she's a loner.

The interesting thing about these choices are, is that some of these people are piss poor at defending. They have to run, they have to hide. And unless you're able to keep up with them, you're fucked. Personally, I'd go with riddick.

Riddick has almost no conscience, which means he wouldn't hesitate to to kill any of the women on the list, and he probably wouldn't bat much of an eye on knocking hit girl around. Although he's a piss poor guardian, if he told you to run, he could probably make a fucking mess of everybody while they came after you.
I think you're forgetting the immense technological advantage Nite Owl has at his disposal.

But of all the people there, Nite owl is, to some degree, one of the softest people. You telling me he'd nuke hit girl? I don't fucking think so. Subdue maybe. But not kill.
If he plays it smart he could just chill in Archie from above. He also has non lethal weapons at his disposal if he ever gets touchy feely about killing a little girl.

If we're going by rescources here, I think Riddick has Nite Owl smoked. At one point in time, he was the head honcho of an entire (don't kill me for not remembering the terms) Necrolite fleet. Ships trad Riddick's hands like coins. And I'd be willing to bet Riddick's tech is a hell of a lot more advanced than what Nite Owl can pack.

The Flood / Re: Friendly Confession Thread
« on: November 05, 2014, 12:32:27 PM »
What did my eye tell you?

Eyes in pictures, and eyes in motion, are two separate things. But to me, eyes have always been special. Movements, dilations, angles, a warmth that is projected through feelings.

But I can't read them like a book. I get hints, little things, that can't be put into words. Notions, feelings, a sense that goes beyond words. In order to really understand what I see, I need to learn a little bit more about the person.

So, what do I know about you? A fondness for spiders and reptiles. Indicates an overal fondness for animals. Supposedly, not a fan of the military or the capitalist society. That's all I really have for concrete evidence.

So what do I see?

Exciteability. Energy. Like a sugar rush. You can bounce around, up and down on a dime, filled with life. Hyperactive thought and feeling, spur of the moment type deal.

And then it crashes. You crash, slow down, and become more grounded. Less receptive, hardened. With that slowdown comes a shift in energy. Mild agression and irritability.

That's what I see.

The Flood / Re: One will protect you, the other 8 will try to kill you
« on: November 05, 2014, 12:20:49 PM »
The interesting thing about this, is that these people are a little more grounded.

Django is a gunsmith, potentially the best on the list, but is limited by the technology of his time.

Yellow suit woman from kill bill, extremely dangerous in close quarters, durable, stubborn, not easy to take down.

Likewise, V is extremely dangerous in close quarters, is, to some extent vaguely superhuman, but his main role is stealth.

Hit girl, is a small walking armoury, and has the advantage of being underestimated.

Leonidas is a Spartan, the head honcho of Sparta. Enough said. But then, he's limited to the tech of his age.

Riddick, is a future varient of Humanity across the stars, and likes to kill people with cups. Future tech bonus too. But he's a loner. And piss poor at defending.

Matt Damon from the bourne series, is an assassin, a tool to perfection.

Night owl is basically a toned down Batman.

And Sarah Conner is resourceful, stubborn, and intelligent. But she's a loner.

The interesting thing about these choices are, is that some of these people are piss poor at defending. They have to run, they have to hide. And unless you're able to keep up with them, you're fucked. Personally, I'd go with riddick.

Riddick has almost no conscience, which means he wouldn't hesitate to to kill any of the women on the list, and he probably wouldn't bat much of an eye on knocking hit girl around. Although he's a piss poor guardian, if he told you to run, he could probably make a fucking mess of everybody while they came after you.
I think you're forgetting the immense technological advantage Nite Owl has at his disposal.

But of all the people there, Nite owl is, to some degree, one of the softest people. You telling me he'd nuke hit girl? I don't fucking think so. Subdue maybe. But not kill.

The Flood / Re: Friendly Confession Thread
« on: November 05, 2014, 12:19:08 PM »

I really want to contribute but I'm awful at these

Good to see you're making this place a little more homey now though.

On the subject of being bad at these sorts of things, just be honest. Honesty is freedom, and through freedom you'll find words to speak.

I'm good at being honest
Despite my harmless trollin ways

It's the fact that everyone leaves impressions and I'm a shit person
I forget those I like.

My list up there? Only halfway complete. Names fade from memory of mine easily. Give it time and folks will show up eventually, resurface. Besides, internet is relatively timeless. There's no rush. You can pick up months old conversations with a finger snap. Easy peesy.

The Flood / Re: Friendly Confession Thread
« on: November 05, 2014, 12:07:37 PM »
I really want to contribute but I'm awful at these

Good to see you're making this place a little more homey now though.

On the subject of being bad at these sorts of things, just be honest. Honesty is freedom, and through freedom you'll find words to speak.

The Flood / Re: Friendly Confession Thread
« on: November 05, 2014, 12:02:24 PM »
Nothing on me :(

What part of BC dude did ya'll not recognize?

The Flood / Re: One will protect you, the other 8 will try to kill you
« on: November 05, 2014, 12:00:28 PM »
The interesting thing about this, is that these people are a little more grounded.

Django is a gunsmith, potentially the best on the list, but is limited by the technology of his time.

Yellow suit woman from kill bill, extremely dangerous in close quarters, durable, stubborn, not easy to take down.

Likewise, V is extremely dangerous in close quarters, is, to some extent vaguely superhuman, but his main role is stealth.

Hit girl, is a small walking armoury, and has the advantage of being underestimated.

Leonidas is a Spartan, the head honcho of Sparta. Enough said. But then, he's limited to the tech of his age.

Riddick, is a future varient of Humanity across the stars, and likes to kill people with cups. Future tech bonus too. But he's a loner. And piss poor at defending.

Matt Damon from the bourne series, is an assassin, a tool to perfection.

Night owl is basically a toned down Batman.

And Sarah Conner is resourceful, stubborn, and intelligent. But she's a loner.

The interesting thing about these choices are, is that some of these people are piss poor at defending. They have to run, they have to hide. And unless you're able to keep up with them, you're fucked. Personally, I'd go with riddick.

Riddick has almost no conscience, which means he wouldn't hesitate to to kill any of the women on the list, and he probably wouldn't bat much of an eye on knocking hit girl around. Although he's a piss poor guardian, if he told you to run, he could probably make a fucking mess of everybody while they came after you.

The Flood / Re: One will protect you, the other 8 will try to kill you
« on: November 05, 2014, 11:45:03 AM »
Okay this? I like this one. This one takes some thinking.

The Flood / Re: Friendly Confession Thread
« on: November 05, 2014, 11:35:54 AM »
>no one loves me

I shall love thee, Flee, even though I do not know you!

50 an hour.

The Flood / Re: I'm amazed
« on: November 05, 2014, 11:16:40 AM »
Gives one a special appreciation of who and what we are no? A respect, for how durable and adaptable we are. But, also a care, for realizing that despite it all, sometimes we can be so very fragile.

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