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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: Civil Engineering
« on: November 19, 2014, 11:04:39 AM »
But Dubai

Don't forget all those ancient churches and shit.

The Flood / Re: I've gotta get this off my chest
« on: November 19, 2014, 11:02:22 AM »
Well, hopefully it doesn't grow anytime soon. Good luck.

Danka. Although, might not want to place anymore bets on the part of luck. Luck's been a little....iffy so far. Although, you could make a racket of it though. You could bet on luck then technically.

"10 bucks says he's got a week left."

The Flood / Re: I've gotta get this off my chest
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:57:45 AM »
Damn, I feel you.

I've had a migraine for 2 months now, and I usually get month long headaches and sporadic and ridicolously painful headaches.

The doctors have no idea what it is, all we can do now is look for a medicine that doles the pain, I have to take so many pills a day to atleast make them a little less painful.

You should try looking at some other things. I know that part of it is the food you eat. My sis has had to cut back on a fuck ton of foods because they pinned down what played a part in causing those headaches.

We've tried everything, it's not linked with foods, or things I do. It just happens. The only thing I know that triggers it is frustration. I get a major crippling headache if I get really frustrated with something. Which sucks.

It's tension based then. Stress related. I guess what you gotta do is get that tension and stress to fuck off.

As for me, I'm fucked. When I get the big crippling headaches that incapacitate me, I know where they come from now. Your noggin isn't completely rock solid, stone still. It sloshes around and bounces around in your skull. Shifts and moves. That dormant tumor doesn't want to move. So it puts pressure on my head, and starts up a headache.

Guess you and me'll just have to take it as it goes.

Yup. Sorry mate, I wouldn't want anyone to go through pain like this.

I hope everything turns out well for you

Look at it this way. Me and my sis share a lot of common traits. I got the tumor, she got the bad eyes. She can survive with her bad eyes. But not with a tumor. So in fact, it's pain I would wish upon another. Me. I've got it, and she doesn't. That's fine by me.

The Flood / Re: I've gotta get this off my chest
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:55:54 AM »
Are you still having cluster headaches on a frequent basis?

They show up whenever they feel like it. I can't ever tell or map the rate at which they come. But, yesterday, I had a mild headache that tailed me around for over a day and a half. No drugs dulled it or stopped it.

It was mild, but annoying as fuck. Most of all, worrisome.

The Flood / Re: I've gotta get this off my chest
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:51:38 AM »
Got my fingers crossed for you.

Better un cross em' then! If I get lucky and live a full life, that's what? Another 50 years? You'll either hold the record for crossed fingers by then or grow tired of it on the first day!

The Flood / Re: I've gotta get this off my chest
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:49:50 AM »
That's really scary. I hope it doesn't go active.

That's the thing. "Dormant." These things don't stay inactive forever. I could have a few hours. Few days. Months. Maybe an entire life. But some day, it'll start growing. Here's hoping by then I'm a wrinkled old fart with nothing to lose.

The Flood / Re: I've gotta get this off my chest
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:48:14 AM »
Damn, I feel you.

I've had a migraine for 2 months now, and I usually get month long headaches and sporadic and ridicolously painful headaches.

The doctors have no idea what it is, all we can do now is look for a medicine that doles the pain, I have to take so many pills a day to atleast make them a little less painful.

You should try looking at some other things. I know that part of it is the food you eat. My sis has had to cut back on a fuck ton of foods because they pinned down what played a part in causing those headaches.

We've tried everything, it's not linked with foods, or things I do. It just happens. The only thing I know that triggers it is frustration. I get a major crippling headache if I get really frustrated with something. Which sucks.

It's tension based then. Stress related. I guess what you gotta do is get that tension and stress to fuck off.

As for me, I'm fucked. When I get the big crippling headaches that incapacitate me, I know where they come from now. Your noggin isn't completely rock solid, stone still. It sloshes around and bounces around in your skull. Shifts and moves. That dormant tumor doesn't want to move. So it puts pressure on my head, and starts up a headache.

Guess you and me'll just have to take it as it goes.

The Flood / Re: I've gotta get this off my chest
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:42:52 AM »
Damn, I feel you.

I've had a migraine for 2 months now, and I usually get month long headaches and sporadic and ridicolously painful headaches.

The doctors have no idea what it is, all we can do now is look for a medicine that doles the pain, I have to take so many pills a day to atleast make them a little less painful.

You should try looking at some other things. I know that part of it is the food you eat. My sis has had to cut back on a fuck ton of foods because they pinned down what played a part in causing those headaches.

The Flood / Re: Biggest mistake you've ever made?
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:36:47 AM »

I have this story I always tell.

>be me
>like fourteen or someshit (end of summer right before 8th grade)
>have to take the dog out like a faggot
>realize my brother and his friend are watching slenderman videos
>I'll slam my fucking hand on his widow to scare the shit out of him
>Blood. Everywhere. Deep ass cut on my right thumb (pic related)
>run as fast as I can to the back porch where my mom is, she heard the glass break and my brother screaming
>get driven off to the emergency room immediately

The doctors couldn't stitch it together or cauterize it. All of the other cuts on my arm were minuscule so only a couple of band aids were needed, whereas my thumb was wrapped in four layers of gauze for the next two to three weeks. Also had to wear a sling to school to keep my arm elevated.

no ragrets

I bet that stung like a bitch didn't it?

Damn lol

It's always the cuts that sting the worst. I shattered my foot into two pieces, fractured it right down the middle, and that fucking hurt, A LOT.

But a cut like that? That would sting. And it would piss me off because it's so damn small and yet it has such a wicked bite to it.

The Flood / Re: Biggest mistake you've ever made?
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:32:25 AM »

I have this story I always tell.

>be me
>like fourteen or someshit (end of summer right before 8th grade)
>have to take the dog out like a faggot
>realize my brother and his friend are watching slenderman videos
>I'll slam my fucking hand on his widow to scare the shit out of him
>Blood. Everywhere. Deep ass cut on my right thumb (pic related)
>run as fast as I can to the back porch where my mom is, she heard the glass break and my brother screaming
>get driven off to the emergency room immediately

The doctors couldn't stitch it together or cauterize it. All of the other cuts on my arm were minuscule so only a couple of band aids were needed, whereas my thumb was wrapped in four layers of gauze for the next two to three weeks. Also had to wear a sling to school to keep my arm elevated.

no ragrets

I bet that stung like a bitch didn't it?

The Flood / Re: I've gotta get this off my chest
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:21:10 AM »
You can't seem to catch a break, can you? :/

I never caught any breaks anyway. I always felt like I have to be doing something with myself to make the day worthwhile. Don't be down about it though!

Something good came of it. I'm bolder. Because I fully realize that I could basically drop on the spot at any moment. So I have to make whatever time I've got count. And I aim on doing that.

Is this supposed to be funny? Comparing black people to monsters and demons?

What the fuck dude?

Don't go all SJW on us, it's clearly a light hearted joke about Dark Souls
Excuse me for having actually lived in largely black communities and knowing these racist stereotypes aren't true and they certainly aren't funny.
Again this isn't poking fun at any racial group but at an area in a video game.

Well, it kind of is. Sort of like, "If I were racist and ignorant, this place would seem an awful lot like X ethnic group which I hold ignorance against."

But I mean no harm by it. Fuck, the doctor who gave me my bad medical news was a black south African guy. I've got no racist bits in me about people. Just an odd sense of humor.

The Flood / Re: I've gotta get this off my chest
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:11:02 AM »

Sandtrap why are you always in some kind of danger?

He's a danger magnet.

You don't want encouragement so I'll just say it like it is, that fucking sucks.

Haha. You know what? It does fucking suck. I mean, it really fucking sucks. Completely! And now I've got to find some way to get this worry out of my head, because it's always there.

I shouldn't even say on my head. It's IN my head.

The Flood / Re: I've gotta get this off my chest
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:07:42 AM »
Sandtrap why are you always in some kind of danger?

I seem to have a habit of putting myself in its path. But, this ain't my fault. Just something nice I inherited from my genetics, as it seems my sister did as well. Fuck, for all I know, she might have something in her noggin too.

I hope to fucking christ she doesn't. I'm actually glad it's me. She's got more of a life to lose than I do. I wouldn't call this danger. Just.... potential danger.

Is this supposed to be funny? Comparing black people to monsters and demons?

What the fuck dude?

Just a parable. I was running through the place and realized that if you looked at it in a certain light, it conformed very much so to the average stereotype on black folks.

If you want, use it as an example of my strange sense of humor.

The Flood / I've gotta get this off my chest
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:01:47 AM »
Okay folks. For starters, no, I don't want no pick me ups. I don't need encouragement of any kind. I just need to write this because it's been bugging me. It's on my head at all hours of the day. And I need to get it out. Here goes.

You folks may know that I have a sister. Around 26-27, she went legally blind when she got a serious batch of cluster headaches. The pain was so great that if the docs gave her any more morphine, it would have killed her. That pressure crushed her optic nerves.

Well, the point is, I am subject to that same condition. Violent, crippling headaches. But my circumstances are different. And a few weeks ago, I found out why. I started bugging the doctors. I thought something was wrong. Couldn't place my finger on it. But I got them to run tests. And eventually, they looked in the right place. So, here goes.

My headaches don't put pressure on my head. They are caused by pressure. The doc found a growth in my head. A dormant tumor. And it's too deep to cut out. Point is, at any time, that tumor could go active. And I wouldn't have long.

I've been dancing around this for a few weeks now. Because honestly, I'm scared. I'm worried, all the time. I mean, it's just there. It's always just there. And I can't fight it, the docs can't do anything.

I'm not so much sad, or depressed. In fact, I've grown bolder because of it. But I'm scared. Because for all I know, I'm out of time. And I don't want to go that way. I'd die with a cluster headache. And then internal bleeding and hemoraging.

That scares the shit out of me.

As I said, I don't need any kind words. I've sorted myself out. Except for the part about worrying. Feels good to say it though. I didn't tell my folks the news. Don't want that on their heads. But with you folks, I'm just a picture. I'm just a name, and a style of writing. I can talk to you because of distance. Because if I died, then you'd all move on.

So, thanks for listening.

Should have joined the Druglord covenant

Burger Kid covenant.

No, I don't believe so. But, I believe they might bend the rules on what you call "Human."

What if you cloned or created an entire Human internal system but not the brain? Kept it alive mechanically? Tested on it? Created synthetic organs and kept them going on their own and ran tests on them? After all, they're only a few steps away from figuring out how to grow independant organs.

So, while you could call a set of organs or even an entire body "Human," without the brain involved, at that point, what do you call that?

The Flood / Re: Why are you still awake?
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:36:49 AM »
Why does anyone stay up late into the night?

Too much on the noggin. So sleep calls does it not? A rest and respite from the toil and weight of a day's worth of troubles and activities? Then you and I both heed the call.

Here I say, goodnight to you all.

The Flood / Re: What's the best way to learn Spanish?
« on: November 19, 2014, 01:32:55 AM »
Acquire spanish girlfriend you really really like.

Learn spanish for her.

The Flood / Re: I must confess my love to you
« on: November 19, 2014, 01:08:24 AM »
I bid you goodbye.

Rest content, in your comfy bed you lie.

Sleep the night away, to a brand new day.

Goodnight I say to you, till the start of something new.

The Flood / Re: I don't understand clubs
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:48:40 AM »
Ah, maybe its because I don't do drugs and I'm not single.

I suppose if you wanted to dance with a partner you could too. But, too much trouble in a club, more than it would be worth.

The Flood / Re: I don't understand clubs
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:42:21 AM »
Clubs are basically around for one reason. Go in alone, come back out not alone.

Tough choice. I don't know much in the way of famous people. Honestly, I'd just pick one of my friends on here or elsewhere that are in far away parts of the world.

Call it a wager. Chances are, in my life, I won't ever get to see any of them. So even if I got one day, and then had to call it quits, I'd take it.

I call it a wager because I'm potentially short on time. In most of my life, and most of my work, some words always ring true. "One, is better than none."

Those handful of folks I call friends that live so far apart, I believe would make my day. Even if it just was one.

I'll take your challenge. Give me a subject.
Anything in the whole woooooorld

And god said,

"Let there be light!"

Jim shook his head.

"The fuck is this shit god? Giving light to all those ugly people down there? Disgusting."

The great bearded deity shrugged.

"Give them time, a few hundred thousand years maybe and they'll start to look a little less ugly. Maybe even good enough to look good on the beach."

Jim looked down below.

"Oh for fuck's sake. The first idiot just learned about fire. He went up and burnt himself to a crisp."

God eyed up the simple little mongoloid far down below, burnt and black, dead as could be. He nodded with a smile.

"Hey! We just got our first customer to the gates of heaven! Quick, call up Peter!"

Jim watched as the great bearded deity tugged his long white beard in excitement.

"God, you're like a kid in a candy shop. It's embarassing."

God did not care and proceeded to call up Peter, ignoring Jim. Jim proceeded to watch down below, as the tiny mongoloids continued to evolve. He put his glasses on, as he looked a little closer. Interesting. They where starting to do things. Build things. Jim looked back as God continued to babble to Peter on the phone, absent minded. Jim smiled.

"Okay you little fucks, let's see what you do with a little rain along with your tropical sunshine."

Jim reared back, and let out the biggest loogie he could manage. Watching with satifsfaction as the land flooded and all the little mongoloids and their ugly buildings washed away. He leaned back on his chair with a smile, as God returned. With a frown across his features, he looked over to Jim.

"Did you do that?"


"Peter says he's getting a lot more entries to heaven."

Jim smiled, watching the floods down below.

"Must be global warming."

God shook his head.

"Oh well this is no good! Fuck it, I'm going down there."

Jim's eyebrows shot up.

"That's cheating."

"I'm God! I can do what I want."

"Okay, your show big man."


15 minutes later

God appeared next to Jim, soaking wet as he removed a great yellow raincoat. He smiled as he wrung out his great beard.

"There. I told one of them to build a boat."

Jim eyed up the happenings down below.

"Well, it looks like a lot more than that. They're writing a book about you! You're famous!"

God's brows furrowed.

"No, no! They're too young for reading! They don't know what'll happen if they write something bad!"

Jim chuckled.

"Oh shit, look at them go! A couple more of them wrote books about you!"

God watched as all the little mongoloids started fighting.

"God dammit! No! I had the perfect setup!"

Jim merely chuckled.

"Oh boy, they're making a right mess of things now! But look at that! You're actually right. Some of them look pretty good on the beaches in bikinis."

God shook his head.

"Nope. I've got it. I've got it. I can fix it. I'm going down there again."

Jim watched with amusement as the little mongoloids continued to evolve. God returned again, this time with a smile. Jim looked up to him.

"So, what's your master plan?"

God smiled, a light so bright that Texas became dry.

"Well Jim, you're a good friend right? How about you uh, I dunno, go down there?"

"What? Me? And do what?"


"What do you mean propaganda?"

"Well, you know, dress up like one of them. Spread the word that I'm not real. I hate being in the tabloids. And every person I talk to just keeps on making things worse."

Jim sighed.

"Okay fine. What do you want to call this anti-god movement?"

"How about Atheism?"

Jim nodded.

"That's good. Okay. Here I go. My best impersonation of one of them."

Jim turned into a fat overweight mongoloid with a fedora and a stomach barely contained by his shirt. He smiled, great greasy rolls of flesh upturning in a horrendous spectacle.

"How's this?"

God shook his head.

"Hmm. Not feeling it. You'd get better reception if you were one of those nice ones on the beach."

Jim snapped his flabby fingers.

"I got it."

Jim pulled a katana out of the air.

"Now we're talking style."

God's brows furrowed.

"Okay fine. It is kind of cool."

Jim tipped his fedora.

"I've even got a catchphrase! M'Lady."

God smiled, stroking his beard.

"Okay Jim. I think we're set. You ready to go down there?"

"With a katana, I can't fail. You just watch. I'll have your name cleared from the books in no time!"

Jim tipped his fedora, giving one last smile before heading down to the trenches.


Done in five minutes off the top of my head. Enjoy.

The Flood / Re: What's your secret?
« on: November 18, 2014, 10:33:36 PM »
I couple of weeks ago I found what I was searching for. It wasn't good. Only the closest folks to me know, but I've decided not tell family. A secret it shall remain, because it's mine alone to bear.

I'll take your challenge. Give me a subject.

The Flood / Re: So let's list all the things that are broken today :D
« on: November 18, 2014, 09:55:56 PM »
My noggin.

Additionally, apart from
the wellfare system, we dunked The Lost Sinner, The Gaygoyles, and two phantoms.

The Flood / Re: I have an eye infection :(
« on: November 18, 2014, 09:22:26 PM »
As somebody with bad eyes, lemme tell you not to wait and go see your doctor as soon as possible.

I second that. Stop buy the doc's office.

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