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Messages - Sandtrap

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Gaming / Re: You, too, can buy a Plasma Rifle replica!
« on: November 17, 2014, 09:17:07 PM »
20 pounds. Did they cast it out of Lead?

Also, how could you hold that without hurting yourself?

You tellin' me you can't effectively carry 20 pounds around with ya?

That does give me a good idea though. Have one of those rifles mounted on a wall. Home introduer comes in, is the red one as a blugeon!

News / Re: Apply to be a Monitor
« on: November 17, 2014, 05:20:34 PM »
I'll toss my hat in I suppose.

Roughly three quarters of the day I'm around here at some point in time. I keep tabs on things between running around in the restaurant, which at this point in the year, is a one man show. It's winter, and it will be for about 8 months, meaning I'm not going to be traveling, and I'll likely have very little work that'll pull me away from here.

Despite all the free time on my hands, I'm limited in my access to my computers however, and, naturally, I do other things than just browse around here all day. But for most times, I'm up in the early morning and up until fairly late in the night.

Earlier than most mods I've seen, and later as well. I could fill in the gaps in the early morning and night that don't seem to be very active, but still should be checked over.

You know me by now. I've no bias against folks and I try to keep things nice.

The Flood / Re: Santa Claus and a Snake Lady walk into a bar
« on: November 17, 2014, 04:59:44 PM »
The Giant Spider

The Congregation

Scorpioness Najka

Old Iron King


I got fisted by the king multiple times.


The Flood / Re: Santa Claus and a Snake Lady walk into a bar
« on: November 17, 2014, 04:58:17 PM »
Fucking sentinels, hate them.

Just to be clear we're both talking about Dark Souls 2 right?

The Flood / Re: Santa Claus and a Snake Lady walk into a bar
« on: November 17, 2014, 04:55:43 PM »

You don't even know the amount of dunkage.

The Flood / Santa Claus and a Snake Lady walk into a bar
« on: November 17, 2014, 04:52:24 PM »
And the ruin sentinels get fucked.


Serious / Re: New Study Suggests Genetic Link for Male Homosexuality
« on: November 17, 2014, 12:46:30 PM »

The Flood / Re: Fat
« on: November 17, 2014, 12:28:55 PM »
Speaking of fat, I bumped into an old classmate of mine. I honestly did a double take because I recognized the face but not the stature and body.

They used to be so skinny and now, well, they let themselves go. Makes me kind of sad.

Serious / Re: ITT: We discuss the psychophysics of internet trolling
« on: November 17, 2014, 12:13:30 PM »
Well, here's the thing partner. Emotions are a very real thing. And like it or not, they show up in our actions. They influence how we act. It's very subtle, but still there. And words, are not immune to this. Although the internet dilutes the "feeling" or even generates a pre-concieved one, it's still there.

A really noticable example of this would be artists. Musicians. Some artists, some musicians, channel what they're feeling into their work williingly, and consciously. And they're so good at it, that they can legitimately influence people directly.

Opera singers make their audience cry. The audience isn't crying for no reason. Because in their voice, that opera singer is channeling that. Making that audience feel, what they feel. A good song that makes you smile. A horror movie that scares the shit out of you.

Our entire world is laced with emotions that seep into our works.

So what is an internet troll?

An asshole.

And they emit that in their writing, and their actions on the internet. They're negative people. And they're so good at what they do, that they can manipulate a user on the other end into feeling that negativity as well.

Just like an artist's picture that generates a feeling in you. Just like a song that can make you smile no matter what. Their words are laced with that feeling, that mood, and that will.

People feed off each other. Put two positive people together, and they raise each other. Two negatives, they sink each other. A negative and a positive? Depending on which side is stronger, the positive will raise the negative and balance them. Or the negative will sink the positive down to their level.

That's what an "internet troll" is.

The negative side of a very, very wide spectrum.

« on: November 17, 2014, 12:03:18 PM »
I will find a way to banepost this thread

I'm gonna do something better. I'm going to take this thread seriously. And therefore, talk seriously.

Serious / Re: Predict the year the human population goes extinct
« on: November 17, 2014, 11:58:26 AM »
People are durable. People are adaptive. That's why we exist in the manner that we do today. Because we're extremely adaptive. But we aren't without weakness. So, let's start with those.

We're fucked when it comes to temperature extremes. Too much heat, we die, too much cold, we die. At 0 degrees celcius, a naked human being would die of exposure to the cold in around 20 minutes. With no shelter, or shade in 30 degree weather or above, people die.

Our numbers are a weakness. The more people there are, the bigger the footprint. The bigger the group, the lower the collective IQ. Mob mentality overtakes rational functions.

Food isn't much of an issue for us, because we can eat just about anything. However, the problem is, all of our food is dependant on the sun. Knock that out, and we're fucked completely.

So, take a look at what's happening today. The environment is shifting, accelerating faster in its changes and things can't keep up. Eco systems are being toppled and set off balance. We're building up a nifty collection of toxic chemicals around us in our daily lives, introducing ourselves to new conditions and diseases, as well as polluting the atmosphere. All it would take was one good push.

Assuming the worst were to happen, I'd go with the span of five hundred years.

As the population whittles, the impact of deaths becomes less noticable, and the fight to survive, ironically becomes easier for singular people. But there's a point of no return when you have only a handful of singular people.

If some big disaster happened, the deaths at the beginning would become staggering because of our weakness. Numbers.

The survivors would have an easier time surviving even off limited food or in hostile environments. But one by one, they'd get picked off if the environments grew increasingly extreme.

The death of our species, will in all likelyhood, not be instant. It'll be slow, and drawn out, because of how adaptable and stubborn we are.

Like I said.

500 years.

Gaming / Re: Halo 2 Anniversary is a blast.
« on: November 17, 2014, 11:15:24 AM »
It irrates me 343 can make H2A multiplayer perfect then want to make Halo 5 how it is.
AKA You want 343i to make a Halo 2 clone.

Halo 2 Anniversary MP is literally a Halo 2 clone minus the glitches.

This goddamn community is ridiculous. Halo 5's a fucking Arena game that expands upon Halo's MP, but suddenly that's too far (farther than Halo 4 apparently...), especially with the game being over a year out from launch.

Nope, I just don't blindly accept any change as holy and wonderful.
H2A added interactive pieces on the maps and I'm not bothered.  It was a good change.  Sprint, ADS like every other game now a days has (inb4 it's the same zoom but different), 1 hit kill ground pound, etc just aren't good.
But you do blindly adhere to what is tried and true, stagnating progress.

Additionally, you also imply that I am treating the new Halo 5 abilities as holy. Instead, I do not mind them, and think they can work well. However, I do agree with a lot of criticism regarding ground pound.

Also, if you are complaining about an aesthetic animation that has absolutely no effect on gameplay, I pity your lack of judgmental depth.

Well because it worked.  You don't see chess or football radically changing every year to keep people interested.  They all have there niches, which Halo had till it started losing its identity.  Clamber removes trick jumps (something popular with Halo), had a unique zoom but now it has the generic aim down sight, ground pound is a one hit kill, and medals for literally everything.  It is better than Halo 4 though.
The context of a physical sport is a lot different than a video game. Especially since the video game industry has thousands of different games released every year, whereas athletic sports have remained static for quite a long time.

As for chess, chess has remain unchanged for so long because it is hundreds of years old, and there is no official authority that can dictate or modify the game.

Interestingly enough, if we look at Chess' popularity, yes it is well known and widely recognized, but it is not something that you see everyone playing, on TV, or in widely recognized events anymore. A comparable analog in the video game industry would be Pong. It is highly recognized among gamers and has remain unchanged, yet few people even play it, let alone own a copy.

In a sense, the clamber mechanic does remove trick jumps. But that's assuming that the maps are being built in classic Halo fashion. They are not. So now, the trick jumps become how to get closest to a far away ledge in order to clamber up.
LOL Thousands of games a year? Athletic sports have remained static because it encourages competition and mastering the sport. If it were to change every year, the pros of yesterday would have to learn all over again. It wouldn't be competitive, the rules would start to get stupider every time simply in the name of "progress and change" while getting rid of the thrill the sport originally gave you every time you played.

Same with Chess (which is thousands of years old). It has barely changed over thousands of years. It's still an incredibly popular game and people still play it to this day, and there are huge championships and events all over the world. How long do you think Chess would have survived had it been changed every year? It probably wouldn't even be called Chess today, or people would've gotten bored of its ridiculous and unnecessary changes and the original version which people had loved would've been lost to time.

You people have been brainwashed by these corporate executives ruining our games and chanting "innovation" every chance they get. Change is NOT good if it makes the game less competitive, less fun, too easy, and requiring less effort and ruining the whole subculture it created. It meant something back in the day to be really good at Halo. Whether it was SLASO (Mythic Campaign) or playing extremely well in Matchmaking, it meant you were skilled. Just like if somebody says they're great at Chess means more than somebody saying they're great at Connect Four. People would watch MLG tournaments of Halo because it was incredible to see these really skilled players duke it out.

Now that's all gone. In the name of "innovation" but really in the name of making it more accessible to shitty players and rewarding shitty players so they can make a few more bucks. Lowering the quality of games across the board and making video games time killers instead of something comparable to Chess. You wanna sit there and defend the people ruining one of the greatest games ever made which to this day has yet to bore me because "innovation"? Go ahead. But don't you dare call yourself a Halo fan.

I'm just going out on a limb here. Because all of you seem to be forgetting something here.

343 made a collective bundle with all the great Halo games and their respective MPs, all in one hub based game. Why?

Because the community is fractured. There's no uniting it. But what 343 can do, is give everybody what they want. The Halo 3 fans, get Halo 3 back. The Halo 2 fans, get their multiplayer back. The CE fans get their multiplayer back.

Most of all, there's a dilemma. How does 343 make a new Halo game, and include multiplayer into it in this day and age? Because how can they when they have CE, 2, 3, and even 4 to compete with? How do they release a new game practically yearly with mp in it without it seeming like it's merely map DLC for the last game?

Here's the simple answer.

They change, because they have to. But they're not doing it and leaving everybody behind. Because they made a hub based Halo were fans can play what they want, as they wish. That's what's beautiful about it!

Choice. You have the choice to play Halo 5's MP. If you don't like it, you can fall back on your favorite Halo because that's now an option.

If you want to start slinging the word "fan" around, then you can't call yourself a fan if you're not satisfied with what you already have. All the maps you ever loved playing on, forge to make more and tweak things, custom games and the communities endless enginuity and passion.

How could you want another Halo 2 in terms of MP when you already have Halo 2, sitting right fucking there, saying "play me?"

The point is, we're at an impass. A new Halo game, using old mechanics and merely graphical updates, a few new weapons, and new maps, would be over glorified DLC and 343 would get ripped apart for it.

So instead, they revived what the fans loved, gave them a hub for all of it in one shot, and now have the space to work and try new things because they can, and they should. And the fans have the option of picking, and choosing, to play what they love.

No other developer has ever done this before.

If you want to call yourself a fan, let them have their room to explore and expand, and respect those choices. Doing new things isn't easy, especially around a community as volatile and vehement as Halo's. But they, at the very least, didn't forget what the fans loved. And they gave them the option of choice to play what they love.

If you don't want to see that, well then fuck, what can I say?

You're a sack of old sacks.
They don't "have to" do anything. They especially don't have to release Halo every year. If it was up to me, Halo would've stopped at Halo 3 to be remembered as an excellent trilogy.

"If you don't like Halo 5, go fuck yourself and play Halo 2 or Halo 3. Criticizing isn't allowed." LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

When did I say I'm unhappy about the MCC? Ever?

No it wouldn't. There's plenty of things they can do Campaign wise, and other things for 343 to improve instead of butchering the multiplayer. Because at the end of the day, they aren't being creative. They just add gimmicky shit so they can sell it to the casual crowd easier. That's what's disgusting. They can keep the core gameay the same. And if people get bored, then maybe it's time to stop milking the cow and let Halo go out gracefully? Because their "innovation" has left Halo 4 with a grand total of 10,000 players playing it. There are 10,000 people playing Halo 3 on the 360 right now.

I'm a real fan. I'm tired of seeing my favorite franchise milked dry and being considered a shitty game. You can get in here and defend Lord of Admirals because he's your friend and be passive aggressive all you want, but you're completely misunderstanding my post. The MCC could be done by anybody. It's just making the games HD and not messing with the gameplay. Halo 5 is a joke so far. The gimmicky shit they've added if not removed after or during the beta will result in it barely having a population higher than 20,000 after a year.

If they actually got creative and kept the game competitive while  it ruining the game, I'd be all over Halo 5. As it stands, they're milking it to death and destroying one if the greatest franchises ever, while people like you applaud them for it.

If they release a new game, keep the old mechanics, it's milking. If they throw in gimmicky shit like you say, it's milking. It's a lose lose scenario. But I am aware that as things stand, this isn't a train any of us can stop. I'm not the one pulling the strings, and neither are you. And being honest here, I looked at the Halo 5 MP clips, and I have no interest. None whatsoever.

I haven't even bought the MCC. Barring money aside, I don't even know if I would in the first place. Know why? Because things change. Whether we like it or not, things will change, and they always do. Nothing ever stands still.

So, here's my point. Say 343 says fuck it, and they don't put out anymore Halo's. They leave it to bask in the sun on the beach amongst the empire it built. What happens then? The community has their fun in the twilight.

But then 343 runs out of money. Boom. Servers are all pulled and shut down. Halo is dead. 343 closes up shop, disbands or whatever. And then somebody else picks up Halo. Because M$ have a thing for necrophilia.

These are the facts. Halo is too big for M$ to let it go. No matter what move 343 makes, or any company makes, it's the losing one to the fanbase.

So you know what you do? Take your fond memories, and hang on to them. Because they are yours. Unless you're the one pulling the strings, there isn't anything you can do but watch. Same as me. I don't agree with all the choices being made.

I'm jaded, half and half on all the things 343 does. They do something good with potential, then oops, they slip up. But, like I said, change happens. Just like friends you grew apart from over the years until finally you separated completely. So too is this happening to Halo.

But, just because those friends of yours are no longer your friends, doesn't mean they gave you fond memories. So hang on to those. And try to make the best of things in the days ahead. Because that's all there is to do.

343 is still a company. In order to survive, they need money. So they'll make Halo's. M$ won't ever let Halo hit the coffin. As fans, we're fucked four ways from Sunday. We've been fucked since Reach.

All we can do now, is cherish what we had, remember the days when things were better, and try to make something of what we currently have.
Like I said, if they did it right, I'd be all for it. And I'm glad the MCC was made.

But otherwise, Microsoft needs to let Halo go.

That's the problem though. There is no doing it right anymore. Counting the trilogy, counting 4, and even Reach, there are no more moves left to make without breaking things up and changing them. And if you don't change them, then it becomes a grind. The devs put out the same shit, and it breaks them. The fans get all pissy that the newest Halo was just DLC for the last game.

The MCC is almost an idea realized that I had in mind. A hub based Halo with all the content and access to everything previously made. The hub would be a center and anchor for the community, like Waypoint, but centered around the games and gameplay.

Over time, 343 could add onto the hub. New campaigns, or MP's, like DLC, and charge for them. It would ease the strain of having to make a new game yearly and find some way to match or beat what they did last year.

If a team wanted to make a cool standalone campaign, they could. If they wanted to try something new for the MP, they could. They wouldn't have to make a full game. They could work in bits and pieces, and add new content and charge for it as DLC, which would earn them their profits to keep things running.

If I was pulling the strings, I'd aim for that. Because at that point, it would be win win. Everybody would get what they wanted, and the company would have true room to explore and experiment without stepping on anybody's shoes in the process or having to make an entire game even if they just wanted to do a campaign, like ODST.

And the digital age is rapidly upon us. ^^^ That idea of mine I talked about a few years ago was regarded with a lot of doubt. But 343 got it partially right, and proved that it was possible with the MCC. If only they'd take that last step.

But, I'm just a guy on the ground right? Same to you.
That's a good idea, actually. But it'll never happen. People insist on making things far more complicated than they are.

Say it ain't so. That's an understatement. But, I can hope, no? After all, The MCC is a hub with four games in one. It's a step. And a good one at that.

There's going to be a big push for digital content in the coming years. And with the rise of that, 343 could still move in on an idea like I stated above.

Halo, to me, is all about the little moments. And the more you open up and give room for those little moments to happen, the better things are. Imagine, if, for example, that hub went up. What if somebody wanted to tell the story of the Mona Lisa through gameplay?

What if they wanted to tell the story of the Cole Protocol, of the Rubble? The very first meeting on Harvest? What if they wanted to tell a story from the side of the Covenant? A civilian? An alien? An ONI stealth operative?

Without having to make an entire game, they could make special, unique standalone campaigns with no strings attached. They could do it for MP too.

One could hope. If it's an idea, it's a possibility. With enough voices joined as one, maybe even a reality. But, for now, I'll take the special moments when they come, even if they are few and far between.

Gaming / Re: Halo 2 Anniversary is a blast.
« on: November 17, 2014, 10:57:54 AM »
It irrates me 343 can make H2A multiplayer perfect then want to make Halo 5 how it is.
AKA You want 343i to make a Halo 2 clone.

Halo 2 Anniversary MP is literally a Halo 2 clone minus the glitches.

This goddamn community is ridiculous. Halo 5's a fucking Arena game that expands upon Halo's MP, but suddenly that's too far (farther than Halo 4 apparently...), especially with the game being over a year out from launch.

Nope, I just don't blindly accept any change as holy and wonderful.
H2A added interactive pieces on the maps and I'm not bothered.  It was a good change.  Sprint, ADS like every other game now a days has (inb4 it's the same zoom but different), 1 hit kill ground pound, etc just aren't good.
But you do blindly adhere to what is tried and true, stagnating progress.

Additionally, you also imply that I am treating the new Halo 5 abilities as holy. Instead, I do not mind them, and think they can work well. However, I do agree with a lot of criticism regarding ground pound.

Also, if you are complaining about an aesthetic animation that has absolutely no effect on gameplay, I pity your lack of judgmental depth.

Well because it worked.  You don't see chess or football radically changing every year to keep people interested.  They all have there niches, which Halo had till it started losing its identity.  Clamber removes trick jumps (something popular with Halo), had a unique zoom but now it has the generic aim down sight, ground pound is a one hit kill, and medals for literally everything.  It is better than Halo 4 though.
The context of a physical sport is a lot different than a video game. Especially since the video game industry has thousands of different games released every year, whereas athletic sports have remained static for quite a long time.

As for chess, chess has remain unchanged for so long because it is hundreds of years old, and there is no official authority that can dictate or modify the game.

Interestingly enough, if we look at Chess' popularity, yes it is well known and widely recognized, but it is not something that you see everyone playing, on TV, or in widely recognized events anymore. A comparable analog in the video game industry would be Pong. It is highly recognized among gamers and has remain unchanged, yet few people even play it, let alone own a copy.

In a sense, the clamber mechanic does remove trick jumps. But that's assuming that the maps are being built in classic Halo fashion. They are not. So now, the trick jumps become how to get closest to a far away ledge in order to clamber up.
LOL Thousands of games a year? Athletic sports have remained static because it encourages competition and mastering the sport. If it were to change every year, the pros of yesterday would have to learn all over again. It wouldn't be competitive, the rules would start to get stupider every time simply in the name of "progress and change" while getting rid of the thrill the sport originally gave you every time you played.

Same with Chess (which is thousands of years old). It has barely changed over thousands of years. It's still an incredibly popular game and people still play it to this day, and there are huge championships and events all over the world. How long do you think Chess would have survived had it been changed every year? It probably wouldn't even be called Chess today, or people would've gotten bored of its ridiculous and unnecessary changes and the original version which people had loved would've been lost to time.

You people have been brainwashed by these corporate executives ruining our games and chanting "innovation" every chance they get. Change is NOT good if it makes the game less competitive, less fun, too easy, and requiring less effort and ruining the whole subculture it created. It meant something back in the day to be really good at Halo. Whether it was SLASO (Mythic Campaign) or playing extremely well in Matchmaking, it meant you were skilled. Just like if somebody says they're great at Chess means more than somebody saying they're great at Connect Four. People would watch MLG tournaments of Halo because it was incredible to see these really skilled players duke it out.

Now that's all gone. In the name of "innovation" but really in the name of making it more accessible to shitty players and rewarding shitty players so they can make a few more bucks. Lowering the quality of games across the board and making video games time killers instead of something comparable to Chess. You wanna sit there and defend the people ruining one of the greatest games ever made which to this day has yet to bore me because "innovation"? Go ahead. But don't you dare call yourself a Halo fan.

I'm just going out on a limb here. Because all of you seem to be forgetting something here.

343 made a collective bundle with all the great Halo games and their respective MPs, all in one hub based game. Why?

Because the community is fractured. There's no uniting it. But what 343 can do, is give everybody what they want. The Halo 3 fans, get Halo 3 back. The Halo 2 fans, get their multiplayer back. The CE fans get their multiplayer back.

Most of all, there's a dilemma. How does 343 make a new Halo game, and include multiplayer into it in this day and age? Because how can they when they have CE, 2, 3, and even 4 to compete with? How do they release a new game practically yearly with mp in it without it seeming like it's merely map DLC for the last game?

Here's the simple answer.

They change, because they have to. But they're not doing it and leaving everybody behind. Because they made a hub based Halo were fans can play what they want, as they wish. That's what's beautiful about it!

Choice. You have the choice to play Halo 5's MP. If you don't like it, you can fall back on your favorite Halo because that's now an option.

If you want to start slinging the word "fan" around, then you can't call yourself a fan if you're not satisfied with what you already have. All the maps you ever loved playing on, forge to make more and tweak things, custom games and the communities endless enginuity and passion.

How could you want another Halo 2 in terms of MP when you already have Halo 2, sitting right fucking there, saying "play me?"

The point is, we're at an impass. A new Halo game, using old mechanics and merely graphical updates, a few new weapons, and new maps, would be over glorified DLC and 343 would get ripped apart for it.

So instead, they revived what the fans loved, gave them a hub for all of it in one shot, and now have the space to work and try new things because they can, and they should. And the fans have the option of picking, and choosing, to play what they love.

No other developer has ever done this before.

If you want to call yourself a fan, let them have their room to explore and expand, and respect those choices. Doing new things isn't easy, especially around a community as volatile and vehement as Halo's. But they, at the very least, didn't forget what the fans loved. And they gave them the option of choice to play what they love.

If you don't want to see that, well then fuck, what can I say?

You're a sack of old sacks.
They don't "have to" do anything. They especially don't have to release Halo every year. If it was up to me, Halo would've stopped at Halo 3 to be remembered as an excellent trilogy.

"If you don't like Halo 5, go fuck yourself and play Halo 2 or Halo 3. Criticizing isn't allowed." LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

When did I say I'm unhappy about the MCC? Ever?

No it wouldn't. There's plenty of things they can do Campaign wise, and other things for 343 to improve instead of butchering the multiplayer. Because at the end of the day, they aren't being creative. They just add gimmicky shit so they can sell it to the casual crowd easier. That's what's disgusting. They can keep the core gameay the same. And if people get bored, then maybe it's time to stop milking the cow and let Halo go out gracefully? Because their "innovation" has left Halo 4 with a grand total of 10,000 players playing it. There are 10,000 people playing Halo 3 on the 360 right now.

I'm a real fan. I'm tired of seeing my favorite franchise milked dry and being considered a shitty game. You can get in here and defend Lord of Admirals because he's your friend and be passive aggressive all you want, but you're completely misunderstanding my post. The MCC could be done by anybody. It's just making the games HD and not messing with the gameplay. Halo 5 is a joke so far. The gimmicky shit they've added if not removed after or during the beta will result in it barely having a population higher than 20,000 after a year.

If they actually got creative and kept the game competitive while  it ruining the game, I'd be all over Halo 5. As it stands, they're milking it to death and destroying one if the greatest franchises ever, while people like you applaud them for it.

If they release a new game, keep the old mechanics, it's milking. If they throw in gimmicky shit like you say, it's milking. It's a lose lose scenario. But I am aware that as things stand, this isn't a train any of us can stop. I'm not the one pulling the strings, and neither are you. And being honest here, I looked at the Halo 5 MP clips, and I have no interest. None whatsoever.

I haven't even bought the MCC. Barring money aside, I don't even know if I would in the first place. Know why? Because things change. Whether we like it or not, things will change, and they always do. Nothing ever stands still.

So, here's my point. Say 343 says fuck it, and they don't put out anymore Halo's. They leave it to bask in the sun on the beach amongst the empire it built. What happens then? The community has their fun in the twilight.

But then 343 runs out of money. Boom. Servers are all pulled and shut down. Halo is dead. 343 closes up shop, disbands or whatever. And then somebody else picks up Halo. Because M$ have a thing for necrophilia.

These are the facts. Halo is too big for M$ to let it go. No matter what move 343 makes, or any company makes, it's the losing one to the fanbase.

So you know what you do? Take your fond memories, and hang on to them. Because they are yours. Unless you're the one pulling the strings, there isn't anything you can do but watch. Same as me. I don't agree with all the choices being made.

I'm jaded, half and half on all the things 343 does. They do something good with potential, then oops, they slip up. But, like I said, change happens. Just like friends you grew apart from over the years until finally you separated completely. So too is this happening to Halo.

But, just because those friends of yours are no longer your friends, doesn't mean they gave you fond memories. So hang on to those. And try to make the best of things in the days ahead. Because that's all there is to do.

343 is still a company. In order to survive, they need money. So they'll make Halo's. M$ won't ever let Halo hit the coffin. As fans, we're fucked four ways from Sunday. We've been fucked since Reach.

All we can do now, is cherish what we had, remember the days when things were better, and try to make something of what we currently have.
Like I said, if they did it right, I'd be all for it. And I'm glad the MCC was made.

But otherwise, Microsoft needs to let Halo go.

That's the problem though. There is no doing it right anymore. Counting the trilogy, counting 4, and even Reach, there are no more moves left to make without breaking things up and changing them. And if you don't change them, then it becomes a grind. The devs put out the same shit, and it breaks them. The fans get all pissy that the newest Halo was just DLC for the last game.

The MCC is almost an idea realized that I had in mind. A hub based Halo with all the content and access to everything previously made. The hub would be a center and anchor for the community, like Waypoint, but centered around the games and gameplay.

Over time, 343 could add onto the hub. New campaigns, or MP's, like DLC, and charge for them. It would ease the strain of having to make a new game yearly and find some way to match or beat what they did last year.

If a team wanted to make a cool standalone campaign, they could. If they wanted to try something new for the MP, they could. They wouldn't have to make a full game. They could work in bits and pieces, and add new content and charge for it as DLC, which would earn them their profits to keep things running.

If I was pulling the strings, I'd aim for that. Because at that point, it would be win win. Everybody would get what they wanted, and the company would have true room to explore and experiment without stepping on anybody's shoes in the process or having to make an entire game even if they just wanted to do a campaign, like ODST.

And the digital age is rapidly upon us. ^^^ That idea of mine I talked about a few years ago was regarded with a lot of doubt. But 343 got it partially right, and proved that it was possible with the MCC. If only they'd take that last step.

But, I'm just a guy on the ground right? Same to you.

Gaming / Re: Halo 2 Anniversary is a blast.
« on: November 17, 2014, 10:37:31 AM »
It irrates me 343 can make H2A multiplayer perfect then want to make Halo 5 how it is.
AKA You want 343i to make a Halo 2 clone.

Halo 2 Anniversary MP is literally a Halo 2 clone minus the glitches.

This goddamn community is ridiculous. Halo 5's a fucking Arena game that expands upon Halo's MP, but suddenly that's too far (farther than Halo 4 apparently...), especially with the game being over a year out from launch.

Nope, I just don't blindly accept any change as holy and wonderful.
H2A added interactive pieces on the maps and I'm not bothered.  It was a good change.  Sprint, ADS like every other game now a days has (inb4 it's the same zoom but different), 1 hit kill ground pound, etc just aren't good.
But you do blindly adhere to what is tried and true, stagnating progress.

Additionally, you also imply that I am treating the new Halo 5 abilities as holy. Instead, I do not mind them, and think they can work well. However, I do agree with a lot of criticism regarding ground pound.

Also, if you are complaining about an aesthetic animation that has absolutely no effect on gameplay, I pity your lack of judgmental depth.

Well because it worked.  You don't see chess or football radically changing every year to keep people interested.  They all have there niches, which Halo had till it started losing its identity.  Clamber removes trick jumps (something popular with Halo), had a unique zoom but now it has the generic aim down sight, ground pound is a one hit kill, and medals for literally everything.  It is better than Halo 4 though.
The context of a physical sport is a lot different than a video game. Especially since the video game industry has thousands of different games released every year, whereas athletic sports have remained static for quite a long time.

As for chess, chess has remain unchanged for so long because it is hundreds of years old, and there is no official authority that can dictate or modify the game.

Interestingly enough, if we look at Chess' popularity, yes it is well known and widely recognized, but it is not something that you see everyone playing, on TV, or in widely recognized events anymore. A comparable analog in the video game industry would be Pong. It is highly recognized among gamers and has remain unchanged, yet few people even play it, let alone own a copy.

In a sense, the clamber mechanic does remove trick jumps. But that's assuming that the maps are being built in classic Halo fashion. They are not. So now, the trick jumps become how to get closest to a far away ledge in order to clamber up.
LOL Thousands of games a year? Athletic sports have remained static because it encourages competition and mastering the sport. If it were to change every year, the pros of yesterday would have to learn all over again. It wouldn't be competitive, the rules would start to get stupider every time simply in the name of "progress and change" while getting rid of the thrill the sport originally gave you every time you played.

Same with Chess (which is thousands of years old). It has barely changed over thousands of years. It's still an incredibly popular game and people still play it to this day, and there are huge championships and events all over the world. How long do you think Chess would have survived had it been changed every year? It probably wouldn't even be called Chess today, or people would've gotten bored of its ridiculous and unnecessary changes and the original version which people had loved would've been lost to time.

You people have been brainwashed by these corporate executives ruining our games and chanting "innovation" every chance they get. Change is NOT good if it makes the game less competitive, less fun, too easy, and requiring less effort and ruining the whole subculture it created. It meant something back in the day to be really good at Halo. Whether it was SLASO (Mythic Campaign) or playing extremely well in Matchmaking, it meant you were skilled. Just like if somebody says they're great at Chess means more than somebody saying they're great at Connect Four. People would watch MLG tournaments of Halo because it was incredible to see these really skilled players duke it out.

Now that's all gone. In the name of "innovation" but really in the name of making it more accessible to shitty players and rewarding shitty players so they can make a few more bucks. Lowering the quality of games across the board and making video games time killers instead of something comparable to Chess. You wanna sit there and defend the people ruining one of the greatest games ever made which to this day has yet to bore me because "innovation"? Go ahead. But don't you dare call yourself a Halo fan.

I'm just going out on a limb here. Because all of you seem to be forgetting something here.

343 made a collective bundle with all the great Halo games and their respective MPs, all in one hub based game. Why?

Because the community is fractured. There's no uniting it. But what 343 can do, is give everybody what they want. The Halo 3 fans, get Halo 3 back. The Halo 2 fans, get their multiplayer back. The CE fans get their multiplayer back.

Most of all, there's a dilemma. How does 343 make a new Halo game, and include multiplayer into it in this day and age? Because how can they when they have CE, 2, 3, and even 4 to compete with? How do they release a new game practically yearly with mp in it without it seeming like it's merely map DLC for the last game?

Here's the simple answer.

They change, because they have to. But they're not doing it and leaving everybody behind. Because they made a hub based Halo were fans can play what they want, as they wish. That's what's beautiful about it!

Choice. You have the choice to play Halo 5's MP. If you don't like it, you can fall back on your favorite Halo because that's now an option.

If you want to start slinging the word "fan" around, then you can't call yourself a fan if you're not satisfied with what you already have. All the maps you ever loved playing on, forge to make more and tweak things, custom games and the communities endless enginuity and passion.

How could you want another Halo 2 in terms of MP when you already have Halo 2, sitting right fucking there, saying "play me?"

The point is, we're at an impass. A new Halo game, using old mechanics and merely graphical updates, a few new weapons, and new maps, would be over glorified DLC and 343 would get ripped apart for it.

So instead, they revived what the fans loved, gave them a hub for all of it in one shot, and now have the space to work and try new things because they can, and they should. And the fans have the option of picking, and choosing, to play what they love.

No other developer has ever done this before.

If you want to call yourself a fan, let them have their room to explore and expand, and respect those choices. Doing new things isn't easy, especially around a community as volatile and vehement as Halo's. But they, at the very least, didn't forget what the fans loved. And they gave them the option of choice to play what they love.

If you don't want to see that, well then fuck, what can I say?

You're a sack of old sacks.
They don't "have to" do anything. They especially don't have to release Halo every year. If it was up to me, Halo would've stopped at Halo 3 to be remembered as an excellent trilogy.

"If you don't like Halo 5, go fuck yourself and play Halo 2 or Halo 3. Criticizing isn't allowed." LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

When did I say I'm unhappy about the MCC? Ever?

No it wouldn't. There's plenty of things they can do Campaign wise, and other things for 343 to improve instead of butchering the multiplayer. Because at the end of the day, they aren't being creative. They just add gimmicky shit so they can sell it to the casual crowd easier. That's what's disgusting. They can keep the core gameay the same. And if people get bored, then maybe it's time to stop milking the cow and let Halo go out gracefully? Because their "innovation" has left Halo 4 with a grand total of 10,000 players playing it. There are 10,000 people playing Halo 3 on the 360 right now.

I'm a real fan. I'm tired of seeing my favorite franchise milked dry and being considered a shitty game. You can get in here and defend Lord of Admirals because he's your friend and be passive aggressive all you want, but you're completely misunderstanding my post. The MCC could be done by anybody. It's just making the games HD and not messing with the gameplay. Halo 5 is a joke so far. The gimmicky shit they've added if not removed after or during the beta will result in it barely having a population higher than 20,000 after a year.

If they actually got creative and kept the game competitive while  it ruining the game, I'd be all over Halo 5. As it stands, they're milking it to death and destroying one if the greatest franchises ever, while people like you applaud them for it.

If they release a new game, keep the old mechanics, it's milking. If they throw in gimmicky shit like you say, it's milking. It's a lose lose scenario. But I am aware that as things stand, this isn't a train any of us can stop. I'm not the one pulling the strings, and neither are you. And being honest here, I looked at the Halo 5 MP clips, and I have no interest. None whatsoever.

I haven't even bought the MCC. Barring money aside, I don't even know if I would in the first place. Know why? Because things change. Whether we like it or not, things will change, and they always do. Nothing ever stands still.

So, here's my point. Say 343 says fuck it, and they don't put out anymore Halo's. They leave it to bask in the sun on the beach amongst the empire it built. What happens then? The community has their fun in the twilight.

But then 343 runs out of money. Boom. Servers are all pulled and shut down. Halo is dead. 343 closes up shop, disbands or whatever. And then somebody else picks up Halo. Because M$ have a thing for necrophilia.

These are the facts. Halo is too big for M$ to let it go. No matter what move 343 makes, or any company makes, it's the losing one to the fanbase.

So you know what you do? Take your fond memories, and hang on to them. Because they are yours. Unless you're the one pulling the strings, there isn't anything you can do but watch. Same as me. I don't agree with all the choices being made.

I'm jaded, half and half on all the things 343 does. They do something good with potential, then oops, they slip up. But, like I said, change happens. Just like friends you grew apart from over the years until finally you separated completely. So too is this happening to Halo.

But, just because those friends of yours are no longer your friends, doesn't mean they gave you fond memories. So hang on to those. And try to make the best of things in the days ahead. Because that's all there is to do.

343 is still a company. In order to survive, they need money. So they'll make Halo's. M$ won't ever let Halo hit the coffin. As fans, we're fucked four ways from Sunday. We've been fucked since Reach.

All we can do now, is cherish what we had, remember the days when things were better, and try to make something of what we currently have.

Gaming / Re: Halo 2 Anniversary is a blast.
« on: November 17, 2014, 09:48:24 AM »
It irrates me 343 can make H2A multiplayer perfect then want to make Halo 5 how it is.
AKA You want 343i to make a Halo 2 clone.

Halo 2 Anniversary MP is literally a Halo 2 clone minus the glitches.

This goddamn community is ridiculous. Halo 5's a fucking Arena game that expands upon Halo's MP, but suddenly that's too far (farther than Halo 4 apparently...), especially with the game being over a year out from launch.

Nope, I just don't blindly accept any change as holy and wonderful.
H2A added interactive pieces on the maps and I'm not bothered.  It was a good change.  Sprint, ADS like every other game now a days has (inb4 it's the same zoom but different), 1 hit kill ground pound, etc just aren't good.
But you do blindly adhere to what is tried and true, stagnating progress.

Additionally, you also imply that I am treating the new Halo 5 abilities as holy. Instead, I do not mind them, and think they can work well. However, I do agree with a lot of criticism regarding ground pound.

Also, if you are complaining about an aesthetic animation that has absolutely no effect on gameplay, I pity your lack of judgmental depth.

Well because it worked.  You don't see chess or football radically changing every year to keep people interested.  They all have there niches, which Halo had till it started losing its identity.  Clamber removes trick jumps (something popular with Halo), had a unique zoom but now it has the generic aim down sight, ground pound is a one hit kill, and medals for literally everything.  It is better than Halo 4 though.
The context of a physical sport is a lot different than a video game. Especially since the video game industry has thousands of different games released every year, whereas athletic sports have remained static for quite a long time.

As for chess, chess has remain unchanged for so long because it is hundreds of years old, and there is no official authority that can dictate or modify the game.

Interestingly enough, if we look at Chess' popularity, yes it is well known and widely recognized, but it is not something that you see everyone playing, on TV, or in widely recognized events anymore. A comparable analog in the video game industry would be Pong. It is highly recognized among gamers and has remain unchanged, yet few people even play it, let alone own a copy.

In a sense, the clamber mechanic does remove trick jumps. But that's assuming that the maps are being built in classic Halo fashion. They are not. So now, the trick jumps become how to get closest to a far away ledge in order to clamber up.
LOL Thousands of games a year? Athletic sports have remained static because it encourages competition and mastering the sport. If it were to change every year, the pros of yesterday would have to learn all over again. It wouldn't be competitive, the rules would start to get stupider every time simply in the name of "progress and change" while getting rid of the thrill the sport originally gave you every time you played.

Same with Chess (which is thousands of years old). It has barely changed over thousands of years. It's still an incredibly popular game and people still play it to this day, and there are huge championships and events all over the world. How long do you think Chess would have survived had it been changed every year? It probably wouldn't even be called Chess today, or people would've gotten bored of its ridiculous and unnecessary changes and the original version which people had loved would've been lost to time.

You people have been brainwashed by these corporate executives ruining our games and chanting "innovation" every chance they get. Change is NOT good if it makes the game less competitive, less fun, too easy, and requiring less effort and ruining the whole subculture it created. It meant something back in the day to be really good at Halo. Whether it was SLASO (Mythic Campaign) or playing extremely well in Matchmaking, it meant you were skilled. Just like if somebody says they're great at Chess means more than somebody saying they're great at Connect Four. People would watch MLG tournaments of Halo because it was incredible to see these really skilled players duke it out.

Now that's all gone. In the name of "innovation" but really in the name of making it more accessible to shitty players and rewarding shitty players so they can make a few more bucks. Lowering the quality of games across the board and making video games time killers instead of something comparable to Chess. You wanna sit there and defend the people ruining one of the greatest games ever made which to this day has yet to bore me because "innovation"? Go ahead. But don't you dare call yourself a Halo fan.

I'm just going out on a limb here. Because all of you seem to be forgetting something here.

343 made a collective bundle with all the great Halo games and their respective MPs, all in one hub based game. Why?

Because the community is fractured. There's no uniting it. But what 343 can do, is give everybody what they want. The Halo 3 fans, get Halo 3 back. The Halo 2 fans, get their multiplayer back. The CE fans get their multiplayer back.

Most of all, there's a dilemma. How does 343 make a new Halo game, and include multiplayer into it in this day and age? Because how can they when they have CE, 2, 3, and even 4 to compete with? How do they release a new game practically yearly with mp in it without it seeming like it's merely map DLC for the last game?

Here's the simple answer.

They change, because they have to. But they're not doing it and leaving everybody behind. Because they made a hub based Halo were fans can play what they want, as they wish. That's what's beautiful about it!

Choice. You have the choice to play Halo 5's MP. If you don't like it, you can fall back on your favorite Halo because that's now an option.

If you want to start slinging the word "fan" around, then you can't call yourself a fan if you're not satisfied with what you already have. All the maps you ever loved playing on, forge to make more and tweak things, custom games and the communities endless enginuity and passion.

How could you want another Halo 2 in terms of MP when you already have Halo 2, sitting right fucking there, saying "play me?"

The point is, we're at an impass. A new Halo game, using old mechanics and merely graphical updates, a few new weapons, and new maps, would be over glorified DLC and 343 would get ripped apart for it.

So instead, they revived what the fans loved, gave them a hub for all of it in one shot, and now have the space to work and try new things because they can, and they should. And the fans have the option of picking, and choosing, to play what they love.

No other developer has ever done this before.

If you want to call yourself a fan, let them have their room to explore and expand, and respect those choices. Doing new things isn't easy, especially around a community as volatile and vehement as Halo's. But they, at the very least, didn't forget what the fans loved. And they gave them the option of choice to play what they love.

If you don't want to see that, well then fuck, what can I say?

You're a sack of old sacks.

The Flood / Re: So when it comes to having a revolver...
« on: November 17, 2014, 09:24:46 AM »
Revolvers weren't designed to be fixed up, they were designed to be used until they break, then replaced.

El cheapo.

The hate going back and forth between Sep7agon and is fucking pathetic.

Na. It's simple human nature.

Hey, if you folks can reclaim Bungle from the throes of craptivision when you're done with the desticles, that'd be swell.

Serious / Re: True randomness: Does it exist?
« on: November 16, 2014, 11:33:26 PM »
I used to think so, but then I read about the gameshow question with 3 doors (like off of 21) and realized you can actually use data from random outcomes to predict future outcomes...

The same applies with lotto numbers. If you have enough numbers, for, say, a 10 year period, and you break everything down and count every variable that you can, a clear pattern starts to become present, and you are left with the probability for each number, potentially even at each time.

The Flood / Re: How would you rank your relative intelligence on Septagon?
« on: November 16, 2014, 10:02:41 PM »
Depends on the category. Everybody's got credentials in their own respective manner. That's how intelligence works. Some are better than other people in certain areas. But they aren't "better" or above the rest overall.

I'm shitty in math, I'm no psychologist or doctor, I can write semi-decently, but I've got something. I drop myself off in the above category because I'm a laborer.

You want simple, grounded, down to earth views that so many overlook? Ask the guy with the hardhat. You'll have to pay me extra though. "I don't get paid to think boss."
Stop being that annoying 'everyone gets a trophy' liberal and just identify someone as an idiot or not one.

You know, I can say for certain that my father is dumb. I mean, he's just not very bright. He really isn't. But even then, he excels at something most other people fail at. Simplicity. He lives a simple life, but he's happy.

He didn't just stumble into happiness by chance. Despite the fact that he's not the sharpest tool in the shed, this man knows how to live a happy life and he does it well. In that regard you could call him intelligent because he succeeds where countless numbers of people fail. Men, women, people you could so call geniuses compared to him, are unhappy with their lives and they neither see it with their vast intelligence, nor do anything to fix it.

Instead of being so close minded, how about you open up and look at the finer details in things?

The Flood / Re: How would you rank your relative intelligence on Septagon?
« on: November 16, 2014, 09:14:32 PM »
Depends on the category. Everybody's got credentials in their own respective manner. That's how intelligence works. Some are better than other people in certain areas. But they aren't "better" or above the rest overall.

I'm shitty in math, I'm no psychologist or doctor, I can write semi-decently, but I've got something. I drop myself off in the above category because I'm a laborer.

You want simple, grounded, down to earth views that so many overlook? Ask the guy with the hardhat. You'll have to pay me extra though. "I don't get paid to think boss."

The Flood / Re: The Reason Focnr Doesn't Post A Lot
« on: November 16, 2014, 08:24:09 PM »
It turns out Focnr is just Isara's split personality. And he was just checking up on his other side while it was resting.

What a twiiiiiiiiiiiiist.

Serious / Re: Is Perpetual Motion possible?
« on: November 16, 2014, 04:21:49 PM »

This guy has had scientists debunk him over and over. And yet, his wheel still spins. It won't power a city. But the fact that it powers his house is enough, no? Watch how it works. It uses simple balance, fine tuned to perfection, and gravity.

And, if you want to get simple, stick a turbine in the ocean. So long as we have an ocean, there will be waves and currents. With waves and currents, flowing water, you'll always have power.

Serious / Re: Why does music almost always make me feel depressed?
« on: November 16, 2014, 04:06:21 PM »
Right, I have some more time and I've collected myself up a little better.

The waking mind and the sub-conscious are always at war. They contest one another, constantly. The waking mind is your reality. It's the one you're familiar with, and see every day. Which is why, your subconscious contradicts your beliefs. Because often, people make barriers for themselves. False realities to accept and deal with the world around them.

Look at smokers. You tell them they should stop. It's not healthy for them. That right there should be enough. You're smoking ash and toxic chemicals that wittle your body down piece by piece until you die.

But they say, "oh but I'm addicted. I can't beat it."

That's a lie. People lie to themselves all the time without knowing it. The waking mind will come up with any excuse, any reality that suits them. But the sub-conscious always knows. And that's a fact. You know when docs put people into a state of hypnosis? A controlled state, almost like sleep, where the sub-conscious emerges, like it does when you dream.

That's how they find buried shit. Because the sub-conscious knows. It remembers. It picks up, on all the little things your active mind misses. Like subliminal messaging.

But, even when you're awake, your sub-conscious still holds power. Because it plays games. And you have to look for the contradictions in yourself. Like I said, I'd go into crowds, feel sad, listen to music, and then feel sad, even if I listened to happy music to cheer me up.

I got depressive, and a little bit of self pity slipped in. And one day, I spotted it. I said, "Wait what the fuck? Why am I being all mopey about people? Why am I being mopey about being alone? I've always been alone. I like alone."

Not quite. I like alone. But sharing it with another would be better.

And now, my waking mind knows.

But it's not easy. Because this is your sub-conscious we're talking about here. And sometimes, those contradictions in your thoughts and actions, are so fucking small they aren't even there.

Another suggestion to you, since you probably have access to more than I do, is to go to one of those docs that specializes in that sort of stuff.

But, I'd go with self examination first. Because if you go to one of those docs, you might dig up way more than you want to.

Tell you what? You drink any sort of alcohol?

Try getting tipsy. Or drunk. Get a friend to write shit down. Make a list of questions they can ask you. You know why?

When you're drunk, you're free. Your brain is drunk, and your inhibitions are set loose. That's why drunk people mouth off. They get into fights. They say stupid shit. Because they have nothing holding them back. Nothing holding back what they're thinking.

If you drink, then that might be another way to learn a little bit more about yourself.

And, I have one more example for you about how people lie to themselves.

Talk to a drunk person about some of the shit they said the other night. What do they say?

"Oh I was drunk."

The waking mind, deflecting, and avoiding the sub-conscious mind, which was set free, only briefly.

There you go Meta. Canadian Manchild delivers.

Hope it helps.

The Flood / Re: Alright guys, honest opinion time
« on: November 16, 2014, 01:30:48 PM »
I gave you three months of xbawks live on a whim in my gut.

So, you can't be too bad.

Serious / Re: Why does music almost always make me feel depressed?
« on: November 16, 2014, 01:25:18 PM »
Okay, here we go. Haven't got much time on my hands, and I'm all a jumbled up mess of thoughts at the moment. But, let's see if I can make a piece of the puzzle clear.

I don't get that particular way around music. But I experience a similar feeling in crowds. When I'm in a crowd of people, I'm not really all there. And as you said, it's a hollow, empty feeling. But it borders almost on depression. I watch the actions of people, one by one, in bits and pieces. And I feel very much "outside" of things.

Now, as you said, the psychological implications are a curiosity. I can only go off what I've looked at in myself. But down to brass tacks.

In regards to crowds, I think it's a longing. A longing to have a place. A moment, in the crowd, a respective part to play as part of the flow of the crowd. But I can't do it alone. As such, when I watch people, couples and friends, it stings a little bit.

This is a the manifestation of my awareness that I no longer wish to be entirely alone. But, it also hinges on our good old friend depression, and self pity.

Which leads me to the true point here.

When I'm down a little bit, and I listen to music, I feel the same way. Same as you. I feel sad. No matter the tune.

So, here's what it comes down to.

The music itself is not your focus. Because you were, and still are subject to depression. What your focus should be is the fact that you have a hole. You have a void, that rests somewhere, about something in your life that isn't being filled.

And when you're down, and you listen to tunes, your subconscious goes to work. See, while you might not actively know it, your subconscious mind does. You're missing something.

Here's the chain for me.

I go into a big crowd. I see lots of people. Having a good time. Couples and friends. I get a little bit sad. But I don't know why. I listen to music. I still get sad. The music, no matter how happy, makes me sad.

And that's because the active part of my head is not aware that in all likelyhood, the sub-conscious part is stuck, jammed on one gear. It lingers to that moment I was in, that I played no part of. And I think it's trying to force you seeing things.

The sub-conscious mind is extremely tricky to navigate, tricky to read, and tricky to understand. I know myself though. And I know exactly how I work. Even still, some days I'm sad. But I know why.

So, to you, the best I can give, is to do a lot of self reflection. Because no doubt, you're missing something. Your waking mind doesn't see it. But your subconscious does.

That sadness in the music, is more of a deflection. It makes you sad. Makes you self pity.

And what happens in self pity?

You say, "Oh poor me. I don't have this. I don't have that."

"I don't have this."

You have a void needing to be filled.

That's my two cents anyway. Could be a crock of shit to you. But it wasn't for me since that's how I found out about what I didn't have that I wanted. A tinge of self pity.

The sub-conscious mind is a tricky little fucker, no?

The Flood / Re: Post the dopest character and a pic
« on: November 16, 2014, 01:00:33 PM »

Always a fan of Syler.

The Flood / Nothing like driving in a snowstorm at midnight
« on: November 16, 2014, 02:04:51 AM »
Just got back from some big social jamberooni thing in a little town. Went on longer than expected. A snow storm showed up. Poor visibility. Roads were practically closed up by the time I got home.

Right. Goodnight.

Serious / Re: Another physics question -- Dimensions
« on: November 15, 2014, 01:27:35 PM »
Again, more stuff beyond me.

However, try thinking about this senior Dustbin. There's not only 4 dimensions.

There's roughly 11 or 12.

Serious / Re: Why does music almost always make me feel depressed?
« on: November 15, 2014, 01:21:53 PM »
I'm afraid I'm not up for explanations right now. But I hear ya. And, pretty sure I know why. I'll come back around and try to explain it later.

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