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Messages - Sandtrap

Pages: 1 ... 308309310 311312 ... 390
Serious / Re: A very nice political/social attitudes test
« on: November 26, 2014, 12:01:19 PM »
Holy shit reading through political terms is like me trying to do math. It don't click. But, I suppose what was said generally sums things up decent enough.

Progressivism   72.5
Socialism   50
Tenderness   43.75

Your test scores indicate that you are an open-minded progressive; this is the political profile one might associate with a journalist. It appears that you are skeptical towards religion, and have a generally optimistic attitude towards humanity in general.

Your attitudes towards economics appear neither committedly capitalist nor socialist, and combined with your social attitudes this creates the picture of someone who would generally be described as a liberal.

To round out the picture you appear to be, political preference aside, a kind-hearted principled egalitarian with few strong convictions.

This concludes our analysis; we hope you found your results accurate, useful, and interesting.

The Flood / Re: It's -30
« on: November 26, 2014, 09:24:12 AM »
No snow tires, half a tank of gas, -30 and my truck still started.

Hit it gentlemen!


The Flood / Re: It's -30
« on: November 26, 2014, 09:19:41 AM »
Come back alive. What am I saying? By now we should assume you're impossible to kill.

I'm just happy I have a beard! Ice on the beard is better than ice on the skin!

The Flood / It's -30
« on: November 26, 2014, 09:14:22 AM »
-22 for you people down south of me.

Hide your nipples because they'd freeze off in approximately 2.5 seconds.

Windchill throws on another 10 degrees. I work outside today. Nice knowing you folks!


The Flood / Re: WHAT'S IN THE BOX??
« on: November 26, 2014, 09:03:11 AM »

A baby!

The Flood / Re: What do you call an arab cow?
« on: November 26, 2014, 07:48:24 AM »
I killed all the nights in the iron keep except for one.
He was Alonne.

Joseph Stone: Curses!
Henry:Ha ha! You're going to prison! Be sure not to drop the soap, Stone!
Joseph Stone: Visions of sodomy.

What famous runway model has been known to vacation in the Lordran aqueducts?
Kate Moss.

Why are Forest Hunters so little fun at parties?
Because they're blue.

What did a disgruntled Lautrec say to Anastacia after she told everyone about his love affair with the goddess, Fina?
"Shotel everybody..."

Why do Darkmoons always disappear right before the dinner-check arrives?
Because the guilty pay the price.

What did the Chosen One say when their cell phone conversation with Seigmeyer got disconnected?
"Hollow? Hollowwww?"

What did the Basilisk say when his dentist told him there was no cure for his halitosis?

When's the best time to go to Oolacile?
After Dusk.

Why is Gwyndolin the god of the moon?
Because he's not a very good sun!

What did Kaathe think of the Chosen Undead's performance against the Four Kings?

Why did the Sunbro become King after his father's death?
Because he was the Solaire to the throne.

What did the chosen one say when they landed at the bottom of the abyss?
Manus place is dark!

What's the worst part about the Valley of the
Drakes? It just seems to dragon and on.

Why did the chosen one change her boots?
The soles were getting too dark.

What is this bow?
It's great.

Why do players hate WotG-ers?
Because they force themselves upon others.

Why did the chosen one leave Priscilla alone?
He didn't want to Pursuer.

Why is nito popular at parties?
Because he has a great sword dance.

Why do people hate going to Duke's Archives?
Because getting in is such a boar

Why are there so many hollows slumped in corners in Anor Londo?
They went to Smough's and got hammered

Why are there only two bonfires in Blighttown?
Because of the low flame rate

Why does Tomb of the Giants look better on PC?
Because of Patches

What is the channeler in the Depths' favourite song?
"Buff the Gaping Dragon"

How did the necrophile clear the Burg?
He killed all the hollows then boned his way back to the bonfire

Gaming / Re: Console peasants will never understand
« on: November 26, 2014, 07:24:06 AM »
Being totally honest right now, Heavy is basically my main.

This would increase my playtime for heavy by a bare minimum of at least 5000 hours.

The Flood / Re: >Log into
« on: November 25, 2014, 07:37:37 PM »
So the Play Nice era has returned?

Na. It's still herd the sheep era. Gotta protect the flock!

Hmm. On actually thinking about it, I guess the map Sandtrap could very well be embodied to me. Think about it. The sand washes over those stony ruins. Those ruins, being made of stone, do not budge. But none the less, they do, and have worn down over time. But they're stubborn. And they'll stand there until the winds finally erode the ruins into dust completely.



The Flood / Re: >Log into
« on: November 25, 2014, 07:24:00 PM »
Well, I got my second warning ever.
Not banned, surprisingly. I wonder why they ban you Sandtrap but not me.
Was Quiet banned as well?

Yeah, Quiet got banned too.

What the heck? Why wasn't I banned?
I did the exact same thing you guys did.

Well, I guess because Quiet made the thread in the first place, and in my name. And then I showed up and kept pushin' stuff.

Wasn't gonna let dusty boy sink it though. Quiet had no part in any of this and couldn't say anything or fight against dusty boy.

I also argued with Dustin. So...............MOD BIAS!!!!

I don't know. Not like it matters now anyway. We did what we could and that's that. We'll just try our luck elsewhere.

The Flood / Re: >Log into
« on: November 25, 2014, 07:23:12 PM »
No clue how you guys are even getting banned. I've been directly attacking Daz for months and nothing.

I guess soliciting for money is evil. God forbid people spend their money on a good cause, or on anything in general!

The Flood / Re: >Log into
« on: November 25, 2014, 07:21:10 PM »
Well, I got my second warning ever.
Not banned, surprisingly. I wonder why they ban you Sandtrap but not me.
Was Quiet banned as well?

Yeah, Quiet got banned too.

What the heck? Why wasn't I banned?
I did the exact same thing you guys did.

Well, I guess because Quiet made the thread in the first place, and in my name. And then I showed up and kept pushin' stuff.

Wasn't gonna let dusty boy sink it though. Quiet had no part in any of this and couldn't say anything or fight against dusty boy.

Thank you Nuka, for helping me find this site. You were the one who advertised it waayyy back in September on the Warframe forums. I went back to check the thread to see if it was someone from here, and it was you. So thanks for that again.
I wish more people from the Warframe forums would give this place a shot.

Me too. They would really freshen this place up a bit, especially their more avid posters.
I might attempt another thread later, though it might help if I get some backup this time around.

I played Warframe for like two days. I could try giving a hand, although I've never been to their forums before.

The Flood / Re: >Log into
« on: November 25, 2014, 06:55:17 PM »
I fixed my account and upon return I was banned within two hours.

Do I win something?


The Flood / Re: >Log into
« on: November 25, 2014, 06:55:05 PM »
I fixed my account and upon return I was banned within two hours.

Do I win something?
What for?

Defending a compatriot of mine in the help Nuka thread on last night.

The Flood / Re: >Log into
« on: November 25, 2014, 06:54:17 PM »
Well, I got my second warning ever.
Not banned, surprisingly. I wonder why they ban you Sandtrap but not me.
Was Quiet banned as well?

Yeah, Quiet got banned too.

The Flood / Re: >Log into
« on: November 25, 2014, 06:51:47 PM »
I fixed my account and upon return I was banned within two hours.

Do I win something?

Fuck me, still doesn't show my donation.

This is ganna be a fun day...

Maybe ya should have broken it into smaller bits. I know that's what I'm going to do.

This is a wonderful thing you're doing guys. This is why I stay, this is why you're one of the best communities on the whole damn Internet.

Either I have poor memory or that's the friendliest thing I think I've ever seen ya say.

Here here!

The Flood / Re: "Fig" is now ban-worthy on
« on: November 25, 2014, 01:38:56 PM »
Personally I always preffered calling people Fegs.

How does it work exactly? It didn't ask for any billing information.

Edit: nvm

Thanks for trying to help by the way. Felt a little bit like a shark pit in there. Quiet couldn't argue back because he's an outsider on all of this. I jumped in and he scrammed. Just me and a bunch of desticles and Dusty boy for a good chunk of the night. Can't say I didn't try.

The Flood / Re: Raising funds for the victims of Fergurson Riots.
« on: November 25, 2014, 11:29:57 AM »
I suppose while we're on the subject of that, you folks remember the shopkeeper that got robbed by the kid right?


Supposedly, justice counts as robbing and looting his store again.
We should donate guns to these honest hard-working people so they can defend themselves from pathetic scum

Bean bag shotguns.
You know those can still be lethal, right?

Just about anything can be lethel under the wrong circumstances.

I'd still take bean bags over an actual loaded shotgun.

The Flood / Re: Raising funds for the victims of Fergurson Riots.
« on: November 25, 2014, 11:02:37 AM »
I suppose while we're on the subject of that, you folks remember the shopkeeper that got robbed by the kid right?


Supposedly, justice counts as robbing and looting his store again.
We should donate guns to these honest hard-working people so they can defend themselves from pathetic scum

Bean bag shotguns.

The Flood / Re: Raising funds for the victims of Fergurson Riots.
« on: November 25, 2014, 10:59:39 AM »
I suppose while we're on the subject of that, you folks remember the shopkeeper that got robbed by the kid right?


Supposedly, justice counts as robbing and looting his store again.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: November 25, 2014, 10:53:03 AM »
I figured out something that I enjoy. Another little piece of the puzzle I guess. What my eyes see, what memories stand the strongest in my head over time. Contrast. Light and shadow. The strongest memories of mine are places etched in light and dark. Colours that stand out. So, I believe I'm going to center what I draw around this clashing colour scheme I guess.

Most of all, I don't know what this is. Well, I suppose I do. I sat down, and drew it on a whim. If it's any indicator of how well I'm feeling as of late, well, then I guess, there you go. Not to be edgelord or anything. But hey, there's still a little fire left, so it's not so bad.


Gaming / Re: Laundry Duty
« on: November 25, 2014, 09:51:48 AM »
You play as Agent Wasche, a CIA agent sent in to dig up incriminating evidence on the Mafia.

When things don't go as planned, Wasche's only method of escape is to go down a laundry chute. Unfortunately, the Mafis anticipated this as an escape route sand rigged it with security systems.

Now Wasche must do everything in his power to avoid balls of laundry, mobsters diving in after him, and the mafia's ins tense security systems.

I get a crazy N+ vibe from that.

Hope it works out Admirals! Didn't even know you folks were working on that. Sounds fun. If it ever makes it to the indie gam store I'd put money down on it!

One, last thing for tonight.

You'll probably show up again like the cancer you seem to be Dustin. No doubt, you'll show up again in here too. To that I have three things to say.

1. Not cool. Making personal calls and trying to start trouble, which you did, while ignoring the potential bigger picture. I try to be partial to most folks I meet. But that was low.

2. Thank you. Thank you, for at the very least, fucking stopping your bullshit over in Quiet's thread. I don't know, maybe you went to sleep, maybe you got bored, or maybe I talked an ounce of fucking common sense into that head of yours. Don't know, don't care, doesn't matter at this point. But thanks anyway.

3. Should the unlikely chance occur that I ever meet you in real life, I might be inclined to beat the shit out of you. Or I might just deck you where it would hurt. You're probably american, so you can bring your argument of "muh guns" in if you want, but, technically I'm already dead or close to it in regards to that lump of cancer in my noggin. Nothing to lose fat boy.

So, in conclusion, this is a dance I don't want to do again with you.

Well, Bungle.Net banned my friend and locked down the thread. One of our options out the window I'm afraid.

Can't say I didn't try Nuka.

I don't think I'm banned.
I'll test it.

Don't. You'll give the fools there what they want to believe if you spam it.

That fight is done.

Oh, I wasn't going to do that :/

I received a warning.

As did I. Ha. Imagine that. I return from the grave and I'm banned in less than an hour or two. I got banned amigo.

Truly remarkable. My fighting is done today folks. I'm calling it quits tonight.

This been posted on archive? I k ow you for an account there Sandy. If not ill copy it over.

Already ahead of ya amigo. Posted it int he offtopic though since I didn't know where to put it.

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