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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: Do you take good care of your body?
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:09:43 PM »
In the summer I work around quite a bit, I get no shortage of exercise there. Winter's another story though. Work dissappears in the winter.

I live off a diet of sandviches, soup, and pizza. I've been big time pushing into sandvich territory since I get everything I need in them. Although, at the most, I eat one square, solid meal a day.

Keep my hair tidy, brush mein teeth, shower every second day, although in some cases when I'm really working around a lot, I often forget or don't bother to shower since I crash and then get up and go to work the next day.

I could probably eat more sandviches instead of pizza, but fuck if I know what to do for exercise in the winter. I don't have the space, or the equipment. However, I think I'm going to try something. I'm going to take my bike, build a stand for it to rest on, and use that for exercise.

I don't need so much strength as I do stamina. And, naturally, my legs are the strongest and most used part of me. I might try it this winter. I want to come out of these 8 months ready to move, and not in a slouch I need to climb out of.

The Flood / Re: AYY
« on: November 19, 2014, 08:51:26 PM »





Fuck, I want the snow New York got. THAT'S MY FUCKING SNOW.

The Flood / Re: AYY
« on: November 19, 2014, 08:49:47 PM »



The Flood / Re: An Early Birthday Thread...
« on: November 19, 2014, 08:45:11 PM »
The big 2.0!

Happy birthday amigo!

The Flood / Re: Are you optimistic or pessimistic about humanity's future?
« on: November 19, 2014, 08:42:15 PM »
There's going to be mistakes along the way. Maybe some damn big ones that we can't dig ourselves out of. But, there's a reason I'm so optimistic normally.

I've got faith in the folks around me. And I have faith in those little sparks some folks have in them to do something more beyond themselves. We might not do so well in the future. But so long as there are people alive, we'll find our way along.

The Flood / Re: Dating a girl with a boyfriend
« on: November 19, 2014, 07:37:37 PM »
Okay dude. Here comes a fucking wall.

So, for starters, before we do anything, what you need to do is examine yourself big time. You need to be ABSOLUTELY sure what your motives are. Because here's the thing. Women can smell what you're after. No fucking joke. They know when a guy wants to get into their pants and nothing more. And when those red flags go up, unless the woman is loose around the town, you'll get shot down before even starting.

So for starters, you need to be absolutely sure about yourself. Is this just the workings and machinations of sexual desire manifesting as a camoflage to yourself? You need to know that shit.

Now, about the boyfriend thing. Here's the thing. Times change. That boyfriend, might not be a boyfriend forever. And the first thing you need to remember is, is that if you where in his shoes, he wouldn't hesitate to try and slide your girlfriend out of your grip and into his. That's the truth. When it comes to women, there is no high road to take. You either get the person you're after, or you don't. It's a competition of the minds and who can outplay one another.

Which is why I state again, you need to know your own motives big time before getting wound up in this shit.

Now, onto the third point. I'm going to talk to you about Alphas and Betas. Not the internet Alphas and Betas either. I'm talking about the real world shit.

An Alpha is a go-getter. They're the ones up front an center. They jump right in, and know the game well. Betas are simply more passive, and reserved. They aren't up front and center. They're cautious, reserved, and shy. This isn't a bad thing. In fact, in the cases of friends, Alphas and Betas compliment each other.

But there's one thing to remember. We are creatures of instinct. Deep down inside, the majority of women have a greater connection to Alphas. They'll lean towards the Alpha because of that age old instinct when the survivor, the leader of the group who was the strongest, the smartest, meant a better chance for healthier offspring and a better chance for survival.

But your odds aren't stacked. It all depends on how you play your cards. How you play your cards is related to who you are. If you where an alpha male, and one who was strong, you could manuever your way into her space. And if her boyfriend wanted to fight, and you where strong enough, than you would.

But, it's better to avoid this. Even if you're not the offender.

The best you can do, is try to shift things your way in a slow, subtle manner. Even if you're her friend, in this scenario, you're playing the long game. You are her friend until she is ready. In order to shift things to your side, you really have to nail her attention to you, without giving too much away.

Talk to her often. Make her a part of her life. Talk with her about the things she enjoys. A lot of guys have trouble with women because they talk about themselves, and not the stuff women like. It's a sort of "macho" mindset that fucks you over big time. Find common ground between you and her, and try to open her up to that common ground that you two both enjoy.

But, under no circumstances should you come out and directly tell her what you're feeling, because you'll get shot down.

And, even if she liked you, you'd get shot down.

And that's because women think differently. They aren't some grand mystery that can't be solved like most men would have you believe. But it can't be denied that they think differently from men. Women are calculating, thinkers, and procrastinators.

If you approach them with something sudden, the majority of the time, they'll need to think about it. They'll need time to put everything together, and then jump.

So by taking the long road, and slowly easing more of yourself into her life, one day she might realize that she likes you. And she'll think about it. And then, when she's ready, she'll jump.

But in order for the long road to work, you need to be absolutely fucking sure that she's worth it. You need to know that you share a connection with her. You need to share a lot of common ground for it to work.

And remember her boyfriend. Things change. But most of all, tread lightly. You have to realize, that as a guy, having somebody you like swept out from under your feet fucking sucks. And most guys, when they see it happening, will defend against it, either by trying to keep you away from her through avoidance, or by simply trying to beat the shit out of you.

But, hell, if you get the shit beat out of you she might decide that she doesn't want to hang around with him if he's going to be such a jerk.

But these are the facts. When it comes to a partner, there is no high road. It doesn't matter if they're in a relationship, because they'd do the same to you without thinking twice. Most of all, if you really truly "love" her, then you wouldn't mind being just her friend. Because in friendship, the best things show up over time.

You could spend years with her as her best friend, and then one day, things might ignite. And it'll be all the better for it.

Play your cards carefully, and you can succeed.

The Flood / Re: Dating a girl with a boyfriend
« on: November 19, 2014, 06:55:09 PM »
Okay, hang on here. I've some words to say. I'll get to ya when I can. You're waking a minefield here but if you tread carefully, you can get through.

The Flood / Re: Where the slightly overweight white boys at?
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:46:21 PM »
Slightly, only slightly you say? I think I fit that department.

The Flood / Re: Where the white women at?
« on: November 19, 2014, 04:58:05 PM »


The Flood / Re: Advice would be nice.
« on: November 19, 2014, 04:47:58 PM »
I'm making a PP presentation about aids for my health class atm.
Is it hard?

Is it long? Is he going to have to stand at attention in front of the class for like 12 minutes?

5 Minutes apparently.

5 minutes. Go get em' tiger.

The Flood / Re: Advice would be nice.
« on: November 19, 2014, 04:44:54 PM »
I'm making a PP presentation about aids for my health class atm.
Is it hard?

Is it long? Is he going to have to stand at attention in front of the class for like 12 minutes?

The Flood / Re: I've gotta get this off my chest
« on: November 19, 2014, 04:42:02 PM »
Do you think the apprehension is made worse by the fact that it's dormant like it is?

Fuckin' yeah. And then I worry that all the stress and apprehension might start it up. Because sometimes that's what starts them.

If the doc said, "Okay dude, you've got about a week before die of extreme pain from the pressure in your head and internal bleeding and hemmorages," I'd not be worried so much because I knew the time frame I had to work with.

I don't know the time frame I have to work with this. I am, constantly aware of how much death looms on one's shoulders. And I accepted that at any time, I could wake up one day, and not finish the day alive. I accepted the possibility that outside forces could kill me at any time.

But this? This is personal. It's my own head. It's a lump of my own cells that have gone bad and will one day activate and spread, killing me. Not only is this always on my head, but IT'S IN MY OWN HEAD.
Biology sucks, man. Always something like this to fuck you over.

And what's even worse is, I could just get cut short doing anything. You know, I could be driving my truck somewhere, and then boom, internal hemmorage and I'm dead. I could be hauling wood in the summer with my sister and then boom, dead.

That's what scares me. I've known people who died from internal hemmorages. And it's fucking scary. Because all of them where just doing their business, and then they died.

I mean, it's a personal intrusion. The largest possibility I have of dying while driving my truck somewhere is if I lose control and end up in a crash or I get hit by somebody. Or if I'm drinking coffee and sitting down for the day, I could choke on it, but that's about it.

With this, is could be anywhere, anytime.

And that's fucking scary. Even if I live a full life, I don't want that to happen.

The Flood / Re: I've gotta get this off my chest
« on: November 19, 2014, 04:30:42 PM »
Do you think the apprehension is made worse by the fact that it's dormant like it is?

Fuckin' yeah. And then I worry that all the stress and apprehension might start it up. Because sometimes that's what starts them.

If the doc said, "Okay dude, you've got about a week before die of extreme pain from the pressure in your head and internal bleeding and hemmorages," I'd not be worried so much because I knew the time frame I had to work with.

I don't know the time frame I have to work with this. I am, constantly aware of how much death looms on one's shoulders. And I accepted that at any time, I could wake up one day, and not finish the day alive. I accepted the possibility that outside forces could kill me at any time.

But this? This is personal. It's my own head. It's a lump of my own cells that have gone bad and will one day activate and spread, killing me. Not only is this always on my head, but IT'S IN MY OWN HEAD.

The Flood / Re: I've gotta get this off my chest
« on: November 19, 2014, 04:26:38 PM »
That blows.

These comments, comments like that, give me a smile. Yeah, I guess it does. It does fucking blow doesn't it? Hmm. But, that's the way it goes.

I am asexual...

You clone yourself?

The Flood / Re: We are all Pirates now.
« on: November 19, 2014, 01:46:43 PM »
If this is what passes for the colour brown than I am disappoint.

What was that? You wanna walk the plank?

I was going to raise a brown flag but all I got was this mildy red shit.

The Flood / Re: We are all Pirates now.
« on: November 19, 2014, 01:43:08 PM »
If this is what passes for the colour brown than I am disappoint.

The Flood / Re: I've gotta get this off my chest
« on: November 19, 2014, 01:37:06 PM »
Dude, you have the shittiest luck I've seen. anyway. good luck on your endeavours mang... don't wake up that tumour.

Imma yell at it for giving me such horrible headaches.

The Flood / Re: There are two kinds of countries
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:27:47 PM »
There are some countries that have been to the moon indeed.

But, there are some that have free healthcare instead..
Pls go home Mr. Communist

Better red than dead.

Serious / Re: Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Orders Thursday
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:15:58 PM »
Even though I don't know all the details on the situation, honestly, what he's doing doesn't seem like a problem.

I mean they're already there in the first place. It's not like they're just going to pack up and leave. And 5 million is nothing as a number for the states in terms of population.

The Flood / Re: Biggest mistake you've ever made?
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:10:09 PM »
Being born.

Not your mistake

Well, technically it could be. His mistake for stating that it was his mistake for being born.

It's playing off racist stereotypes. Thats exactly what this is.
Yeah, jokes tend to do that sometimes.
So...y'know. Lighten up.
Wasn't funny.


The Flood / Re: I've gotta get this off my chest
« on: November 19, 2014, 11:51:24 AM »
Christo this isn't the best thread to read when you're about to go have a CAT scan on your head. . .

Oh shit. Sorry bout' the timing. Don't worry, you'll be fine.

The Flood / Re: Old alts
« on: November 19, 2014, 11:43:20 AM »
Ktan always cries because I have been there longer than him. I do not know why it matters to him so much.
And heeeeeeeeeeeeeeere we go.
where are we going?

To the beach!

Well...........its winter here. 40 degrees, freezing cold water.
Not really ideal.

That's why we're going down south to the beaches!


South America!

The Flood / Re: I've gotta get this off my chest
« on: November 19, 2014, 11:42:50 AM »
I hope things change for the better.
But don't think you can't beat this. You beat the crap out of disease before, you can do it again.

You're Sandtrap!
and you have a BANSHEE :D  

No killin' tumors dude. This isn't a cold or broken bones. These are cells inside of my head. My own. And they're just waiting to go active under the right circumstances. The best I can do is hope that they don't go active for a long time, because the tumor is too deep in my head and the doc's can't cut it out without killing me.

The best I've got is rolling with it. Appreciate it though.

We recently found out my Uncle in his late 70's has 2 brain tumors. I think they removed one, but the other couldn't be removed because of location.

But hey, just like last time, I'm here for ya pal :D

Like I said. It's nice to just talk about this. Give it a little breathing room.

The Flood / Re: Old alts
« on: November 19, 2014, 11:41:21 AM »
Ktan always cries because I have been there longer than him. I do not know why it matters to him so much.
And heeeeeeeeeeeeeeere we go.
where are we going?

To the beach!

Well...........its winter here. 40 degrees, freezing cold water.
Not really ideal.

That's why we're going down south to the beaches!

The Flood / Re: Old alts
« on: November 19, 2014, 11:38:51 AM »
Ktan always cries because I have been there longer than him. I do not know why it matters to him so much.
And heeeeeeeeeeeeeeere we go.
where are we going?

To the beach!

The Flood / Re: There are two kinds of countries
« on: November 19, 2014, 11:30:53 AM »
There are some countries that have been to the moon indeed.

But, there are some that have free healthcare instead..

The Flood / Re: I've gotta get this off my chest
« on: November 19, 2014, 11:17:23 AM »
I hope things change for the better.
But don't think you can't beat this. You beat the crap out of disease before, you can do it again.

You're Sandtrap!
and you have a BANSHEE :D  

No killin' tumors dude. This isn't a cold or broken bones. These are cells inside of my head. My own. And they're just waiting to go active under the right circumstances. The best I can do is hope that they don't go active for a long time, because the tumor is too deep in my head and the doc's can't cut it out without killing me.

The best I've got is rolling with it. Appreciate it though.

The Flood / Re: Wouldn't this be crazy?
« on: November 19, 2014, 11:13:07 AM »
Not really. If you like both sexes then you've got more room to have some fun. Crazy? Na.

Gay or Bisexual?


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